The Carolina Way VIII

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Hildebrand = "butthurt..." lol

A poster at PackPride once said that unx initially balked when presented with the dollar amount of Wainstein's bill. The investigator offered to look into other depts at unx for a discounted rate. Needless to say , his offered was declined and unx paid up. This e-mail supports such a story...

B. Martin ‏@yibyabby

Willingham Jan. 2014: "I've stayed in touch with Cynthia [Reynolds] who is at Cornell in graduate advising now." What to infer from that?

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby Cynthia is an academic programs coordinator for the physics department at Cornell.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby Cornell Daily Sun Editorial: Following unc Scandal, Further Investigation Of Reynolds Is Necessary

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby "these bogus courses and fraudulent grading practices clearly violate all four general principles of Cornell’s Code of Academic...

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

@yibyabby ...Conduct, which condemns students gaining an unfair advantage, something Reynolds is accused of facilitating in her role at unc"

B-Rad indicts himself AND his LEEP program...

"Some of these students will not have achieved these goals even AFTER FOUR YEARS AT unc"


Coaching the Mind‏@BethelLearning

Smith: "I see unc baseball is teetering. . . . good. Don't need yet
another ********* nat'l champion around here."

This ^^^ is B-Rad's latest Jay Smith e-mail that , one presumes , solidifies Bethel's notion that Smith hated what? Who? Athletics? unx athletics? Baseball? unx baseball? Was he a big Gamecock fan? Who knows? Thing is , Smith's comment is justified given unx's legacy of fraud. Athletic success only fueled/rationalized the decades of cheating. Jay was right. Another sports crown was the LAST thing needed at unx for anyone who gave 2 sheets about academic integrity and wresting the university from the clutches of the fanboys/girls on the BoT and the Ram's Club. B-Rad , unsurprisingly , is guilty of being just as sensationalistic and imprecise as those he critiques in "Unverified."

6th Man
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Posted: Today 9:01 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec (manalishi update)

So now unc is giving their athletes aderrall to concentrate in games? WTF? That's like telling them to do a key bump of cocaine and go run the equivalent of 5 miles on the field or court. What idiots .....

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Posted: Today 9:05 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec (manalishi update)

If this is/was occurring, the question is how did the athletes get diagnosed?

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Posted: Today 9:41 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec (manalishi update)

The docs posted on that twitter site explain the entire process. Athletes were diagnosed by Lyn Johnston at the Neuropsych Institute in CH. unc spent up to 56k a year on LD/ADHD testing, it appears.

6th Man
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Posted: Today 9:22 PM

Re: unc Scandal Thread: COI Meeting In Dec (manalishi update)

The usage of Aderall is banned by the NCAA and USADA without exemption .

Maybe we should start the Aderall doping like unc Cheat .... I betcha our free throw % would improve

unx alum Bob Lee...

Blind Gene Finds An Acorn

If a stopped watch is right twice a day…. and a blind hog CAN find the occasional acorn…. then

unc’s Gene “The Gasbag” Nichol can be right ….. maybe once in a dozen blue moons.
Mark this…. Gene is Right on his latest N&O Rant about uncCH’s SuperSecret Cover Our Ass $$$ Stash for Spinning The Great Unpleasantness.

unc’s ongoing flim flam about “all these bazillions of COA $$$$ are not really coming from operating funds…. they are all coming from “somewhere else but don’t ask where because…. well, just don’t ask”. Gene asks.

To be more precise, Gene confirms what everyone always knew…. all the bazillions of COA $$$ ARE coming from funds originally intended for quasi-legitimate purposes. I say quasi-legitimate because NOTHING that happens in Big Academia is truly legitimate any more.Carol Folt worries

I do love Gene’s WHAMMO that:

unc Admins are SUPPOSED to be competent enough to deal with “issues” without contracting out “the yucky ones” to high-priced legal mouthpieces and equally high-priced PR slicks. Pretty much EVERYONE has been thinking THAT too.

Sure…. we all knew Chihuahua was hired because (1) she sits down to pee…. and (2) she came from The Ivy League. Maybe (3) No one else wanted to inherit The Mess. Being a walking billboard for socio-cultural-political traumas de’jour – a/k/a her infamous lapel ribbon collection…. is the extent of Madame Folt’s meager leadership skill set. Provost Dean makes a bull-in-a-china shop look like a ballerina …. and the entire “tits on a bull” BOT has gone AWOL apparently hiding in the labyrinthian catacombs of The Rat. “They” hired a $400,000 Vice Chanc of Spin & Obfuscation to go out and hire a million dollar crony PR firm.

Any hoo…. read Gene’s raging rant below. Normally I provide a link to the actual source but this is in Sunday’s News & Observer and it’ll be a VERY cold day in Hell before I send those no-count SOBs any clicks.



A LOT of unc law alumni disagreed with unc going out-of-state to get high-dollar lawyers when there are plenty of highly-talented “locals” to choose from. I admit to ignorance on evaluating legal talent so whether Wainstein or the Skaarps guy were “better choices” is out of my realm. I don’t think Gene is saying HE should have been retained for the job. …. Hiring the fancy NYC PR firm definitely smelled to high heaven. THAT was a 100% pure SCAM.
unx faculty reaction to Chizik hire...


"We have a system in place to keep them eligible..."


IC scumbaggery. Outrageous , of course , but not particularly surprising...




A unx alum who actually gives a damn...



Stil cheating post-Crowder...


Gotta love this one. 300 a year! Hang a banner....!!!


More faculty support for Mary...

Plagiarism by athletes not reported to unx Honor Court. Instead , kept "in-house." Handled internally by ASPSA. Unreal...

Athlete at unx already does next to nothing academically. Gotta be the worst "student" ever to make a request so offensive even Jan Boxill complains...

"Trash our academics? Sure. Just stay away from Roy...and Fed...and Mike..."


Don't recall Bethel nor his minions attacking this guy. unx alum and PhD Friedrichs. Supportive of Mary. Would love to see Bethel tryt and take 'im on. Lulz...

48 of 61...


Bubba not lookin' good. "Miserable," even...


Provost Dean. "Plans evolve" = PR , CYA and attacking Mary...

Hole defender tries to refute Ridpath. Hilarity ensues...

Chris Jones ‏@SoDuJonesy

@drridpath @DevilDJ32 @GeraldGurney1 @DennisG_Shea @AuthorPMBarrett @sganim @macwfnz Dr. Ridpath, I humbly submit that you are incorrect. if any "experts" had done so, she'd have told public. she would have also finally divulged her methodology. she would have also finally divulged her methodology. but I've seen no expert support - in fact, the opposite

B. David Ridpath ‏@drridpath

@SoDuJonesy @DevilDJ32 @GeraldGurney1 @DennisG_Shea @AuthorPMBarrett @sganim @macwfnz you are free to humbly disagree while mired in scandal
"From a social justice point of view , unc athletics is not only exploitive , it perpetrates..."



Mary Willingham: Enough Already

I again find myself on the receiving end of a hateful campaign of vilification and defamation. This time my enemies have been given unc emails for the sole purpose of harassment, and have made public matters that are entirely private; these matters have literally nothing to do with the issues on which I have been outspoken for the past several years.

Over those same several years I have heard many insults. I have been called:

Racist, elitist, ugly, (these first three are my favorites), asexual, greedy, plagiarist, ABC’er, stupid, liar, disgruntled, crazy, media/attention seeker, cheater, sloppy researcher, incompetent, irresponsible, menopausal, exaggerator, unqualified, impostor, and puppet. In addition, people have attacked my husband, kids and our family businesses. How much truth was in any of these labels? Many people feel free to sit in judgment of me and my life. But do they even know what they’re judging?

Whistleblowing is not for the meek. Just last week, Buck Sanders of Inside carolina said that I, along with Jay Smith and the N&O, should be drenched in gasoline and lit on fire in a parking lot. Nice? It is not the truth telling that ruins lives–it’s the emotional trauma inflicted by those who don’t want to hear the truth. That trauma has been steady and severe. I’ve personally been discredited every which way to Sunday. It has become tiresome; it was always irrelevant.

Meanwhile, our athletes are still not getting what we promise them – a real education. The underlying issue of race, which has been swimming just below the surface, is now emerging into the daylight. And that’s where our focus needs to be–not on the many decoys that my enemies have been distracting us with for years. My personal life, which sane people recognize should be off limits anyway, has no place in the discussion about college athletes and reform. I know that I won’t be discussing it at all.
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Stroman doing her usual "carrying water for the flagship thing." Anti-Jay Smith e-mail...



Mary Willingham: Enough Already

I again find myself on the receiving end of a hateful campaign of vilification and defamation. This time my enemies have been given unc emails for the sole purpose of harassment, and have made public matters that are entirely private; these matters have literally nothing to do with the issues on which I have been outspoken for the past several years.

Over those same several years I have heard many insults. I have been called:

Racist, elitist, ugly, (these first three are my favorites), asexual, greedy, plagiarist, ABC’er, stupid, liar, disgruntled, crazy, media/attention seeker, cheater, sloppy researcher, incompetent, irresponsible, menopausal, exaggerator, unqualified, impostor, and puppet. In addition, people have attacked my husband, kids and our family businesses. How much truth was in any of these labels? Many people feel free to sit in judgment of me and my life. But do they even know what they’re judging?

Whistleblowing is not for the meek. Just last week, Buck Sanders of Inside carolina said that I, along with Jay Smith and the N&O, should be drenched in gasoline and lit on fire in a parking lot. Nice? It is not the truth telling that ruins lives–it’s the emotional trauma inflicted by those who don’t want to hear the truth. That trauma has been steady and severe. I’ve personally been discredited every which way to Sunday. It has become tiresome; it was always irrelevant.

Meanwhile, our athletes are still not getting what we promise them – a real education. The underlying issue of race, which has been swimming just below the surface, is now emerging into the daylight. And that’s where our focus needs to be–not on the many decoys that my enemies have been distracting us with for years. My personal life, which sane people recognize should be off limits anyway, has no place in the discussion about college athletes and reform. I know that I won’t be discussing it at all.

Just sickening. Think I would be used to all this by now...but 'drenched in gasoline and lit on fire'? This is some sick sobs.

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Just sickening. Think I would be used to all this by now...but 'drenched in gasoline and lit on fire'? This is some sick sobs.

As expected. IC comes to his defense...

Jonathan Reynolds‏@FoxSportsJR

Wow...whoever @BuckSanders is from @InsideCarolina sounds like a real piece of work. What sane person says this!?!…

BDevilU ‏@BDevilU1 8h8 hours ago

@FoxSportsJR @peyterone Buck Sanders is the President of InsideCarolina…

InsideCarolina ‏@InsideCarolina Dec 1

@FoxSportsJR Except that's a flagrant misrepresentation of what was actually said

Derrick S. Brown ‏@dsbrown1981 Dec 1

@InsideCarolina @FoxSportsJR just keep buying what she says hook line and sinker.

Couple of observations from the trailer to B-Rad's opus....

It starts with a quote from Mark Twain. lulz. Clearly , it was selectively chosen to fit his agenda. Mr. Twain said a LOT of things....

The most outrageous lies that can be invented will find believers if a man only tells them with all his might.

Carlyle said "a lie cannot live." It shows that he did not know how to tell them.

Lie -- an abomination before the Lord and an ever present help in time of trouble.

I would rather tell seven lies than make one explanation.

2) Around the 1:25 mark Jaime Lee says...

"I was just trying to help students figure out how to get thru college."

Cheating Blue Ram‏@CheatingBlueRam

Interesting conversation tonight with a colleague that serves as the FAR to the NCAA for another university.

Cheating Blue Ram ‏@CheatingBlueRam

Resulting from the release of documents and emails not previously seen, the NCAA is taking a second and third look at outstanding issues.

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About the 5:30 mark. IC d-bag Buck Sanders calls for Mary and Jay ( and others ) to be set on fire. B-Rad giggles at the notion...

Later , B-Rad tries to explain how what Sanders said is completely different than Smith's comments about Provost Dean dying in a fiery airplane crash. Cliffs Notes version if ya don't wanna give B-Rad the "click..."

Mary Willingham's Misleading Accusation Against Buck Sanders

Mary Willingham does not seem capable of making public comments without embellishing, fabricating, or misleading.

In a recent blog entry she wrote, "Buck Sanders of Inside Carolina said that I, along with Jay Smith and the N&O, should be drenched in gasoline and lit on fire in a parking lot."

Such a wish, if literal, would be appalling. However, Willingham took the statement completely out of context. In context, Sanders was clearly speaking metaphorically.

OK. There's the defense of Sanders. NOW , the condemnation of Smith...

Note that Sanders's comment is qualitatively different from Jay Smith's comment expressing hope for the provost's plane to crash. Although Smith was likely being hyperbolic, the sentiment was nonetheless wishful for physical harm on the provost.

See? Completely different. Although Smith was "LIKELY" being hyperbolic , there's little doubt he wanted real physical harm to Dean. Sanders , otoh , was speaking? What was the word again? Oh yeah. "Metaphorically." Gawd , what a tool. Can't/won't fess up to anything. Please God! Let these scumbag cheaters get in a plane crash then die in a parking lot fire. And just so we're clear , that's just a metaphor. Qualitatively different than actually wishing physical harm on anyone. Hyperbole , even...most likely. Lulz.
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