1. I won't double-down on the wedding ring analogy if it's not going to further understanding here. My point is that if two people are doing the same thing, it's inconsistent and illogical to say that only one of them is shoving it in our faces. You are consistent re: "trashy women" and "freak in a sex costume," so good on you... it's also true that a gay couple holding hands is regularly treated differently from a straight couple holding hands. In too many cases, the mere existence of a gay person will get some conservatives all worked up.
2. No, I don't think it's a perfect apples-to-apples comparison, but being as prone to disagreement as we are, I'm inclined to step back and use examples that might establish any common ground.
There is a huge difference between "forcing" and "teaching." While they are obviously trolling conservative fear of their sexual lifestyle, that has no inherent connection to tolerance and fairness. You're using language that spins, inflames, and divides when you say "angrily" (they're being light-hearted), "force," "...of their sexual lifestyle," and in your third paragraph, "targeting." Let's not conflate "sometimes boys like boys" with "lemme tell you about butt seks."
3. We could go back-and-forth all day about equal v special, or about the exact % of gay people. You're acknowledging it isn't all and that it may not even be most, so I'm fine w/ leaving that alone. I agree w/ you that certain public behaviors are objectionable. As parents, we have a lot of control over what our kids are exposed to, but we have even more control over framing it. I don't see the same likelihood of harm in it.
4. I get your point about one v a hundred. I feel the same way about different issues, The frequency should matter as far as how much energy we spend on it, though. That should be proportional. If we're being polite, you'd probably tell me that about incidents of racism. I'm saying it to you here.