The New Lounge

CDC - Masks don't protect you from catching covid. They reduce your chances of spreading covid.

CDC - Masks may offer more protection from covid than vaccines.

Clown show.
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He’s got supposedly, I bet 3/4s (his llittle peepers are still prolly peeking 😂 ) of the board blocked who calls him out on his shady shit.
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CDC - Masks don't protect you from catching covid. They reduce your chances of spreading covid.

CDC - Masks may offer more protection from covid than vaccines.

Clown show.
The two things are consistent. If masks prevent the spread of covid, then they offer good protection. The only clown show involves those people who refuse to wear masks.
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It is anything but consistent. It was a blatantly false and misleading statement. So stupid, you would have thought Trump said that.
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Spain, Germany and Italy are all seeing a rise in cases. But in areas that weren't hit hard back in February. You know who isn't seeing a rise in cases? Sweden. Guess what? They flattened the curve without ever having a mask mandate and having 35,000 fewer deaths than they predicted. No masks. Two of the most infected counties in the United States are Miami-Dade and L.A. their cases spiked well after their mask mandates and they were very early on. There are so many real life examples of masks not doing shit, yet clowns keep screaming about their effectiveness without any scientific evidence. If you want to wear a mask, go for it. But don't try and sell them as some kind of remedy that has any effect on the spread of covid.
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So, I have bought all the popcorn at our local store, because this confirmation hearing is going to be soooo much fun!!! <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) <a href="">September 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
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Regardless of what the cult members spew in this thread, it’s important to remember who these people are and what they support. History will not judge them kindly.

Regardless of what the cult members spew in this thread, it’s important to remember who these people are and what they support. History will not judge them kindly.
It's great being an independent thinker. It awards me the ability to not support ignorant people like that, or the ignorant people on the other side. Your ignorance is the same as their's. You want to group all people who opposed the democrat agenda into one "cult". You lack the ability to separate good people from bad people regardless of their political views. You sir, are a POS. No different than the people who you call racist.
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This is a picture picture of Elizabeth Eckford trying to attend class in 1957 after Brown v Board of Education. Notice that woman behind her? I wonder if she ever regretted her actions that day? The sad part is it doesn’t matter what she did for the rest of her life, this picture wrote her story in stone and she can never escape it.

So I guess my question is who is he saying has bad genes? Racehorse theory? That kind of talk went out of style 4/30/1945.

This is the guy they support. They can dress it up any way they want to make themselves feel better. They can call names, deflect, etc but in the end, this is who they support. Future generations will judge these people just like that they judge that woman in the photograph from 1957.
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This is a picture picture of Elizabeth Eckford trying to attend class in 1957 after Brown v Board of Education. Notice that woman behind her? I wonder if she ever regretted her actions that day? The sad part is it doesn’t matter what she did for the rest of her life, this picture wrote her story in stone and she can never escape it.

So I guess my question is who is he saying has bad genes? That kind of talk went out of style in 4/30/1945.

This is the guy they support. They can dress it up any way they want to make themselves feel better. They can call names, deflect, etc but in the end, this is who they support. Future generations will judge these people just like that they judge that woman in the photograph from 1957.
Do you support the execution of police officers, burning of businesses, senseless killings of 8 year olds and inappropriate touching of young girls?
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Do you support the execution of police officers, burning of businesses, senseless killings of 8 year olds and inappropriate touching of young girls?

And he immediately deflects. The name calling will be next. They sink to personal attacks to make themselves few better. It’s all they have at this point.

Man, I never thought I’d see the day that an American President would be talking about genes and the racehorse theory and then not be held accountable. It’s truly sad what the Republican Party has become. I wonder what Eisenhower would say if he could see this today?
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And he immediately deflects. The name calling will be next. They sink to personal attacks to make themselves few better. It’s all they have at this point.

Man, I never thought I’d see the day that an American President would be talking about genes and the racehorse theory and then not be held accountable. It’s truly sad what the Republican Party has become. I wonder what Eisenhower would say if he could see this today?
Just stop with the dramatics. You want to accuse anyone who votes for Trump, no matter their reasons of being cult members, racist and just bad people. And then you want to play victim to name calling and hypothetical personal attacks. Pathetic really. But I expect nothing else from the party of participation trophies and 64 genders.
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Just stop with the dramatics. You want to accuse anyone who votes for Trump, no matter their reasons of being cult members, racist and just bad people. And then you want to play victim to name calling and hypothetical personal attacks. Pathetic really. But I expect nothing else from the party of participation trophies and 64 genders.

I mean yeah...

The whole point of my post is to say that future generations will judge the people who have enabled him just like they judge that woman in the picture. If you still support him after all this then yes, you are part of the personality cult of Trump. If you support a racist who talks about genes and racehorse theory then yes, that also reflects on you. Dress it up any way you like but it is what it is. A “good person” would not be okay with that stuff regardless of what party they’re in.

When his time is up, his supporters will try to whitewash it and pretend like they didn’t support him but people will remember. This is what they are now.
I mean yeah...

The whole point of my post is to say that future generations will judge the people who have enabled him just like they judge that woman in the picture. If you still support him after all this then yes, you are part of the personality cult of Trump. If you support a racist who talks about genes and racehorse theory then yes, that also reflects on you. Dress it up any way you like but it is what it is. A “good person” would not be okay with that stuff regardless of what party they’re in.

When his time is up, his supporters will try to whitewash it and pretend like they didn’t support him but people will remember. This is what they are now.
You continue to ignore that people are not going to vote for a party platform that they wholeheartedly disagree with just because orange man bad. You don't think there is a difference in people who vote based on issues regardless of the person than the loonies that take part in parades and rallies. By your standards, we will look back on people who voted for Biden and view them as the monsters who supported riots, murders, assassinations of police officers and child sniffers. It's truly ignorant.
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Also, notice how these guys seem to have an unnatural obsession with pedophilia? It’s not a coincidence, it’s by design. It reveals how entrenched in far-right propaganda they really are.

Crying “Pedophile” Is the Oldest Propaganda Trick in the Book

“In part, the digital far-right’s pedophila obsession is a way of justifying unsavory sleuthing techniques. Everyone lives within the social media panopticon, but doxing and harassment are generally frowned upon. That is, until teams of “citizen journalists” start finding secrets in those years-old tweets. When the ends expose anathema, the means don’t matter any more. And if your audience is looking for an excuse to cement vague feelings of dislike and mistrust, they will readily believe whatever dark deeds can be found in that Instagram photo taken 102 weeks ago.

But also, QAnon believers are holding up the “allegedly pedophilic other” to justify their own existence. The digital far-right has serious PR problems. After directing harassment campaigns against the teenage survivors of the Parkland shooting, it’s hard to argue their concerns are high-minded. With President Trump in office, they’re not underdogs anymore. Remember, the Pizzagate conspiracy sparked into existence just a month after Hillary Clinton called Trump’s supporters “a basket of deplorables.” Pizzagate was formed in direct conversation with Clinton: We may be deplorables, but we’re not pedophiles—you are. And if we post enough, tweet enough, make enough YouTube videos making the same claim, search algorithms will link your name to pedophilia—forever. That’s what happened to Tom Hanks.

As these fringe movements find sympathy harder to come by, they’ll play the pedophile card even more frequently. Smearing public embodiments of the system that rejects them—journalists, Hollywood, Trump-opposing politicians like Senator John McCain—is one of the only moves they have left.”
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You continue to ignore that people are not going to vote for a party platform that they wholeheartedly disagree with just because orange man bad. You don't think there is a difference in people who vote based on issues regardless of the person than the loonies that take part in parades and rallies. By your standards, we will look back on people who voted for Biden and view them as the monsters who supported riots, murders, assassinations of police officers and child sniffers. It's truly ignorant.
Well, the difference is that Biden does not support rioters etc. He also does not support defunding the police. Your guy actually supports all those odious things, like white supremacy, sexually assaulting women (grab em by the pussy anyone), police beating up suspects (remember the rally where he told the police not to be nice) perpetuating anti-semitism, rejecting science etc. Quite frankly I am not sure what there is to agree with him on.
Well, the difference is that Biden does not support rioters etc. He also does not support defunding the police. Your guy actually supports all those odious things, like white supremacy, sexually assaulting women (grab em by the pussy anyone), police beating up suspects (remember the rally where he told the police not to be nice) perpetuating anti-semitism, rejecting science etc. Quite frankly I am not sure what there is to agree with him on.
Where do you live?
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Watchmen is a great show on HBO. Anyone watched the Suspiria remake? Not a huge fan of the original and I LOVE the remake. Of course, the director made another film that love, Call Me by Your Name, which I also recommend to the people who love a great story about romance.
Liked Watchman as well surprised it was not renewed
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This would make a great campaign ad. Just run it constantly in the Florida retirement communities. If you’re elderly, Trump says you’re a nobody.
I have learned to keep personal info off the interweb.
That's a ridiculous cop out. Nobody is asking for your name and address. I live in North Carolina. Oh no, I am in danger now.

I'll just take that as you live in NY. Slaming the curve is what that arrogant Cuomo says he did. He really slammed the curve by killing off the elderly and the susceptible.
Liked Watchman as well surprised it was not renewed

At the end I felt like the story they set out to tell had been told though. Have you watched, "I Know This Much Is True" with Mark Ruffalo? Some of the best acting I have ever seen in my life. A much deserved Emmy for Ruffalo. HBO consistently knocks it out of the park with their content. I've been watching the true crime docuseries, "I'll Be Gone in the Dark", just another high quality series.
Don’t hate the messenger, hate the reflection in the mirror.

Recently I had a rough conversation with my QAnon conspiracy theorist nephew. Trust me, this is a waste of time. These people have given up on truth, reality, logic, and reasoning. I literally showed him evidence that debunked every single crazy bullshit theory he has swallowed up to no avail. They just don't care about reality. They live in "their truth". Trump is free from criticism. It's all some huge conspiracy to get him and his supporters. The virus is a hoax, everyone is pedophiles, a civil war is coming, Trump never really knew Epstein, all the videos of him saying terrible things are doctored, all the stories of him doing horrible shit are lies, and a slew of other ridiculous hogwash. It was a scary conversation. The worst part is he's not the only one in his family who believes this shit. I've lost friends and family members to these far-right rabbit holes. Once they go down them it is almost impossible to pull them out. I've tried to be calm over the last four years and recently I just hit my breaking point. You can't rationalize with these folks in a calm way. So I started calling it what it is, a cult.
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Recently I had a rough conversation with my QAnon conspiracy theorist nephew. Trust me, this is a waste of time. These people have given up on truth, reality, logic, and reasoning. I literally showed him evidence that debunked every single crazy bullshit theory he has swallowed up to no avail. They just don't care about reality. They live in "their truth". Trump is free from criticism. It's all some huge conspiracy to get him and his supporters. The virus is a hoax, everyone is pedophiles, a civil war is coming, Trump never really knew Epstein, all the videos of him saying terrible things are doctored, all the stories of him doing horrible shit are lies, and a slew of other ridiculous hogwash. It was a scary conversation. The worst part is he's not the only one in his family who believes this shit. I've lost friends and family members to these far-right rabbit holes. Once they go down them it is almost impossible to pull them out. I've tried to be calm over the last four years and recently I just hit my breaking point. You can't rationalize with these folks in a calm way. So I started calling it what it is, a cult.

It’s obvious that these people are irredeemable. They are what they are and I think that’s obvious to most people at this point, however I do think it’s important to expose them and call them out on the BS. This is a public forum that a lot of people look at and they shouldn’t be able to just spew far-right propaganda without pushback.
Any other Raiders fans here? I'm in total shock over the MNF win against the Saints. Didn't see that one coming. Love Carr, so I am tickled to see him and the team do well enough to beat a really good team on the big stage.