Number 1

I don’t think we’d be any less of a target at 2 than 1. The media has already put this team on a pedestal. There are a lot of Duke haters in the world that won’t take kindly to that. They are already sick of the publicity. I say embrace it. We are #1 and deserve to be. Come at us.
If you want to be the best, why wouldn't you want to be rated #1.

Does this sound like anyone afraid of the challenge?

"Our goal is to be the best team ever. Not the best Duke team ever, but the best college basketball team period."
Tre Jones

Thought the same thing with regard to Tres statement. Why shy away from it? Zion had a quote about taking everyone’s best shot. As DJ pointed out, we get everyone’s best shot regardless of where we are ranked. Embrace it and let’s go.
As impressive as our win was, I think unc deserved the nod. They showed bravery and courage unmatched by anyone by going to the home of the juggernaut that defeated them last year. THAT was impressive. Unc # 1 Duke # 2 in my books.


As impressive as our win was, I think unc deserved the nod. They showed bravery and courage unmatched by anyone by going to the home of the juggernaut that defeated them last year. THAT was impressive. Unc # 1 Duke # 2 in my books.

Pixel I love it when you get sarcastic!!! :D Lay it on old 'Cheatin Roy Williams!

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I didn’t think we’d move up to #1 until next week with Kansas winning their game but I’m not surprised since we played and won 2 games last week and Kansas only played and won 1 game last week
Not like Kansas best a slouch in Michigan State but I think we deserve that number 1 slot. Still in shock of that beatdown.
And Duke plays or will have played 8 teams off that list. I haven't looked at the acc schedule, but, I assume Duke plays the acc schools on that list.
Based on the current rankings, we could end up playinf 9 teams that are currently ranked depending on how the Maui Invitational goes: Gonzaga, Virginia, UNC, Auburn, Kentucky, FSU, Syracuse, VT, Clemson.
Number of teams who won (or were idle) [or lost] who dropped in the AP poll in the first week by year:
17-18 - 5 (0) [1]
16-17 - 2 (0) [2]
15-16 - 2 (1) [0]
14-15 - 2 (0) [0]
13-14 - 5 (0) [0]
12-13 - 1 (0) [2]
11-12 - 0 (0) [1] *Vanderbilt went 1-1 in week 1
10-11 - 4 (0) [0]
09-10 - 0 (1) [1]
08-09 - 4 (0) [0] *Duke went 3-0 and dropped 2 spots
07-08 - 0 (2) [0]

So, basically each year 2.5 teams drop in the polls from preseason through week 1 after winning.
In the first week, it is much more common to win and drop in the polls than it is for a ranked team to lose.
If memory serves me correctly the 92 team was no. 1 the whole season. If true, let's do it again!!
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I gotta say I didn't think we would go to 1. I really thought KU would stay there. If we are to be number 1 I want to stay there. That's a big order. Being number 1 at the end of the year is what matters. OFC.
As someone said earlier, we are Duke. We are gonna have a target on our backs regardless of where we are ranked. When other teams see Duke, they bring their A game. I’m great with us being ranked #1. It’s just something else to grind unx and uk fans gears.
As someone said earlier, we are Duke. We are gonna have a target on our backs regardless of where we are ranked. When other teams see Duke, they bring their A game. I’m great with us being ranked #1. It’s just something else to grind unx and uk fans gears.

And its especially worse for them since they know us beating them like a weak D2 school is mostly why we got there....there is a thread on their board about how quiet its been....They are NOT enjoying basketball right now!!
And its especially worse for them since they know us beating them like a weak D2 school is mostly why we got there....there is a thread on their board about how quiet its been....They are NOT enjoying basketball right now!!
Bless their little hearts. I hate we beat them down like that........NOT!
@OldasdirtDevil can you change this to football???


It would be messy to try to change the 'baseball' text to 'football'.
At least I know the text font...looks like 'Impact', so that will help.
I'll see If I can find the exact pic of Opie and Andy and swap it in, then redo the text...that will be easier, and make a much better picture. Be back shortly!

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No disrespect to the OP's article and others here but, who gives a crap? 2 games have been played. TWO games. Yes this team is very talented, but there's plenty to work on, and this team has a ways to go. I am looking forward to the ride but man, this number 1 talk is premature.

Sorry, I've seen too much Duke fan talk on Facebook talking about undefeated, number 1 all year, blah, blah, blah talk. It'd be great, but that's not happening!
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