The New Lounge

You mean LeBron's I Promise School?

You mean like Jalen Rose's Leadership Academy?

Serious question, do you know any successful Blacks?

I love the story of the Promise school, and the idea behind it. Extending services to communities that really need it is often an economical and morally worthwhile way to invest in your people, and schools like this really do that, from sun up to sun down. Really does take a village.

You are asking for a standard that is humanly impossible to achieve.U have acknowledged how tough it is to be a police officer.When every known statistic and personal experience tells you that you are entering a potentially live threatening situation.Any sane person person is going to take steps to protect themselves yet there are only a few egregious

U are asking for something that is humanly impossible to achieve.You cannot expect any human not to act in an aggressive way when their every experience backed up by every statistic tell them that they are possibly entering into a life threatening situation.You seem to have a monolithic view of Black people which does not acknowledge that they are like any other race which means they have some bad actors.You automatically assume that any fatal encounter is strictly the fault of the police

The standard may be humanly impossible to achieve, but it is far too important a role in our society to not *strive* for it constantly, and always be holding ourselves to the highest of standards.

Listen, I am a pragmatist at heart. The job is an impossible one... it’s being prepared to go to war with an enemy while in the midst of a completely innocent and friendly community you need to care about and be trusted by, able to go from helping a cat out of a tree to engaging a gunman in a moment, from helping someone having heart attack to chasing a drunk driver, and all while you have to be a member of society and have a family and mow the lawn. And there is obviously a certain amount of appropriate care that has to be taken, and situational awareness that is essential, and understanding the odds is key to survival. I’d never deny one iota of that, and I would never take it for granted; that is not how I think.


The role of the policeman is unique. A policeman or woman is the long arm of the law, a literal embodiment of our legal system and government, an armed one with legal government protection and indeed authorization to use violence against citizens. And when the overwhelming majority of actions our police have to undertake involve no serious threat to life, either their own or anothers, from white people OR black people, then they simply cannot look at something like the color of a citizens skin and go into situations with said citizen in a different manner in which they go into situations with citizens of a different skin color. That’s just not acceptable in my America, and the idea that “black men“ are so threatening to police that they warrant such treatment is antithetical to my belief system in regards to The Law.

Being a police officer should be the most difficult to get job that a person can get. It should require the absolute very best of its officers, men and women of outstanding intellect, strength, and character. The standards should be absolute, and there should be no internal protection of officers who do not meet those standards. The men and woman who take that job should receive the full support of everyone they protect and serve in every way... health care (both physical and mental), legal care, excellent pay, pension, the works. Both police and elected officials leadership should be effective and reflective, and not put officers into situations in which they cannot perform at their best. They deserve the best.

Unfortuately, not all of that is going to happen. That sucks, but we can strive for it.

But we must also strive for the best from our police officers, to hold them to the very highest standards, and the idea that it should be expected that innocent black people be treated differently than people of other colors... I can’t get behind that. I get the underlying intention, but I cannot subscribe to it.

Oh, and I have no idea what either of these sentences means:

You seem to have a monolithic view of Black people which does not acknowledge that they are like any other race which means they have some bad actors.You automatically assume that any fatal encounter is strictly the fault of the police

I do not have a monolithic view of black people outside of instances in which analyzing data by race or whatever might suggest that has some value, I obviously know that people of ALL colors have bad actors among them, and I would never EVER say something as extreme as “any fatal encounter is strictly the fault of the police”... that’s nuts. Every fatal encounter has dozens of influences.
I love the story of the Promise school, and the idea behind it. Extending services to communities that really need it is often an economical and morally worthwhile way to invest in your people, and schools like this really do that, from sun up to sun down. Really does take a village.

The standard may be humanly impossible to achieve, but it is far too important a role in our society to not *strive* for it constantly, and always be holding ourselves to the highest of standards.

Listen, I am a pragmatist at heart. The job is an impossible one... it’s being prepared to go to war with an enemy while in the midst of a completely innocent and friendly community you need to care about and be trusted by, able to go from helping a cat out of a tree to engaging a gunman in a moment, from helping someone having heart attack to chasing a drunk driver, and all while you have to be a member of society and have a family and mow the lawn. And there is obviously a certain amount of appropriate care that has to be taken, and situational awareness that is essential, and understanding the odds is key to survival. I’d never deny one iota of that, and I would never take it for granted; that is not how I think.


The role of the policeman is unique. A policeman or woman is the long arm of the law, a literal embodiment of our legal system and government, an armed one with legal government protection and indeed authorization to use violence against citizens. And when the overwhelming majority of actions our police have to undertake involve no serious threat to life, either their own or anothers, from white people OR black people, then they simply cannot look at something like the color of a citizens skin and go into situations with said citizen in a different manner in which they go into situations with citizens of a different skin color. That’s just not acceptable in my America, and the idea that “black men“ are so threatening to police that they warrant such treatment is antithetical to my belief system in regards to The Law.

Being a police officer should be the most difficult to get job that a person can get. It should require the absolute very best of its officers, men and women of outstanding intellect, strength, and character. The standards should be absolute, and there should be no internal protection of officers who do not meet those standards. The men and woman who take that job should receive the full support of everyone they protect and serve in every way... health care (both physical and mental), legal care, excellent pay, pension, the works. Both police and elected officials leadership should be effective and reflective, and not put officers into situations in which they cannot perform at their best. They deserve the best.

Unfortuately, not all of that is going to happen. That sucks, but we can strive for it.

But we must also strive for the best from our police officers, to hold them to the very highest standards, and the idea that it should be expected that innocent black people be treated differently than people of other colors... I can’t get behind that. I get the underlying intention, but I cannot subscribe to it.

Oh, and I have no idea what either of these sentences means:

You seem to have a monolithic view of Black people which does not acknowledge that they are like any other race which means they have some bad actors.You automatically assume that any fatal encounter is strictly the fault of the police

I do not have a monolithic view of black people outside of instances in which analyzing data by race or whatever might suggest that has some value, I obviously know that people of ALL colors have bad actors among them, and I would never EVER say something as extreme as “any fatal encounter is strictly the fault of the police”... that’s nuts. Every fatal encounter has dozens of influences.
When you consider the number of encounters by the police each year I find it remarkable that there are not many more fatal consequences so I think they are striving to do their best.Agree that they should continue to try to get it as close to perfection as humanly possible.My comments about a monolithic viewpoint is that by your posts you do not know many Black people on more than a superficial level and think that all black people think alike.If I am wrong I apologize
Hm. I try, as best I can, to speak of race issues from experience, or as much of it as I can hear as a well-off white dude. Never particularly aimed to interact with one group or another, but ended up in a black frat in college, was an African studies major, worked with teams of predominantly black athletes, and then worked as a teacher in a predominantly black town. I think that has given me some sense of both issues that African Americans as a community (such as they are) face and also what issues some individuals have faced, although I’ve certainly not got all the answers or an understanding of every perspective:)

As for cops doing their best, yes, I think the vast majority do as good a job as a human can reasonably be expected to do. But, and I hate to say it, but I think we still have strides to be made in several important ways. For example, I have heard and read too many stories of some toxic cops protecting each other, and civilians paying for it... and sometimes these people are even protected by cops who want to do the right thing, but are pressured into it by the intensity of the job and the world around it. Things like that need changing, and changes would be good for everyone involved.

And honestly, when it comes to police work I suspect many of us have the ultimate same end desire... cops safe and cared for, people safe, and citizens treated equally and fairly, judged by the law for only what they do.
Hm. I try, as best I can, to speak of race issues from experience, or as much of it as I can hear as a well-off white dude. Never particularly aimed to interact with one group or another, but ended up in a black frat in college, was an African studies major, worked with teams of predominantly black athletes, and then worked as a teacher in a predominantly black town. I think that has given me some sense of both issues that African Americans as a community (such as they are) face and also what issues some individuals have faced, although I’ve certainly not got all the answers or an understanding of every perspective:)

As for cops doing their best, yes, I think the vast majority do as good a job as a human can reasonably be expected to do. But, and I hate to say it, but I think we still have strides to be made in several important ways. For example, I have heard and read too many stories of some toxic cops protecting each other, and civilians paying for it... and sometimes these people are even protected by cops who want to do the right thing, but are pressured into it by the intensity of the job and the world around it. Things like that need changing, and changes would be good for everyone involved.

And honestly, when it comes to police work I suspect many of us have the ultimate same end desire... cops safe and cared for, people safe, and citizens treated equally and fairly, judged by the law for only what they do.
I agree their are bad cops protected by good cops.The only way that I can explain it that it similar to the football teams I played on.As you spend inordinate amounts of time with your teammates they become your extended family.You tend to overlook behavior that you would not tolerate in others.Is it right no but I truly do not know how you can change this mindset.This bonding is a part of being a human being

Good lord.

But it’s really widespread. Keep in mind, Qanon beliefs center on the idea that the deep state is protecting our leaders, who are a coordinated bunch of celebrity pedophile Satan worshippers (and Jews, bc, you know... Jews) who secretly run the world, and have spread to include ideas like that the United States government is behind 9/11. The FBI has labeled the group extremists who have terrorist potential, and major social media platforms have cracked down on them, same as they crack down on ISIS and other terror griups.

But while only 4 percent of Democrats believe this entire Qanon thing is even partly true, a recent survey showed that a MAJORITY of Republicans believe it is partly or mostly true.

And you see it when you discuss stuff online. There are a few people in these discussions who believe some of that insanity.

And terrifyingly, this new breed of conspiracy embracing wackjob Republicans have reached the very top levels of government. Trump has made statements endorsing it (although he then tries to backtrack and pretend he didn’t) and an astonishing number of GOP candidates for 2020 endorse this insanity. We are going to have more members of the very top of the legislative branch believing it, bc these wacked out ideas are shared and supported by the base.

As if you need any more evidence about how crazy our country has gotten...

Good lord.

But it’s really widespread. Keep in mind, Qanon beliefs center on the idea that the deep state is protecting our leaders, who are a coordinated bunch of celebrity pedophile Satan worshippers (and Jews, bc, you know... Jews) who secretly run the world, and have spread to include ideas like that the United States government is behind 9/11. The FBI has labeled the group extremists who have terrorist potential, and major social media platforms have cracked down on them, same as they crack down on ISIS and other terror griups.

But while only 4 percent of Democrats believe this entire Qanon thing is even partly true, a recent survey showed that a MAJORITY of Republicans believe it is partly or mostly true.

And you see it when you discuss stuff online. There are a few people in these discussions who believe some of that insanity.

And terrifyingly, this new breed of conspiracy embracing wackjob Republicans have reached the very top levels of government. Trump has made statements endorsing it (although he then tries to backtrack and pretend he didn’t) and an astonishing number of GOP candidates for 2020 endorse this insanity. We are going to have more members of the very top of the legislative branch believing it, bc these wacked out ideas are shared and supported by the base.

As if you need any more evidence about how crazy our country has gotten...

Coming from the guy who still believes in the Russian collusion hoax, which has now officially been 100% debunked and proven that it was really the Democrats who were working with Russian agents on this whole thing, you really don’t have any legs to stand on when it comes to conspiracy theories.

You were balls deep on this whole Russian collusion conspiracy theory. You loved every bit of it. Maybe take a seat when discussing this subject...
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This podcast discusses the origin of Qanon as well as identifies the likely people behind it. It’s scary that so many people believe in it. I initially laughed it off because it’s so absurd and then my barber randomly started talking about it during my haircut. That’s when it hit home, this stuff is spreading.

It’s about an hour long but worth the listen.
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This is a podcast that discusses the origin of Qanon as well as identifies the likely people behind it. It’s scary that so many people believe in it. I initially laughed it off myself because it’s so absurd and then my barber randomly started talking about it during my haircut. That’s when it hit home, this stuff is spreading.

It’s about an hour long but worth the listen.

A teacher talking about having a fetish for young looking girls under 5 feet with pigtail, arguing that underage girls are in their prime sexual years, and that there’s nothing wrong with students and teachers having sex doesn’t worry you. But a barber talking about QAnon? Gasp. The horror!

That is troubling.
God help me, I almost want to unignore some people bc I see them posting here, and bc I am praying that they don't believe this Q stuff.

I mean, my guess is ipsy buys it, but the other guys... no way.


Must resist... :)
This is a podcast that discusses the origin of Qanon as well as identifies the likely people behind it. It’s scary that so many people believe in it. I initially laughed it off myself because it’s so absurd and then my barber randomly started talking about it during my haircut. That’s when it hit home, this stuff is spreading.

It’s about an hour long but worth the listen.
You know what's funny? I did the same thing when the Russian collusion hoax came out. I laughed at it because it was so outlandish. But all of the MSM excluding Fox, completely bought it. The Democrats completely bought in to it. And the overwhelming majority of liberals bought in to the conspiracy that as now known to be COMPLETELY debunked and actually started by the Democrats who are the ones who actually colluded with a known Russian agent and Steele to create the fake dossier which was the basis for the origination of the investigation.

It made me sad that so many people around the country are gullible enough to believe that debunked conspiracy.
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Holy Yikes. And some people ITT STILL believe the Russian collusion hoax...
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Dont mind her. She's just stoking the flames of civil unrest and perpetuating lies.

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Some of you are so damn dismissive of any link or video posted on here. Does it have to come from before you'll buy into it? I truly hope the lot of you aren't into the Qanon bullshit.
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Some of you are so damn dismissive of any link or video posted on here. Does it have to come from before you'll buy into it? I truly hope the lot of you aren't into the Qanon bullshit.
No, that's not really the case. We take the same stance many liberals ITT do when presented with an article/link. If I posted something from Breitbart or Infowars or whatever far right type website, you would likely call it out. It's happened here before (not you). So why not post it from a site that at least tries to be moderate/slightly left leaning instead of full blown extreme left?
No, that's not really the case. We take the same stance many liberals ITT do when presented with an article/link. If I posted something from Breitbart or Infowars or whatever far right type website, you would likely call it out. It's happened here before (not you). So why not post it from a site that at least tries to be moderate/slightly left leaning instead of full blown extreme left?

I truly don't believe it would matter where I posted it from. It has to come from some such bullshit like before the majority of Trump supporters would even begin to entertain the possibility of it being true.
I truly don't believe it would matter where I posted it from. It has to come from some such bullshit like before the majority of Trump supporters would even begin to entertain the possibility of it being true.

Don't sugarcoat it... tell us how you REALLY feel.

Qanon stuff is moronic. I get that the idea of vast conspiracies of Jewish Hollywood lizard people pedophiles is entertaining, but come on now:)
I just hope the majority of you on here aren't Qanon believers. If any of you are, I'll be praying for you. And I don't mean that sarcastically. I legitimately find it concerning that people believe in that bullshit.
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I truly don't believe it would matter where I posted it from. It has to come from some such bullshit like before the majority of Trump supporters would even begin to entertain the possibility of it being true.

Wait, what were you actually posting? I think I missed something.
I truly don't believe it would matter where I posted it from. It has to come from some such bullshit like before the majority of Trump supporters would even begin to entertain the possibility of it being true.
Wrong again. If you post something from CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Salon (LOL), the NYT or whatever else, sure, you're going to get pushback and rightfully so.

All you have to do is look to how the media treated the Russian collusion hoax. Major news outlets ran countless stories which we now know to be verifiably false. And you wonder why people don't trust the media. Do you see the same hype/outrage with the recent release of information relating to the origins or the investigation? They had absolutely nothing. Why aren't every single one of the major news outlets covering this?
I just hope the majority of you on here aren't Qanon believers. If any of you are, I'll be praying for you. And I don't mean that sarcastically. I legitimately find it concerning that people believe in that bullshit.
TBH, I don't even know what it is. Never read anything about it.
Don't sugarcoat it... tell us how you REALLY feel.

Qanon stuff is moronic. I get that the idea of vast conspiracies of Jewish Hollywood lizard people pedophiles is entertaining, but come on now:)

I've lost a good friend to this shit. My nephew and I had a falling out recently over it as well. I came at them both from a place of caring and love. Nothing I said worked. My brother is a Trump supporter but at least he doesn't believe in any of the Qanon BS. He's losing his son to it.
I truly don't believe it would matter where I posted it from. It has to come from some such bullshit like before the majority of Trump supporters would even begin to entertain the possibility of it being true.
So let's talk about your article. Or just the headline, really because that's all I read. Tillis, who I am not a fan of and in normal years would vote for Cunningham, btw, says that when the final accounting is done, the deaths will be lower. How is this a Qanon conspiracy? It's not. The writer of the article just wants to draw as many clicks as possible in order to smear Tillis and paint him as a Q guy. That's ridiculous.

One, there are many reasons to believe that there will be a revised number of covid deaths. It's already happening in England. Hell, states like Massachusetts and Colorado have already removed previously labeled covid deaths feom their count. Right now they are going through death certificates from the past six months and anyone who has died in that time and has previously tested positive for covid, they add to the list of covid deaths. Regardless of the cause of death listed on their death certificate. There are many cases where someone has died in an accident and had previously tested positive for covid and been listed as a covid death. Those deaths will eventually be removed if they are going to do honest accounting. So tell me how this is a Qanon conspiracy?
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I just hope the majority of you on here aren't Qanon believers. If any of you are, I'll be praying for you. And I don't mean that sarcastically. I legitimately find it concerning that people believe in that bullshit.
The majority of us aren't cult members either. I don't even follow Qanon stuff. I frequent a board where there are some Q folks, but skim right past their content. One, it's not worth my time to decode their nonsense.
Wrong again. If you post something from CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Salon (LOL), the NYT or whatever else, sure, you're going to get pushback and rightfully so.

All you have to do is look to how the media treated the Russian collusion hoax. Major news outlets ran countless stories which we now know to be verifiably false. And you wonder why people don't trust the media. Do you see the same hype/outrage with the recent release of information relating to the origins or the investigation? They had absolutely nothing. Why aren't every single one of the major news outlets covering this?

I get the majority of my daily news from the BBC, The Hill, and Democracy Now. I stopped watching MSNBC and CNN a while back. Those networks and Faux News have done nothing but push and pedal shit to incite more division in our society. I also enjoy listening to Jamarel Thomas, Jimmy Dore, Tim Black, and a few others.
The majority of us aren't cult members either. I don't even follow Qanon stuff. I frequent a board where there are some Q folks, but skim right past their content. One, it's not worth my time to decode their nonsense.

I have to push back on that. The majority of Trunp supporters I encounter behave like cult members. The anger I see on display when most are presented with a critique of the orange one is disturbing to say the least. The unwillingness to budge even a smidgen with his behavior and lies is indicative of how people behave within a cult. I've sadly had way too many conversations with people who take his word as the truth and the only real truth.
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So let's talk about your article. Or just the headline, really because that's all I read. Tillis, who I am not a fan of and in normal years would vote for Cunningham, btw, says that when the final accounting is done, the deaths will be lower. How is this a Qanon conspiracy? It's not. The writer of the article just wants to draw as many clicks as possible in order to smear Tillis and paint him as a Q guy. That's ridiculous.

One, there are many reasons to believe that there will be a revised number of covid deaths. It's already happening in England. Hell, states like Massachusetts and Colorado have already removed previously labeled covid deaths feom their count. Right now they are going through death certificates from the past six months and anyone who has died in that time and has previously tested positive for covid, they add to the list of covid deaths. Regardless of the cause of death listed on their death certificate. There are many cases where someone has died in an accident and had previously tested positive for covid and been listed as a covid death. Those deaths will eventually be removed if they are going to do honest accounting. So tell me how this is a Qanon conspiracy?

So, you didn't read the article?
I have to push back on that. The majority of Trunp supporters I encounter behave like cult members. The anger I see on display when most are presented with a critique of the orange one is disturbing to say the least. The unwillingness to budge even a smidgen with his behavior and lies is indicative of how people behave within a cult. I've sadly had way too many conversations with people who take his word as the truth and the only real truth.
I am talking about the people who you are conversing with ITT. That's who I assumed you were talking about in your post.
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This podcast discusses the origin of Qanon as well as identifies the likely people behind it. It’s scary that so many people believe in it. I initially laughed it off because it’s so absurd and then my barber randomly started talking about it during my haircut. That’s when it hit home, this stuff is spreading.

It’s about an hour long but worth the listen.

Have you had a face to face with any Qanon believers? When I was told that the majority of Hollywood are Satanic pedophiles is where I had to put my hand up and I ask them politely to stop. As I started to do the research myself I found it to be way more disturbing than what I ever thought it would be. These people are going down rabbit holes filled with blatant lies and distortions. The majority of them can be easily debunked with a few clicks. It's alarming stuff.
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I've lost a good friend to this shit. My nephew and I had a falling out recently over it as well. I came at them both from a place of caring and love. Nothing I said worked. My brother is a Trump supporter but at least he doesn't believe in any of the Qanon BS. He's losing his son to it.
As a conservative who's lost a best friend because of politics, let me provide some advice. Just because we support Trump doesn't mean we agree with everything he does. Doesn't mean we condone everything he does. We're not in a cult. We are racists. We're not ignorant. We just don't align with the Democratic party and their policies or don't like the direction they're going. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that.

But in my situation, my old best friend told me that if I would just educate myself on the issues or at least be willing to educate myself, we would be good. However, what he's implying is that I don't understand and if I would just read an article that he did or watch a video he did I would come to the same conclusions. Well, that about as conceited and ignorant as you can possibly be. Not everyone holds the same views. Not everyone values the same things in our political leaders. Those things shouldn't make anyone think differently of anyone because their views on political issues are different. Just because liberals hold different views than me doesn't mean I immediately think differently of them. Hell, my boss is one of the most liberal men I've ever known. But he is an excellent man, a great leader and a good friend. I don't think differently of him. He holds his views and I hold my own. Nothing wrong with that.

The main problem we have in society today is people are unwilling to allow others to have differing views. Liberals don't want to accept conservatives have different views. Why else do you see liberals actively trying to shut down speeches by conservatives? Bottom line, live and let live.
I guess I don't get an answer to how that is a Qanon conspiracy theory.

Would it even matter what I responded with? I can't post links. My words are dismissed because they're coming from a "left leaning" mind. Maybe I am projecting here though. And again, I feel like the article does a better job explaining it than I would. But it's "propaganda".
Would it even matter what I responded with? I can't post links. My words are dismissed because they're coming from a "left leaning" mind. Maybe I am projecting here though. And again, I feel like the article does a better job explaining it than I would. But it's "propaganda".
You can't give me your opinion on why it is a Qanon conspiracy theory? I at least gave examples of how it's not.