This post is awful. Talk about opinion vs reality. Let's take this by the paragraph. Your first one is so wrong about me. And you say I think my opinion is fact? You're basically saying since I disagree with you, that I must be some sort of white supremist, while you champion the downtrodden. A TOTAL LIE. You have no idea how I feel about others.
How do you know I'm not sympathetic to a bullied kid, or a suicidal trans kid, or any black person that claims they experience racism? I may think a trans kid has mental issues, but I feel compassion for them. I feel for anyone that's suicidal too. I lost a good friend of mine almost a year ago to suicide. And he was successful. A dad to a college senior and hs senior.
To get even more personal, which I have tried to keep my personal life off here, my ex wife battles mental illness and alcoholism. The last 5+ years have been hell. We have a child (teen now) together, whom I have full custody of. I've tried to help the ex, but to no avail. I'm trying to realize all I've done is enable her. None of what I'm telling you is for sympathy. Understanding maybe, but not sympathy. I've contributed to some of the mess I'm in. It's hard when you still care for someone. Real hard watching them struggle.
I struggle with what is choice and what is in the wiring when talking about those battling any form of mental issues. The only thing I do know is that most any success story with someone at a very low point in their life started to get better when they said something along the lines of "I have to do better."
Your 2nd paragraph is just my opinion vs yours. I think there is a bunch of sinister people that try to play God. You don't.