It's very bizarre how just about everyone of note condemns rioting, but still some people pretend that Democrats support it or endorse it.
Yeah, I don't support riots or violence of any kind at all. But good luck getting anyone from the Trump camp to understand that. I don't know why I engage Trump supporters with a calm demeaner. It doesn't matter if I am nice or an asshole they all react the same way. "How dare you tell me the truth about MY president." You can literally show them shit he does and says to only watch them refute it with complete an utter disdain for you as an individual. I get called a libtard no matter how I approach them. Niceties aren't accepted on either side though when it comes to this election. I am ignored by my Biden loving friends when I try to talk about his weaknesses and issues as a candidate. Or I am hit with the, "blame Bernie bros for Clinton's loss, now it's happening again with Biden" bullshit. She was a horrible nominee going up against someone that should've been beatable, would've been with a better nominee, and they did everything wrong. Of course, she and her cohorts will never admit her shortcomings. They blame it on sexism, Bernie bros, and the right wing media. Some of the sexism jargon is true to a point. But I think her just being thoroughly unlikable was the biggest reason why people didn't vote for her.
Now, we have Biden with the lack of a true platform other than, "At least I am not Trump" and the issue of having no enthusiasm around his campaign leading to a possible four more years of Trump. Anyone unwilling to admit this is living in denial. Trump could very well be looking at reelection because of the weak ass candidate the Dems have put up against him, once again. Biden does have the likability that Clinton didn't have in his favor. And a raging pandemic to help him. But with all this, he should be polling higher, so why isn't he? This should be a 20 point lead with just how poorly Trump has handled the pandemic alone. So, why is Biden in danger of losing this thing? I think not having a true message is hurting him. He comes off as likable and "Uncle Joe" until you look at his history in Washington and see a lot of what he has supported has led us to the very place we find ourselves today. The author of the '94 crime bill is going to connect with Black America when it comes to racial injustice? That just seems disingenuous. Harris is a bad cop and I know a ton of black people who don't trust her. They hate Trump. But they're unsure of a Biden/Harris administration
Or the very concerning apathic approach to battleground states lost in '16 by Clinton. Michigan is being handled the same shitty way again by Biden's people as it was by Clinton. Which I think is a huge mistake. Or how they're going after these mythical on the fence Republicans who will push Biden over the edge in November. People like John Kasich to help win them over, a guy the Trump cult hates and Republicans didn't embrace AT ALL in '16 as a potential nominee. The party is the party of Trump. The percentage of repubs coming over will be like what, 4%? Polls show dems going to Trump are ranging from 3-4%. So, that's a wash. Why not go after the Latino vote? Where Biden is polling worse than Clinton did with Latinos should be concerning for his camp, why isn't that a focal point? Why are they not coming out in favor of Medicare for all during a pandemic? Why are they not pushing huge economic reforms for the future during an economic crisis? Biden seems very much in the moment of the pandemic and just beating Trump on the grounds that he isn't Trump. That's a mistake in my opinion. Maybe I am wrong though.
Or let's look at how the Democratic party is trying to rig the electoral process when it comes to the Green party which makes them just as bad as repubs in my book. Dems are using the courts to shut out Greens all over the country. Sorry, I am very down about all this. I don't see a bit of hope within reach for our country at this point. Everyone would rather go "ra-ra-ra" for their team than to face the reality about our failed two-party system.