The New Lounge

This response makes little to zero sense. The right wing is literally trying to protect innocent minors from seeing or being subjected to child porn that is infiltrating school libraries under the auspice of “acceptable, inclusive, necessary, etc.” books, depicting homo erotic behavior. And in that vain, they’re absolutely correct to protect those children from that content.

Which was a nice way to sidestep the ACTUAL conversation of what Kamala wants to do- eliminate and prosecute any adversarial political speech that she as dictator doesn’t like. And btw, this isn’t the first time she’s done this. She did this back when she was a senator as well.
I'll deflect based on your basic, bogus, loaded language. :rolleyes:

Hate speech and misinformation are already illegal under many circumstances. Intelligent people understand the difference between unpopular speech and speech that breaks laws.
Also Datt, the conservatives hate this idea because it limits their ability to spew hate-filled lies, like the lies Ghost parrots about trans children. I would also like to point out that Trump recently admitted that he lost the 2020 election—further proof of how he was able to brainwash people into believing what he knew to be a lie.
This response makes little to zero sense. The right wing is literally trying to protect innocent minors from seeing or being subjected to child porn that is infiltrating school libraries under the auspice of “acceptable, inclusive, necessary, etc.” books, depicting homo erotic behavior. And in that vain, they’re absolutely correct to protect those children from that content.

Which was a nice way to sidestep the ACTUAL conversation of what Kamala wants to do- eliminate and prosecute any adversarial political speech that she as dictator doesn’t like. And btw, this isn’t the first time she’s done this. She did this back when she was a senator as well.
Child porn is not infiltrating school libraries. Top ten banned books of 2023. You can click on the "book résumé" box to see what each one is about.

VP Harris said nothing about adversarial political speech. She mentioned hate speech and misinformation, both of which are against the law and constitutionally acceptable under certain circumstances, You should ask yourself why white supremacists and science deniers are so aligned with your side of this.
This response makes little to zero sense. The right wing is literally trying to protect innocent minors from seeing or being subjected to child porn that is infiltrating school libraries under the auspice of “acceptable, inclusive, necessary, etc.” books, depicting homo erotic behavior. And in that vain, they’re absolutely correct to protect those children from that content.

Which was a nice way to sidestep the ACTUAL conversation of what Kamala wants to do- eliminate and prosecute any adversarial political speech that she as dictator doesn’t like. And btw, this isn’t the first time she’s done this. She did this back when she was a senator as well.
Can you give me examples of books that are available in school libraries that fall within these categories?
I'll deflect based on your basic, bogus, loaded language. :rolleyes:

Hate speech and misinformation are already illegal under many circumstances. Intelligent people understand the difference between unpopular speech and speech that breaks laws.
Glad that you can admit that the people who are running the DNC are not intelligent people.
Also Datt, the conservatives hate this idea because it limits their ability to spew hate-filled lies, like the lies Ghost parrots about trans children. I would also like to point out that Trump recently admitted that he lost the 2020 election—further proof of how he was able to brainwash people into believing what he knew to be a lie.
This is exactly what I am talking about. You think that your opinion of what hate speech is is what matters. I have never said anything hateful about trans kids. I believe they suffer from an illness that they need treatment for. That is not hate, that is actual empathy. Affirming lies and promoting sex changes or gender affirming care is evil, not empathy.

Also, the 2020 election was rigged for the democrats ro win. That doesn't mean that Trump didn't lose.
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This is exactly what I am talking about. You think that your opinion of what hate speech is is what matters. I have never said anything hateful about trans kids. I believe they suffer from an illness that they need treatment for. That is not hate, that is actual empathy. Affirming lies and promoting sex changes or gender affirming care is evil, not empathy.

Also, the 2020 election was rigged for the democrats ro win. That doesn't mean that Trump didn't lose.
Awww, look who wants other people to be precise in their speech all of a sudden.

You're neither a doctor nor a therapist. You won't even read an interview about it that treats transgenders with empathy. I know; I've literally offered a link. Everything you know about transgenders is what has been fed to you by rightwing propaganda. Just like the war on Christmas, gay marriage, comin-fer-our-guns, wokeism, socialist indoctrination in public schools, the gay agenda, and George Soros, mutilating kids' genitals and whatever Kamala just said join the long list of bogus fear-mongering topics conservative propagandists serve their low-information, jowl-wagging, pearl-clutching sheep. You fall for every one of them.
Awww, look who wants other people to be precise in their speech all of a sudden.

You're neither a doctor nor a therapist. You won't even read an interview about it that treats transgenders with empathy. I know; I've literally offered a link. Everything you know about transgenders is what has been fed to you by rightwing propaganda. Just like the war on Christmas, gay marriage, comin-fer-our-guns, wokeism, socialist indoctrination in public schools, the gay agenda, and George Soros, mutilating kids' genitals and whatever Kamala just said join the long list of bogus fear-mongering topics conservative propagandists serve their low-information, jowl-wagging, pearl-clutching sheep. You fall for every one of them.
You could have just typed, "I am a moron" and saved all of those words for someone who might trust or respect your opinions.
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One more thing until later. This is a disgusting and deliberate display of misinformation by the Queen who would get to decide what is misinformation, herself.

It has already led to death threats against Vance and she needs to delete this response and be honest about what JD Vance actually said.
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You clearly don’t do irony or self-reflection. I don’t remember you calling for Trump to stop lying about the two poll workers in Georgia (or any of the myriad of other lies Trump told). They too received death threats.
One more thing until later. This is a disgusting and deliberate display of misinformation by the Queen who would get to decide what is misinformation, herself.

It has already led to death threats against Vance and she needs to delete this response and be honest about what JD Vance actually said.
You're so funny when you're hypocritical and indignant!

That short excerpt from Sen Vance's speech begins with the following: "Now look, the Kamala Harris answer to this is to take law-abiding American citizens' guns away from 'em." Nope! Not true. Any demands that he be honest about what VP Harris has said?

When have law-abiding American citizens ever had guns taken away from them? Y'all have claimed this when Bill Clinton was President, with Presidents Obama and Biden, and now under a potential Harris Presidency. It's one of those fear-mongering talking points dumb conservatives fall for every time.

The most recent info I could find about death threats against Sen Vance are from July 20th. That's quite some trick for VP Harris to have incited that with a September 5th tweet.
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You're so funny when you're hypocritical and indignant!

That short excerpt from Sen Vance's speech begins with the following: "Now look, the Kamala Harris answer to this is to take law-abiding American citizens' guns away from 'em." Nope! Not true. Any demands that he be honest about what VP Harris has said?

When have law-abiding American citizens ever had guns taken away from them? Y'all have claimed this when Bill Clinton was President, with Presidents Obama and Biden, and now under a potential Harris Presidency. It's one of those fear-mongering talking points dumb conservatives fall for every time.

The most recent info I could find about death threats against Sen Vance are from July 20th. That's quite some trick for VP Harris to have incited that with a September 5th tweet.
You are so full of shit. Kamala has repeatedly said the she wants a government buy back. And has said that in her first 100 days she would sign EOs to regulate certain types of guns. A.K.A., what she determines. It's not a false claim like you say.

And either way, this is not the topic. You are once again, refusing to stay on point and make the conversation what you wanted it to be about. She took deliberate misinformation and misrepresented it to make Vance's comments seem unsympathetic and that he is just saying, "deal with it". It wouldn't be as big of a deal for her to lie about it if it weren't just yesterday her saying she would use the DOJ against people for doing exactly what she is doing here. She even posted the video with the entire quote. So she either didn't watch the video or she lied.
You clearly don’t do irony or self-reflection. I don’t remember you calling for Trump to stop lying about the two poll workers in Georgia (or any of the myriad of other lies Trump told). They too received death threats.
I am not hypocritical by not bringing up Trump. I am not talking about Trump. If you want to address something about Trump and I decide to comment, then I may be in a position for you to call me a hypocrite. You decided to reference what I am talking about and are being an idiot by changing the subject.
The Left wanting to regulate, censor, penalize... "free speech" is like the guy that intentionally starts a fire, then calls 911.
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This is exactly what I am talking about. You think that your opinion of what hate speech is is what matters. I have never said anything hateful about trans kids. I believe they suffer from an illness that they need treatment for. That is not hate, that is actual empathy. Affirming lies and promoting sex changes or gender affirming care is evil, not empathy.

Also, the 2020 election was rigged for the democrats ro win. That doesn't mean that Trump didn't lose.

This response makes little to zero sense. The right wing is literally trying to protect innocent minors from seeing or being subjected to child porn that is infiltrating school libraries under the auspice of “acceptable, inclusive, necessary, etc.” books, depicting homo erotic behavior. And in that vain, they’re absolutely correct to protect those children from that content.

Which was a nice way to sidestep the ACTUAL conversation of what Kamala wants to do- eliminate and prosecute any adversarial political speech that she as dictator doesn’t like. And btw, this isn’t the first time she’s done this. She did this back when she was a senator as well.
Banning books is another variation on an assault on the First Amendment. But I guess you are ok with someone who is not the parent deciding what is right for their child.
I am not hypocritical by not bringing up Trump. I am not talking about Trump. If you want to address something about Trump and I decide to comment, then I may be in a position for you to call me a hypocrite. You decided to reference what I am talking about and are being an idiot by changing the subject.
I am not changing the subject at all. This is all part of the same crap the right spews out. It is ok
for Trump to make fun of a reporter with cerebral palsy but not to make fun of Trump. It is ok for Trump to call people’s wives ugly but not ok to criticize his family. It is ok for Trump to gin up hysteria about the election by lying (which he now acknowledges) but not ok to say something about Vance that might lead to threats. You are not stupid. You know exactly what I mean but you take this very childish interpretation so that you can deflect from your own hypocrisy.
I am not changing the subject at all. This is all part of the same crap the right spews out. It is ok
for Trump to make fun of a reporter with cerebral palsy but not to make fun of Trump. It is ok for Trump to call people’s wives ugly but not ok to criticize his family. It is ok for Trump to gin up hysteria about the election by lying (which he now acknowledges) but not ok to say something about Vance that might lead to threats. You are not stupid. You know exactly what I mean but you take this very childish interpretation so that you can deflect from your own hypocrisy.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the subject. Yet, you aren't changing the subject. The subject had absolutely nothing to do with Trump at all, yet you saying Trump, Trump Trump, isn't changing the subject.
Our current president has never been mentally fit because his brain is like oatmeal, and his cackling shit for brains VP is dumber than he is.

But yeah, let’s spend the last four years whining about Trump.

Liberals are the poster children for losers.
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Our current president has never been mentally fit because his brain is like oatmeal, and his cackling shit for brains VP is dumber than he is.

But yeah, let’s spend the last four years whining about Trump.

Liberals are the poster children for losers.
there is a reason for that. Not only did Trump not go away after he lost but the Pubs governed as if he were still in charge. No subsidized daycare because it would hurt Trump’s chances of being reelected. No border bill even though the Dems gave the Pubs most of what they wanted for the same reason. The House speaker did Trump’s bidding. Both Jimmy Carter and Bush Sr went quietly away when they lost their bid for reelection. Not this asshole. Oh, btw, Dick Cheney announced he is voting for Harris because Trump is too dangerous to be good for this country.
You are so full of shit. Kamala has repeatedly said the she wants a government buy back. And has said that in her first 100 days she would sign EOs to regulate certain types of guns. A.K.A., what she determines. It's not a false claim like you say.

And either way, this is not the topic. You are once again, refusing to stay on point and make the conversation what you wanted it to be about. She took deliberate misinformation and misrepresented it to make Vance's comments seem unsympathetic and that he is just saying, "deal with it". It wouldn't be as big of a deal for her to lie about it if it weren't just yesterday her saying she would use the DOJ against people for doing exactly what she is doing here. She even posted the video with the entire quote. So she either didn't watch the video or she lied.
Neither option is "taking" anyone's guns away. When has any law-abiding citizen had their guns taken away by the federal govt? It's a lie conservatives claim just about every election cycle.

And it's the VERY 👏 FIRST👏THING👏 Sen Vance says in the video YOU posted. You wanna ignore that and get indignant about how VP Harris took an exact quote out of context? You are a textbook hypocrite, sir.
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Oh, btw, Dick Cheney announced he is voting for Harris because Trump is too dangerous to be good for this country.
Are you sure about that? I can't find that mentioned anywhere on Fox News. Or The Blaze. Or Breitbart. Or The Gateway Pundit.
Oh, btw, Dick Cheney announced he is voting for Harris because Trump is too dangerous to be good for this country.
A man who is a member of the elites that have done nothing but profit off war for decades. Voting against the only man that didn’t have us in a war.

This means nothing to me. Another missed swing by you. You poor limp wrist.
A man who is a member of the elites that have done nothing but profit off war for decades. Voting against the only man that didn’t have us in a war.

This means nothing to me. Another missed swing by you. You poor limp wrist.
Trump certainly did not get us out of one and instead made a mess of the negotiations for withdrawal.
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This means nothing to me. Another missed swing by you.
This is kinda like watching boxing on tv and saying the punches aren't hurting you. We all know you don't engage with anything that threatens your bubble.
Bu-bu-but at least he's not one of those elites! He's Everyman!
True. The guy whose father was a millionaire, who gave his son 14 million in seed money, who played tennis in college— somehow braving the pain of bone spurs—- and who went to Wharton. Definitely one of the people!
Trump certainly did not get us out of one and instead made a mess of the negotiations for withdrawal.
Your ability to be a party hack is second to none.
I don’t know how else to say this, but you’re an idiot.
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True. The guy whose father was a millionaire, who gave his son 14 million in seed money, who played tennis in college— somehow braving the pain of bone spurs—- and who went to Wharton. Definitely one of the people!
His wealth didn’t happen when he got to DC. Big difference Ol Gal.

You comprehend?
Neither option is "taking" anyone's guns away. When has any law-abiding citizen had their guns taken away by the federal govt? It's a lie conservatives claim just about every election cycle.

And it's the VERY 👏 FIRST👏THING👏 Sen Vance says in the video YOU posted. You wanna ignore that and get indignant about how VP Harris took an exact quote out of context? You are a textbook hypocrite, sir.
On the guns. Her views are clear, the buy backs and selective regulations are where it starts. But I am not going to waste anymore time on this topic because I am not a gun nut or am I worried about her actually being able to bypass the SCOTUS to enforce any kind of unconstitutional restrictions on guns. And it was not the intention of the conversation to begin with.

On the Kamala lie. The comment she deliberately misrepresented has nothing to do with guns. So Vance's opinion on what she intends to do with guns is completely irrelevant. You can attempt to twist this conversation into something that YOU think makes me a hypocrite, but you will fail miserably because all you're doing is deflecting and ignoring the topic.

The topic is simple. She says she wants to use the DOJ to go after social media outlets for allowing their sites to be used as a platform to spread hate and misinformation. Then SHE deliberately spreads misinformation. THIS is the topic. You want to avoid it because it would be too much for you to just say, you know.. she is being hypocritical here. Instead, you use whataboutism and downplay just how shitty she is being by making Vance out to be a heartless POS by deliberately lying about what he was saying. But this is not surprising from you.
His wealth didn’t happen when he got to DC. Big difference Ol Gal.

You comprehend?
Cheney was a wealthy man before he got to the White House and Trump made plenty of money violating the Emoluments Clause. You got that?
Progressives and dems called Dick.. hitler, Satan, etc for years… now HES OURS! Which makes since when you think about it.
You guys do the same. We still hate him but the fact that such a staunch Republican — who was willing to throw his gay daughter under the bus— is sounding the alarm says something. Or at least it should to people who have not had the Trump induced lobotomy, like you sheep.
Your ability to be a party hack is second to none.
I don’t know how else to say this, but you’re an idiot.
Your reasoning is just so compelling. You and Trump. I feel so intellectually chagrined by your logic.

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