In my post above, I gave a pretty good reason why the draft is different than kidnapping citizens.
I can agree that Ukraine should have never been invaded, but that won't make it not so. Like I said, Ukraine has a right to fight until their last man bleeds out. Probably not the best policy, though.
Your analogy doesn't really fit the scale of this war. There isn’t a way to talk about what started this war without being accused of being a Putin apologist or Russia propagandist. Russia was always going to have heavy influence in Ukraine politics, inside of Ukraine is a heavy Russian speaking population. As long as there was Neutrality, it was going to be a well enough alone type deal. Ukraine wanted full independence and rightfully so. When Viktor Yanukovych was ousted and Poroshenko became president, Ukraine made it known that they would try to isolate themselves from Russia and join NATO. This is a decade after Georgia did the same thing which was seen as an aggression by the Russians. You may not like the Russians, and who does, but when a military alliance that was formed to combat YOU, starts building up on your borders, it can be seen as an aggression. So after that, Russia goes into Crimea claiming to be annexing a Russian population that was being cleansed. I do not defend this, btw. Then you have Zelensky, a U.S. puppet. Before war, before the build up of military on Ukraine's border. Which we should have never allowed to happen without an ounce of pushback. Zelensky was given an opportunity to denounce intentions to join NATO. Which he did the opposite. I don't agree that this gave Russia the right to invaded a sovereign country. But it gives insight to why they did.
IMO, it could have been prevented with a strong and clear message from the world that an attack against a sovereign European nation would be an attack against the EU. Germany, France and Britain could have built a military presence in Ukraine as a deterrent. It's much different to provide troops as a deterrent than it is as war fighters. Chances are, Putin tries diplomacy at that point. It also doesn't help that we had a bumbling fool for President who thought he was so intimidating that he could just whisper, don't, and that would prevent the war. And then he says anything other than a soft invasion would be unacceptable. With no consequences, of course.