Tatum Injury

There is zero positive to this news..... But I do like seeing the idiots next door taking that big sigh of relief as we speak ..... ALL FOR TATUM AND HARRY to rip their pansy a$$ hearts out down the road!!!!!

Steat says our title chance has slipped away already..... Darn it anyways lol
Legitimately thought this was going to be someone trolling when I saw the title. Some of the worst news possible to hear before such a promising season.
All kidding aside, send a little prayer up tonight for some good news tomorrow fellas. 60 NBA scouts were absolutely slobbering over him right up to when this happened. Kid is a stud.
Wouldn't you guys go Jackson, Kennard, Allen, Amile, Jeter? I am not as up to date on your roster as you guys are.
Most feel that Matt Jones will be a starter and possibly Bolden over Jeter. Still holding out hope that the Tatum injury is minor. Prayers for the young man!
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Most feel that Matt Jones will be a starter and possibly Bolden over Jeter. Still holding out hope that the Tatum injury is minor. Prayers for the young man!

It's just like Show said. Wait until the MRI and other reports come out. If he is out for a while we will deal with it. If it's a short time then that's great. No matter what we gonna hear a bunch of crap about how Coach K is being selfish and just take that for what it's worth and who it's coming from. I'll tell you straight up if I were an unc fan and I had as many loonie co-fans that are over at unc I'd be ashamed and just leave. OFC
There is zero positive to this news..... But I do like seeing the idiots next door taking that big sigh of relief as we speak ..... ALL FOR TATUM AND HARRY to rip their pansy a$$ hearts out down the road!!!!!

Steat says our title chance has slipped away already..... Darn it anyways lol
I've seen some ridiculous posts from a few posters over at RR about Tatum's injury
THR and RR are just like that dirty service station toilet. You ignore the leftover turds, pee in it and move on.
True, one thing that I'll say about RR as far as Tatum's injury is that there were only a few posters that made ridiculous comments but most posters said how much it sucks that Tatum got hurt. I can't say the same about THR though.
Stress fracture, Tatum out 6-8 weeks. This completely changes our team setup. So sick of foot injuries.
Stress fracture, Tatum out 6-8 weeks. This completely changes our team setup. So sick of foot injuries.
It's been confirmed? These damn foot injuries. Tatum was probably the player we could least afford to lose on this team.
Stress fracture, Tatum out 6-8 weeks. This completely changes our team setup. So sick of foot injuries.

Absolutely unbelievable. I was sick as it was in having to wait to see Giles play but was getting crazy excited about Tatum. Now this bulls**t!!!!!
I think that Grayson might be the one we could least afford to lose. Tatum 2nd :)
I would normally agree because Grayson will be our best player, but if he were to go down, I have confidence that Kennard, Jones, and Jackson would be able to hold down our backcourt. Tatum is the wing on our team that can't can't really be replaced. His long frame combined with his NBA scoring ability gave this team so much roster flexibility.
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If confirmed it could be worse. Get him healthy and he will still have plenty of games to put on the Duke jersey
I haven't seen this confirmed yet, where has it be stated that it is definitely a stress fracture?
From many descriptions and visual accounts of the injury, it sounds a lot like Amile. Sorry guys.
Update on Jayson Tatum

Duke senior Matt Jones said this morning that Jayson Tatum’s injury is concerning but that the program is somewhat “confident that it’s not that serious.”

Jones, a senior who was at the pro day workout for NBA scouts in Cameron Indoor Stadium on Tuesday, said he didn’t see the incident that left Tatum, a Duke freshman, in pain from an apparent foot injury. He saw the reaction.

“He was kind of scared,” Jones said. “We were scrimmaging and it kind of just happened. I actually didn’t see the play. The reaction was just like any.”

Jones said the injury is being evaluated this morning. No word has come from Duke officials on the severity or the nature of the injury. Jones said the members of the team are waiting to hear the results and trying to remain confident.

“It happens,” he said. “Obviously if we find out something out of the ordinary, we’ll have to move on. But we’re optimistic about it. We’re not thinking too much about it as far as long-term or anything like that.”
Sounds somewhat positive. I think it's pretty clear by all accounts that no one knows for sure what is going on yet. Duke does a great job protecting the privacy of these situations to benefit the player and player's family. It stinks as a fan but we just have to sit back and wait
“With Jayson, we’re not sure,” Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said Wednesday on SportsCenter. “It’s not nearly the injury that Harry has had. That’s still in an evaluation period. We’ll find out more today and hopefully it’s something minor.”

Duke is already without star forward Harry Giles after he recently underwent a third knee surgery. Giles is expected to miss the Blue Devils’ season-opener Nov 11 against Marist and their game against Kansas Nov. 15 in the Champions Classic at Madison Square Garden.

“In Harry’s case, he had his knee scoped about three weeks ago, I think on Oct. 4,” Coach K said. “There was nothing structurally wrong with his knee. It wasn’t the knee that had the ACL, it was the one that he had a couple years ago. He’s actually doing great. We feel very, very encouraged about him coming and playing.

“He’s really upbeat and he’s doing a lot more but he still hasn’t done five-on-five with us.”
I haven't seen this confirmed yet, where has it be stated that it is definitely a stress fracture?

I can't find a confirmed source either. Lots of this person was there who told this person who tweeted it. I read that Greenberg wouldn't have been present at the practice since it was a closed practice, but that a scout who was present told Greenberg that it "looked like a stress reaction".
It's been confirmed? These damn foot injuries. Tatum was probably the player we could least afford to lose on this team.

Not officially confirmed by Duke, just what my brother heard directly from quite reliable Durham sources. Hope they are wrong.
Foot injuries are just the worst because they are so unpredictable. I've seen so many athletes struggle for a long time with these. Even if the prognosis is a couple of months, that still is not a guarantee. Devante Parker broke a bone in his foot at Louisville during his Sr year. Prognosis was half a season. He came back and played and now he's in his 2nd season in the NFL on the Dolphins but he still struggles with the foot and his favoring it has led to hamstring injuries. He still hasn't come back to full speed. That doesn't mean it will be the case for Tatum at all, of course. It's just a scary situation. And, we probably won't hear much, like with Amile.

Praying it won't be anything but a sprain. He is a good kid and such a fine player. He could be a pure NBA scorer.

So if it is s fracture how long is the rehab time after healed? Would we be looking at mid January before he suits up?
Let's think worst case scenario, this is an injury the team can absorb. Despite his ridiculous talent level, his role is that of a scorer, which IMO we have a wealth. A combo in minutes of Luke and Frank can take that loss. The efficiency may be a little lower but it can be worked with, and if it was going to happen, this is the best time for it to happen. Mid season or right before the tourney would have hurt bad.

If it happens again down the road, now the team has functioned without and knows how to make it work.

For a bad situation, it's fortunate to have occurred now.
Every year it's somebody, my gosh. Who will it be next year????
4 Guards in Frank, Grayson, Matt, and Luke. 4 Bigs in Amile, Marques, Chase, and Javin. That's a very solid lineup. In fact, I'll go so far as to say I still think we might be the best team in the country even without Giles and Tatum.
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4 Guards in Frank, Grayson, Matt, and Luke. 4 Bigs in Amile, Marques, Chase, and Javin. That's a very solid lineup. In fact, I'll go so far as to say I still think we might be the best team in the country even without Giles and Tatum.

With K st the helm, I'd agree. One thing Tatum allows is no help D or double team. A roster without him becomes a little more guardable but not necessarily shut down.

Losing Amile would be horrible.
This is a huge blow....but what can you do? Injuries are part of the game. With Giles and Tatum in the lineup we're clearly the most talented team in the country, but without them we're still not terrible.
This sucks but we are lucky to have great depth and talent across the board. Some of our teams of the past couldn't survive two studs going down but we can absorb it and still be a contender. It sucks but I feel lucky to be in this position with the loaded roster we have. Hopefully they heal quick and we can bulldoze our way to #6.
Any scenario where Jayson comes back and plays meaningful games for our team this year will be good news. Not just for us as fans but for Jayson as an individual. I'm sure he has worked his entire life for this one year which will set him up to make millions. I'm cautiously optimistic hearing what has been revealed and what has been reported to date that we will see him suit up this year. Here's to hoping that is true
True, one thing that I'll say about RR as far as Tatum's injury is that there were only a few posters that made ridiculous comments but most posters said how much it sucks that Tatum got hurt. I can't say the same about THR though.

U got it right........we have a few LOUD jerks, but most of us want to play the best at their best..........SEC is weak, but look at our OOC games 6/7.
Can we just go ahead and address the obvious? When is somebody on the staff going to look into this long rash of foot injuries and perhaps decide it may not just be regular basketball injuries? We have what seems to be the most consistent year-to-year foot injuries of any top program. Is it the shoes? Perhaps too much concentrated work on that area of the body during the summer? I don't know. All I know is that this is becoming way too consistent and at the very least it should be looked into, if it hasn't already. Sigh... Sorry guys, just very annoyed this has happened yet again to a kid.