Other ACC Basketball 19-20

Lower deck still full. Will monitor this closely after the 8:00 minute timeout. Maybe “only down “ 17 points will keep them there.
Can Tech hang on. It's about time for hof coach roy williams to throw a hissy fit at the officials to get some calls. He's running out of time. OFC
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Hotdog Jose is gonna blow it for GT if not careful. Lots of low IQ basketball being played in the cheater dome.
Holes have been called for 3 less fouls than GT.. who are they going to blame this loss on if they can’t pull of the upset?
It was very gratifying to see the cheaters lose. My only complaint is that GT let them back in the game and they scored 83 points. GT should have held themy to less than 70 at the most. To top it off they let brooks score 35 and now we have to listen to heel fans saying he is ACCPOY material. OFC
Ol Roy says that he takes full responsibility, and then spends eight minutes throwing the players under the bus. Tyler Hansbrough is not walking through that door..
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Fat Wanda will have to put her sack cloth dress on a hangar and eat some ho hos. She'll call ol Roy to bed, but he will have to study some "film".
Even though Clemson is not very good, could this be their year to finally win in Cheater Hill? The way the cheaters are playing, if Clemson comes out hot from 3 point land, they at least have a chance!! Let's hope it happens!!!!!
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Even though Clemson is not very good, could this be their year to finally win in Cheater Hill? The way the cheaters are playing, if Clemson comes out hot from 3 point land, they at least have a chance!! Let's hope it happens!!!!!

If Clemson is ever gonna win in cheater hill this is the year. unc cheater u should be a better team next year. OFC
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What's happening with UVA? BC is leading at the half. My pick em's will go straight to hedoublehockeysticks!
Great win for BC, but still s horrible loss for UVA. They just lost too much from last year.
How many of you think that Pitt will beat the cheats tonight. I for one think Capel will have them rearing to go!!! I am a big Pitt fan tonight!!!
How many of you think that Pitt will beat the cheats tonight. I for one think Capel will have them rearing to go!!! I am a big Pitt fan tonight!!!

I'm going to watch the game tonight and keep a keen eye on hof coach roy williams body language. In fact it might be neat to watch the bench's body language, the cheerleaders body language, the student section body language and the whine and cheese crowds body language. Maybe he will turn around to the bench the way Gary Williams used to do and start yelling at the bench for the screw ups that's going on the court do you. OFC
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