I like listening to Joe but I don’t think he would be a good moderator haha. However, I am interested to learn if Trump or Biden is into doing DMT...
That's great, haha
I like listening to Joe but I don’t think he would be a good moderator haha. However, I am interested to learn if Trump or Biden is into doing DMT...
I think you’re giving him too much credit. I havnt seen a girl have her hair in pigtails since kindergarten. He’s a shady pos. Im Trump2020 because of people like him...scaryIf Trump touted 14 year old girls, you’d be on that bandwagon reallll quick....
I think you’re giving him too much credit. I havnt seen a girl have her hair in pigtails since kindergarten. He’s a shady pos. Im Trump2020 because of people like him...scary
Not at all. Do you think he’s scary?You really think Trump's not scary???
You really think Trump's not scary???
What’s scary about him? Lol.You really think Trump's not scary???
At this point, only the stupid or the willfully ignorant are Trump supporters. I mean... come on. In the last, like, two days we've learned that...
...Trump's own Republican Director of National Intelligence thinks Putin has something on him
... Trump's top appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services, a Roger Stone devotee with literally no experience in health care or medicine yet who helps lead our health care response to covid, said that there is a conspiracy in the CDC to destroy the President (he used the term "sedition" for ****s sake), changed reports that he felt didn't help Trump's political odds, and said Americans should be buying ammo for a possible civil war...
... and we've heard tapes of Trump literally calling the virus "the plague" and talking about how a single sneeze in the Oval Office sent them all running out of the room, him included... but he still has these indoor rallies where his crowds are pushed all together (not Trump, tho, whose "rope line" is socially distanced from any attendees.)
But nope... reality doesn't matter to them.
All there is is this silly, vague, "Oh, well, Joe Biden is a mentally-feeble socialist pedophile who supports burning and rioting!" which literally is counter to actual fact. Like, fact.
And they are proud of ignoring fact... the crow about it. I don't need to unignore the folks in this thread to know that.
Our country is really in trouble.
We know why you like Joe. You both are pedo’s.At this point, only the stupid or the willfully ignorant are Trump supporters. I mean... come on. In the last, like, two days we've learned that...
...Trump's own Republican Director of National Intelligence thinks Putin has something on him
... Trump's top appointee at the Department of Health and Human Services, a Roger Stone devotee with literally no experience in health care or medicine yet who helps lead our health care response to covid, said that there is a conspiracy in the CDC to destroy the President (he used the term "sedition" for ****s sake), changed reports that he felt didn't help Trump's political odds, and said Americans should be buying ammo for a possible civil war...
... and we've heard tapes of Trump literally calling the virus "the plague" and talking about how a single sneeze in the Oval Office sent them all running out of the room, him included... but he still has these indoor rallies where his crowds are pushed all together (not Trump, tho, whose "rope line" is socially distanced from any attendees.)
But nope... reality doesn't matter to them.
All there is is this silly, vague, "Oh, well, Joe Biden is a mentally-feeble socialist pedophile who supports burning and rioting!" which literally is counter to actual fact. Like, fact.
And they are proud of ignoring fact... the crow about it. I don't need to unignore the folks in this thread to know that.
Our country is really in trouble.
Some people are so gullible. Really sad to see people take what they read in the news at face value.And to think Trump is already working on a plot for an UNPRECEDENTED 3rd term if he's re-elected. OFC
What’s scary about him? Lol.
Yikes. You buy into everything the media sensationalizes.His nonchalant attitude about 200,000 folks dead from Covid for one- "IT IS WHAT IT IS." His plan to yank universal health care and strip away affordable insurance for folks with pre-existing conditions. His unwillingness to EVER take blame for a single mistake. Breaking up a peaceful protest w/tear gas, rubber bullets so he could do a photo-op holding up someone else's Bible in front of a church. Ignoring his own aides intel that Russia interfered in the '16 election and putting Putin on a pedastal.....Plenty more- OFC
Hahahaha.His nonchalant attitude about 200,000 folks dead from Covid for one- "IT IS WHAT IT IS." His plan to yank universal health care and strip away affordable insurance for folks with pre-existing conditions. His unwillingness to EVER take blame for a single mistake. Breaking up a peaceful protest w/tear gas, rubber bullets so he could do a photo-op holding up someone else's Bible in front of a church. Ignoring his own aides intel that Russia interfered in the '16 election and putting Putin on a pedastal.....Plenty more- OFC
Remember when they tried to say Trump was going to start WWIII? Lol.The left is running on fear and feelings. The only reason why you people think Trump is so scary is because establishment politicians have spent the past four years doing everything they can to convince the public that Trump is a threat to our democracy and is a foreign agent. Meanwhile, what you should be scared of is the lifelong politicians who have had decades of being influenced by foreign countries and have sold out your wealth for god knows what kind of special benefits. This is both democrats and republicans. If they were to investigate Bush and Obama the same way they are with Trump, I'd be willing to bet that I would be far more alarmed by what they would find than anything Trump has done.
Couple follow ups. What was he supposed to do? Tell the American people COVID was going to be one of the worst things alive and create a panic? I’m old enough to remember when all the delicate libs like yourself were screaming about how millions of people were going to die from COVID. Weird how we flattened the curve significantly and the liberals are still concerned (fake outrage) and NOW using COVID in a political way to keep things locked down to try and hurt the economy so they may have a shot at winning in November.
Not everyone wants universal healthcare. I personally don’t want to pay for healthcare for deadbeats who are unwilling to try and work for their own healthcare.
As for the protests, I only criticize him for not using MORE force on those riots/protests that were anything but peaceful. Anyone who calls the uproar we’ve seen in the country as “peaceful” protests isn’t very smart.
Ans we’re still on the RUSSIA! nonsense, huh? Don’t worry that Mueller’s team didn’t find any collusion by Trump or his team. He’s also been tougher on Russia than Obama ever was.
Maybe try and shut off CNN and MSNBC. Maybe try and read something other than the NYTimes or WaPo. Or at least, don’t take everything they say at face value considering the amount of fake news they’ve pumped out over the last four years.
Why would I want to read fake news?Knock yourself out. You should be a Trump spokesman- Oh btw, recommended reading: "RAGE" by Bob Woodward, coming to a bookstore near YOU SOON!
There is a reason so many people run around without masks screaming about their rights and pressing into indoor environments we shouldn't be in.
Can you imagine if Trump had been wearing a mask since this whole thing started? If he complained about it a bit, joked about in the way he is good at, but then shrugged and said "But hey, we've gotta do it, right? I mean, the doctors say so, and they're smarter than me about this... what do I know about a virus?" in a sort of joking, shoulder shrugging sort of way? Even wore a MAGA facemask and sold them?
This whole "no mask" thing wouldn't be happening like it is, it certainly wouldn't be a political matter, and our country might be opened and maybe we'd have far fewer deaths.
So damn simple.
Hey, @hart2chesson are you a Republican? For some reason I thought you were.
Masks are nothing but a tool to keep fear around and to show who falls for the propaganda. Mask up you little sheep.
Even Kamala Harris let it slip yesterday with her comment, "in a Harris administration with Joe Biden" which pretty much outlines exactly what's going to happen. Joe is going to tap out within a couple years and Kamala would take over as president.It is great to be able to speak out against the leaders of your party. So if a republican has a problem with Trump representing their party, that is fair. I would rather have a more likable leader who didn't have so many flaws, myself. However, if you claim to be a republican and you vote for Biden, you were never really a republican. This isn't because of not being a blind loyalist for our orange dictator. It is because no republican is going to vote for the agendas being pushed by the far left under the guise of a so called moderate candidate who is unwittingly being used as a puppet for the radical left.
Yes. First time for everything though...
Some people are so gullible. Really sad to see people take what they read in the news at face value.
They’re probably the people who think everything they find on the internet is true.
It’s the hypocrisy that’s so astonishing. Can you imagine what they’d be saying if Obama had said some of this stuff?Trump has literally mentioned the 3rd term thing several times. That's not being gullible. It's stating facts. Trump is the one pushing that talking point himself. What are people suppose to do, not report on what he's saying? Which is absolutely freaking ridiculous btw. This tool bag needs to go in November.
Do you honestly believe he's serious? He's absolutely trolling the liberal left and simple minded folks like yourself take the bait, constantly. You have to capable of thinking through how that would even be possible for him to achieve getting something like a 3rd term through Congress. But, here you are, acting like he can wave a magic wand and just make it happen. LOL....Trump has literally mentioned the 3rd term thing several times. That's not being gullible. It's stating facts. Trump is the one pushing that talking point himself. What are people suppose to do, not report on what he's saying? Which is absolutely freaking ridiculous btw. This tool bag needs to go in November.
Not really. I, along with many other conservatives, are not dumb enough to think this is a real possibility.It’s the hypocrisy that’s so astonishing. Can you imagine what they’d be saying if Obama had said some of this stuff?
Trump has literally mentioned the 3rd term thing several times. That's not being gullible. It's stating facts. Trump is the one pushing that talking point himself. What are people suppose to do, not report on what he's saying? Which is absolutely freaking ridiculous btw. This tool bag needs to go in November.
Do you honestly believe he's serious? He's absolutely trolling the liberal left and simple minded folks like yourself take the bait, constantly. You have to capable of thinking through how that would even be possible for him to achieve getting something like a 3rd term through Congress. But, here you are, acting like he can wave a magic wand and just make it happen. LOL....
I can't wait to vote for him again in November. We 100% need him around for four more years.![]()
So, if he doesn't understand how it works and it's unlikely to happen even if he did, why would you believe it? Why act like it's some major issue? He's trolling. Plain and simple. And I don't see anyone of note pushing the idea of a 3rd term for Trump. Just more idiot libs not actually using their brains. Trump trolls the shit out of people like you.So, a few pages back I detailed how Trump clearly has no understanding of the constitution with regards to a 3rd term. The ignorance of the cult has loads of people pushing his agenda though. He's smart enough to know a majority of the cult eat that shit up. Nowhere did I say he could make it happen.
Some of these trump lickers just crack me up