The Carolina Way VIII

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"Truth is in the transcripts..."

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Knowing what I know about unx's (Dis)Honor Court , I'm sure the student atty general wasn't upset at how poorly the athletes are treated. Quite the opposite. That court doesn't even HEAR many of the academic fraud cases involving athletes....

B-Rad whining about Wainstein but admits "undeniable evidence of wrongdoing." The one thing I agree with Bethel on is that underlings have lost their jobs while others in positions of power haven't. However , the closest he's ever come to "naming names" is pointing to the NC BoG as being behind any scapegoating or dismissals. What about , you know , Roy? Fed? Butch and Dean before both? Baddour? Swofford? Anyone at all related to athletics? He stops well short of all that. Gutless. #carolinaway...


Cheating Blue Ram@CheatingBlueRam

No Change in NCAA Timeline: Greg Barnes used an interesting choice of words when summarizing the NCAA's allegations.


Cheating Blue Ram@CheatingBlueRam

Notice that Greg doesn't elaborate as to "which" student athletes in 1. (a). If isolated to WBB, why not indicate that, as he did in 2?

IC's Greg Barnes doesn't "elaborate" because the "student athletes" referenced in the first allegation aren't limited to the ladies.

Bilas really needs to stop. I know his boss at ESPN is a tarhole an' all but come on. He's gettin' killed on Twitter...


@ Yes, Jay, the NCAA specifically mentions UNC MBB in the Notice of Allegations

Ray Lindholm jr@ Rayvenlun

JayBilas will you agree if the NCAA comes down hard on UNC for violations? Serious question. Interested in your thoughts.

Jay Bilas@JayBilas

@Rayvenlun UNC case is not an NCAA issue. NCAA has to make up a case, and cannot. No precedent for taking this on. See, Michigan, 2008.

Jon Kimberlain@jkimberlain

@JayBilas: @Rayvenlun UNC case is not an NCAA issue. @NCAA has to make up a case, and cannot...." @KySportsRadio @BlueDevilicious thoughts?


@jkimberlain @JayBilas @Rayvenlun @KySportsRadio Complete nonsense, Jay. UNC case goes to very heart of the NCAA. You are under-informed.

Jay Bilas@JayBilas

BlueDevilicious Perhaps, intentIonally, NOTHING in rules or bylaws addressing such issues. An "extra benefits" case is being ginned up.

Richard Wilson@rwwilmington

@JayBilas @BlueDevilicious access is an extra benefit. And there is more to it than that.

Jay Bilas@JayBilas

@rwwilmington @BlueDevilicious No, it's not an extra benefit. There is no precedent because it's being made up.

Richard Wilson@rwwilmington

@JayBilas @BlueDevilicious we disagree. Perhaps it's convoluted by NCAA but nevertheless the fix was in to funnel athletes into classes.

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@rwwilmington @BlueDevilicious That's not what the case is about. Read it. NCAA rules intentionally leave such issues up to each school.

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

@JayBilas @rwwilmington Quality of classes left to school, yes. Enrollment in "paper" classes made athletes ineligible. It's in UNC docs.

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@BlueDevilicious @rwwilmington NCAA does not allege players were ineligible. Grades are posted and final. Read the Notice of Allegations.

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

@JayBilas @rwwilmington You are incorrect, Jay. Impermissible benefits led to eligibility. No benefits no eligibility. Very simple.

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@BlueDevilicious @rwwilmington Read the Notice of Allegations. I understand your frustration, but you're incorrect on this.

R. B. Allen ‏@thomaspainsense

@JayBilas @BlueDevilicious if you're going to use semantics, be consistent. Unc-ch women's bball not named either. Jan boxill was named.

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

@thomaspainsense @JayBilas Football, MBB, and WBB were specifically mentioned in Allegation 5.

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@BlueDevilicious @thomaspainsense No, IIRC, that was failure to monitor on the institution. And, Boxill was named as WBB counselor.

R. B. Allen ‏@thomaspainsense

@JayBilas @BlueDevilicious sports in athletic dept, and as NOA reads "specifically FOOTBALL, MEN'S BASKETBALL, and WOMENS BASKETBALL"

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@thomaspainsense @BlueDevilicious No, it mentions them, not names them. That's an institutional control allegation for failure to monitor.

BlueDevilicious ‏@BlueDevilicious

@JayBilas @thomaspainsense Mentions not names? What sort of BS is that, Jay? Do you not see the word "particularly"? Why lie, Jay, why?

BDevilU ‏@BDevilU1

@BlueDevilicious No secret that @JayBilas is not a fan of the NCAA. He has positioned himself for OUTRAGE if UNC is sanctioned in any way.

Jay Bilas ‏@JayBilas

@BDevilU1 Stop. How idiotic. Read the Notice. It confirms everything I've said. What you think and what the process is are different.

BDevilU ‏@BDevilU1

@JayBilas Struck a nerve there, I see. Yes or No: Did UNC men's basketball players remain eligible through a system of fake classes? Y or N

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Based on what the NCAA said about Boeheim when they rejected his appeal re: his lack of control over his program and that they held him responsible, I would find it incredible that they would not say the same about Roy Williams. And, in the case with UNC, I think the academic scandal is significantly more egregious than it was at Syracuse. At 'Cuse, the issues seemed far more minor and far less systemic than UNC.

I am not a fan of the NCAA either - I find their rules to be largely draconian and antiquated as well as failing to supply athletes with fair compensation for what they bring to the respective programs. That said, they are academic institutions and integrity nees to be upheld in that area.
At 'Cuse, the issues seemed far more minor and far less systemic than UNC.

Indeed. The 2 couldn't BE more different. 'Cuse was spittin' on the sidewalk. unx? First-degree pre-meditated murder followed by prison-raping the corpse. They won't get it but the Death Penalty is warranted. Given the pervasiveness of the corruption , 18(?) programs involved , a total shut-down of the entire athletic department for at least a full 365 could be justified. Like I said , such a penalty won't happen but the sanctions need to be severe enough to give unx pause about ever cheating again. We'll see.
BDevilU (@BDevilU1)

@thomaspainsense From the SACS statement on UNC probation:



A brief FAQ/Q&A regarding the UNC athletic & academic fraud to dispel some misconceptions & refute UNC PR nonsense.


I spoke with a friend the other day that knows one of the people that works at UNC in Athletics. Again, this is second hand info but I take him as a credible source. They are scared in all programs including Men's Basketball of what is going to happen and apparently it is worse than what is being spoken of. I was curious if and when can we know they ramifications of this whole lie.
I spoke with a friend the other day that knows one of the people that works at UNC in Athletics. Again, this is second hand info but I take him as a credible source. They are scared in all programs including Men's Basketball of what is going to happen and apparently it is worse than what is being spoken of. I was curious if and when can we know they ramifications of this whole lie.

This is exactly what I'm hearing too. Granted , like yours , my sources are "second hand" ( at best ) but there's a REASON unx has paid over 10 MILLION dollars in PR and lawyer fees. That figure , btw , continues to escalate. And it doesn't include monies paid to Butch , Bethel , John Blake , Fats Thomas , athletes , tutors , professors , Mary ( unx gave her 300 grand , remember? ) ,Crowder , Nyangoro , Baddour , whomever. 10 million , as astonishing a figure as it is , barely scratches the surface of what's been paid. Coming clean and taking your medicine costs 0. But I digress. unx did everything possible to push this back for one more basketball and football season and the recruiting classes for both. They know what's coming. The final sanctions may not be what's justified/deserved but someone over there is concerned.
This is exactly what I'm hearing too. Granted , like yours , my sources are "second hand" ( at best ) but there's a REASON unx has paid over 10 MILLION dollars in PR and lawyer fees. That figure , btw , continues to escalate. And it doesn't include monies paid to Butch , Bethel , John Blake , Fats Thomas , athletes , tutors , professors , Mary ( unx gave her 300 grand , remember? ) ,Crowder , Nyangoro , Baddour , whomever. 10 million , as astonishing a figure as it is , barely scratches the surface of what's been paid. Coming clean and taking your medicine costs 0. But I digress. unx did everything possible to push this back for one more basketball and football season and the recruiting classes for both. They know what's coming. The final sanctions may not be what's justified/deserved but someone over there is concerned.
Concerned is an understatement but I hope that whole program from top to bottom is punished so severely that they never get a above a 3 star in any program ever again.
Patrick Soter O’Neil: Transparency would’ve saved UNC millions

Regarding the Nov. 29 Point of View “Hiring out leadership”: I agree that the primary failure during the UNC academic scandal was in institutional leadership. The poet Homer warned long ago of the peril of serving too many masters.

The leadership role at public institutions like UNC is constantly challenged – and sometimes distracted – by the relentless demands of fundraising, big-time athletics, state politics and public accountability, among others.

From a crisis management perspective – and UNC certainly created a crisis for itself – it is often beneficial to retain outside counsel to avoid a myopic view of a situation and to separate legitimate issues and concerns from less meritorious ones.

Ultimately, all leaders are responsible for the decisions, actions and outcomes under their watch. Maybe they make it harder than it has to be, and maybe there aren’t enough moral gut checks these days, either.

Now more than five years into the UNC scandal, the real question is: For $10 million, did UNC get its money’s worth? I would have offered the best “business” advice to any UNC chancellor early on: “Tell the truth, tell it all and tell it fast,” even if it’s embarrassing, especially if it’s damning.

Honesty and transparency should be standard crisis operating procedure.



The writer is a corporate marketing executive.
Ugh!!!! I just threw up in my mouth

It's a photo of a shameless tarhole homer who refuses to utter even one negative word about the egregious corruption at the state's "flagship" university despite having an "insider's" knowledge of exactly how corrupt the school is. Also pictured is unx Chancellor Carol Folt.
This is awesome. LMAO at B-Rad! Long story short , Amy Kleissler was a tutor for athletes at unx. She left and at some point began her job at the shoe store. Eventually , she hired B-Rad ( or played a pivotal role in his hiring ) as he also left unx. Even though they work(ed) together , Bethel and Amy are friends too. Anyway , judging by the exchange quoted below , Kleissler OBVIOUSLY! confirms/agrees with Mary's account of the shenanigans that went on in academic support for athletes at the glorious freakin' flagship. It's safe to assume that the filmmaker/shoe salesman concurs too. He was least part of the time. He worked with Amy. Knows where bodies are buried. His earlier e-mail to Folt complaining about unx's policy of recruiting kids with zero chance of earning a degree attest to this. Again...long story short , he KNOWS! Thing is , if he said that publicly , he'd lose the slobberings of the tarhole nation and his stature with 'em. His "Kickstarter" campaign woulda been still-born and he'd be selling shoes for a very long time. What. A. Tool....

But it was an email from former tutor/counselor Amy Kleissler that caught my attention, and that's when I remembered why I'd submitted the public records request.

One of Bethel's post-Wainstein Report blogs began with an excerpt from a September 4th, 2013 email note from Willingham to an unidentified former academic support staff member:

"I never doubted you or that you helped students enormously and selflessly loved them and Carolina. The story of how our UNC athletic system worked/had to work and the dedicated people behind the scenes is nothing short of amazing. You played a role in it and you should be proud - our students (and staff) loved you [. . .]. The collegiate sport system (profit sport model) is messed up, not the people (well, maybe some of those guys in Indianapolis)."

This was from Bethel's November 4th, 2014 blog entry titled The Wainstein Report and the (Anti-) Athletics Reform Group. I believe this and the other lead-off quote were intended to highlight an apparent incongruity between Willingham's public criticisms of UNC's academic support services for student-athletes and what she had expressed privately; or maybe to show an evolution in Willingham's tune having occurred sometime during 2013.

The public records release revealed that it was Amy Kleissler who was the former academic support staff member for whom Willingham was expressing such admiration; but it also provided the email from Kleissler that had evoked that outpouring from Willingham that Bethel hadn't included or perhaps hadn't seen.

Earlier that same morning, Kleissler had sent Willingham the following message:

Mary I began to compose this email to you in order to touch base with you about [personal detail], but after hearing Frank DeFord's profile of you this morning I had to re-title my email :)I've been carrying around a lump in my throat for nearly a year over the hypocrisy that is our old office, and hearing Frank's final comment about you, that you still love the university, made me finally break for it is precisely how I feel.I will admit that I have not had the courage and stomach to speak out so publicly the way you have done. For all the disappointment, disillusionment, and grief I feel over all the crap that has transpired, I cannot begin to fathom the degree to which others have forced these feelings on you. For that I am very sorry and wish I could have supported you more somehow. Plenty of people suffer unjust personal and professional disappointment or criticism, but it somehow feels that it cuts more deeply when you love what you do and believe with all your heart and experience that you are doing honorable work. Sometimes I wish I had never come forward with what I heard and saw, that I had not been so foolish as to believe that at its heart academic support was an honorable endeavor, and that I hadn't trusted that if I backed up what my department told me that they would back me in return. You could write the book on that! I could provide the anecdotes :) Hang in there and keep swinging.

"Gotta get those plagiarized/tutor-written papers in. Bowl-eligibility depends on it..."

Paper classes and Pell Grant fraud...


"Are we still cheating our azzes off?"


"Good. Just wanted to be sure."


Posted this one earlier but I shoulda taken more time with it. Pay attention to the highlighted response from Reynolds to Holliday. This is crucial. She clearly differentiates between "easy" classes and "paper" classes. Part of unx's defense has always been , "every school has easy/easier courses. unx is no different." Here , she's telling Corey that AFAM is "drastically cutting down on the numbers in paper classes." She continues , "This means the easier classes...must be taken seriously or we will continue to be on the eligibility line with these high risk guys." In the past , the players could half-azz their way thru the "easy/easier courses" and still be eligible because of the "paper class" system. The crip courses alone would no longer be enough to keep these athletes playing and Cynthia admits it! No paper class = no athletic eligibility. There it is , boys an' girls. Game over. She KNEW. Holliday knew. Athletes who were admitted into unx without the academic credentials were called "committee cases." Approval for their admission was required. Anyone and everyone involved with those admissions KNEW. They woulda seen all the academic info on each player. Again. Think about it. They ALL knew about the paper classes. They had to know a system was in place to keep these athletes on the field otherwise none ever get admitted. How many people musta known? Seriously. Anyone on that committee knew. All academic support for athletics knew. The players knew. All the profs knew. Even those not directly involved had to know. ( My cousin is a Math prof there. Obviously , he wasn't involved. No matter. He KNEW. ) The coaches , yes the coaches...all of 'em!...KNEW. Honestly , it's amazing it lasted as long as it did. The fact it continued unabated ( and will continue to when the heat dies down! ) speaks to just how shameless and corrupt that cesspool is. How many knew? An azzload , that's how many.
B-Rad. Lulz...

Former academic advisor making film about UNC scandal

The athletic scandal at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been headline news for years. But a former academic advisor says the media and the university have gotten the story wrong, and he is making a film about it.

Bradley Bethel calls his film "Unverified," a personal, human story. He became an academic advisor to athletes at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2011, shortly after the scandal broke, and left earlier this year. He says he’s taking on the media, investigators and the university on behalf of his colleagues.

“I saw unverified claims being propagated in the media,” he said. “My narrative is that it wasn't an athletics-driven scandal.”

He argues the media misrepresented the scandal where UNC used no-show paper classes to help keep athletes eligible. Bethel says he's most driven to defend fellow academic counselors fired over accusations they knowingly took part in the fraud.

“I hope to show that good people were unfairly blamed,” he said.

For the first time, the documentary includes interviews with counselors Jamie Lee and Beth Bridger. Lee says she was “just trying to help students get through college.”

Bethel says he doesn’t deny there was a scandal but says UNC admitted too many student athletes who needed remedial help.

“Being academically under prepared for UNC is not the same as being illiterate,” he said.

Bethel says he believes easy paper classes graded and guided by administrative assistant Debbie Crowder lacked oversight. He says he’s not a UNC apologist.

“When you see the film, you'll see I am critical of UNC,” he said, adding that he believes the university skipped over administrators and blamed counselors. “This is a complicated story that requires a lot of nuance, and I don't think there are just good guys and bad guys.”

“This has never been about protecting banners for me,” Bethel added. “This is about the good people I think who were misrepresented and scapegoated.”

After raising about $175,000 for the film, Bethel is using Kickstarter to get another $16,000 for post production and promotional costs. "Unverified" is set to premier at the Varsity Theater in Chapel Hill on Jan. 8.

Watch the vid. Hilarious. Even got tarhole homer Cullen Browder to lob the softballs...

Cullen Browder

Education:Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication, 1986, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"You won't have to actually attend ( the class...)"


The above is an NCAA violation , btw...


Mutima wanted the jocks OUT of his class. They treated him the way grade-school kids treat a substitute teacher...


Deb Crowder asking Wayne Walden ( Roy's ) about the "children." Wow. Were they so academically-challenged it was like working with children? The "Janet" she asks about is Janet Huffstetler ( again , Roy's...)


More evidence of Crowder callin' the shots with regards to academic matters and athletes. In this case , men's basketball players...


Almost deserving of its own thread. Crowder advising Wayne ( Roy's ) that a particular prof may not play ball so the player ( one of her "special favorites" ) may not be able to handle the academic rigor of the class Walden put him in. Everything else aside , Crowder knew. Walden knew. Roy didn't? Please...


As stated , Wayne knew...


Listed on Roy's staff...

Last edited:
"Sometimes we need to treat them like other students." But , but , but these classes were open to ALL , right? "Players received no special considerations with regards to the work they turned in yada yada yada." That's what we've been told anyway. I like the part about how players unwilling/unable to do the assignments on their own will "totally copy it from somewhere." Lulz...


Boxill , supposedly , was only involved with Hatchell and the women's program. Again , that's been the company line. Not true nor has it ever been. Here she's compliant with whatever Walden ( Roy's ) needs. "I'll do whatever..."


"Help! I need a paper class because I'm failing a legit one." Lulz. Yet again , another example depicting how everyone knew the DIFFERENCE between easy classes and paper classes. Kleissler too. B-Rad's co-worker at the shoe store...


Incredible. Crowder wasn't a prof or a tutor or a teaching assistant or anything like that. She had as much authority to hand out assignments and grade tests/papers/etc. as the janitor did. Despite that she did so anyway. Geez Louise , check out the tone here. She started to think she WAS a prof...


Not sure what to make of this. I guess Barnes was so happy with Crowder's help he just couldn't contain himself. "I love you." LMAO...

Definitely worthy of it's own post. Crowder was leaving but as the exchange between Bridger and Lee confirms , she gave them the opportunity to decide for themselves about what to do with regards to the paper classes. Unreal. Crowder wasn't a prof , wasn't a department head , wasn't a teacher , wasn't a tutor , wasn't a Dean , wasn't any of those. How does she get the authority to make any of those decisions much less decide whether or not others get to? Because unx GAVE her that power. "Rogue offenders" , my azz. Everyone knew...

Geez Louise. It's obvious. There was a HUGE difference in the easy classes and the paper classes...AND everyone knew it. Place is a dumpster fire. Honestly. Just shut it down. Chain the doors. Nuke it from space then salt the earth. It's the only way to be sure...

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