The Carolina Way VIII

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Notice the dates mentioned. "Early 1990's." Hmmm. What happened in college basketball during the early 1990's that may have caused unx to adopt a "win at all costs" philosophy...?

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Public records request from ESPN re: LD/ADHD player evals. "Player X isn't incapable of doing college-level work. He/she has a LD. WE diagnosed it...."

Utah State prof acknowledging unx's attempts to "discredit" Mary Willingham...


Jaime Lee is featured in the trailer for B-Rad's upcoming opus. She sits there , lookin' all innocent ( with B-Rad gazing at her approvingly...sickening ) an' says , "I was just trying to help some students figure out how to graduate." Her comments here tell a different story and this is one more reason why B-Rad is full of sheet. His entire premise has been that underlings ( like Lee ) got scapegoated while superiors avoided blame. In a sense , he's right. Tutors etc. have been blamed. Thing is , he refuses to name names of who is/was actually responsible....and he flat-out refuses to blame athletics. Anyway , back to Lee. Clearly , she knew players were plagiarizing assignments and even told an associate it was "to be expected." Disgusting...

unx redacts damn-near entire report. "And cheating. Whoa , just kidding...!!!"


Another reason unx needs to be hammered. This tells ya all ya need to know about how sincere the glorious "flagship" is of actually cleaning up. Scumbags...

Dan Kane@dankanenando

CHE's @arthomason bags some more UNC snark against a certain N&O reporter

Check the times. within an HOUR after the job was created , Tami is hired AND gets to name her starting date. Sleeping with the school's top fund raiser definitely had its perks. lulz...



"Yes , it's gonna be expensive but it's only for a short time , I assure you." lmao. Notice the Disney (ESPN) connection too...

Frierson attacks Dan Kane , pushes the "rogue offenders" defense and has Vince Ille put his stamp of approval on it....


All kinds of tarhole comedy in this:

1) Frierson wants professionalism from reporters but doesn't hold himself to the same standard as he insults the media AND calls State fans "hillbillies." Typical hole. And...

2) He spoke glowingly of Governor Martin and Baker-Tilley. Wonder if he'd do the same now? BOTH have since retracted their findings. LMAO...


Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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Couple points.

1) My dad was an ACC championshipship winning coach at Clemson for a brief period in the mid 1980s. They absolutely were doing the types of grade fixing that has been exposed at UNC. When he voiced his concerns to the administrators he was turned away. He subsequently resigned not long thereafter and went back to coaching and teaching at the high school level.

2) I believe UNC is going to get a very minor punishment, perhaps one year of probation and a modest fine, but no postseason bans, no scholarship reductions and certainly no vacated wins. You are setting yourself up for major disappointment if you are expecting anything beyond that.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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Just to get this right, it is your assertion that UNC-CH will receive less punishment than Syracuse?

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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Yes. Syracuse self-reported, to their own detriment. UNC has cleverly played their legal hand to mitigate the punishment, and there is not a soul in a position of influence anywhere who will add penalties beyond the measly wrist slap the NCAA is about to hand down.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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If this was the case then why is UNc-CH frantically trying to negotiate post season bans DOWN to one year? My contacts in Indy tell me the opposite of what you say, please share how you come to your conclusions based on reality not Chapel Hill Wal Mart delusion. What are your contacts at the NCAA telling you?

If you are correct (which you are not) then I am going to be retiring early because the NCAA will be destroyed in court.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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You are sort of making my point re: the frantic negotiations. I think they prevail. I have no inside knowledge, but am basing my opinion on decades of empirical evidence where it pertains to UNC-CHeat and any governing body doing anything to put them in their place (Lawrence Taylor, Wanda Hightower, Wayne Ellington...anyone?). Look, I hope you're right and I'm wrong, but just saying anyone who gets their hopes up for a just punishment is going to be miserable when the wrist slap is handed down. If/when this happens, then I'm officially done with college sports and I'm not the only person on these boards to express a similar sentiment.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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There is no negotiations on vacated wins as that is fact with precedent and is going to happen. Any games with an ineligible player will be vacated, no negotiation. The sanctions will be severe as that is the only way the NCAA has any chance of surviving the Jenkins case as "amateurism" is no longer a valid defense in the 9th circuit.

NCAA member schools are putting pressure on the NCAA to punish UNC-CH severely as they don't want to see athlete labor costs go from a relatively small percentage of total revenue to a significant percentage of total revenue if athletes were allowed to negotiate with schools in an open marketplace.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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I am as well aware of the UNC history of corruption as anyone here. And I certainly am well aware of their continuing ability to use their influence to not only escape detection but also any due punishment. However, today's circumstances provide for an entirely new set of conditions. This is not just the NCAA vs. UNC. There are bigger issues of importance to the NCAA that are floating around and their conduct in all matters of the near future is under the scope. So if the NCAA does not want to be responsible for destroying what they created many years ago, the integrity and competence of their actions are critical.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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exactly this is why NCAA member schools are also putting pressure on the NCAA behind the scenes. They want to keep their athlete labor costs belong 20% which is where they are at many P5 schools.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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This all sounds great to me, and I hope true. But as Michael Corleone astutely observed, "if history has proven anything, it's that you can get to anybody." So I'll ask, what do we know about the actual judge in the Jenkins case? Is he/she completely above reproach? Do we know for certain they aren't part of the CHeat cabal or susceptible to being bought? As I said...I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, color me skeptical.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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I know Judge Claudia Wilkins and she is one of the finest and most intelligent members of the judiciary I have met with respect to anti-trust law. She is above reproach.
Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?


Proud Ron White Fan
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Just curious, you have said before that you are part of group suing the NCAA, correct? If that's the case, how are people at the NCAA sharing so much information with you? I certainly wouldn't share anything with somebody suing me, yet they seem to be willing to tell you all kinds of things. Do they know you are posting the information they are giving you on an internet message board? And in a not very flattering way?

I'm just curious, because this looks odd.

(BTW, I sincerely hope everything you predict comes true)

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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They do not know that I post, but they would not care as nothing that I post on this board will affect the litigation one way or another. The NCAA knows what they have to do and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals made it crystal clear what the NCAA needs to do.

I am not a litigator but an academic research consultant. There are people inside the NCAA that believe the NCAA rules are unfair and hypocritical to athletes and they want reform. They are friends and want to be leaders of a new governance body that is shaped in the mold of the current landscape of professional sports. They believe the NCAA should have a separate governance for P5 football and basketball and all other sports should compete in a different, regional manner.

We all are in a common mission and that is to end college athletics as it exists today. Not all organizations are monolothic, this is true of UNC-CH and the NCAA.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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"Above reproach." Isn't that what they said about Gov Martin?

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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I am not sure what "they" said about Martin. The entire country does not revolve around North Carolina or UNC-CH. I do know Judge Wilkens and she is above reproach. Also, the 9th Court of Appeals is always there to review her opinion.

What some are implying I presume is that Judge Wilkens would rule in favor of the NCAA in the Jenkins case so the NCAA does not have to punish UNC-CH. Also, to carry it further the 9th circuit Court of Appeals would be in on the anti-trust ruling to make sure it is in favor of the NCAA so the NCAA does not have to punish UNC-CH. To carry this to the logical conclusion, the US Supreme Court would be in on the protection of UNC-CH as well.

Many on this board really over-state the importance of UNC-CH outside the borders of North Carolina. As a data point there are more people living in the LA area than live in the entire state of North Carolina.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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"Above reproach." Manning also.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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What case has Manning ruled in favor of UNC-CH? I know Manning was involved in the open records case involving Butch's cellphone and he ruled against UNC-CH. Just curious of the case where he ruled in favor of UNC-CH?
Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

Bench Warmer
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St8 obviously has a working relationship and has seen her work first hand or would not make such a statement. I believe the statements about Martin came from several posters with blind loyalty to political parties rather then a direct working relationship with Martin.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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Yes, the team I was on has been working with her since 2009. Judge Wilkin is fantastic and impartial. She is currently the Chief Judge of the US District Court of Northern California. She has an undergrad degree from Stanford and her law degree is from UC Berkeley. There is a reason why the 9th circuit court of appeals unanimously upheld her anti-trust ruling against the NCAA and thus set a precedent for Jenkins.

If she was in the tank for UNC-CH then why would she ever allow a precedent to be set by ruling for O'Bannon. That ruling was the catalyst for the NCAA to have to take action against UNC-CH. I guess US District Court in Oakland did not get the memo that all decisions must be framed in a way to protect UNC-CH since the world revolves around protecting UNC-CH and their athletic program.

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That's the key ingredient right there. OUTSIDE the state. Inside these borders, the university itself, the BOT, BOG, the media (outside a small handful with integrity) and the state government would do anything to protect their precious.

To the rest of the world, excluding the slurpers at the entertainment sports programming network, unc-ch is just a school that used to have fairly famous guy as head basketball coach and a guy named Jordan that was superhuman. They have many more enemies outside these borders than friends.

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?

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exactly and many of these schools have contacted the NCAA stating harsh punishment is expected. I and several others have been stating for a long time that UNC-CH thinksit has more friends than they actually have. Syracuse (as well as others) are prepared to take legal action against UNC-CH if the punishment is not severe. Lastly, I know of one US Senator on the Senate Commerce Committee that is watching the NCAA closely with how they rule in the UNC-CH case. This Senator has been somewhat pleased that the NCAA is taking action with SMU and Syracuse as it relates to academics protection of athletes.
More on the Frierson e-mail to Ille. The guy works for Merill-Lynch. Lol....

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

I wonder if @MerrillLynch would like to comment on a Senior VP using corporate email to denigrate their clientele?

Some State fans not too happy about it...

Wufwuf1 ‏@Wufwuf1

@DevilDJ32 @BurntKaramel @BlueDevilicious @dankanenando this hick has a sizable retirement account with ML.. Until Monday.

Stephen Futrell ‏@sfutrellncsu

@Wufwuf1 @DevilDJ32 @BurntKaramel @BlueDevilicious @dankanenando just made sure none of my retirement was with ML. If so, won't be on Monday


"The academic reputation at UNC was sterling..."

"One of my greatest academic memories, and most challenging classes, was a paper I wrote in an AFAM class..."

" I learned about integrity and character from Dick Baddour, then an associate athletic director at UNC...."

Last edited:
Disgusting. This is unx's AD too. Notice the Cc to Vince Ille. Does Bubba even know what he's sayin' here? unx's Slavic Language majors have a worthless degree too? Playin' ball at unx automatically influences an athlete to "make charitable contributions to society and the university?" That's news to me...

Not surprising Ille said "no" to Carlos. unc has already shown they're willing to throw men's soccer and Sylvia under the bus to spare Roy and Fed. Kinda interesting that Carlos is used to getting what he wants though. Lulz...

Vince Ille again. Bemoaning the "regurgitation of old stories" and "biased agendas." Poor Vinnie. Those darn whistleblowers and newspaper reporters and the facts they air....


Check out Janssen's response. He had Anson Dorrance speak at his Leadership Academy. ANSON FREAKIN' DORRANCE...!!!

Fox pushin' Ille. Well , the recruit HAS been a "die hard unx fan all of his life. That and he's "the best pitcher probably in NC in his class." Enrolling athletes "the most important thing we do..."

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

Under 2 hours left for pre-sales of Unverified tickets. Looks to be a tad over 650 sold, statewide. Well short of pre-sales for Cheated.

Again , Jaime Lee is in the trailer for this bs. As I mentioned earlier , she sits there ( with Bethel lookin' on ) an' says , "I was just tryin' to help some college kids figure out how to graduate." Anyway , check this out. Go to about the 5 minute/5:20 mark of the Wainstein vid. After viewing it , it's obvious that B-Rad's concern for the underlings ( like Lee ) who were unfairly scapegoated , is misplaced if not flat-out disingenuous. True , they WERE scapegoated to protect superiors ( and Roy and Larry and... ) but these people were not innocent. Given Wainstein's account , Lee's words in the B-Rad opus are nuthin' more than CYA lies. She ( and others like her! ) KNEW what they were doing and performed their duties enthusiastically. Geez Louise , she was told to shmooze Nyangoro after Crowder left and "persuade" him to continue offering the paper classes. "Classes" that would otherwise be a thing of the past. Whatever she did , it worked. He continued offering the classes. Great work , Jaime. Well done. That said , my rant isn't to demonize Lee. Seriously. She was a footsoldier...a footsoldier who took a lil too much enjoyment in her gig but a footsoldier nonetheless. No , my problem is with Bethel. According to him , she ( and others in her position ) are the REASON he does what he does. He's their "white knight." Well , as the vid illustrates , she's unworthy of the defense...and she's front an' center in that trailer. If she's unworthy of the defense , I'm guessin' most of the others are too. It's obvious. The guy's an ego-maniac spurred on by the support of an arrogant delusional sheet-all-stupid fanbase and financed by the most corrupt college campus in NCAA history. #carolinaway...

Notice how the athletes enrolled in "Independent Study" are so far removed from actual class attendance they have no idea who the professors are. They also are pretty clueless about due dates and where to send their completed assignments. Gawd, what a sheethole....



And keep something else in mind. Deb Crowder had as much authority to teach and grade papers as the janitorial staff had. Yet in e-mail after e-mail , she's reading papers , handing out assignments and jocks are instructed to turn work into her. If that's not the very definition of LOIC , then wtf is?
Jan Boxill... "Yep. unx admits unprepared , under-prepared and minimally prepared students." lol

"Controlled enrollment." Exactly. Even the regular students knew. The bs classes were FOR the athletes but unx had to allow X amount of regular students into the classes to keep red flags from flying all over the place. The non-athletes were part of the scam.....


"We have located the paper for your AFAM . You may pick up the copy at...."


"No need to bother trying to , you know , actually write an original paper or anything like that...we have a ( nother ) recycled paper for you to use in your AFAM ( redacted section number ) class. Stop by and pick it up whenever. BTW , great game the other night. Say "Hi" to Roy/Larry/Anson/Sylvia/Mike for me."
At Risk (Part 1)

After reviewing most of the internal documents released by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), I feel confident that it was a common stance among counselors and educational staff that the incoming students who were required to complete UNC's English Basic Writing freshman composition course correlated 100% with those who were deemed to be academically "at-risk."

The vast majority of first year students admitted to North Carolina are exempt from this course, but a small minority are granted admission with test or placement scores well below that of their peers, indicating the need to develop reading and writing skills necessary for navigating the UNC-CH curriculum.

To get a visual sense of the proportion of these "at-risk" first-year students to the rest of their class, I roughed out some average numbers from 2004 to 2012 -- also based on publicly released documents by UNC -- and depicted them in this diagram:


The largest circle (Carolina blue) represents all UNC freshman in a typical year, numbering about 4000 each year. Around 50 to 60 students (the small white + dark gray circles) are placed into ENG 100 (previously ENG 10) during their first year; usually in their Summer or Fall terms. That's about 1-2% of the total student body population.

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