
Folt should take charge of scandal mess at UNC

Had the university been more forthcoming from the start, had it not cloaked itself in the “Carolina Way” and simply refused to believe that the problems were as serious as they were, this could have been put to be long ago. The latest fuss between the university and the NCAA is frustrating for the university’s constituency. Folt needs to take charge in a public way and do what has to be done to write the last chapter on this sorry story.

Don't look for her to do ANYTHING...She will stay isolated from it, because thats what RCers want. She's their puppet. Her predecessor fired Butch, and that was beginning of end for him...

Ya can't make this stuff up. Only unx could make this kinda argument with a straight face. "Yeah , we cheated our azzes off and you guys knew about it , but we can't be sanctioned for it because ya didn't do so the first time ya investigated us and found out about it...the cheating , I mean." The NCAA , proving either their ineptitude or complicity ( or both! ) , respond by saying something we've all known for 6 years now..."We had no idea the cesspool was this deep because you guys lied about it and withheld info at the time." Duh. So much for all that "transparency" we've heard about. Reason #350 why , IMO , the NCAA is as much complicit as gullible. A smaller school with less influence woulda never received the kid-glove treatment from Emmert and Co. the way the holes did. The smaller school wouldn't have the cajones or cash to defend themselves and the NCAA would never believe such obvious lies anyway. But they did...from unx. Disgusting. Check this out. The holes distinguish themselves further...


#HangABanner. Gawd. What a sheethole...

What did the NCAA know, and when? The answer lies in the (secret) UNC interviews

UNC-Chapel Hill is expected to argue at a special NCAA hearing Friday that it shouldn’t be hit with infractions over the long-running academic fraud case because NCAA investigators took no action five years ago when it began to surface.

At that time, the NCAA was pursuing violations of impermissible perks from agents and impermissible academic help from a tutor, all involving the football team. The NCAA says it didn’t know how significant the scheme of bogus classes was at the time, in part because UNC didn’t produce all the information it could have then.
UNC has jurisdictional hearing with NCAA on Friday

The University of North Carolina on Friday will meet with the NCAA for a jurisdictional meeting -- and not a Committee on Infractions hearing -- a team spokesperson told ESPN on Wednesday.

In its response to the NCAA's notice of allegations, the university argued that the NCAA did not have the right to punish the school for academic issues because it was not in the national organization's purview.
North Carolina officials meet with NCAA panel in academic case

The University of North Carolina appeared before an NCAA infractions committee panel Friday for a procedural hearing in the multiyear academic case.

Athletic director Bubba Cunningham told The Associated Press the meeting lasted about five hours in Indianapolis but wouldn't comment on details.

"We are now looking forward to the next phase of the process," said Cunningham, adding there was no timetable for a ruling.

WTF?! So unx is gonna continue to drag this out while simultaneously whining about how it's the NCAA's fault for not handling it expeditiously?! #carolinaway And how 'bout Bubba? No details from 'im. More of that "transparency" we've heard so much about. Gawd. Just burn it to the ground. Seriously. No interest whatsoever in anything other than cheating with impunity , winning ballgames and protecting the legacy of DES.
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Lessons from a book and a trial: The N&O will keep digging

Sometimes our investigative reporting is unpopular with a segment of the public, as with our coverage of the athletic and academic scandals at UNC-Chapel Hill during the past six years. When our reporting is widely praised, it can help The N&O’s reputation, or “brand,” but that is difficult to measure, Hamilton writes
Joe Ovies. Part of the problem. NC sports media hasn't held unx to any accountability. If half of 'em performed due journalistic diligence , all this woulda been over by now...

Dan Kane@dankanenando

What did the NCAA know, and when? The answer lies in the (secret) UNC interviews

Joe Ovies ‏@joeovies

Maybe it’s me, but having a hard time following here. Kane saying NCAA hasn’t seen everything, or simply we haven’t?

Dan Kane@dankanenando

@joeovies UNC belongs to the public, Joe. The public's supposed to have a pretty good idea how it's run. The public, meanwhile, can't determine who has the truer take because much of what was done in 2011 is still secret. Capiche? 2/2

Joe Ovies ‏@joeovies

@dankanenando I got the “us” part, and frankly, we’ll never see it b/c that’s what institutions do. Thanks for clarifying the NCAA part.
Joe Ovies. Part of the problem. NC sports media hasn't held unx to any accountability. If half of 'em performed due journalistic diligence , all this woulda been over by now...

Dan Kane@dankanenando

What did the NCAA know, and when? The answer lies in the (secret) UNC interviews

Joe Ovies ‏@joeovies

Maybe it’s me, but having a hard time following here. Kane saying NCAA hasn’t seen everything, or simply we haven’t?

Dan Kane@dankanenando

@joeovies UNC belongs to the public, Joe. The public's supposed to have a pretty good idea how it's run. The public, meanwhile, can't determine who has the truer take because much of what was done in 2011 is still secret. Capiche? 2/2

Joe Ovies ‏@joeovies

@dankanenando I got the “us” part, and frankly, we’ll never see it b/c that’s what institutions do. Thanks for clarifying the NCAA part.

Here's my take on vast majority of UNC FANBOY MEDIA:

Its a twofold stance against DK....

1/How dare he keep investigating our Tar Heels???

2/Tremendous JEALOUSY...its eating at em DK is showing em up at their own craft. Deep down they wish they had half the kajones he possesses...

Go back to covering your puff pieces outta Chapel Hill group. Fedora might invite Chapel Hill's finest over to UNC for another POWER LUNCH!!
Personally, I just want a ruling on this and be done with it. I hate that this is being dragged out.

No offense to your school CB, but quite frankly UNC powers that be have done much to extend the time frame....It cant all be laid at feet of other agencies such as SACS, NCAA...In fact had Marvin not fired the "tweet heard round the world," it might never have been discovered....

Personally, I just want a ruling on this and be done with it. I hate that this is being dragged out.

That would be nice. Get it over with and move on. But one thing is for sure. That dirt is still under the rug. It hasn't been cleaned up yet and forgetting about it is not going to to get it clean. It will be there forever until it's cleaned up. OFC
unx coulda wrapped this up years ago. Doing so would require them accepting responsibility & self-sanctioning. Neither of which unx has any intention of doing. They're dug in now. They've spent north of 20 million as it is. They'll spend another 20.
unx coulda wrapped this up years ago. Doing so would require them accepting responsibility & self-sanctioning. Neither of which unx has any intention of doing. They're dug in now. They've spent north of 20 million as it is. They'll spend another 20.

RC'ers pockets deeper than Old Well....
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Kinda interesting that unx hasn't leaked anything about Friday's meeting. I'm still firmly in the , "This Is All Theater" camp but ya could make an argument that had things gone their way , the holes woulda leaked something by now...if not called a presser and made an official announcement of some sort.
No offense to your school CB, but quite frankly UNC powers that be have done much to extend the time frame....It cant all be laid at feet of other agencies such as SACS, NCAA...In fact had Marvin not fired the "tweet heard round the world," it might never have been discovered....


Based on observation, my impression is that UNC and their team of lawyers believe they can fight this out based on technicality. Whether or not it works remains to be seen. But if you ask me personally, I would've rather seen us take some sort of self imposed punishment than have this hang over us like a dark cloud.

That would be nice. Get it over with and move on. But one thing is for sure. That dirt is still under the rug. It hasn't been cleaned up yet and forgetting about it is not going to to get it clean. It will be there forever until it's cleaned up. OFC

I'm no legal expert. But if you were UNC what would you do? And do you believe the same practices are occurring now that supposedly existed between 93 and 2011? Because Marcus Paige was an academic all-American last year. And Chapel Hill is still an excellent school and was recommended to me by more than a few professors in college for grad school.
Based on observation, my impression is that UNC and their team of lawyers believe they can fight this out based on technicality. Whether or not it works remains to be seen. But if you ask me personally, I would've rather seen us take some sort of self imposed punishment than have this hang over us like a dark cloud.

I'm no legal expert. But if you were UNC what would you do? And do you believe the same practices are occurring now that supposedly existed between 93 and 2011? Because Marcus Paige was an academic all-American last year. And Chapel Hill is still an excellent school and was recommended to me by more than a few professors in college for grad school.

"Supposedly existed between '93 and 2011?" "Supposedly existed" when the mother of all investigations proved they did???Even an ex governor had to go back and say it was an "academic AND athletic scandal."

Marcus Paige continues to get hailed as a poster boy for all which is OK at UNC now, but its going to take more than one athlete to erase decades of shenanigans...

However I digress...To answer your question you would certainly like to think controls are in place to halt such activity again. I think part of the problem is if UNC does escape as you say on "technicality," other rival fans, schools, coaches, administrators fear they could very well stoop to such levels again in the future...JMO....OFC
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Based on observation, my impression is that UNC and their team of lawyers believe they can fight this out based on technicality. Whether or not it works remains to be seen. But if you ask me personally, I would've rather seen us take some sort of self imposed punishment than have this hang over us like a dark cloud.

I'm no legal expert. But if you were UNC what would you do? And do you believe the same practices are occurring now that supposedly existed between 93 and 2011? Because Marcus Paige was an academic all-American last year. And Chapel Hill is still an excellent school and was recommended to me by more than a few professors in college for grad school.

Seriously I would hope that I would have enough integrity and dignity to do the right thing. And if I were an unc fan I would ask that if the carolina way is what it's claimed to be then do it the carolina way. But that's me. OFC
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unx hasn't stopped they're just doing the athletic/academic equivalent of "laying low until this all blows over." EXSS is the "new" AFAM. It was also part of the "old" AFAM but seems to be the favorite spot for unx athletes to "cluster." Not a bad department to do so either. Deb Stroman is a complete racial/athletic sell-out so her involvement guarantees many more 90 plus percent grad rates in the future.

Marcus Paige continues to get hailed as a poster boy for all which is OK at UNC now, but its going to take more than one athlete to erase decades of shenanigans...

Exactly. Decades of the most egregious cheating ever recorded and unx fans point to Paige as if he's representative of their "carolina commitment." And not fer nuthin' but given unx's history , why should Marcus receive the benefit of the doubt? McCants was a good student too. More than capable of handling his studies and playin' ball. He was a kid and unx offered 'im a deal. He took the path of least resistance and ya really can't blame 'im. unx ENCOURAGED athletes to take the AFAM train. Young guys playin' ball at unx? All that attention lavished on 'em. No surprise they may have lacked the maturity and foresight to do the right thing. And Marcus Paige would be any different than those kids...for what reason?

Seriously I would hope that I would have enough integrity and dignity to do the right thing. And if I were an unc fan I would ask that if the carolina way is what it's claimed to be then do it the carolina way. But that's me. OFC

Me too. Were it Duke , I'd be ashamed if they handled it this way...and I'd damn-sure say so too. Because of unx's PR efforts , they've convinced their fans they're innocent and unjustly accused. Take that and combine it with the millions spent to avoid sanctions and , well , there's almost zero chance unx concedes now. The Ram's Club is dug in. They'll spend whatever it takes and drag this out as long as they have to. #carolinaway
The holes will probably escape the sanctions deserved but , fwiw , they will never regain the luster of their vaunted "carolina way." THAT , sports fans , is dead an' gone forever. Sure , it probably matters little to this generation of tarhole fans but there's still plenty from the ol' skool who believed in Dean ( "Dean's Myth" ) and that fairy tale. Gotta be humiliating to now be included with the outlaw schools they once looked down their noses at. All the lawyers , PR and millions will never restore any of it. So while sanctions may never happen , neither will unx be able to shed their "new" image. From now until time immemorial , anytime collegiate corruption is written about or spoke of , the "flagship" will be a poster child for it. Hang a banner...

College sports in America are broken. Here’s how to fix them.

Thousands of athletes, along with other students, at the University of North Carolina, took part in an 18-year academic fraud that allowed them to receive grades without attending class or complete course work. The scandal led to the resignation of Chancellor Holden Thorp, while Roy Williams, the men’s basketball coach since 2003, received a contract extension through 2020.
Seriously I would hope that I would have enough integrity and dignity to do the right thing. And if I were an unc fan I would ask that if the carolina way is what it's claimed to be then do it the carolina way. But that's me. OFC

I certainly do not want academic fraud at one of the best institutions in the country. And I'd like to believe the idea that academics come before sports. But as we all know, it doesn't. It's not just college hoops, it's everywhere.

I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?

I have no doubt some of you would want that problem corrected. But it's also easy to call for the head of your biggest rival, knowing it would severely weaken their recruiting efforts, ability to compete, and their reputation. That's all I'm saying. I have no doubt some duke fans have been reveling in this scandal as I know some of our fans would if the shoe were on the other foot. When I first got to rivals, my impression was many UK and duke fans simply wanted to see the death penalty given to UNC as a means of revenge or spite rather than caring about the student-athlete.
unx alum Bob Lee...

Amid those towering pines the Fedorians take their annual “extra week to prepare for the triple option”…. As Bubba, Chihuahua and several million $$$$-worth of legal muscle go “behind closed doors” with The NCAA AGAIN. I have this image of Chancellor Chihuahua – bedecked in her lapel ribbons and holding a votive candle – reminding the NCAA goons “I’m from Dartmouth”.

For all their trips to Indianapolis in recent years, UNC woulda been wise to have bought a condo back in 2008.
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I certainly do not want academic fraud at one of the best institutions in the country. And I'd like to believe the idea that academics come before sports. But as we all know, it doesn't. It's not just college hoops, it's everywhere.

I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?

I have no doubt some of you would want that problem corrected. But it's also easy to call for the head of your biggest rival, knowing it would severely weaken their recruiting efforts, ability to compete, and their reputation. That's all I'm saying. I have no doubt some duke fans have been reveling in this scandal as I know some of our fans would if the shoe were on the other foot. When I first got to rivals, my impression was many UK and duke fans simply wanted to see the death penalty given to UNC as a means of revenge or spite rather than caring about the student-athlete.

See my above post. OFC
I certainly do not want academic fraud at one of the best institutions in the country. And I'd like to believe the idea that academics come before sports. But as we all know, it doesn't. It's not just college hoops, it's everywhere.

See!!!??? CB you're an intelligent one, but you fall right in the trap of SO MANY other UNC fans... When all was well and good before the scandal was uncovered, we were taught to BELIEVE in The Carolina Way. Alas, w/all the evidence of wrongdoing FAR TOO MANY use "everybody does it." Thats such a copout for a principle that was shoved down opposing fans throats for so long...

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I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?

That's two separate questions. I'll answer the 2nd one first. Would said school fight? Best anyone here can do is speculate. Some would some wouldn't. Are you implying ( and I'm not saying you are ) that if a school is "prestigious" and has the cash and lawyers to fight then they should? I say , "no." Having the resources doesn't justify it. My 2 cents. Now , the first question. I can only speak for myself because I have no idea what "most Duke fans" would do. Just to speculate ( again ) , I feel sure some would react the way some unx fans are reacting. I have no doubts about that. But me? Burn it down and start over. Banners? Down. Sanctions? At least. Wins? Gone. K? Bye. Seriously.

I have no doubt some of you would want that problem corrected. But it's also easy to call for the head of your biggest rival, knowing it would severely weaken their recruiting efforts, ability to compete, and their reputation. That's all I'm saying. I have no doubt some duke fans have been reveling in this scandal as I know some of our fans would if the shoe were on the other foot. When I first got to rivals, my impression was many UK and duke fans simply wanted to see the death penalty given to UNC as a means of revenge or spite rather than caring about the student-athlete.

Always hated unx but , at the end of the day , I respected 'em. The 2 teams had one of ( if not THE! ) best rivalries in ANY sport at ANY level. Media has traded on it as have both schools and fans. It's only sports and it ain't sacred but the rivalry WAS unique. No one's perfect with regards to what goes on in its athletic department but if any 2 schools were as close to it as possible , it was these 2. Both TRIED to do it the right way and that's part of why the rivalry was so unique. Now we find that unx hasn't even been TRYING. At all! Ever! Where's their respect for the games? The players? The fans? Maybe I was a little naive but come on! 20+ years of intentional , willful deceit and fraud?! And , again , just speaking for myself , I DO care about the SA's. They're just kids and they're already exploited to one extent or the other. Universities owe it to these kids to provide a legit education because most ain't goin' pro. unx purposely betrayed that and they did it so they could win ballgames. That's cold. If Duke is ever found guilty of that , I'll be the biggest critic.
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That's two separate questions. I'll answer the 2nd one first. Would said school fight? Best anyone here can do is speculate. Some would some wouldn't. Are you implying ( and I'm not saying you are ) that if a school is "prestigious" and has the cash and lawyers to fight then they should? I say , "no." Having the resources doesn't justify it. My 2 cents. Now , the first question. I can only speak for myself because I have no idea what "most Duke fans" would do. Just to speculate ( again ) , I feel sure some would react the way some unx fans are reacting. I have no doubts about that. But me? Burn it down and start over. Banners? Down. Sanctions? At least. Wins? Gone. K? Bye. Seriously.

Always hated unx but , at the end of the day , I respected 'em. The 2 teams had one of ( if not THE! ) best rivalries in ANY sport at ANY level. Media has traded on it as have both schools and fans. It's only sports and it ain't sacred but the rivalry WAS unique. No one's perfect with regards to what goes on in its athletic department but if any 2 schools were as close to it as possible , it was these 2. Both TRIED to do it the right way and that's part of why the rivalry was so unique. Now we find that unx hasn't even been TRYING. At all! Ever! Where's their respect for the games? The players? The fans? Maybe I was a little naive but come on! 20+ years of intentional , willful deceit and fraud?! And , again , just speaking for myself , I DO care about the SA's. They're just kids and they're already exploited to one extent or the other. Universities owe it to these kids to provide a legit education because most ain't goin' pro. unx purposely betrayed that and they did it so they could win ballgames. That's cold. If Duke is ever found guilty of that , I'll be the biggest critic.

Spot on! We found out the most sacred rivalry in ALL of college athletics has been a systemic sham!!!

Spot on! We found out the most sacred rivalry in ALL of college athletics has been a systemic sham!!!

It's been a big joke. At least that's how unx treated it. Like I said , maybe I've been naive but not only have they been lying about it , they've been pointing the dirty end of the stick at other schools while they did it. That said , let this sink in...

I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?
As a proud alumnus of the class of 2006, I'd be appalled if such things had been going on at Duke and would expect us to own up to such transgressions. I'd also be ashamed that it could reach a point where my alma mater was placed on probation by its accrediting agency, subsequently bringing into doubt the value of my degree.
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It's been a big joke. At least that's how unx treated it. Like I said , maybe I've been naive but not only have they been lying about it , they've been pointing the dirty end of the stick at other schools while they did it. That said , let this sink in...

This is the most salient point to me.I grew up in NC and had to listen to the BS about everyone other than them cheated,They are still claiming that their current recruiting woes are due to Roy not be willing to do anything unethical.I honestly do not understand how anyone can be so self delusional
This is the most salient point to me.I grew up in NC and had to listen to the BS about everyone other than them cheated,They are still claiming that their current recruiting woes are due to Roy not be willing to do anything unethical.I honestly do not understand how anyone can be so self delusional

Topps its all in the Kool-Aid...

I certainly do not want academic fraud at one of the best institutions in the country. And I'd like to believe the idea that academics come before sports. But as we all know, it doesn't. It's not just college hoops, it's everywhere.

I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?

I have no doubt some of you would want that problem corrected. But it's also easy to call for the head of your biggest rival, knowing it would severely weaken their recruiting efforts, ability to compete, and their reputation. That's all I'm saying. I have no doubt some duke fans have been reveling in this scandal as I know some of our fans would if the shoe were on the other foot. When I first got to rivals, my impression was many UK and duke fans simply wanted to see the death penalty given to UNC as a means of revenge or spite rather than caring about the student-athlete.
So, you think they should just get to walk away after 18 years of running a bogus dept. primarily to help athletes, some of whom read on the 3d grade level , stay eligible? This after other schools got sanctioned and had to give up wins for doing far less. Also, most schools would have at least given themselves some sanctions, but , Tarhole tech decided arrogantly to do nothing. The NCAA should come down with a heavy hand. But, like the FBI they probably will not. Some pay , and some don't.
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I certainly do not want academic fraud at one of the best institutions in the country. And I'd like to believe the idea that academics come before sports. But as we all know, it doesn't. It's not just college hoops, it's everywhere.

I am going to play a bit of devil's advocate here. Say the situation were reversed, and Duke was going through a scandal and not us. Would most duke fans be clamoring for sanctions, the loss of banners, wins, and for K to lose his job? Would not a prestigious school with its own deep pockets and team of lawyers be willing to fight the NCAA?

I have no doubt some of you would want that problem corrected. But it's also easy to call for the head of your biggest rival, knowing it would severely weaken their recruiting efforts, ability to compete, and their reputation. That's all I'm saying. I have no doubt some duke fans have been reveling in this scandal as I know some of our fans would if the shoe were on the other foot. When I first got to rivals, my impression was many UK and duke fans simply wanted to see the death penalty given to UNC as a means of revenge or spite rather than caring about the student-athlete.

The make us feel better about it excuse happens every is getting old and to answer the question if it happened at Duke I refer to my post that starts off "Seriously." OFC
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They are still claiming that their current recruiting woes are due to Roy not be willing to do anything unethical

Yep. It's funny too because when this initially began with football , unx fans said they were in trouble for being "too open" and "too accommodating" to the NCAA. IOW , to them , it was their transparency and unfamiliarity with cheating that got them into trouble. Wish I had a nickel for every time I read some tarhole fan say , "If we were in the SEC we wouldn't even be investigated yada yada yada." Despite reams of evidence proving the pervasiveness of their corruption , unx'ers still cast aspersions on other schools. And Roy?! He left KU on probation. DeShawn Stevenson. Tom Grant. Lester Earl. Publicly suggested Billy Donovan cheated when Donovan out-recruited Roy for Mike Miller. Of course , charging your rival for that which you yourself are guilty is a time-honored Deano tactic. But I digress. The point is this...Roy's never NOT been unethical. Why would he? Look who he learned from.

I honestly do not understand how anyone can be so self delusional

#LifeInTheBubble. They get all their info from each other. When ya never step outside of your like-minded group and/or never allow dissenting/opposing opinions , that's what happens. Toss in THE most holier-than-thou/our-sheet-don't stink attitude on the planet and that's a recipe for disaster.
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Doomed to inclusion in these types of articles forever. #TheNewNormal. #HangABanner. Ridpath...

Financial Incentives For Academic Performance In College Sports Are Never A Good Idea

This monetary bonus and the current academic measurements used by the NCAA do not measure true academic progress, and without a system of transparency and disclosure, they never will. The lower-resource schools that need the money will continue to lose out, because they don’t have the resources or ability to chase these numbers. They end up getting punished for essentially not gaming the system. Let’s not forget some of the highest APRs over the past few years were Auburn, Michigan and North Carolina. Need I say more?

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