The New Lounge

The Americans In larger stateshave more proportional say nationally since they have more representatives in the House.The Senate and President was designed to insure that the larger states could not dominate the smaller states.If the Democrats want this type of power they must go the rest of the country and convince them they have a better plan
But that's the problem, in my opinion. They can't convince the rest of the country they have the best ideas. So instead of changing their ideas to fit what the people want, they plan to change the rules.
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And honestly, I'd be much more willing to compromise on issues if we hadn't seen the extreme radicalization of the left over the last few years. The shutting down of speech that doesn't align with your own, riots, looting, continuous protests over nonsense, the liberal indoctrination that is taking place in our public schools, and generally seeing liberals who genuinely think differently of people who don't hold their ideas has pretty much sealed my desire to EVER compromise with these people.

Imagine being such a bad person that you think down on people who don't hold your views. Yikes...
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Yeah, he's really not done what you're outlining. He didn't say the country doesn't equally belong to non-white immigrants as it does to white Americans. He harps on people who aren't born in our country, coming here and taking advantage of OUR system and then continuously complaining about our country as racist and bad, when in reality it's actually not. He also harps on people who ARE born here who continuously bitch about our country. He tells them they can leave if they're unhappy.

Can you at least agree that our country isn't racist?

His comment was directed toward a 37 year-old woman who has lived here since she was 12 and been a citizen since 17. At what point does this country become her country?

And the other three he told to go home have never in life been anything other than a U.S. citizen. What criteria do they have to meet for this country to be their country?

The wording he uses is different when referring to different people. His go-to insult for Blacks who disagree with him is to question their intellect. He has a variety of insults for whites, but he automatically hits Black folks with stupid. He even questioned Ben Carson's intellect once on the campaign trail. That shows racial bias.

I believe people can be racist, not things. I do think it is easier for white people to achieve life-changing success in this country than it is for Blacks. That is not to say it is impossible, and that is not to say it is easy for a white person who is a first generation college student from the sticks to achieve it either. I'm just saying a white white kid has fewer obstacles than a Black kid born into a comparable situation.
I can only dream of the day where democrats can stop using race as a crutch. It is really disgusting and it doesn't do anything to curve bigotry. If anything, it keeps it around and creates more of it.
His comment was directed toward a 37 year-old woman who has lived here since she was 12 and been a citizen since 17. At what point does this country become her country?

And the other three he told to go home have never in life been anything other than a U.S. citizen. What criteria do they have to meet for this country to be their country?

The wording he uses is different when referring to different people. His go-to insult for Blacks who disagree with him is to question their intellect. He has a variety of insults for whites, but he automatically hits Black folks with stupid. He even questioned Ben Carson's intellect once on the campaign trail. That shows racial bias.

I believe people can be racist, not things. I do think it is easier for white people to achieve life-changing success in this country than it is for Blacks. That is not to say it is impossible, and that is not to say it is easy for a white person who is a first generation college student from the sticks to achieve it either. I'm just saying a white white kid has fewer obstacles than a Black kid born into a comparable situation.
Give me a break. None of this is factual.

Joe Biden - "poor kids can be just as successful as white kids."
Joe Biden - "if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black."

Need me to keep going?
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Give me a break. None of this is factual.

Joe Biden - "poor kids can be just as successful as white kids."
Joe Biden - "if you don't vote for me, then you ain't black."

Need me to keep going?

Let's start with the opening two paragraphs. What is not factual?

Don't attribute Biden's comments to me.
And honestly, I'd be much more willing to compromise on issues if we hadn't seen the extreme radicalization of the left over the last few years. The shutting down of speech that doesn't align with your own, riots, looting, continuous protests over nonsense, the liberal indoctrination that is taking place in our public schools, and generally seeing liberals who genuinely think differently of people who don't hold their ideas has pretty much sealed my desire to EVER compromise with these people.

Imagine being such a bad person that you think down on people who don't hold your views. Yikes...
Literally everything you just attributed to Democrats applies to Republicans and only Republicans. Sorry to say but your party is a ****ing scourge on this country, maybe it'll reform after Biden and Co. boot Sgt. Bone Spurs from office and sometime, 20-30 years from now put up a semi respectable candidate. Failing that, the party will completely collapse, hell all these hypocritical and tyrannical power moves they've been making is just a bunch of old, rich, white shit heads raging against the dying of the light.

Also, imagine being such an awful person that you would support a president who is not actively trying to sell us out to one of our larger enemies, routinely disparages women and people who do not share the same skin color, actively cheers on violence from the ones who are supposed to Protect and Serve and oh yes, said he would **** his own daughter. The reason you support him is because you see yourself in that man.
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Let's start with the opening two paragraphs. What is not factual?

Don't attribute Biden's comments to me.
Sorry, and that's fair, I should have been more clear. The first two paragraphs are factual. The rest is not.
First of all it was not just the South that wanted the Electoral College the smaller colonies in the North would not signed on without this assurance of playing on an equal field.I can certainly argue the point that I don’t want two to three states to override the wishes of the other forty plus in national elections.This country is not a democracy but a republic
So you're saying you don't wish it to be a democracy?
Literally everything you just attributed to Democrats applies to Republicans and only Republicans. Sorry to say but your party is a ****ing scourge on this country, maybe it'll reform after Biden and Co. boot Sgt. Bone Spurs from office and sometime, 20-30 years from now put up a semi respectable candidate. Failing that, the party will completely collapse, hell all these hypocritical and tyrannical power moves they've been making is just a bunch of old, rich, white shit heads raging against the dying of the light.

Also, imagine being such an awful person that you would support a president who is not actively trying to sell us out to one of our larger enemies, routinely disparages women and people who do not share the same skin color, actively cheers on violence from the ones who are supposed to Protect and Serve and oh yes, said he would **** his own daughter. The reason you support him is because you see yourself in that man.
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Sorry, and that's fair, I should have been more clear. The first two paragraphs are factual. The rest is not.

Cool, thank you. Let's move to the third.

The wording he uses is different when referring to different people. His go-to insult for Blacks who disagree with him is to question their intellect. He has a variety of insults for whites, but he automatically hits Black folks with stupid. He even questioned Ben Carson's intellect once on the campaign trail. That shows racial bias.

What did I say that wasn't factual? The Carson comment, if I correctly recall, was around the time Carson was criticized for fabricating or exaggerating stories of his youth for his autobiography.
Literally everything you just attributed to Democrats applies to Republicans and only Republicans. Sorry to say but your party is a ****ing scourge on this country, maybe it'll reform after Biden and Co. boot Sgt. Bone Spurs from office and sometime, 20-30 years from now put up a semi respectable candidate. Failing that, the party will completely collapse, hell all these hypocritical and tyrannical power moves they've been making is just a bunch of old, rich, white shit heads raging against the dying of the light.

Also, imagine being such an awful person that you would support a president who is not actively trying to sell us out to one of our larger enemies, routinely disparages women and people who do not share the same skin color, actively cheers on violence from the ones who are supposed to Protect and Serve and oh yes, said he would **** his own daughter. The reason you support him is because you see yourself in that man.
Uh, wut??? Applies to Republicans? I'm sorry, I must have missed where the Republicans are actively trying to shut down speech they don't agree with. I must have missed the Republicans who have been rioting in the streets and destroying businesses around the country. I must have missed the school teachers and college professors who use their platform to try and indoctrinate students in a conservative ideology. In what world do you live in? It's not the real world, I can tell you that.

As for Trump, I'm perfectly fine calling out the stupid things he says or does. Just because I voted for him and plan to do so again doesn't mean I agree with everything he's said or done. I just detest what the extreme, liberal leftist Democrats stand for now that I will GLADLY vote for Trump and a straight Republican ticket in order to keep those terrible people out of power. Sorry not sorry that I am more concerned about policies and what impacts my life over my feelings and how Orange Man makes me feel. Lol...

Glad you can't even bring yourself to deny that you think less of people who don't vote for Democrats. Lol.
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Cool, thank you. Let's move to the third.

What did I say that wasn't factual? The Carson comment, if I correctly recall, was around the time Carson was criticized for fabricating or exaggerating stories of his youth for his autobiography.
I don't believe in his "go to" comment as you outlined. It's not real. It doesn't happen routinely. Claiming it's a "go to" comment would suggest that it happens all the time. It doesn't. It hasn't. Same with the rest of the points in the third and fourth paragraphs.
You know what's really, really, really funny? We now have proof that an American was taking money from Russia. The problem for the libs is it's not Trump. It's Hunter Biden.

Eagerly awaiting the hair on fire outrage from the left...

Yeah, that wasn't me. In fact, my last post before today was saying he was out of line for using the term retard toward Ifaze.

Show me where you called out his posts about the sexualization of underage girls and then I'll give you a legit response.
My friend who supports 95% of the conservative platform, supports Trump, hates the destruction coming from the left, etc. And calls himself independent too.

Let's play a game:

Stance on global warming?
Stance on abortion?
Stance on Planned Parenthood funding?
Stance on gun ownership?
Stance on voter ID laws?
Stance on raising minimum wage to $15
Stance on welfare drug testing?
Stance on single payer health care?
Do you believe there are 64 genders?

Climate Change is real. I think the scientific community as a whole have largely put that debate to rest. We as humans do effect the global climate too. There are entire ecosystems breaking down all over the planet. Sea life dying at alarming rates. The oceans are warming, the glaciers are melting, entire species are going extinct at rates unlike anything ever recorded in history, greenhouse gas emissions, heat waves are more common than ever before, wildfires are raging all over the planet, the increase in strange weather patterns, the destruction of the permafrost, great barrier reef dying, and we could go on and on with examples.

I'll just copy and paste a previous post I made to answer your 2nd and 3rd questions. With abortion, I would prefer there to be facilities out there medically equipped to handle them if a woman chooses to do so. So I find myself in the middle with pro-life and pro-choice people all the time. Because I do see problems with late-term abortions unless life of the mother is at risk because of the pregnancy. Otherwise, as a man I just don't think it's my place to tell women whether they should or shouldn't get an abortion. Plus, PP does help women with a vast foray of issues and most of them with little to no cost for the uninsured or underinsured. I know several people who use the PP clinics for their basic health needs. For that they're very beneficial. But that's me, and I realize this is a very complex issue for a lot of people.

People can own guns. We should have more extensive background checks and laws preventing certain offenders from having them. For example, I'm all for a federal law preventing people charged and convicted of domestic abuse from purchasing a fire arm. Also, if you live in a household with someone who has been deemed mentally unfit then you should probably be forbidden from having a gun in the household. Tough line to toe there, Newton could've been prevented had the mother not had all those weapons in the house for her mentally unstable son to grab up. Personally, I don't like guns at all. But I understand people owning them for hunting purposes, protection, and people enjoy shooting them. I just find America's fascination with violence and weapons to be a bit too much though. That said, a professor friend of mine is all about owning and shooting them. And he is probably the most liberal person I know. So, the idea that only conservatives own, like, and shoot firearms is a bit disingenuous.

Voter ID laws are mostly set in place to prevent poor non-white people from being able to vote properly. Just like gerrymandering, it does nothing be encroach upon the rights of the people. I understand trying to keep "illegals" from voting. though that has been proven to be largely nonexistent. However, I think a valid driver's license or identification card would suffice in almost all circumstances.

The minimum wage should be raised. I know countless people in the business I work in who are working 2 or 3 jobs trying to support a family off of the nothing wages they're making. What should that be? I think it varies state to state. Possible raising the federal wage to $10-$12 an hour and then allowing states to decide if they want to go further would be the only logical way to do it. Some cities have done it with varying degrees of success.

Welfare drug testing is waste of tax payer money. My mom has worked for social services for over 20 years now. She mainly works with welfare recipients. The majority of the people she encounters are in dire straights. In 20 some odd years she's been at it, I can count on one hand the amount of people she's told me about that were found to be drug users. This is a common misconception in our society. That for some reason you're either too lazy, a druggie, or some other kind of oppugner of society if you're receiving government assistance. I relate it to a lack of empathy for most people. I grew up poor. Had to work hard for everything I have. If I lost my job, I would quickly find myself in desperate need of government assistance. It's just the reality of the situation. Would that mean I need to be drug tested or that I am some kind of degenerate? The answer would be no. I think we often forget that some are not as fortunate as others. Empathy truly does go a long way.

Single-payer would be a better system than the pay for profit system we currently have. We currently spend more on healthcare than any other major country in the world and yet we're last among the 11 nations evaluated by the commonwealth fund. For the world over we're 37th! Single-payer works in the majority of the countries who have implemented it. Here the push back/misinformation is largely coming from either those who are uneducated on how it works, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. There's too much money to be made off of human beings in the current system as it is. So, do we then revamp that entire system into something everyone can agree on? Is it single-payer? I'm not entirely sure what the answer is in the end. I just know the system we have currently is broken. Regulation of the pharmaceutical industry could be some common ground for liberals and conservatives to start on. I just know way too many people who have filed bankruptcy because of their medical bills. That shouldn't happen in the richest country that has ever existed.

As far as the 64 genders go, is it really hurting you or anyone else when it comes to what a person defines themselves as? I honestly couldn't care less about it in the end. As long as a person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others, and isn't breaking any laws, what the hell does it matter? Life is too short to get up in arms over such a non-issue.

I'm sure this will all be met with snarky comments and I will be called, "whacky" or some such bullshit like that. I'm not saying I have all the answers either. Just answering the questions to your "game".
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Climate Change is real. I think the scientific community as a whole have largely put that debate to rest. We as humans do effect the global climate too. There are entire ecosystems breaking down all over the planet. Sea life dying at alarming rates. The oceans are warming, the glaciers are melting, entire species are going extinct at rates unlike anything ever recorded in history, greenhouse gas emissions, heat waves are more common than ever before, wildfires are raging all over the planet, the increase in strange weather patterns, the destruction of the permafrost, great barrier reef dying, and we could go on and on with examples.

I'll just copy and paste a previous post I made to answer your 2nd and 3rd questions. With abortion, I would prefer there to be facilities out there medically equipped to handle them if a woman chooses to do so. So I find myself in the middle with pro-life and pro-choice people all the time. Because I do see problems with late-term abortions unless life of the mother is at risk because of the pregnancy. Otherwise, as a man I just don't think it's my place to tell women whether they should or shouldn't get an abortion. Plus, PP does help women with a vast foray of issues and most of them with little to no cost for the uninsured or underinsured. I know several people who use the PP clinics for their basic health needs. For that they're very beneficial. But that's me, and I realize this is a very complex issue for a lot of people.

People can own guns. We should have more extensive background checks and laws preventing certain offenders from having them. For example, I'm all for a federal law preventing people charged and convicted of domestic abuse from purchasing a fire arm. Also, if you live in a household with someone who has been deemed mentally unfit then you should probably be forbidden from having a gun in the household. Tough line to toe there, Newton could've been prevented had the mother not had all those weapons in the house for her mentally unstable son to grab up. Personally, I don't like guns at all. But I understand people owning them for hunting purposes, protection, and people enjoy shooting them. I just find America's fascination with violence and weapons to be a bit too much though. That said, a professor friend of mine is all about owning and shooting them. And he is probably the most liberal person I know. So, the idea that only conservatives own, like, and shoot firearms is a bit disingenuous.

Voter ID laws are mostly set in place to prevent poor non-white people from being able to vote properly. Just like gerrymandering, it does nothing be encroach upon the rights of the people. I understand trying to keep "illegals" from voting. though that has been proven to be largely nonexistent. However, I think a valid driver's license or identification card would suffice in almost all circumstances.

The minimum wage should be raised. I know countless people in the business I work in who are working 2 or 3 jobs trying to support a family off of the nothing wages they're making. What should that be? I think it varies state to state. Possible raising the federal wage to $10-$12 an hour and then allowing states to decide if they want to go further would be the only logical way to do it. Some cities have done it with varying degrees of success.

Welfare drug testing is waste of tax payer money. My mom has worked for social services for over 20 years now. She mainly works with welfare recipients. The majority of the people she encounters are in dire straights. In 20 some odd years she's been at it, I can count on one hand the amount of people she's told me about that were found to be drug users. This is a common misconception in our society. That for some reason you're either too lazy, a druggie, or some other kind of oppugner of society if you're receiving government assistance. I relate it to a lack of empathy for most people. I grew up poor. Had to work hard for everything I have. If I lost my job, I would quickly find myself in desperate need of government assistance. It's just the reality of the situation. Would that mean I need to be drug tested or that I am some kind of degenerate? The answer would be no. I think we often forget that some are not as fortunate as others. Empathy truly does go a long way.

Single-payer would be a better system than the pay for profit system we currently have. We currently spend more on healthcare than any other major country in the world and yet we're last among the 11 nations evaluated by the commonwealth fund. For the world over we're 37th! Single-payer works in the majority of the countries who have implemented it. Here the push back/misinformation is largely coming from either those who are uneducated on how it works, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. There's too much money to be made off of human beings in the current system as it is. So, do we then revamp that entire system into something everyone can agree on? Is it single-payer? I'm not entirely sure what the answer is in the end. I just know the system we have currently is broken. Regulation of the pharmaceutical industry could be some common ground for liberals and conservatives to start on. I just know way too many people who have filed bankruptcy because of their medical bills. That shouldn't happen in the richest country that has ever existed.

As far as the 64 genders go, is it really hurting you or anyone else when it comes to what a person defines themselves as? I honestly couldn't care less about it in the end. As long as a person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others, and isn't breaking any laws, what the hell does it matter? Life is too short to get up in arms over such a non-issue.

I'm sure this will all be met with snarky comments and I will be called, "whacky" or some such bullshit like that. I'm not saying I have all the answers either. Just answering the questions to your "game".

I won't call you names, but you clearly support the democratic platform regardless of how much you run around saying "I'm not a democrat!"
I won't call you names, but you clearly support the democratic platform regardless of how much you run around saying "I'm not a democrat!"

I literally just posted the responses to your questions. There is no way in hell you were able to read that properly. You were just waiting to respond with a snarky response. Just as I figured. Glad I wasted my time.
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Climate Change is real. I think the scientific community as a whole have largely put that debate to rest. We as humans do effect the global climate too. There are entire ecosystems breaking down all over the planet. Sea life dying at alarming rates. The oceans are warming, the glaciers are melting, entire species are going extinct at rates unlike anything ever recorded in history, greenhouse gas emissions, heat waves are more common than ever before, wildfires are raging all over the planet, the increase in strange weather patterns, the destruction of the permafrost, great barrier reef dying, and we could go on and on with examples.

I'll just copy and paste a previous post I made to answer your 2nd and 3rd questions. With abortion, I would prefer there to be facilities out there medically equipped to handle them if a woman chooses to do so. So I find myself in the middle with pro-life and pro-choice people all the time. Because I do see problems with late-term abortions unless life of the mother is at risk because of the pregnancy. Otherwise, as a man I just don't think it's my place to tell women whether they should or shouldn't get an abortion. Plus, PP does help women with a vast foray of issues and most of them with little to no cost for the uninsured or underinsured. I know several people who use the PP clinics for their basic health needs. For that they're very beneficial. But that's me, and I realize this is a very complex issue for a lot of people.

People can own guns. We should have more extensive background checks and laws preventing certain offenders from having them. For example, I'm all for a federal law preventing people charged and convicted of domestic abuse from purchasing a fire arm. Also, if you live in a household with someone who has been deemed mentally unfit then you should probably be forbidden from having a gun in the household. Tough line to toe there, Newton could've been prevented had the mother not had all those weapons in the house for her mentally unstable son to grab up. Personally, I don't like guns at all. But I understand people owning them for hunting purposes, protection, and people enjoy shooting them. I just find America's fascination with violence and weapons to be a bit too much though. That said, a professor friend of mine is all about owning and shooting them. And he is probably the most liberal person I know. So, the idea that only conservatives own, like, and shoot firearms is a bit disingenuous.

Voter ID laws are mostly set in place to prevent poor non-white people from being able to vote properly. Just like gerrymandering, it does nothing be encroach upon the rights of the people. I understand trying to keep "illegals" from voting. though that has been proven to be largely nonexistent. However, I think a valid driver's license or identification card would suffice in almost all circumstances.

The minimum wage should be raised. I know countless people in the business I work in who are working 2 or 3 jobs trying to support a family off of the nothing wages they're making. What should that be? I think it varies state to state. Possible raising the federal wage to $10-$12 an hour and then allowing states to decide if they want to go further would be the only logical way to do it. Some cities have done it with varying degrees of success.

Welfare drug testing is waste of tax payer money. My mom has worked for social services for over 20 years now. She mainly works with welfare recipients. The majority of the people she encounters are in dire straights. In 20 some odd years she's been at it, I can count on one hand the amount of people she's told me about that were found to be drug users. This is a common misconception in our society. That for some reason you're either too lazy, a druggie, or some other kind of oppugner of society if you're receiving government assistance. I relate it to a lack of empathy for most people. I grew up poor. Had to work hard for everything I have. If I lost my job, I would quickly find myself in desperate need of government assistance. It's just the reality of the situation. Would that mean I need to be drug tested or that I am some kind of degenerate? The answer would be no. I think we often forget that some are not as fortunate as others. Empathy truly does go a long way.

Single-payer would be a better system than the pay for profit system we currently have. We currently spend more on healthcare than any other major country in the world and yet we're last among the 11 nations evaluated by the commonwealth fund. For the world over we're 37th! Single-payer works in the majority of the countries who have implemented it. Here the push back/misinformation is largely coming from either those who are uneducated on how it works, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. There's too much money to be made off of human beings in the current system as it is. So, do we then revamp that entire system into something everyone can agree on? Is it single-payer? I'm not entirely sure what the answer is in the end. I just know the system we have currently is broken. Regulation of the pharmaceutical industry could be some common ground for liberals and conservatives to start on. I just know way too many people who have filed bankruptcy because of their medical bills. That shouldn't happen in the richest country that has ever existed.

As far as the 64 genders go, is it really hurting you or anyone else when it comes to what a person defines themselves as? I honestly couldn't care less about it in the end. As long as a person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others, and isn't breaking any laws, what the hell does it matter? Life is too short to get up in arms over such a non-issue.

I'm sure this will all be met with snarky comments and I will be called, "whacky" or some such bullshit like that. I'm not saying I have all the answers either. Just answering the questions to your "game".
Thanks for the honestly. Good post. Not Hail, but I'll address each one of these from a conservative perspective.

1. Climate Change: I don't have an issue admitting that climate change is real. The problem I have is labeling it some existential threat that is needing to immediately and drastically fund programs to combat climate change. I am fine continuing on the path we currently on where we ARE working to make progress on combatting climate change. The overblown alarm by the left on this topic just pushes me further and further away wanting to do anything on this topic.

2. Abortion: I am pro-life. I think abortion should be illegal after the first trimester unless the mother's life is in danger or there was an issue of verifiable rape. People always say we need to respect the wishes of women considering it's their bodies, but what about the wishes/voices of those unborn babies? There are plenty of people in the world that can't have kids that want to adopt. Not to mention, birth control measures are dirt ass cheap. Condoms are cheap AF. There isn't a reason why people who don't want to get pregnant don't use some sort of birth control measures.

3. Guns: We already have adequate background checks in place. I would, however, be all for a national waiting period for purchasing. Call it maybe a week or something. If you're not a scumbag looking to do damage, waiting a week to get your gun shouldn't be that big of a deal. Also, if you are convicted of domestic abuse, you aren't allowed to own guns. That's already a thing. The whole mentally unfit idea is a very slippery slope. If you're talking about medically deemed mentally unfit, maybe we can talk, but otherwise who gets to determine if someone is mentally unfit and what does that mean? Like I said, slippery slope. I do think we as a society can do a better job at being responsible gun owners. If you own guns, lock them up one way or another.

4. Voter ID Laws: I whole heartedly don't agree with your points here. You need an ID for basically anything else in your life of note, why is it so hard to find one for the right to vote? It's not that hard. And given the overrun of illegal immigrants in our country, I don't think it's that big of an ask to show some sort of valid ID to have the right to vote to protect that right as an American. It should be a verifiable drivers license or state ID ensuring citizenship.

5. Minimum Wage: It's not supposed to be a "living wage" as it's deemed the "minimum". The markets (city, county, state) should dictate what that amount should be. But in general, it's not supposed to be a wage where you can support a family.

6. Welfare Drug Testing: I don't think it's too big of an ask to make anyone who receives a welfare check to take a drug test.

7. Single-Payer Healthcare: I don't want to go down this route because I don't believe it is going to lead to any better outcome. I just think the problems will be different. That said, I don't know what the right solution is for this problem.

8. Multiple Genders: I don't have a problem with anyone calling themselves whatever they want to. The problem is when boys who think they are girls, want to compete in sports against the girls knowing biologically they aren't girls and have a distinct advantage. Not to mention this can be abused by pedophiles and other sorts of scumbags. Another issue is forcing someone to call them something they're not. There are only two genders, male and female. It's funny, the believe science crowd always seems to ignore this one along with abortion.
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Please tell Me of one world power country which has survived in the history of the world that was a pure Democracy

Name a Republic that has.

The US should not be a pure Democracy by any means. It’s logistically impossible and I think this thread proves that a lot of people really shouldn’t be left to make decisions for everyone else. I think we’ve made moves over the last century to become more of a Democratic Republic (17th Amendment). It is interesting to look through history at past Republics and their failures though. Ben Franklins quote concerning our form of government comes to mind “A republic....if you can keep it”. That last part seems more and more important these days.
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I’m fine not being a pure democracy, and obviously the Senate handles the large/small state issue somewhat, but there is also something that just feels wrong when we have a system in which every American citizens vote for president matters only if you live in certain places, or matters more or less than others. A Republican in NJ basically casts a meaningless vote just as a Democrat in Alabama. That, to me, is a fundamental and essential flaw.
Thanks for the honestly. Good post. Not Hail, but I'll address each one of these from a conservative perspective.

1. Climate Change: I don't have an issue admitting that climate change is real. The problem I have is labeling it some existential threat that is needing to immediately and drastically fund programs to combat climate change. I am fine continuing on the path we currently on where we ARE working to make progress on combatting climate change. The overblown alarm by the left on this topic just pushes me further and further away wanting to do anything on this topic.

2. Abortion: I am pro-life. I think abortion should be illegal after the first trimester unless the mother's life is in danger or there was an issue of verifiable rape. People always say we need to respect the wishes of women considering it's their bodies, but what about the wishes/voices of those unborn babies? There are plenty of people in the world that can't have kids that want to adopt. Not to mention, birth control measures are dirt ass cheap. Condoms are cheap AF. There isn't a reason why people who don't want to get pregnant don't use some sort of birth control measures.

3. Guns: We already have adequate background checks in place. I would, however, be all for a national waiting period for purchasing. Call it maybe a week or something. If you're not a scumbag looking to do damage, waiting a week to get your gun shouldn't be that big of a deal. Also, if you are convicted of domestic abuse, you aren't allowed to own guns. That's already a thing. The whole mentally unfit idea is a very slippery slope. If you're talking about medically deemed mentally unfit, maybe we can talk, but otherwise who gets to determine if someone is mentally unfit and what does that mean? Like I said, slippery slope. I do think we as a society can do a better job at being responsible gun owners. If you own guns, lock them up one way or another.

4. Voter ID Laws: I whole heartedly don't agree with your points here. You need an ID for basically anything else in your life of note, why is it so hard to find one for the right to vote? It's not that hard. And given the overrun of illegal immigrants in our country, I don't think it's that big of an ask to show some sort of valid ID to have the right to vote to protect that right as an American. It should be a verifiable drivers license or state ID ensuring citizenship.

5. Minimum Wage: It's not supposed to be a "living wage" as it's deemed the "minimum". The markets (city, county, state) should dictate what that amount should be. But in general, it's not supposed to be a wage where you can support a family.

6. Welfare Drug Testing: I don't think it's too big of an ask to make anyone who receives a welfare check to take a drug test.

7. Single-Payer Healthcare: I don't want to go down this route because I don't believe it is going to lead to any better outcome. I just think the problems will be different. That said, I don't know what the right solution is for this problem.

8. Multiple Genders: I don't have a problem with anyone calling themselves whatever they want to. The problem is when boys who think they are girls, want to compete in sports against the girls knowing biologically they aren't girls and have a distinct advantage. Not to mention this can be abused by pedophiles and other sorts of scumbags. Another issue is forcing someone to call them something they're not. There are only two genders, male and female. It's funny, the believe science crowd always seems to ignore this one along with abortion.

Thank you for the response. Though we don't agree pretty much across the board here, haha I could've sworn that misdemeanor domestic offenders could still purchase firearms in some states though. I could be wrong on that, if so, my apologies. Otherwise, we don't really see eye to eye on just about everything here. Though I would ask, what would you like to see happen as a response to climate change? Since you believe it to be real, but not an existential threat. I'd like to read your thoughts on how it can be combated? Currently I don't believe we have an administration that cares all that much about it. So, I think that's why so many are showing the urgency they are, that and time is running out. The flippant responses by Trump haven't done a whole lot make me think he cares really. Also, the appointments of climate change deniers within the administration doesn't help with matters either. I think it shows he has very little concern or doesn't believe it to be true. Which in turn, emboldens those within his base who already don't believe in it to double down even harder when responding to the science.

Guns are something so many get up in arms about (pun). It's funny how quickly things can turn sour in a conversation once I express my dislike of weapons and the unhealthy American obsession with them. Not implying you responded in that way either. Just an overall feeling I get when I bring it up or answer someone's question about my feelings on weapons. I've been around them my whole life and I have never felt comfortable with a gun in my hand. I've always felt uneasy about holding something that was created solely to kill or maim. I will say that my liberal friend's response to me disliking guns versus my conservative buddy who runs a gun shop was totally different, haha But I get it, he owns a shop and it's his livelihood. I don't knock him for making a living. I just would feel uneasy about selling weapons to anyone. Again, I realize that I am not the majority probably here when it comes to guns and ownership of them.

I guess the problem with wage is that some people because of situation, education, class, or variety of other reasons can't find jobs that aren't based around the minimum amount businesses are required by law to pay a person. That is why I say a living wage is needed. Inflation and wages haven't stayed comparable for years now. People are struggling big time. I live in one of the poorest counties in my state. We're ravaged by drugs and people are hurting here economically in a bad way. Having said that, the positive drug tests here are a non-starter when it comes to those who receive assistance. I know several Trump people who had full-time jobs and were forced to get on food stamps once their economic situations changed. Those individuals had derided those living off the government with their social media posts and comments in person for years. And yet, all that stopped when they had to get assistance. I really do think we lack empathy for certain sects of society.

Abortion isn't an easy topic for anyone to discuss, on a personal level I find it very hard to talk about the ending of a pregnancy by design or the loss because of an unforeseen complication. The death of a child is never an easy thing to go through. I do worry that the next supreme court justice could tip things in favor of seeing us take this country back 40 years. I don't see what good it would do to outlaw abortions in this country. The amount of back door abortions would fly through the roof. Not saying you stated we should outlaw it. I just know that's the road many want to go down. I don't see the point in it. Rather let's educate people more on abortion, unwanted pregnancies, contraceptive needs, and then maybe that would help in the overall cutting down of abortions. PP provides so many of these services that I do think defunding it is a mistake.

Healthcare is a human right. It needs to be affordable. How we do it? No clue. I just know the system we currently have is pure garbage and is bankrupting Americans everywhere. A lady I know who had cancer was thankfully able to beat the disease and then found herself selling her home to pay off her mounting bills. Thankfully a GoFundMe was created to help her and it kept her from losing everything. But this shouldn't happen in what is supposedly the "greatest country in the world". And her story is one of countless that have been reported on in this country. It angers me to no end that people literally are faced with bankruptcy or death in a lot of these situations.

The Voter ID laws are created solely to harm the disenfranchised and marginalized sections of society in America. Valid driver's license or ID is enough. If someone is paying taxes then they should be able to vote. I don't think the illegal voting is as rampant as conservatives make it out to be.

Again, I just don't care about the gender question. I think happiness is more important than anger over what a person's gender identification is. The pedophile line is pretty much a non starter too. Rarely does that ever come into play. We've seen more people in the clergy, educational system, workforce, and other places who have been predators than we have seen with men dressing up as ladies to enter a restroom to molest a child. It just doesn't happen on this large scale that is being made out to be. That line of thinking is only there to attack transgender folks as a whole and is pretty much rooted in a lack of education on that subject. Again, if no crime is being committed, the person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others...then what does it matter?
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I just finished "I'll be Gone in the Dark," and it really was great. Unbelievable story in so many ways.

Over the weekend I caught the Netflix movie "The Devil All the Time" with Tom Holland. I thought it was outstanding. Had the feel of darker Coen Brothers stuff, but without their quirkiness. I thought it was very much in the same vein as something like "No Country for Old Men."

I watched "I'll be Gone in the Dark" as it was released . I had watched other documentaries about this series of heinous crimes. I was so thrilled when they caught him and relieved for the victims that he pled guilty instead of going to trial. That's probably the only decent thing he's done in his life.

I love true crime and I'm always interested in recommendations for good ones. I'm fairly certain that I've exhausted ID's library of titles during the shutdown.
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I’m fine not being a pure democracy, and obviously the Senate handles the large/small state issue somewhat, but there is also something that just feels wrong when we have a system in which every American citizens vote for president matters only if you live in certain places, or matters more or less than others. A Republican in NJ basically casts a meaningless vote just as a Democrat in Alabama. That, to me, is a fundamental and essential flaw.
Understand this opinion but I cannot think of any viable alternative to our current system that can address either of the problems that you stated or that I raised vis a vis large states vs small states in previous posts
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Thank you for the response. Though we don't agree pretty much across the board here, haha I could've sworn that misdemeanor domestic offenders could still purchase firearms in some states though. I could be wrong on that, if so, my apologies. Otherwise, we don't really see eye to eye on just about everything here. Though I would ask, what would you like to see happen as a response to climate change? Since you believe it to be real, but not an existential threat. I'd like to read your thoughts on how it can be combated? Currently I don't believe we have an administration that cares all that much about it. So, I think that's why so many are showing the urgency they are, that and time is running out. The flippant responses by Trump haven't done a whole lot make me think he cares really. Also, the appointments of climate change deniers within the administration doesn't help with matters either. I think it shows he has very little concern or doesn't believe it to be true. Which in turn, emboldens those within his base who already don't believe in it to double down even harder when responding to the science.

Guns are something so many get up in arms about (pun). It's funny how quickly things can turn sour in a conversation once I express my dislike of weapons and the unhealthy American obsession with them. Not implying you responded in that way either. Just an overall feeling I get when I bring it up or answer someone's question about my feelings on weapons. I've been around them my whole life and I have never felt comfortable with a gun in my hand. I've always felt uneasy about holding something that was created solely to kill or maim. I will say that my liberal friend's response to me disliking guns versus my conservative buddy who runs a gun shop was totally different, haha But I get it, he owns a shop and it's his livelihood. I don't knock him for making a living. I just would feel uneasy about selling weapons to anyone. Again, I realize that I am not the majority probably here when it comes to guns and ownership of them.

I guess the problem with wage is that some people because of situation, education, class, or variety of other reasons can't find jobs that aren't based around the minimum amount businesses are required by law to pay a person. That is why I say a living wage is needed. Inflation and wages haven't stayed comparable for years now. People are struggling big time. I live in one of the poorest counties in my state. We're ravaged by drugs and people are hurting here economically in a bad way. Having said that, the positive drug tests here are a non-starter when it comes to those who receive assistance. I know several Trump people who had full-time jobs and were forced to get on food stamps once their economic situations changed. Those individuals had derided those living off the government with their social media posts and comments in person for years. And yet, all that stopped when they had to get assistance. I really do think we lack empathy for certain sects of society.

Abortion isn't an easy topic for anyone to discuss, on a personal level I find it very hard to talk about the ending of a pregnancy by design or the loss because of an unforeseen complication. The death of a child is never an easy thing to go through. I do worry that the next supreme court justice could tip things in favor of seeing us take this country back 40 years. I don't see what good it would do to outlaw abortions in this country. The amount of back door abortions would fly through the roof. Not saying you stated we should outlaw it. I just know that's the road many want to go down. I don't see the point in it. Rather let's educate people more on abortion, unwanted pregnancies, contraceptive needs, and then maybe that would help in the overall cutting down of abortions. PP provides so many of these services that I do think defunding it is a mistake.

Healthcare is a human right. It needs to be affordable. How we do it? No clue. I just know the system we currently have is pure garbage and is bankrupting Americans everywhere. A lady I know who had cancer was thankfully able to beat the disease and then found herself selling her home to pay off her mounting bills. Thankfully a GoFundMe was created to help her and it kept her from losing everything. But this shouldn't happen in what is supposedly the "greatest country in the world". And her story is one of countless that have been reported on in this country. It angers me to no end that people literally are faced with bankruptcy or death in a lot of these situations.

The Voter ID laws are created solely to harm the disenfranchised and marginalized sections of society in America. Valid driver's license or ID is enough. If someone is paying taxes then they should be able to vote. I don't think the illegal voting is as rampant as conservatives make it out to be.

Again, I just don't care about the gender question. I think happiness is more important than anger over what a person's gender identification is. The pedophile line is pretty much a non starter too. Rarely does that ever come into play. We've seen more people in the clergy, educational system, workforce, and other places who have been predators than we have seen with men dressing up as ladies to enter a restroom to molest a child. It just doesn't happen on this large scale that is being made out to be. That line of thinking is only there to attack transgender folks as a whole and is pretty much rooted in a lack of education on that subject. Again, if no crime is being committed, the person is healthy, happy, not hurting themselves or others...then what does it matter?
Won’t attempt to address every item in that dsouthernese post lol.As a conservative I don’t care about what someone does in the privacy of their home but when they start competing with females in sports or walking into a public restroom that my daughter is in I have a problem.As far as guns go the second amendment was placed in the Constitution to keep you safe against the government.I believe Alexander Solzshenitisn said it best when he said the KGB would not have been so bold about breaking down doors if they thought someone with a loaded weapon was waiting on the other side.Btw the intention this amendment was that citizens be armed with that same weapons as the government
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I literally just posted the responses to your questions. There is no way in hell you were able to read that properly. You were just waiting to respond with a snarky response. Just as I figured. Glad I wasted my time.

I did read it, and you answered liberal / left leaning on every topic and lines up with the democratic platform.

Acknowledging that isn’t snarky.
I did read it, and you answered liberal / left leaning on every topic and lines up with the democratic platform.

Acknowledging that isn’t snarky.
We know another somebody who claimed to be independent and not democrat/liberal for the longest time. Despite nearly every single one of his posts being very left leaning. Don't we?
Won’t attempt to address every item in that dsouthernese post lol.As a conservative I don’t care about what someone does in the privacy of their home but when they start competing with females in sports or walking into a public restroom that my daughter is in I have a problem.As far as guns go the second amendment was placed in the Constitution to keep you safe against the government.I believe Alexander Solzshenitisn said it best when he said the KGB would not have been so bold about breaking down doors if they thought someone with a loaded weapon was waiting on the other side.Btw the intention this amendment was that citizens be armed with that same weapons as the government

Thats when the most advanced weapon was a long land pattern Bess. No way to know what the FFs would have thought of the 2a with weapons like we have today.

And man, do current events make me second guess that whole thing or what? I don’t like these morons storming capitol buildings with guns, I don’t like these moron militias running around playing soldier with real guns, and I sure as hell wouldn’t want violent protestors armed with an m249. Could be that the idea of people being heavily armed enough to fight back against our government might be outdated.
Btw... For those people still hanging onto the Hunter Biden stuff... turns out the same as the Hillary stuff... namely, that he didn’t do anything wrong.

Shocker. Total shocker.
Nothing wrong at all.


Translation, just like with Hilldogg, Hunter will have the protection of the establishment democrats in order to protect Joe. And it will be explained away by the same people who claim to hate corruption. I mean, would you consider taking millions of dollars from the widow of the mayor of Moscow and accepting a trafficked sex slave as a gift, right? Legally wrong? IDK.