Climate Change is real. I think the scientific community as a whole have largely put that debate to rest. We as humans do effect the global climate too. There are entire ecosystems breaking down all over the planet. Sea life dying at alarming rates. The oceans are warming, the glaciers are melting, entire species are going extinct at rates unlike anything ever recorded in history, greenhouse gas emissions, heat waves are more common than ever before, wildfires are raging all over the planet, the increase in strange weather patterns, the destruction of the permafrost, great barrier reef dying, and we could go on and on with examples.
I'll just copy and paste a previous post I made to answer your 2nd and 3rd questions. With abortion, I would prefer there to be facilities out there medically equipped to handle them if a woman chooses to do so. So I find myself in the middle with pro-life and pro-choice people all the time. Because I do see problems with late-term abortions unless life of the mother is at risk because of the pregnancy. Otherwise, as a man I just don't think it's my place to tell women whether they should or shouldn't get an abortion. Plus, PP does help women with a vast foray of issues and most of them with little to no cost for the uninsured or underinsured. I know several people who use the PP clinics for their basic health needs. For that they're very beneficial. But that's me, and I realize this is a very complex issue for a lot of people.
People can own guns. We should have more extensive background checks and laws preventing certain offenders from having them. For example, I'm all for a federal law preventing people charged and convicted of domestic abuse from purchasing a fire arm. Also, if you live in a household with someone who has been deemed mentally unfit then you should probably be forbidden from having a gun in the household. Tough line to toe there, Newton could've been prevented had the mother not had all those weapons in the house for her mentally unstable son to grab up. Personally, I don't like guns at all. But I understand people owning them for hunting purposes, protection, and people enjoy shooting them. I just find America's fascination with violence and weapons to be a bit too much though. That said, a professor friend of mine is all about owning and shooting them. And he is probably the most liberal person I know. So, the idea that only conservatives own, like, and shoot firearms is a bit disingenuous.
Voter ID laws are mostly set in place to prevent poor non-white people from being able to vote properly. Just like gerrymandering, it does nothing be encroach upon the rights of the people. I understand trying to keep "illegals" from voting. though that has been proven to be largely nonexistent. However, I think a valid driver's license or identification card would suffice in almost all circumstances.
The minimum wage should be raised. I know countless people in the business I work in who are working 2 or 3 jobs trying to support a family off of the nothing wages they're making. What should that be? I think it varies state to state. Possible raising the federal wage to $10-$12 an hour and then allowing states to decide if they want to go further would be the only logical way to do it. Some cities have done it with varying degrees of success.
Welfare drug testing is waste of tax payer money. My mom has worked for social services for over 20 years now. She mainly works with welfare recipients. The majority of the people she encounters are in dire straights. In 20 some odd years she's been at it, I can count on one hand the amount of people she's told me about that were found to be drug users. This is a common misconception in our society. That for some reason you're either too lazy, a druggie, or some other kind of oppugner of society if you're receiving government assistance. I relate it to a lack of empathy for most people. I grew up poor. Had to work hard for everything I have. If I lost my job, I would quickly find myself in desperate need of government assistance. It's just the reality of the situation. Would that mean I need to be drug tested or that I am some kind of degenerate? The answer would be no. I think we often forget that some are not as fortunate as others. Empathy truly does go a long way.
Single-payer would be a better system than the pay for profit system we currently have. We currently spend more on healthcare than any other major country in the world and yet we're last among the 11 nations evaluated by the commonwealth fund. For the world over we're 37th! Single-payer works in the majority of the countries who have implemented it. Here the push back/misinformation is largely coming from either those who are uneducated on how it works, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. There's too much money to be made off of human beings in the current system as it is. So, do we then revamp that entire system into something everyone can agree on? Is it single-payer? I'm not entirely sure what the answer is in the end. I just know the system we have currently is broken. Regulation of the pharmaceutical industry could be some common ground for liberals and conservatives to start on. I just know way too many people who have filed bankruptcy because of their medical bills. That shouldn't happen in the richest country that has ever existed.
As far as the 64 genders go, is it really hurting you or anyone else when it comes to what a person defines themselves as? I honestly couldn't care less about it in the end. As long as a person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others, and isn't breaking any laws, what the hell does it matter? Life is too short to get up in arms over such a non-issue.
I'm sure this will all be met with snarky comments and I will be called, "whacky" or some such bullshit like that. I'm not saying I have all the answers either. Just answering the questions to your "game".