
20+ years of academic fraud in the service of athletics = retain titles. Live with a family friend? Banner down. Randy Moss' daughter btw. #GDTBATH...,

The women's basketball team at Thomas More College, a Division III institution in Kentucky, will be stripped of its national championship title because a star player lived with a former assistant coach while recovering from a knee injury. The National Collegiate Athletic Association on Tuesday announced that the college violated NCAA rules by allowing the athlete, Sydney Moss, to stay with the assistant coach, Jerry Allen, who was a volunteer with the program at the time, but also a longtime family friend.

Hypocrisy at its peak.....
Another school gets hammered for ( compared to unx's ) minor infractions...

NCAA Sanctions Southern for Lack of Institutional Control

Southern University "lacked institutional control when it failed to monitor its eligibility certification process, did not properly apply financial aid rules and did not comply with academic performance penalties,"

The association said that several errors occurred when the university attempted to transfer its academic records from an "outdated system to a new system," and that the athletic department did a poor job of record keeping. The mistakes led to 218 athletes across all of the university's sport programs being improperly certified.

Southern University also exceeded scholarship limits in five sports when it failed to properly apply financial aid rules to tuition waivers provided by the state of Louisiana to college athletes.

The NCAA placed the university on probation for five years and will vacate records of games in which athletes participated while ineligible
unx gets a mention. "COMMENTS" section too...

Making a case for character over talent in sports – Jacobs

Then there’s North Carolina, which persists in denial of gaining athletic advantage from systematic academic shenanigans across nearly two decades. “There’s a widespread perception that schools can get away with all kinds of questionable if not outright immoral activity and the sanctions are pretty light,” says Wake’s Miller, citing Louisville and UNC. “Years down the road, they’re going to be right back where they were to start with.”
Another one. If these schools accept anything the NCAA throws at 'em , they're crazy. Just adopt "The unx Defense" an' tell Indy to eff off....

NCAA investigating alleged academic fraud at Mizzou

A former University of Missouri tutor has blown the whistle on alleged academic fraud within the school’s athletic department.

Three months after closing an investigation into improprieties within the men’s basketball program, Mizzou announced Tuesday evening that it is under investigation again for potential NCAA rules violations.

The tutor speaks....

Here is the full text of Kumar’s social-media post:

“I have knowingly participated in academic dishonesty in my position as a tutor at the University of Missouri-Columbia Intercollegiate Athletic department, which is not limited to assistance with assignments. I have taken and assisted with entrance assessment, completed entire courses, and I been present to provide assistance with online assessments. It was encouraged, promoted, and supported by at least two Academic Coordinators for athletes in revenue generating sports, however, the wide spread desperation to succeed by other student-athletes at the bottom of an inverted pyramid of the organization’s construct cross (sic) multiple sports. I self-reported on November 2 and naively wanted to close the door on the manner after seeking counsel. I immediately resigned from my position on November 7 prior to meeting with a member for compliance, general counsel, and an individual that reports to the chancellor.

“You are able to see this post because I respect and honor your thoughts of me. I wanted you to hear it from me first. I apologize for disappointing you.

“I just can’t carry this burden anymore.”

To date , has Jennifer Wiley spoken publicly about her role in the unx scandal. Did unx allow her to do so? Ever?
Joel Klatt: "BTW , 2 years worth of wins for a couple of individuals that committed academic fraud and yet NC didn't have to vacate the 17 years worth of wins. What they had down there with the paper classes and the institutional instability in their academic department. We're not even talkin' about a couple of kids cheating , NC's athletic department was fraudulent academically and they're not vacating 17...(sarcastically) Thanks NCAA. Good consistency."

Jason McIntyre: "Well said , Joel."

Sorry if I'm step on someone's toes with this comment...

Are we sure that Hillary and her staff isn't behind all this??? I mean she did delete and deny that she sent any emails. Maybe she had her hand in this too.
Danny Green. Insightful comment. Lol. Julius Hodge smacks 'im. Lol...

What I don't get is their defense that it was offered to the general body so it's a school problem and wasn't for the athletes.

By that logic, if they offered 500k to 3 prospects and then gave one random student 500k it would be ok. Since it involved a regular student it is a school issue and had nothing to do with sports.
What I don't get is their defense that it was offered to the general body so it's a school problem and wasn't for the athletes.

Having non-athletes in the classes was a crucial part of the scam. unx presents it just as you said..."school problem." Obviously , that's bs. It was NECESSARY to have non-athletes in the courses to avoid red flags. If anyone ever looked at what was going on , the fraud would be glaring. "Hey! What's up with all these fake classes filled with nuthin' but jocks?!" What unx did was simply flesh out the rosters with a few regular students. E-mails attest to that. Crowder , Boxill et al say the same thing to each other..."I have no problem adding so-and-so to that class. It's not full yet yada yada yada." Also , there's another word involved..."bifurcated." Wainstein discovered that many of these classes were "bifurcated." That is , the regular students did regular work while the jocks did nothing. Plus , many of these classes were stocked with fanboys. Students who enjoyed sitting next to their football and basketball heroes. "Yo dude , check it out! I've got a class with PJ Hairston! Sits right next to me...when he bothers to show up anyway." There's testimony from these students talkin' about it. In one case , a jock did nuthin' but he would bring snacks from the cafeteria to everyone. In another , the class would end and the jocks and the regular students would start joking...

ATHLETE: "Ya'll study real hard for that test tomorrow!"

STUDENT: "Ya'll study real hard too. Give us a shout if ya wanna meet up in the library or something."

ATHLETE: "Yeah , we might do that."

Afterwards , everyone laughs together. One of the kids said everyone knew what was up they just didn't care. He said they were "starstruck." Yeah , this notion that the courses weren't specifically designed to commit fraud is pure unx PR. We could get even deeper with it if ya wanna consider that unx chose AFAM to be the heart of this instead of , say , Math or Science or whatever. unx would never in a million years pimp out their Math dept this way. AFAM? "Sure. Why not? No one cares about it. AFAM's not a legit field of study anyway , right?" I've spoken with Jay Smith AND Cookie Newsom ( both profs at unx ) about this. Each speaks of how incredibly exploitative and racist this was ( and how sad it was that so many AA teachers , athletes , administrators , coaches and fans looked the other way ) but that's a topic for another time.
Column: Irish face NCAA wrath, while UNC remains on the lam

Remember North Carolina? The Tar Heels have been mired in a massive academic fraud scandal going back more than two decades that has led to five NCAA charges, a corruption scandal far more troubling and far-reaching than the substitute schoolwork that went on at Notre Dame. Heck, what the Irish did sounds downright quaint by comparison.

Yet, the NCAA has still not levied any punishment on Tobacco Road, allowing the case to devolve into a legal mumbo-jumbo that seems to be sending a clear message to future rule-breakers: it’s best to delay, delay and delay some more.

Despite a massive body of evidence, North Carolina has yet to face any sort of justice. Instead, this has become the worst episode of “Law & Order” ever.

If the folks at Notre Dame sound a bit frustrated, they have every right to be.

They’ve felt the wrath of the NCAA, while the Tar Heels remain on the lam.

What a travesty.
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Having non-athletes in the classes was a crucial part of the scam. unx presents it just as you said..."school problem." Obviously , that's bs. It was NECESSARY to have non-athletes in the courses to avoid red flags. If anyone ever looked at what was going on , the fraud would be glaring. "Hey! What's up with all these fake classes filled with nuthin' but jocks?!" What unx did was simply flesh out the rosters with a few regular students. E-mails attest to that. Crowder , Boxill et al say the same thing to each other..."I have no problem adding so-and-so to that class. It's not full yet yada yada yada." Also , there's another word involved..."bifurcated." Wainstein discovered that many of these classes were "bifurcated." That is , the regular students did regular work while the jocks did nothing. Plus , many of these classes were stocked with fanboys. Students who enjoyed sitting next to their football and basketball heroes. "Yo dude , check it out! I've got a class with PJ Hairston! Sits right next to me...when he bothers to show up anyway."

"Hey PJ ever find the gun you tossed at the roadblock!!!??"

"Yeah dude, all I had to do was keep ol Roy's grandkids couple hours to get it back!!"



This all happens at the same time in the world of the NCAA, where there are still no sanctions, none, against the University of North Carolina, where hundreds of athletes took preposterous, fraud African-American courses, over two decades, that were as soft as ice cream, in plain sight.

Obviously, all of these situations are different as you go from school to school, and you can only take equivalencies so far. Still: You put the lack of institutional control, at all levels, in Chapel Hill up against what we now know was happening at Notre Dame, and you can see that the definition of justice at the NCAA remains a rather fluid thing. Somewhat like an oil slick.

Did Notre Dame deserve to get clipped here? Sure. Did they deserve to be perp-walked like this as the NCAA fell back on the burlesque of vacated wins, while North Carolina skates the way it does on sham courses? Come on. And on what planet?

"Ultimately, the NCAA concluded that it had conducted a sufficient investigation, that no NCAA bylaws had been violated by academic irregularities in the Department, and that the Notice of Allegations did not need to be amended," Carolina's lawyers wrote not long ago.

The laugh lines, of course, are "sufficient investigation," and the one about no NCAA bylaws being violated. If that is the case, even in the nuanced world of cynical and advanced lawyering, then they need new bylaws. Or new investigators. Or both...
Saw some Southern Cal fans on Twitter discussing the current Notre Dame situation. They were enjoying the Irish' latest NCAA troubles while some felt like the Trojans were dealt with too harshly. Anyway , this one guy also blames Notre Dame's Missy Conboy for hammering USC...

Another Trojan fan chimed in. He blamed Conboy AND Joanne Potuto...

The name "Joanne Potuto" rang a bell with me. No wonder...

During NCAA review, UNC gets advice from former infractions chief

Jo Potuto, a law professor at Nebraska, is a former chair of the NCAA Committee on Infractions and remains a substitute on the committee. She has been consulting for the law firm hired by UNC to help with any potential infractions case stemming from its academic scandal involving roughly 1,500 athletes.

For more than a decade, she has served on the panel that hands down punishments to universities that violate NCAA regulations, including two years as its chair.

But several weeks ago, she began a paid consulting job assisting UNC-Chapel Hill with what appears to be a landmark case of academic fraud that benefited athletes and is now under NCAA investigation.

Neither administrative officials nor the faculty leader at Nebraska sees a problem with her doing the work, but some who cast a critical eye on college sports say it’s a job Potuto should not have taken. To them, it shows another problem with a college sports regulatory structure riddled with conflicts of interest.

Nathan Tublitz, a University of Oregon professor and former co-chairman of the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics, a faculty-led group pushing for more academic integrity in college sports, called Potuto’s consulting “outrageous” because she remains a faculty athletic representative at Nebraska. That’s an NCAA-required position intended to uphold the academic integrity of the institution and ensure that athletes receive a true educational opportunity.

“She should be representing high academic standards,” Tublitz said. “She should not be getting paid to try and get another university out of academic trouble.”

Potuto , while not a unx alum , DID work there...

Potuto teaches constitutional law, procedure, federal jurisdiction, and sports law. She has been a visiting professor of law at the University of Arizona, Rutgers University, the Cardozo College of Law at New York's Yeshiva University, the University of Oregon, the University of North Carolina, and Seton Hall University. She has worked as an assistant prosecutor in both the Essex and Morris County (N.J.) prosecutor's offices.

Obviously , as the story alludes to , the potential for conflict of interest is there. Plus , how is it that both USC and Notre Dame are hammered while the holes continue to skate? How is it that Potuto , with ties to unx , is allowed to "consult" for them in a situation where the school is desperately trying to AVOID sanctions?! Yet again , unx has friends in high (low) places. Marcus Wilson , Vince Ille , John Skipper , Jack Evans....

An interview with Roy Williams: Part II

Andrew Carter: The NCAA investigation at UNC is ongoing but when it comes to recruiting, do you feel like you're on the other side of it?

Roy Williams: You know, it's strange, because the (high school) senior class is still asking about it and the junior class is not saying a word, because they just realize that it's going to be over with, and the people that have used this in the negative recruiting aren't saying it to the juniors. Maybe they'll be saying it to the seniors next year, if it's not over. But I'm hoping it'll be over with in my lifetime. I'm hopeful.

AC: But are you hearing about it less, overall, with this senior class?

RW: Yes. Because people do see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is information out there, there is the notice of allegations, there is information on that. So people are able to look and see it.

AC: Has the NCAA case been the main factor in recent years in not signing the so-called best of the best high school players, those like Brandon Ingram?

RW: Well, you never know. But Brandon made a great decision. I mean, it worked out pretty well for Brandon Ingram, too. And I'm not saying that it didn't, by any means. Because it worked out pretty doggone well for him. But it's been harmful, there's no question. And just with what's happened. I'm not going to sit up here and cry about it and all this kind of stuff, or make excuses. We're going to recruit, and we're going to work hard and see what happens. … Yeah, it's been harmful. The sensationalism, the negative recruiting and everything. But, we did play the last Monday night. And even before that, Marcus Paige's first three years, we won 75 games. Most programs would take 75 games in three years. So we did OK.

Roy acknowledging the negative impact of the scandal on his recruiting. Carter , of course , lacks the cojones to ask 'im about Roy's growing rep as a career-killer.
It never ends. Kane...

How UNC basketball’s academic aide may be connected to bogus classes

In 2007, when Eric Hoots was a video coordinator for UNC-Chapel Hill’s men’s basketball team, he sent an email to Deborah Crowder, the architect of the bogus “paper” classes that existed for nearly two decades.

In that message, he forwarded “AFAM Papers” to Crowder, who was the office manager for the African and Afro-American Studies department. “Thanks for the help,” he wrote. “I will see you soon...”

A second email involving Hoots has the same subject. It lists two attachments, described as “summerpaper1.doc; summerpaper2.doc.”

UNC redacted the sender’s name and the date of the email, which suggests the sender is a student.

It never ends. Kane...

How UNC basketball’s academic aide may be connected to bogus classes

In 2007, when Eric Hoots was a video coordinator for UNC-Chapel Hill’s men’s basketball team, he sent an email to Deborah Crowder, the architect of the bogus “paper” classes that existed for nearly two decades.

In that message, he forwarded “AFAM Papers” to Crowder, who was the office manager for the African and Afro-American Studies department. “Thanks for the help,” he wrote. “I will see you soon...”

A second email involving Hoots has the same subject. It lists two attachments, described as “summerpaper1.doc; summerpaper2.doc.”

UNC redacted the sender’s name and the date of the email, which suggests the sender is a student.

C'mon DJ, we can't expect ol Roy to keep up with all FIVE of his staffers. He's got more important things to do, like manage his rentals properties and polish his timeout collection.
Interesting stuff. First of all , I just noticed something from the previous link...

A profile from 2014 shows Hoots wearing many hats. That job includes his video coordinator duties as well as helping with recruiting and keeping up with former players. He also manages the team’s budget and equipment needs. Hoots is paid $100,000 a year, UNC officials said.

Seems kinda stout given those duties but whatever. Anyway , Kane's article is still up but now with a response from unx mouthpiece , Rick White. Kinda unusual for the holes to issue an immediate response like this. Generally speaking , they seem content to not say much of anything much less fire back right after a story. Hopefully , DK pushed a button and the holes wanna try and get out in front of it before it goes anywhere. We'll see...

Rick White, UNC-Chapel Hill’s associate vice chancellor for communications, wrote this letter to the editor in response to the story about Eric Hoots:

There’s a practice in journalism: any story with the words “may” or “might” in the headline isn’t really a story. Dan Kane’s story about Eric Hoots (“How UNC basketball’s academic aide may be connected to bogus classes Nov. 1”) fits that rule to a T.

Some key facts about Hoots’ responsibilities were omitted. Hoots is a liaison with the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes and has no counseling or academic responsibilities – and never has. To be clear, we provided Kane that information but he left it out.

Kane’s story implies the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a mere formality that we “could” ignore and easily provide him with a student’s academic information. He knows better. We can’t. It’s a federal privacy law to protect the rights of all students.

Professional newspapers don’t have to resort to innuendo because they have facts to back up what they publish. The News & Observer didn’t. Yet again, Kane was allowed to write his own narrative instead of reporting the facts. The final word on this story should be Kane’s apology to Eric Hoots.
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From back in October...

UNC coaching staff: Eric Hoots – Director of Player Development

The UNC coaching staff consists of seven individuals working to make the program as strong as possible. Over the next few weeks, I will be spotlighting each member of the staff, to give our UNC readers some background information. The first edition of this series will be the Director of Player Development, Eric Hoots.

When Roy Williams came back to Chapel Hill in 2004, Hoots began his tenure as head manager. He served three seasons as the varsity manager before Williams’ return. In 2004, he graduated with a degree in communications. Hoots has been a fixture to the UNC coaching staff since 2001.

His responsibilities cannot be summed up quickly. There are multiple tasks vital to the success of the program for which he is responsible. He serves as an assistant to the Athletic Coordinator as well. A job that consists of thankless, but important work....
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From back in October...

UNC coaching staff: Eric Hoots – Director of Player Development

The UNC coaching staff consists of seven individuals working to make the program as strong as possible. Over the next few weeks, I will be spotlighting each member of the staff, to give our UNC readers some background information. The first edition of this series will be the Director of Player Development, Eric Hoots.

When Roy Williams came back to Chapel Hill in 2004, Hoots began his tenure as head manager. He served three seasons as the varsity manager before Williams’ return. In 2004, he graduated with a degree in communications. Hoots has been a fixture to the UNC coaching staff since 2001.

His responsibilities cannot be summed up quickly. There are multiple tasks vital to the success of the program for which he is responsible. He serves as an assistant to the Athletic Coordinator as well. A job that consists of thankless, but important work....

Yet, STILL after all these NEW REVELATIONS, Williams had NO CLUE!!!???
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B-Rad whining. This is hilarious....


That’s why I’m appalled that Dan Kane wrote the article he did this week, focused entirely on calling Eric’s integrity into question. Kane provided no evidence other than an ambiguous email that likely had nothing to do with any basketball players.

From DK's article...

How UNC basketball’s academic aide may be connected to bogus classes

From Rick White's rebuttal...

There’s a practice in journalism: any story with the words “may” or “might” in the headline isn’t really a story.

Briefly. White and B-Rad complain about ambiguity and the use of the words "may" or "might." Yet there's the shoe salesman stating definitely that the e-mails in question LIKELY had nothing to do with basketball. "LIKELY?!" It doesn't get anymore "ambiguous" than that and it's certainly no better than "may" or "might." Too funny.
Such an organized cluster you know what of shenanigans from BOT,RC,ADMIN,ATHLETICS......
For anyone with a print edition of the N & O that features the Hoots story....hearin' the ambiguity of the headline ("MAY have ties...") has been changed. Not sure of the exact wording but the headline is more definitive now as in "DOES have ties etc." The online version hasn't changed. If anyone has it please take a pic and post it here. Thanks.
Another source picks up the Hoots story...

Report ties North Carolina academic scandal closer to basketball program

North Carolina basketball fans might’ve thought Wednesday’s loss to Indiana was going to be the worst part of the week.

But Thursday, the program was back in the college sports news for its on-going academic scandal, as Dan Kane of the Raleigh News & Observer released an investigative piece that aroused suspicion about the basketball program’s ties to the scandal.

Journalists and fans of fellow blue blood programs, such as SEC powerhouse Kentucky, definitely took notice.
unx 5th from last. Those reforms have really made a difference. Lulz...


unx alum Bob Lee...

CHAOS …Confusion & “That Guy”

For those of you who are 7-8 year members of the TGU ( The Great Unpleasantness ) Lynch Mob…. Would you be satified if UNC simply “forfeits W’s” for X seasons? Even the incessant droning of “tear down the banners” is, at the end of the day meaningless.

The obnoxious UNC fans you so despise with every fiber of your being will never admit to whatever that “forfeiting” is suppose to mean. There would be no “perp walk” or being publicly pilloried and assaulted with rotting produce.

UNCBB’s “That Guy” Revealed….

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The Holiday Bowl of Blame Games

Speaking of football, Notre Dame has thrown a monkey wrench in the NCAA ruling on the UNC case. The cartel is now in the ‘damned if they do and damned if they don’t‘ category with regards to sanctioning the entire UNC athletic program. Darn those Fighting Irish. I met Jack Swarbrick early in 2015 down in Florida and he said that they do it ‘right’ at ND. Oops. Without transparency and disclosure, it’s best not to say anything at all. The truth is in the transcripts.

UNC officials want to leave the past in the past. They know the truth because it’s right there in front of their eyes – in the transcripts. For example the transcript of one famous basketball player will show that while he was having a breakout season playing professional ball, he was taking three classes: an independent study (Afri 190), a ‘distance’ class (EXTN 100) and a lecture turned paper class (Afri 65). Two were ‘with’ Professor Nyang‘oro so of course he received good grades. He never finished the distance class.

In the case of UNC, what about the three basketball players (two already off playing in the NBA) who according to their transcripts were ‘taking’ paper classes during the summer of 2007? Together they took 9 paper classes plus Ethics of Sport with Jan. UNC says: Let’s not muddy the waters by drawing attention to a couple of randomly redacted emails – think about the harm it might do to someone’s personal and professional life. Can we just please move on? Leave the past in the past. Blame it on the N&O and Dan Kane. If it wasn’t for him, we would all be fine. Why does he have to keep asking about student records? Our in-house expert sociologist #studyofsocialsystems said that “it’s not really particularly interesting or important to me”. #moveforward

I’m quite certain that Buckley never intended for FERPA to be used to cover up academic fraud. My guess is that fake classes and bogus grades are not covered under FERPA, especially if the transcripts are de-identified.

If de-identified athlete transcripts were out there for all to see, maybe I wouldn’t have received this tweet in April 2014:


Oops again. Some of those NBA degrees were finished with paper classes. My “agenda” is to point out that reality and the myth behind it.


I guess someone in South Building was sleeping. Lots of leaders have been sleeping in Chapel Hill for 23 years. A real Rip Van Winkle tale. The Carolina Way, as usual, is reactive and not proactive. That much is clear. But, hey we have a basketball program and more importantly a brand to protect. Dadgummit. We love basketball more than God Almighty. We work doggone hard to make big salaries every year off of the backs of the free lunch crowd, our athletes, who receive nothing in exchange for their talent. Back off, they say at UNC. Better yet. Apologize.

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