
Updated thru Chapter 9...

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Doomed to inclusion in these types of articles forever. #TheNewNormal. #HangABanner. Ridpath...

Financial Incentives For Academic Performance In College Sports Are Never A Good Idea

This monetary bonus and the current academic measurements used by the NCAA do not measure true academic progress, and without a system of transparency and disclosure, they never will. The lower-resource schools that need the money will continue to lose out, because they don’t have the resources or ability to chase these numbers. They end up getting punished for essentially not gaming the system. Let’s not forget some of the highest APRs over the past few years were Auburn, Michigan and North Carolina. Need I say more?

Nothing but pure Mark Emmert propaganda...He thinks the average fan will fall for this while he lets UNC slide for two decades of cheating...Mark could always get a job in Chapel Hill or perhaps Swoffy would pave the way for him as next commissioner..

unx alum speaks out vs the ol' alma mater...

David Williamson: UNC should accept penalties

Regarding the Oct. 26 news article “NCAA rejects UNC’s arguments about classes”: Top administrators at UNC-Chapel Hill are still trying to weasel out of having the university fully accept responsibility for the athletic and academic fraud that has plagued it for decades. The current crop of these highly overpaid academic bureaucrats now contends that the NCAA was remiss in not taking action against it earlier.

This is patently preposterous considering how the administration continually obfuscated details of the emerging scandal and dragged out releasing relevant information, sometimes for years. And when former chancellor James Moeser claimed he didn’t know athletes were being kept eligible through fraud, observers had to wonder was this man lying? Or was he just stupid?

Like me, at least hundreds of thousands of UNC alumni and supporters love the university. Overall, it’s a remarkable place, a national treasure. We want this sordid affair over. We also want the university administration to accept responsibility without interminable quibbling.

Furthermore, we want UNC representatives to accept without whining whatever punishment the NCAA deems appropriate.

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The make us feel better about it excuse happens every is getting old and to answer the question if it happened at Duke I refer to my post that starts off "Seriously." OFC

I saw it. Not asking you to make me feel better about it. That's the opposite of what I was implying. Only that if the shoe were on the other foot you never know what the reaction would be. I'm not speaking for you, but it's easy to trash your biggest rival when it's a scandal of this magnitude.

If I were in charge at chapel hill, I would've accepted penalties and gotten it over with.
I saw it. Not asking you to make me feel better about it. That's the opposite of what I was implying. Only that if the shoe were on the other foot you never know what the reaction would be. I'm not speaking for you, but it's easy to trash your biggest rival when it's a scandal of this magnitude.

If I were in charge at chapel hill, I would've accepted penalties and gotten it over with.

Rams Clubbers wouldnt let you....You really think Chancellor Folt, Bubba, etc call the shots????

UNC deep pocketed boosters

Yep. They're runnin' the show. Overgrown frat boys. So many corrupt acts have happened at unx that it's easy to overlook some of 'em. Here's one that pretty much illustrates just what H2C posted...


Dwight Stone, the new chairman of the UNC Board of Trustees, quoted Charles Darwin in his remarks this week, urging the university to have the courage to change. Stone, of Greensboro, is president and chair of D. Stone Builders Inc. He is also the immediate past board chairman of the Educational Foundation, the athletic booster organization better known as the Rams Club. He remains on the Rams Club board.

Lowry Caudill, whose term just ended as UNC trustee chairman, is the new chairman of the Rams Club board, and trustee Don Curtis is also a booster club board member. The bylaws of the Rams Club say that at least two members of the board should be UNC trustees, Caudill said. That, he said, “essentially ensures that we have alignment between the Rams Club and the university” and prevents the fundraising arm from going “sideways.”

Others suggest the overlap is not a good thing. “I challenge anyone to name another serious university in the country that has as close a connection between its booster club and its governance as ours does,” retired UNC professor John Shelton Reed said in an email. “That may help to explain our current sorry state.”

There ya have it. At unx , when it's time to change , they just flip-flop the heads of the Board of Trustees and the Ram's Club. Caudill , a depraved pom-pom waving fanboy , says it's to ensure compliance. As Professor Reed correctly points out , that's bullsheet. It's incest designed to ensure business as usual...athletics run the university and they always will. #MaryKnew...

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Amusing Friday fodder. This was on the home-page of this morning. They used the Blue Devil mascot for their "Bracketology" article. Either someone took a shot or someone didn't pay enough attention to the photo. I'm guessin' John Skipper spewed his morning cup of coffee all over his computer screen when he saw this. "Go To Class Carolina." lulz...

UNC deep pocketed boosters

It is what it is. No matter what the final determination is unc cheated. They can spin it anyway they want to and it doesn't matter. They still done it. It's like the old saying if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it does it still make a noise. Of course it does. It fell didn't it except this tar heel was heard and those who heard it deny it. They are trying to justify it by saying everyone does it but the only people who say this are the guilty. They say that if it happened at your school we would feel the same as unc fans and hope we get out of it. How do they know how we would feel about it. This is just all justifications as to the fact that they were the ones that got caught and they were being targeted. What it really means is they feel entitled because they are the university of north carolina and are above the rules. There's a lot of our politicians like this with Teflon coatings and crap just keeps sliding off them but they are still crooked. Remember this. No matter what the outcome is they still cheated and nothing can change that. Karma comes in all forms and sooner or later it catches up. OFC
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I saw it. Not asking you to make me feel better about it. That's the opposite of what I was implying. Only that if the shoe were on the other foot you never know what the reaction would be. I'm not speaking for you, but it's easy to trash your biggest rival when it's a scandal of this magnitude.

If I were in charge at chapel hill, I would've accepted penalties and gotten it over with.
I saw it. Not asking you to make me feel better about it. That's the opposite of what I was implying. Only that if the shoe were on the other foot you never know what the reaction would be. I'm not speaking for you, but it's easy to trash your biggest rival when it's a scandal of this magnitude.

If I were in charge at chapel hill, I would've accepted penalties and gotten it over with fan as being a prick on THR.
You come across as very reasonable when you are over here,but earlier today today you were bashing a Duke but earlier today you were calling a Duke fan a prick when he called out Gary on his nonsense.Somewhat hypocritcal.You carolina fans seem to enjoy the greater latitude that our mods giuve you as opposed to yours

You come across as very reasonable when you are over here,but earlier today today you were bashing a Duke but earlier today you were calling a Duke fan a prick when he called out Gary on his nonsense.Somewhat hypocritcal.You carolina fans seem to enjoy the greater latitude that our mods giuve you as opposed to yours

He was out of line topps. I don't care for Gary any more than the rest of you, but cameroncrazie whoever doesn't get to come over to our place and talk shit.

Now I'm not perfect, but I've never come over here and talked the way he did on THR. At some point, you have to draw the line. He was acting like a douche bag and he deserved to get the boot.
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He was out of line topps. I don't care for Gary and more than the rest of you, but cameroncrazie whoever doesn't get to come over to our place and talk shit.

Now I'm not perfect, but I've never come over here and talked the way he did on THR. At some point, you have to draw the line. He was acting like a douche bag and he deserved to get the boot.

You have a better understanding of the Rams Club influence now CB???

You have a better understanding of the Rams Club influence now CB???


Somewhat. Like I said, I'm only a fan who roots for his team.

I will restate, that if it were me, I'd do my best to clean up what caused this mess in the first place. Looking at the evidence, it's not a coincidence so many athletes were enrolled in these classes. A lot of my fellow tar heel brethren feel it's purely academic, but as much as I hate to admit it, it wasn't. However, I also feel last year's team shouldn't be lumped into that category.

And keep in mind I'm not saying this to trash my team or my fellow fans or because I'm on a duke board, but because I genuinely believe we ****ed up and should own up to it. Can't say that on THR.
Somewhat. Like I said, I'm only a fan who roots for his team.

I will restate, that if it were me, I'd do my best to clean up what caused this mess in the first place. Looking at the evidence, it's not a coincidence so many athletes were enrolled in these classes. A lot of my fellow tar heel brethren feel it's purely academic, but as much as I hate to admit it, it wasn't. However, I also feel last year's team shouldn't be lumped into that category.

And keep in mind I'm not saying this to trash my team or my fellow fans or because I'm on a duke board, but because I genuinely believe we ****ed up and should own up to it. Can't say that on THR.

We agree CB....I think the parallel Devil DJ made in the RC/BOT switcharoo positively denotes the influence the elite athletic boosters have in Chapel Hill...

He was out of line topps. I don't care for Gary any more than the rest of you, but cameroncrazie whoever doesn't get to come over to our place and talk shit.

Now I'm not perfect, but I've never come over here and talked the way he did on THR. At some point, you have to draw the line. He was acting like a douche bag and he deserved to get the boot.
Seriously, cut this two-faced crap. Drop the self-righteous act of trying to appear reasonable over here while simultaneously trashing @skysdad over there:

September 25, 2016 - All I know, is that in the past whenever a dookie wanted to talk basketball he's been treated very poorly. And if this were skysdad or one of the other obnoxious c**ts over there I wouldn't care. But I think we need to be less suspicious of people.

September 24, 2016 - Exactly. I don't frequent radar as much as I used to, which might be a good thing. But all I'm asking is that we give people like coach and physics a shot. If they're condescending pricks like skysdad, give em the boot.

July 22, 2016 - I don't hate someone purely because they root for dook, but skysdad is one of the douchiest pricks I've ever seen.

I've said this before, but if you want to be taken seriously outside of your pig trough home board, you should try and avoid appearing two-faced. Just remember, everything you post on these messageboards is easily searchable. You should be mindful of that when you come here and try to place nice with people you've sh!t on elsewhere. Ultimately, that kind of behavior just makes you look like an absolute prick.;)
Seriously, cut this two-faced crap. Drop the self-righteous act of trying to appear reasonable over here while simultaneously trashing @skysdad over there:

September 25, 2016 - All I know, is that in the past whenever a dookie wanted to talk basketball he's been treated very poorly. And if this were skysdad or one of the other obnoxious c**ts over there I wouldn't care. But I think we need to be less suspicious of people.

September 24, 2016 - Exactly. I don't frequent radar as much as I used to, which might be a good thing. But all I'm asking is that we give people like coach and physics a shot. If they're condescending pricks like skysdad, give em the boot.

July 22, 2016 - I don't hate someone purely because they root for dook, but skysdad is one of the douchiest pricks I've ever seen.

I've said this before, but if you want to be taken seriously outside of your pig trough home board, you should try and avoid appearing two-faced. Just remember, everything you post on these messageboards is easily searchable. You should be mindful of that when you come here and try to place nice with people you've sh!t on elsewhere. Ultimately, that kind of behavior just makes you look like an absolute prick.;)

Mark that was two completely different situations. I was in the wrong when talking about skysdad, I trashed him without any good reason at all. I've already owned up to that. No need to bring it up.

Some dickhead trolled our board. I called him out on it. Nothing remotely close to what happened with skysdad, who I have not said a single word about since.

I have no idea why you decided to suddenly throw this shit back in my face.
One's past is always relevant, particularly considering how vile those comments about @skysdad were.

You should chill with the profanity.

I apologized for those comments. What happened with that troll Duke fan has nothing to do with those comments. Me calling out a rival fan for flaming our board does not make "two faced". Come on mark.
I apologized for those comments. What happened with that troll Duke fan has nothing to do with those comments. Me calling out a rival fan for flaming our board does not make "two faced". Come on mark.
You should ask your mods to deal with that poster since none of us have any power over that board. Hell, 95% of us have been banned from it (including mods who had not posted there in ages).

That said, nobody has defended or is defending his/her posts. I'm simply pointing out your contradictory behavior of spewing nonsense there and coming here appealing for civility and reasonable discussions. The choice epithets you tossed around about @skysdad and other DI posters in general were all your own doing, and one's past behavior is always relevant (especially when its so easily searchable).
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You should ask your mods to deal with that poster since none of us have any power over that board. Hell, 95% of us have been banned from it (including mods who had not posted there in ages).

That said, nobody has defended or is defending his/her posts. I'm simply pointing out your contradictory behavior of spewing nonsense there and coming here appealing for civility and reasonable discussions. The choice epithets you tossed around about @skysdad and other DI posters in general were all your own doing, and one's past behavior is always relevant (especially when its so easily searchable).

Okay, mark cool. Keep talking about something totally irrelevant to what happened on THR. Im not going to be lectured because I called out a troll on my home board.
You should ask your mods to deal with that poster since none of us have any power over that board. Hell, 95% of us have been banned from it (including mods who had not posted there in ages).

That said, nobody has defended or is defending his/her posts. I'm simply pointing out your contradictory behavior of spewing nonsense there and coming here appealing for civility and reasonable discussions. The choice epithets you tossed around about @skysdad and other DI posters in general were all your own doing, and one's past behavior is always relevant (especially when its so easily searchable).

You know gas to be quiet honest with you I don't really care what cb34 thought about me or thinks about me. There's not a thing I can do about it. He says that the OFC thing ticked him off even though he had no idea of what it meant was the reasons he called me those names. I think he said he thought it meant Of Finer Class or something like that. Give me a break please. I believe it was the things I said about the unc program and thr posters that made him feel the way he did or does feel about me. I can say with a clean mind and heart I never have and never will use names like that to those at thr or anyone especially people I don't know. That's just me. Anyway since he's been on here for a while he is civil really doesn't bother me although if I feel he's wrong I will do so. Like all the thr regulars that see their way over here from time to time then time will tell just how long they can go before that entitlement finally shows up and they get banned or just leave on their own. Until that time if it comes for unc34 I'm not going to give him a hard time unless he needs it. Now I have finally got that off my chest. OFC
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UNC course on college sports raises some eyebrows

Next week, a UNC-Chapel Hill class on college sports will delve into the athletic and academic scandal that has dogged the university for years. On Tuesday, according to the syllabus, the topic will be “covering up.”

The course, “Big-Time College Sports and the Rights of Athletes, 1956 to the present,” is taught by history professor Jay Smith, a frequent critic of the university administration and co-author of a 2015 book on the UNC scandal.

Smith, whose academic expertise is in early-modern France, said the course has aroused the concern of administrators and the athletic department since it was launched this year. And a few weeks ago, the history department chairman told Smith there was an effort to do away with the course, Smith said.

“It’s clear I was singled out for this kind of scrutiny and my department chair was pressured because of the nature of this course,” Smith said, adding: “It feels like I’m being subjected to a kind of scrutiny that other faculty don’t have to worry about, and it feels like my academic freedom is being hemmed in in ways that are unusual.”

UNC officials deny there was any pressure to drop the course, which has 30 students.

In the end, the course was not eliminated. But it won’t be taught next year, said history department chairman Fitzhugh Brundage, “because of departmental priorities and our teaching needs.” It will be on the schedule again in the fall of 2018, he said.

It explores the rise of TV money, multimillion dollar coach salaries and luxury stadiums. According to the syllabus, the course “considers the practical and moral implications” for universities and for college athletes. It delves into women’s sports, racial equality and health impacts for athletes, and one session looks at “academic malpractice.” Later this month, News & Observer reporter Dan Kane, who has written extensively about the UNC scandal, will speak to the class.

Students are required to read the book “Cheated,” which was co-authored by Smith and Mary Willingham, the former academic counselor who was a whistleblower in the UNC case.


Jay Smith, UNC history professor
I hope Dan Kane stops by the hoops office while hes on campus and says "Hi Roy, how the heck are ya!!!??!!!"""

I know Jay Smith and DK are thorns in that LIAR's side!--
The Butcher of Kenan gets a new gig. Love the comments. Lulz...

Brett McMurphy@McMurphyESPN

Former UNC/Miami coach Butch Davis has agreed to become FIU’s coach source told @ESPN

5280sptsfan ‏@5280sptsfan

@McMurphyESPN @caplannfl @espn NCAA probation here you come!!!!

JDK ‏@HawkeyeWarrior

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn WOW.... he keeps getting jobs? Another football team to cheat at !

JDK ‏@HawkeyeWarrior

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn WOW.... he keeps getting jobs? Another football team to cheat at !

Bob Aten ‏@BobAten2010

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn One of the interview questions must have been how fast he could get them on probation.

Michael Claus ‏@MichaelClaus4

@McMurphyESPN @PghSki17 @espn oh how the mighty has fallen

Blackhawks1963 ‏@Blackhawks1963

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn Boy his career sure circled the bowl.

Jeff ‏@jeffmtcastle

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn so FIU can expect 5 years of 8 win seasons followed by 5 years of sanctions

Brad Jones ‏@MHSPanther92

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn FIU will be under NCAA investigation by 2020. #bankonit

ImUA ‏@MPShrike

@McMurphyESPN @espn that's a pretty big thud

Jim Wheeler ‏@JimWheeler11

@McMurphyESPN @AdamSchefter @espn isn't he a show cause case?
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More. LMAO...

Shawn ‏@pghshawn

@McMurphyESPN violations in year two

Sean F ‏@SeanF_12

@McMurphyESPN @espn Probation: Coming Soon

Calvin W Boaz ‏@Burrellfan1

@McMurphyESPN @BigDogwdae I hope he enjoys losing - Unless he cheats like he did at North Carolina. #DesperateButSerious

brandonwojo ‏@brandonwojo

@McMurphyESPN @LAndyman_ so FUI will win some games .. and eventually end up on probation. Roger that!
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Funny thing is there is still a healthy chunk of KOOL-Ade drinkers who wish Butch had never been terminated....They blame Holden for his firing, and you wouldnt believe the way a couple Holes fans told me " we wouldnt have lost to you guys Thurs nite if Butch was coaching!" SMH....
Funny thing is there is still a healthy chunk of KOOL-Ade drinkers who wish Butch had never been terminated....They blame Holden for his firing, and you wouldnt believe the way a couple Holes fans told me " we wouldnt have lost to you guys Thurs nite if Butch was coaching!" SMH....

I believe it and , let's face it , the guy was right. If , IF , Butch was still coaching that would mean the AFAM gravy train would still be rollin' strong and unx would be fielding semi-pro teams every season. I think they still do to one extent or the other but if Davis was there , well , there would be no doubt.
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These are football GSR rates from 2009 but ESPN's Andrea Adelson tweeted 'em out today. Hilarity ensued....

NCAA releases Graduation Success Rates report

The ACC member schools have an average graduation rate of 89.3 percent, according to the NCAA Graduation Success Rates report released Tuesday.

The rates are based on student-athletes who entered college in the fall of 2009. The rate shows the percentage of those student-athletes who earned a degree by the spring of 2015. The four-year cohort of student-athletes who began college in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 is also included.

Here’s how Duke, North Carolina and N.C. State rate:


Graduation success rate: 97 percent

Thirteen Duke teams, including men’s basketball, women’s soccer, volleyball and men’s and women’s tennis, have a 100 percent GSR. The Blue Devils’ football program has a 94 percent rate, the highest in the ACC.

The men’s basketball program is tied with Notre Dame for the highest GSRs in the country.

North Carolina

Graduation success rate: 82 percent

UNC’s football program’s GSR is 59 percent, the men’s basketball program is 50 percent and the women’s basketball program has a rate of 82 percent.

Gymnastics, women’s golf and swimming and diving programs have rates of 100 percent.

N.C. State

Graduation success rate: 83 percent

The Wolfpack’s football’s GSR is 70 percent, men’s basketball is 71 percent and women’s basketball is 85 percent.

Men’s and women’s golf, women’s gymnastics, men’s mixed rifle and women’s swimming programs have rates of 100 percent.
Here's the latest example of unx being "shameless." According to the "flagship" it's the NCAA ( not unx and the millions spent in PR , legal fees , purposeful delays etc ) that have been "dragging their feet." "Shameless," indeed. #carolinaway...

UNC-Chapel Hill And NCAA At Odds Over Academic Fraud Investigation

The NCAA and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill are at loggerheads over the ongoing investigation into academic fraud at the university. Recent correspondence between the two organizations, obtained by the News and Observer, shows the sports association no longer considers the university a partner in the investigation into fake classes targeted at student athletes.

News and Observer investigative reporter Dan Kane broke the story of fake classes. Kane, who has reported on the institution for more than five years, explained that both UNC and the NCAA have accused the other party of not being cooperative on The State of Things.

“[The NCAA] felt UNC didn't uphold its end of the bargain in terms of what a joint investigation should be," Kane said.

UNC accuses the NCAA of dragging their feet. Kane explained the next stage in the investigation process will be a hearing before the NCAA Committee on Infractions.
Editorial: The information lid on UNC academic case

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has been teaching us all a lesson on how not to handle a scandal. The administration has skipped the chapters on the healthful effects of transparency and the notion that as many government documents as possible ought to be available to the public for inspection and review.

Now, UNC-Chapel Hill officials are asking the NCAA to forego any punishment. Its argument: Five years have passed, and the NCAA probe has found nothing.

“Sunshine” advocates, however, find that argument specious. One big reason the NCAA hasn’t found anything is that UNC officials have been sitting on evidence.

North Carolina’s public records law contains a gaping loophole: Documents relating to the performance of state employees are confidential. There’s an exception, though, when the integrity of a government agency is in question. Chapel Hill already released some athletes’ transcripts in a 2012 court case relating to an NCAA investigation of its football team. So what’s the problem with releasing the rest?

The whole fake-class scandal has undeniably besmirched the integrity of UNC’s flagship campus, which once prided itself on high academic standards and “clean” athletic programs. Not too awfully long ago the “UNC Way” was the trademark for how a collegiate program should be operated.

How did top administrators miss this problem for years? There ought to be a paper trail, from which the names of students and innocent parties can be edited. Why can’t the people of North Carolina see it?

Where is UNC System President Margaret Spellings? She’s been in office since March 1, and has found time to deliver a number of speeches. When it comes to the course scandal, though, it seems she’s done nothing.

As Jane Pinsky of the N.C. Coalition for Lobbying and Government Reform put it, “If you don’t let people know what’s going on, they may think there’s even more there than there is.”

The current UNC-Chapel Hill chancellor, Carol Folt, says the university has taken steps to clean up these problems. We believe that to be true but some evidence of it would be welcomed. Otherwise, how do we know for sure. This issue and so many others come back to the idea that open government serves the public only when government is truly open. In this case, the public deserves to know.
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Rick White is associate vice chancellor for Communications and Public Affairs at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Letter: Editorial incorrectly states UNC's actions

The Nov. 14 Times-News editorial, "The information lid on UNC academic case," missed the point.

Carolina has long acknowledged the issues with improper classes and the steps we’ve taken to address those issues. We’ve cooperated fully with the NCAA and will continue to do so. We’ve also made it clear to the NCAA we expect it to follow its own by-laws in adjudicating the case – that’s fairness, not a stall.

We’ve also made over one million pages of documents public in the past two years. And our Carolina Commitment website (, which includes documents from the Wainstein investigation and details about the more than 70 actions and initiatives we’ve taken to reinforce academic integrity on our campus, is fully accessible to anyone.

To say that we haven’t been open, transparent and forthcoming is simply incorrect.

Rick White

Chapel Hill

No , Rick. It IS a "stall." It's also not "open" or "transparent" or "forthcoming" either...

UNC system president Spellings refuses to release Nyang'oro interview transcripts

University of North Carolina system president Margaret Spellings refuses to release the transcripts of 2011 NCAA and UNC interviews with AFAM chairman Julius Nyang'oro and others involved in the academic scandal when asked by News and Observer reporter Dan Kane.
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"Transparency," "Moving Forward," etc, etc.Its nothing more than buzzwords, catchphrases and the like UNC PR $PIN TEAM rolled out to the admin team to offer to media/public illusion of change.....Ha, they will NEVER come clean because theres way too much to hide....

Do you really expect an institution to change when during height of probe they hired Gene Chizik???!! No way, Jose...
20+ years of academic fraud in the service of athletics = retain titles. Live with a family friend? Banner down. Randy Moss' daughter btw. #GDTBATH...,

The women's basketball team at Thomas More College, a Division III institution in Kentucky, will be stripped of its national championship title because a star player lived with a former assistant coach while recovering from a knee injury. The National Collegiate Athletic Association on Tuesday announced that the college violated NCAA rules by allowing the athlete, Sydney Moss, to stay with the assistant coach, Jerry Allen, who was a volunteer with the program at the time, but also a longtime family friend.

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