The New Lounge

I believe in a simple concept, that 1 vote should count as 1 vote regardless of where someone lives. More and more Americans are moving to cities every year, which makes the current system unsustainable for the long term. What makes you think that DC and PR statehood are not going to happen? It only takes a Democratic President and Senate. What will happen if TX turns blue (it appears to be inevitable eventually judging by the numbers)? What’s that do to the electoral college?
Good thing the founders were smarter than you. You are only saying this because your side can't win an electoral college vote. Maybe find better candidates instead of trying to change the rules because you can't win.
Good thing the founders were smarter than you. You are only saying this because your side can't win an electoral college vote. Maybe find better candidates instead of trying to change the rules because you can't win.

I never said Democrats couldn’t win the electoral college, they’re going to do it in 5 weeks. I’m just telling you whats going to happen if the Republicans run through a SC nominee before the election.
I never said Democrats couldn’t win the electoral college, they’re going to do it in 5 weeks. I’m just telling you whats going to happen if the Republicans run through a SC nominee before the election.
And I'm telling you the SPJ is going to be confirmed. You can thank Harry Reid for all this taking place. He killed filibuster on judicial nominations (IIRC). And since you're super butthurt it's turned out to bite you, you are going to blow up the system and completely ignore precedent because you didn't get your way. 29 SC seats have come open during a presidential election year. When the president and the senate are from the same party, the nominated candidate typically gets confirmed. When the president and senate are from differing parties, the nominated candidates are typically NOT confirmed. Facts don't care about your feelings.

I can't wait to watch the Democrats try and tear down a Christian working woman who is a mother of seven kids, extremely successful and by all accounts a good person and excellent judge. Going to do nothing but help Trump even further.
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And I'm telling you the SPJ is going to be confirmed. You can thank Harry Reid for all this taking place. He killed filibuster on judicial nominations (IIRC). And since you're super butthurt it's turned out to bite you, you are going to blow up the system and completely ignore precedent because you didn't get your way. 29 SC seats have come open during a presidential election year. When the president and the senate are from the same party, the nominated candidate typically gets confirmed. When the president and senate are from differing parties, the nominated candidates are typically NOT confirmed. Facts don't care about your feelings.

I can't wait to watch the Democrats try and tear down a Christian working woman who is a mother of seven kids, extremely successful and by all accounts a good person and excellent judge. Going to do nothing but help Trump even further.

Judging by campaign donations over the weekend, it’s the left that’s extremely motivated. Also, I doubt Trump nominates Barrett, it will be the judge from Florida. He will view it as helping him with the election.
Judging by campaign donations over the weekend, it’s the left that’s extremely motivated. Also, I doubt Trump nominates Barrett, it will be the judge from Florida. He will view it as helping him with the election.
I am not so sure. I honestly think ACB gets it because Trump knows the left will absolutely tear into her faith, which won't be a good look for the left.
And I'm telling you the SPJ is going to be confirmed. You can thank Harry Reid for all this taking place. He killed filibuster on judicial nominations (IIRC). And since you're super butthurt it's turned out to bite you, you are going to blow up the system and completely ignore precedent because you didn't get your way. 29 SC seats have come open during a presidential election year. When the president and the senate are from the same party, the nominated candidate typically gets confirmed. When the president and senate are from differing parties, the nominated candidates are typically NOT confirmed. Facts don't care about your feelings.

I can't wait to watch the Democrats try and tear down a Christian working woman who is a mother of seven kids, extremely successful and by all accounts a good person and excellent judge. Going to do nothing but help Trump even further.
A little context on that. The Republicans absolutely refused to confirm any of Obama's judicial appointments to the circuits. A large number of positions were unfilled and it was negatively impacting the courts' abilities to do their business. Remember the gang of five? That was supposed to be a working group with some moderate Republics who would try to get the moderate judges Obama appointed confirmed. Still did not work, which was why the Dems had to kill the fillibuster. Still they did not do it for the Supreme Court. That is at McConnell's doorstep. Also, if you look at the populations of the states whose senators voted to confirm Trump's picks, and compare it with the populations of the states whose Senators opposed, it is clear that this has become tyranny of the minority. Remember, Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million and has never had an approval rating close to 50%. So the majority of Americans oppose him and his policies. This has become the problem with the electoral college. There is a lot of movement toward the big cities, where the populations tend to be more diverse and liberal. But those cities are in blue states. And, those blue states are donor states: they get less back per dollar of federal taxes than non-donor states, which means they are funding the country but are not being represented in any meaningful way.

While you may be happy about Amy Coney Barrett, her views are out of step with a majority if the country. This litmus test of being a good christian is particular troublesome when we are a country that does not promote one religion over another. She scares a lot of people i.e. the majority of voters whose taxes finance your country.
A little context on that. The Republicans absolutely refused to confirm any of Obama's judicial appointments to the circuits. A large number of positions were unfilled and it was negatively impacting the courts' abilities to do their business. Remember the gang of five? That was supposed to be a working group with some moderate Republics who would try to get the moderate judges Obama appointed confirmed. Still did not work, which was why the Dems had to kill the fillibuster. Still they did not do it for the Supreme Court. That is at McConnell's doorstep. Also, if you look at the populations of the states whose senators voted to confirm Trump's picks, and compare it with the populations of the states whose Senators opposed, it is clear that this has become tyranny of the minority. Remember, Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million and has never had an approval rating close to 50%. So the majority of Americans oppose him and his policies. This has become the problem with the electoral college. There is a lot of movement toward the big cities, where the populations tend to be more diverse and liberal. But those cities are in blue states. And, those blue states are donor states: they get less back per dollar of federal taxes than non-donor states, which means they are funding the country but are not being represented in any meaningful way.

While you may be happy about Amy Coney Barrett, her views are out of step with a majority if the country. This litmus test of being a good christian is particular troublesome when we are a country that does not promote one religion over another. She scares a lot of people i.e. the majority of voters whose taxes finance your country.
When you nominate liberal activist judges, I would absolutely expect the Republicans to push back. Instead of nominating moderate candidates, the Democrats changed the rules. Now, it’s 100% coming back to bite them. It’s pretty fun to watch.

Lol. What utter nonsense in terms of ACB. Her views are 100% NOT outside the majority of voters. She’s a successful Christian mother of seven kids, a good person and extremely successful. What are some examples of her views being “scary” to people? This will be good...

But by all means, keep attacking ACB for her religion. It will do nothing but help Trump even more.
When you nominate liberal activist judges, I would absolutely expect the Republicans to push back. Instead of nominating moderate candidates, the Democrats changed the rules. Now, it’s 100% coming back to bite them. It’s pretty fun to watch.

Lol. What utter nonsense in terms of ACB. Her views are 100% NOT outside the majority of voters. She’s a successful Christian mother of seven kids, a good person and extremely successful. What are some examples of her views being “scary” to people? This will be good...

But by all means, keep attacking ACB for her religion. It will do nothing but help Trump even more.
That is the problem. Obama was not nominating activist judges. McConnell said right from the start that it was his goal to make sure Obama never got anything he wanted. I know some of those judges who could not get a vote on their nomination and they were fairly moderate and law an order. some were career prosecutors.

This is also what drives us crazy. You keep talking about socialist democratic candidates despite the fact that Biden is by no means a socialist. You ignore the fact that he wants to increase the budget of police departments so they can train the cops to deal with some of the issues that confront them. You talk about activist judges but that also describes republican judges. Linda Greenspan, who follows the Court, has stated that for the first time, judges like Alito were signaling in opinions what types of cases they needed to see to overrule existing precedent.

As for religion, thanks to the religious people of this Country it took until a few years ago for gay people to be allowed to marry. But, after Hobby Lobby, all someone has to say is that it is his/her religious belief that a particular thing, like a wedding cake for a gay wedding, is a sin and they can avoid having to do it. there are some bills floating around that would allow doctors to refuse to treat people if their deeply held religious beliefs dictated that. You may be fortunate enough that you never have to worry about your civil rights being taken away but there are scores of people who are not in that position. For them, religious judges are an impediment to being treated like full members off the United States.
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That is the problem. Obama was not nominating activist judges. McConnell said right from the start that it was his goal to make sure Obama never got anything he wanted. I know some of those judges who could not get a vote on their nomination and they were fairly moderate and law an order. some were career prosecutors.

This is also what drives us crazy. You keep talking about socialist democratic candidates despite the fact that Biden is by no means a socialist. You ignore the fact that he wants to increase the budget of police departments so they can train the cops to deal with some of the issues that confront them. You talk about activist judges but that also describes republican judges. Linda Greenspan, who follows the Court, has stated that for the first time, judges like Alito were signaling in opinions what types of cases they needed to see to overrule existing precedent.

As for religion, thanks to the religious people of this Country it took until a few years ago for gay people to be allowed to marry. But, after Hobby Lobby, all someone has to say is that it is his/her religious belief that a particular thing, like a wedding cake for a gay wedding, is a sin and they can avoid having to do it. there are some bills floating around that would allow doctors to refuse to treat people if their deeply held religious beliefs dictated that. You may be fortunate enough that you never have to worry about your civil rights being taken away but there are scores of people who are not in that position. For them, religious judges are an impediment to being treated like full members off the United States.
Some may have been "moderate" from a liberal perspective, but I would doubt they're "moderate" to every day Americans.

You think Joe Dementia Biden will be able to push back on the socialist wing of the Democratic party? You think AOC and Sanders won't influence Biden at all? Joe just said he didn't think $93T for the Green New Deal was that much/crazy. Kamala Harris today said she didn't want police to keep us safe, she wanted to "reimagine" policing. Give me an f'ing break...

Freedom of religion is still around. Allowable to practice in the way they wish. And just because ACB is religious, doesn’t mean that’s going to drive every decision she makes as a judge.
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Some may have been "moderate" from a liberal perspective, but I would doubt they're "moderate" to every day Americans.

You think Joe Dementia Biden will be able to push back on the socialist wing of the Democratic party? You think AOC and Sanders won't influence Biden at all? Joe just said he didn't think $93T for the Green New Deal was that much/crazy. Kamala Harris today said she didn't want police to keep us safe, she wanted to "reimagine" policing. Give me an f'ing break...

Freedom of religion is still around. Allowable to practice in the way they wish. And just because ACB is religious, doesn’t mean that’s going to drive every decision she makes as a judge.
News flash. A lot of progressives are concerned because they know Biden is a moderate. And if we don’t spend money on climate change, our grandchildren maybe facing some serious issues. And your interpretation of some remark of Harris’s that I could not even find shows me you refuse to do the work and learn about your opponent. That is your right but there really is no point in continuing this conversation.
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News flash. A lot of progressives are concerned because they know Biden is a moderate. And if we don’t spend money on climate change, our grandchildren maybe facing some serious issues. And your interpretation of some remark of Harris’s that I could not even find shows me you refuse to do the work and learn about your opponent. That is your right but there really is no point in continuing this conversation.
Hahahahaha! Climate change. Ok Al Gore...
What's really funny is I pitty people like you. You've adequately demonstrated that you're not smart enough to understand people don't all think the same or value the same things. Really, idiots like yourself who believe you're views ijmlkntrump those of others, are really what's wrong with our country. Incapable of living and let live.

I'm positive people like yourself add zero value to society.
Actually it's people who are gonna vote Trump who are incapable of living and let live. Trump supporters have shown time and time again that all they care about in a president is someone who gives them free reign to be their absolute worst selves. He's racist, homophobic, misogynistic (grab em by the p*ssy amirite?) and a pedophile. He claims to be Christian (he absolutely is not) while ordering his guards to light up civilians so he walk across the street for a photo op.

There is nothing redeeming about this man, but because he is so hateful, and that hate is directed at the left, under a banner of making America great and Christian again it resonates deeply with the right.
What I take comfort in is knowing you're not smart enough to understand the electoral college. Clearly you can't comprehend why the electoral college is a good thing considering that if we did away with it, several states wouldn't have a say in elections which would be dominated by major cities/states like NY, TX and CA. But, idiot libs gonna idiot lib.

Oh, it's going to happen and I don't think we see DC or PR statehood. The Dems may try and pack the court but the Republicans would then just do the same thing.
The electoral college is a good thing to you because you understand that you wouldn't have had a Republican President for uh, almost 30 years I believe, without it.

Anyway, the electoral college needs to go because twice now in this century it has failed to represent the will of the American people, Clinton should have won 2016, and Gore should've won 2000. Any system that tosses out your vote because your candidate didn't win that state is deeply flawed. It's a federal election, meaning every vote should count. It'd be one thing if it was difficult to calculate the popular vote, but it isn't, we are always shown the popular vote, thus that clearly should be the deciding factor.
Actually it's people who are gonna vote Trump who are incapable of living and let live. Trump supporters have shown time and time again that all they care about in a president is someone who gives them free reign to be their absolute worst selves. He's racist, homophobic, misogynistic (grab em by the p*ssy amirite?) and a pedophile. He claims to be Christian (he absolutely is not) while ordering his guards to light up civilians so he walk across the street for a photo op.

There is nothing redeeming about this man, but because he is so hateful, and that hate is directed at the left, under a banner of making America great and Christian again it resonates deeply with the right.
Hahahahaha hahahahaha. Let it all out man. Clearly your feels are super hurt. Sad face.
The electoral college is a good thing to you because you understand that you wouldn't have had a Republican President for uh, almost 30 years I believe, without it.

Anyway, the electoral college needs to go because twice now in this century it has failed to represent the will of the American people, Clinton should have won 2016, and Gore should've won 2000. Any system that tosses out your vote because your candidate didn't win that state is deeply flawed. It's a federal election, meaning every vote should count. It'd be one thing if it was difficult to calculate the popular vote, but it isn't, we are always shown the popular vote, thus that clearly should be the deciding factor.
God I love the electoral college. It’s amazing.
Good thing the founders were smarter than you. You are only saying this because your side can't win an electoral college vote. Maybe find better candidates instead of trying to change the rules because you can't win.
The founders agreed the popular was ideal, but didn't want slaves to have The right to vote. The electoral college was a compromise. Considering no one has slaves, it may just be time to toss it out.
Hahahahaha hahahahaha. Let it all out man. Clearly your feels are super hurt. Sad face.
I am hurt. I'm hurt that people like you can't seem to grasp the fact that you're screwing over future generations. So like anyone else when you hurt them, I'm gonna fight back. Im not gonna let old, racist shit heads drive this country and planet into the ground. I have a three year old and I want this country to be the best possible version of itself for her, and to achieve that goal we have to get Trump and his lackeys out of office.
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Yeah, this guys not racist at all...
It's just liberal snowflakes is all lol.

The "where you came from line" always kills me. People don't seem to get the fact that almost every American is descended from immigrants. God forbid people still immigrate over here from actual shit holes and try to help our country not follow that same path.

And if nothing else you would think Trump's pathetic coronavirus response and over 200,000 dead Americans as a direct result of his and his administration's utter incompetence would eventually get to see the truth about them. Instead, they just double down, let their racist flag fly free and blame Democrats.
Uh yup. Open a book sometime.
You might take your own advice.The only way smaller states would join the Republic was on the assurance that the larger states would not be able to dominate them.Without the Electoral College California,New York,and Illinois would be able dominate the rest of the country in every national election
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You might take your own advice.The only way smaller states would join the Republic was on the assurance that the larger states would not be able to dominate them.Without the Electoral College California,New York,and Illinois would be able dominate the rest of the country in every national election
Partially true. The South wouldn't have agreed to a popular vote because a large part of their population could not. That is no longer the case. Everyone can vote, everyone's vote should be equal, as it currently stands people in less populous states hold more individual power than the citizens in Cali, NY, and Illinois, which you cannot possibly argue is a good thing.
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Also, notice how these guys seem to have an unnatural obsession with pedophilia? It’s not a coincidence, it’s by design. It reveals how entrenched in far-right propaganda they really are.

Crying “Pedophile” Is the Oldest Propaganda Trick in the Book

“In part, the digital far-right’s pedophila obsession is a way of justifying unsavory sleuthing techniques. Everyone lives within the social media panopticon, but doxing and harassment are generally frowned upon. That is, until teams of “citizen journalists” start finding secrets in those years-old tweets. When the ends expose anathema, the means don’t matter any more. And if your audience is looking for an excuse to cement vague feelings of dislike and mistrust, they will readily believe whatever dark deeds can be found in that Instagram photo taken 102 weeks ago.

But also, QAnon believers are holding up the “allegedly pedophilic other” to justify their own existence. The digital far-right has serious PR problems. After directing harassment campaigns against the teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting, it’s hard to argue their concerns are high-minded. With President Trump in office, they’re not underdogs anymore. Remember, the Pizzagate conspiracy sparked into existence just a month after Hillary Clinton called Trump’s supporters “a basket of deplorables.” Pizzagate was formed in direct conversation with Clinton: We may be deplorables, but we’re not pedophiles—you are. And if we post enough, tweet enough, make enough YouTube videos making the same claim, search algorithms will link your name to pedophilia—forever. That’s what happened to Tom Hanks.

As these fringe movements find sympathy harder to come by, they’ll play the pedophile card even more frequently. Smearing public embodiments of the system that rejects them—journalists, Hollywood, Trump-opposing politicians like Senator John McCain—is one of the only moves they have left.”

First you excuse TheDude LITERALLY defending the sexualization of 16-17 year olds and now this? Not a good look.
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There are very few sane Trump people left. At this point, after everything he has said or done I don't see how anyone could support him. And once again, I AM NOT A DEMOCRACT. It's impossible to have a conversation with the cult because they can't get past that fact either. I don't support either party. Haven't for several years now. I am liking what I see from the People's Party movement of late and of course the Greens.

My friend who supports 95% of the conservative platform, supports Trump, hates the destruction coming from the left, etc. And calls himself independent too.

Let's play a game:

Stance on global warming?
Stance on abortion?
Stance on Planned Parenthood funding?
Stance on gun ownership?
Stance on voter ID laws?
Stance on raising minimum wage to $15
Stance on welfare drug testing?
Stance on single payer health care?
Do you believe there are 64 genders?
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As predicted, her comes the name calling, trash comments, etc. It’s all they’ve got at this point. These guys are extremely predictable.

It’s “pity” btw. If you’re going to call someone an idiot you should at least have your ducks in row.

@SNU0821 argues with minimum wage employees.

@Fourteen44 and fellow cult members hit up the local Target yesterday.

@GhostOf301 and Wife got thrown out of the local Walmart today on the way to the cult meeting. Bless their hearts.

These guys are a bit sad.

Every board needs a d-bag. I think you do a great job at fulfilling that role here.

Look, all kidding aside. Whatever it is that causes you to be this way, self hate, childhood trauma, etc. You can get help for it. Talk to someone. It may be the best thing you ever do for yourself. You shouldn’t have to live your life feeling like you have to constantly belittle everyone. I’m sure it’s tiring to have to be like that.

It doesn’t make you any less macho to ask for help. I’m sincerely rooting for you buddy.

Do you hate yourself for some reason that causes you take it out on others? Did you suffer some trauma as a child that causes you to have to “prove” yourself constantly? We’re you bullied? Is it something else?

The fact that you keep pushing this reflects poorly on you though. I think you have an unhealthy obsession that you may need to address.
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I would have never had that conversation on a message board in the first place. I also don’t care what type of female the guy prefers as its none of my business. Y’all are just random people on the internet to me, your thoughts and opinions on a given subject don’t really matter to me.

Who cares what age female he prefers because that's not your business? That's really your take on this?

I loved the part where Trump talked about OUR country, and then the line about how a eight year old didn’t get much done in a civil war.

Can you imagine attacking a child refugee who came to American, became an American, and worked to become a representative of the people? Can you imagine saying it isn’t their country, that they hate the country that they fled to and now dedicate their life to?

Racism and hate is so alive in some of these people... but they will just whine and cry when you point it out.

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