
I don't think he was negative...apprehensive is probably the better word for it. I don't blame anyone for that. But I think the writing was the on the wall for this one for a while.

As I've told Show....premium is well worth it at DI. We have some pretty connected individuals.
I agree with DJ. Show is very passionate about Duke. Just as I am with UK.

But I think both of us hate when our fanbase is so sure we'll get a player that we think it might jinx us.

I have always said I thought he was Duke bound. I said it many times here to jinx Duke. ;)

In all seriousness, y'all got a great kid and great player. I wish we could have pulled this one out.

Congrats!!! Especially to Show and Denn.

And I hope he has a complete quick recovery. Injuries suck.
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Show is one of the great Duke fans we have on here. As DJ said, apprehensive describes it best.

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I've never been negative about Giles recruitment. I have been negative about all the clowns who say we already have him 5 months before the commitment.Say it looks like we got him or we are clearly the favorite. It just doesn't look good and I'm sure Giles wanted his announcement to be special, not a "everybody already knew moment". Yes, we got him , and none of you are as happy as I am about that, but some of the stuff I read, not as many here , but other Duke boards looked like braggart, cocky azzholes, dogging other schools saying we already have him and such. that stuff pisses me off. Same with people saying "This is next years lineup" and add 2 or 3 unsecured recruits in it like they know we have them. Just don't like it. 5times, I don't know who you are, but you definitely don't know me if you think i'm ever anything negative concerning Duke. I go through the fire almost daily for it. I eat , drink and sleep it son.
I am with Show on this one. I have had kids commit within hours of yelling me that they were going to make all of their visits. Never know what a teenager will do
I know this is going to sound odd coming from me but maybe that "nanner puddin" just ain't what it used to be. :D OFC
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nope, 0l Roy is gonna need something besides the nanner puddin' to get it done next year.

You know something Show people who know what real good "nanner puddin" should be is that it's made from scratch with all natural ingredients and it takes some effort and time. I just wonder if Wanda has started using some imitation ingredients which are really fake and just makes it so easy. As Heyman25 would say do you catch my drift here. OFC
I'd say she's switched it up sky. Roy prob doesn't know or he woulda dropped the hammer already
I'd say she's switched it up sky. Roy prob doesn't know or he woulda dropped the hammer already

He's gotta know she's made the switch pisgah. He's been eating the real stuff for years. H just knows.;) OFC
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I've never been negative about Giles recruitment. I have been negative about all the clowns who say we already have him 5 months before the commitment.Say it looks like we got him or we are clearly the favorite. It just doesn't look good and I'm sure Giles wanted his announcement to be special, not a "everybody already knew moment". Yes, we got him , and none of you are as happy as I am about that, but some of the stuff I read, not as many here , but other Duke boards looked like braggart, cocky azzholes, dogging other schools saying we already have him and such. that stuff pisses me off. Same with people saying "This is next years lineup" and add 2 or 3 unsecured recruits in it like they know we have them. Just don't like it. 5times, I don't know who you are, but you definitely don't know me if you think i'm ever anything negative concerning Duke. I go through the fire almost daily for it. I eat , drink and sleep it son.
Realistically, it was over long before 5 months ago
Everything is easy to predict once it's happened. I told you the first day of last season we would win it all. See how easy that is?
I'm just looking forward to seeing Show more when the season begins.

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