Also, notice how these guys seem to have an unnatural obsession with pedophilia? It’s not a coincidence, it’s by design. It reveals how entrenched in far-right propaganda they really are.
Crying “Pedophile” Is the Oldest Propaganda Trick in the Book
“In part, the digital far-right’s pedophila obsession is a way of justifying unsavory sleuthing techniques. Everyone lives within the social media panopticon, but doxing and harassment are generally frowned upon. That is, until teams of “citizen journalists” start finding secrets in those years-old tweets. When the ends expose anathema, the means don’t matter any more. And if your audience is looking for an excuse to cement vague feelings of dislike and mistrust, they will readily believe whatever dark deeds can be found in that Instagram photo taken 102 weeks ago.
But also, QAnon believers are holding up the “allegedly pedophilic other” to justify their own existence. The digital far-right has serious PR problems. After directing harassment campaigns against the teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting, it’s hard to argue their concerns are high-minded. With President Trump in office, they’re not underdogs anymore. Remember, the Pizzagate conspiracy sparked into existence just a month after Hillary Clinton called Trump’s supporters “a basket of deplorables.” Pizzagate was formed in direct conversation with Clinton: We may be deplorables, but we’re not pedophiles—you are. And if we post enough, tweet enough, make enough YouTube videos making the same claim, search algorithms will link your name to pedophilia—forever. That’s
what happened to Tom Hanks.
As these fringe movements find sympathy harder to come by, they’ll play the pedophile card even more frequently. Smearing public embodiments of the system that rejects them—journalists, Hollywood, Trump-opposing politicians like Senator John McCain—is one of the only moves they have left.”