The Carolina Way VIII

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Couldn't use the calculator. lulz...


Exactly what we've heard from former unx players time and time again. Their schedules are made FOR them BY academic support and the coaches. Holes love to blame the players for "not taking advantage of the academic opportunities." Well , kinda hard to do that when your schedule is made for you and designed to keep you eligible rather than educated. #carolinaway...


unx knowingly admitted kids incapable of doing college-level work. Compounding that , the "flagship" placed no import on actually educating athletes. That attitude trickles down to the athletes themselves hence e-mails such as this one...

Posted: Today 8:16 PM

Re: UNC Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec - Was unc discussed?
Think in the terms that UNC is not releasing any information for a reason. Do you actually think if they had positive information it would not be all over ESPN?

As I posted after my last visit up North, the clock did not restart, The additional violations would have to exceed the level of the allegations that were in the NOA. They can just add those as an addendum in the COI decision and be done with them.

There will be one or more show cause penalties on this, but I am told it will not be on Roy. I would have to believe the soccer coach is toast, although he does come from a wealthy family. Who knows who knows who out there may come into play.

They are trying to cut a deal. They are screwed and they know it.
The PR campaign is not to avoid sanctions. It is to rehabilitate the Carolina Way image after the fall.

You have to listen to what Bubba and UNC-CH officials say. In this case, Bubba is telling the truth when he says "still waiting on the revised NOA". He is waiting on a revised NOA that is never going to come. Bubba has never stated UNC-CH did not respond to the original NOA. When UNC-CH self-reported they tried to change the questioning narrative away from how/when they are going to respond to the actual NOA to "waiting for the revised NOA" which was never going to come. Their PR firm and lawyers are smart, it is all about redirection and it is targeted at the WalMarters.

What is really interesting is that Bubba slipped up when he stated it "should all be wrapped up in Spring 2016". This date is not really possible if he is "still waiting on a revised NOA". If what Bubba says is true then it is not possible for the Dec or Feb COI to hear the case to meet a Spring 2016 finish date.

The reality is there is no revised NOA.

Atthebeach: If what you posted is true.....then how is Bubba going to explain his "still waiting on the revised NOA" statement??

Bubba won't have to explain because no one in the media has the balls to ask. It will be exactly like Roy stating (paraphrased) on one occasion that he knows everything about his players' academic lives and on another occasion that he doesn't. Clear contradiction - one of these statements by definition HAS to be a lie - but not one person has the balls to ask.

Some interesting speculation into where things stand. The thoughts expressed make a lotta sense. No new NOA for unx. Bubba's timeline doesn't work if the NCAA had to re-issue a new notice following those grab-azz self-reported violations in men's soccer and women's basketball. Also another factor delaying the process is the media...particularly the sportswriters and broadcasters in NC and , of course , those at the worldwide leader. No one challenges Bubba and no one fer dadgum sure challenges Roy. The guy says he knows everything about his player's academics then turns on a dime and does his Sgt. Shultz impersonation. Either way , he's never questioned about it. K would have to go into hiding if these circumstances applied to him and his program at Duke.
Deb Crowder angry at Art Chansky...and to a lesser extent Duke's bumping and hand-checking...

BTW , Deb loved her some unx basketball. So much so that she would often call in sick the next day following losses. Seriously. Anyway , check the date on that e-mail to Chansky. Monday , March 1 , 1999. Wanna know what happened on February 27th, 1999 in Chapel Hill....?

Duke 81
UNC 61

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Kane trying to get to the bottom of Boxill's efforts to avoid NCAA scrutiny followed by Boxill's half-azzed answer. Lulz...


All athletes in ENG 100 deemed "at risk." unx won't/wouldn't label this class "remedial." It is/was. "Public Ivy," my azz...

No, he's not the only one. Now get out of here troll.

"Shooting the messenger," is a pretty common tactic unx has used as a "defense." It sux and convinces no one outside of the WalMarters but it's better than , ya know , actually admitting guilt and taking responsibility for their violations.
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Tennis , lacrosse and wrestling too?! Any unx sports program NOT complicit...?


BTW , those of you with Twitter accounts might wanna check out some of @CheatingBlueRam's polls...

NCAA rules on tutor assistance. Guessin' unx broke a few of these. Lulz...

Jay Smith. This was TWO years in and unx was still cheating. Tutors writing papers for idiot jocks. Same ol' same ol...'


"Transition to AFAM to assist with his eligibility" AKA "The Sean May Plan..."


Main Street Muse ‏@MainStreetMuse

@LocoCravey @ladybethel But in Folt's defense, she started with a huge problem with the academic fraud scandal. MILLIONS invested in that!

Altha Cravey ‏@LocoCravey

Folt had a chance to clean up this mess and she did not.

Main Street Muse ‏@MainStreetMuse

A LOT OF $$$ are delivered by the unc sports program. Have you ever angered the boosters? Ugly all around...

Altha Cravey ‏@LocoCravey

unc is a sports franchise masquerading as a university Yep, I've pissed off a few boosters Taught some athletes too
TIME Magazine....

The biggest disappointments? The University of North Carolina, whose athletic department has been tainted by a far-reaching academic fraud scandal,finished at the bottom of New America’s academic rankings. The team’s most recent federal graduation rate — 31% — fell way below the 88% rate of UNC’s male students.
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A question for Mark or anyone. I grew up in NC and find it hard to believe that UNC will get what they deserve.What do you think that the NCAA will do once all the dust settles
A question for Mark or anyone. I grew up in NC and find it hard to believe that UNC will get what they deserve.What do you think that the NCAA will do once all the dust settles
Honestly, it just seems like there is way too much here just to ignore and give a slap on the wrist. Also, I do agree with the post @DevilDJ quoted earlier this week about how we likely would have heard something by now if UNC knew it was going to get off. Hell, they've already spent so much on PR to misdirect the public, and I'm in the camp that believes they would surely pounce on any positive information and spread it immediately. Not long ago, Roy and Fedora were getting quoted telling recruits nothing was going to happen. Haven't really heard that kind of talk as of late. Just my two cents.
UNCheat has put out another release of the Wainstein documents... This time they are searchable.

As usual , unx dumps this kinda thing on a Friday afternoon. Newscycle an' all.

@[I]DevilDJ[/I], hope you don't mind, but I've been using a lot of your material on the national college basketball board. Lots of interested posters over there. Feel free to stop by and take credit for your hard work.

Thanks. I'll check it out. And feel free to take credit for it. This info is out there. Some I bump into myself some I just regurgitate. Needs to be kept alive. Part of unx's strategy is to wait this all out. Five years in , they've shown their dedication to the ploy.

Honestly, it just seems like there is way too much here just to ignore and give a slap on the wrist.

we likely would have heard something by now if UNC knew it was going to get off. Hell, they've already spent so much on PR to misdirect the public, and I'm in the camp that believes they would surely pounce on any positive information and spread it immediately.

THIS^^^. It ain't complicated. When McCants showed his transcript , that was the moment every player on that championship team coulda shown THEIRS and proved him to be a liar and a nut-job. He may , in fact , BE a nut-job but his transcript has nuthin' to do with it. And we're still waitin' on everyone else to show theirs. If all unx had to do was release 'em and exonerate themselves , FERPA be damned the school woulda done it. Ya don't spend an admitted 10 million dollars to clear your name when it costs virtually nuthin' to do so. Like I said , it ain't complicated. By shooting the messenger and arguing semantics and hiding behind FERPA and draggin' azz on FOIA requests and spending millions of dollars , unx WANTS it to be complicated.
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Irony , much? unx praising NCSU's policy of academic assistance to athletes. Too funny...


Butthurt much? "Edmond Dante's" response is so typical and a major reason unx needs to be nuked back to the Stone Age. Previously , when releasing these doc dumps , unx intentionally made 'em non-searchable. Basically , they forced readers to look for a needle in a haystack...and smirked about it the entire time. Dantes' reaction exemplifies that attitude....

Dan Kane@dankanenando

Another release of Wainstein documents in UNC scandal. This time they are searchable.

Adam Peterson ‏@adambp3111

@dankanenando I refuse to listen to someone with an education from somewhere called St. John fisher

Edmond Dantes ‏@EdmondDantesUNC

@dankanenando the unsearchable format made me giggle.

T. Raley ‏@teeray5433

@dankanenando is this what you asked Santa for this year?

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby Agreed. Much respect for the faculty at NCSU for shutting down the special admits post Valvano scandal. Showed strength we lack.

Coaching the Mind ‏@BethelLearning

You must be kidding me. Make a public records request for NC State's committee cases before Doeren and since

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@BethelLearning @yibyabby There may be special admits now, my statement was referring to the years immediately after the Valvano scandal.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby Before @BethelLearning speaks of the NCSU scandal as if an expert, let me remind him, he was in elementary school at the time

LMAO at B-Rad. Before he blocked me , I challenged 'im on this very same issue. He tries to speak with authority on issues that either happened before he ever arrived at unx and/or happened when he was a child. His answer to me at the time was that he got his info on such things from...wait for it comes...contacts at unx. lulz
Kinda amusing. Beginning on page 784 of DO29 it appears tptb at unx are monitoring , among other things , The N&O , TNT television broadcasts and Pack Pride. Lollers...

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................................................

1 UNC Athletics.....................................................................................................................................
2 Judge to review UNC enrollment records ................................................................................................. 2 Drescher: Why we’re still covering the scandal at UNC............................................................................ 2 Bradley Bethel vs John Drescher (Twitter)................................................................................................
3 Pack Pride Forum ...............................................................................................................................4 Around the NCAA...............................................................................................................................
S Call to action: Time for Congress to govern college sports ......................................................................
S Big East and Big Ten to announce basketball series Monday ...................................................................
5 How Athletic Departments (And The Media) Fudge The Cost Of Scholarships ........................................
5 Emancipate the Black College Athlete ......................................................................................................
6 Jim Brown calls NCAA reprehensible, exploitative, embarrassing ...........................................................
6 NCAA releases penalties for Seawolf Athletics’ women’s basketball program ........................................
6 TeamLeafll Fundraising Fulfills NCAA Compliance Regulations ..............................................................
7 Muslim wrestler goes to the mat for his religious beliefs ........................................................................
7 Legal Issues and Risk Management .....................................................................................................
8 NCAA gets support in bid to delay Ed O’Bannon trial ...............................................................................
8 Astros’ Firkus brings unique perspective, background to injury analysis .................................................
8 Congress to hold hearing on Northwestern union ruling .........................................................................
8 Revenue Generation and Facilities......................................................................................................
9 OU Set To Announce Football Stadium Expansion ...................................................................................
9 Family section drives K-State improvements............................................................................................
9 IU Athletics To Build New Volleyball And Wrestling Arena ......................................................................
9 Seton Hall Athletics Breaks Donation Record ...........................................................................................

Pack Pride Forum

On TNT this weekend:

Barkley: How many games?

Smith: OKC in i game.

Barkley: You must have been taking those fraudulent classes with the UNC students.

Smith: I wish I was taking those classes when I was there.

8radJeV Bethel @ BethelLearning=5h @=dpslawl Wainstein now has Crowder’s testimony, and I eagerly await his report.
B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

Looking for input. Does this look about right?


Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

"At risk" at UNC: 0.25% of incoming freshman vs 25% of incoming athletes. Just win baby!

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