The New Lounge

You guys do the same. We still hate him but the fact that such a staunch Republican — who was willing to throw his gay daughter under the bus— is sounding the alarm says something. Or at least it should to people who have not had the Trump induced lobotomy, like you sheep.
It does not sound the alarm. And it won't when George W says he won't be voting for Trump. The difference in people like you and the typical Trump voter, is you want your party to rule no matter what it takes. Typical Trump voters don't give two shits about establishment Republicans.

You guys love to point out these never Trump Republicans endorsing Kamala as if that shows something other than their TDS. But look at how many democrat politicians across the country who are switching parties compared to the other way around. That gives you a better idea of where the country his heading.
I don’t give a fat baby’s ass that Cheney, Romney, Bush… don’t endorse Trump. It actually tells me all I need to know. Which is they don’t want anyone to get there that will call them out publicly for their evil shenanigans.

Trump does just that. He’s not a politician, and no matter how he made his money, it wasn’t near as crooked as anyone that’s been in DC, or currently there.

There’s no doubt liberals are mentally ill.
It does not sound the alarm. And it won't when George W says he won't be voting for Trump. The difference in people like you and the typical Trump voter, is you want your party to rule no matter what it takes. Typical Trump voters don't give two shits about establishment Republicans.

You guys love to point out these never Trump Republicans endorsing Kamala as if that shows something other than their TDS. But look at how many democrat politicians across the country who are switching parties compared to the other way around. That gives you a better idea of where the country his heading.
Typical Trump voters prefer Putin type dictators. Not something I would brag about.
I don’t give a fat baby’s ass that Cheney, Romney, Bush… don’t endorse Trump. It actually tells me all I need to know. Which is they don’t want anyone to get there that will call them out publicly for their evil shenanigans.

Trump does just that. He’s not a politician, and no matter how he made his money, it wasn’t near as crooked as anyone that’s been in DC, or currently there.

There’s no doubt liberals are mentally ill.
Trump is a crook and a thug. He constantly short changed the people he hired, many of whom were undocumented immigrants. He reneged on promises he made to the city and single-handedly destroyed the westside of Manhattan. The fact that you have convinced yourself of some virtue in that man speaks to a delusional pathology.
Typical Trump voters prefer Putin type dictators. Not something I would brag about.
This is called a lie. You know, the things that liars do. Once again, you lack any original thoughts and you use elementary sarcasm to avoid the actual discussion. You're nothing if not consistent.
You guys do the same. We still hate him but the fact that such a staunch Republican — who was willing to throw his gay daughter under the bus— is sounding the alarm says something. Or at least it should to people who have not had the Trump induced lobotomy, like you sheep.
Your candidate was literally endorsed by Putin…
Everything Trump promotes is power to the states. The left wants their leaders to be able to bypass the SCOTUS. Then they call Trump a dictator. Democrat governors enforced mandates as if they were law and destroyed people's careers if they didn't comply. And yet it is the people who vote for Trump that prefer dictators. Their front runner wants to control prices on goods, what is covered under the 2nd ammendment and what is covered under the 1st ammendment. And they call Trump the dictator. They're not concerned about democracy or dictatorship, they just want the candidate that caters to the alphabet community and panders to the minorities to win.
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On the guns. Her views are clear, the buy backs and selective regulations are where it starts. But I am not going to waste anymore time on this topic because I am not a gun nut or am I worried about her actually being able to bypass the SCOTUS to enforce any kind of unconstitutional restrictions on guns. And it was not the intention of the conversation to begin with.

On the Kamala lie. The comment she deliberately misrepresented has nothing to do with guns. So Vance's opinion on what she intends to do with guns is completely irrelevant. You can attempt to twist this conversation into something that YOU think makes me a hypocrite, but you will fail miserably because all you're doing is deflecting and ignoring the topic.

The topic is simple. She says she wants to use the DOJ to go after social media outlets for allowing their sites to be used as a platform to spread hate and misinformation. Then SHE deliberately spreads misinformation. THIS is the topic. You want to avoid it because it would be too much for you to just say, you know.. she is being hypocritical here. Instead, you use whataboutism and downplay just how shitty she is being by making Vance out to be a heartless POS by deliberately lying about what he was saying. But this is not surprising from you.
When has it ever, ever, EVER, EVAAAAAAR crossed the line into taking away law-abiding citizens' guns? Don't waste time with this; just give a single, simple example.

You ignored Sen Vance's lie in order to focus on VP Harris' misuse of a direct quote. You think it's the first quarter and I'm already halfway through the victory parade in the Super Bowl of proving you're a hypocrite.

She did indeed misrepresent the context in which Sen Vance said those poorly chosen exact words. (For her to have done so deliberately means she understood the original context, which means she must be smarter than any conservative here ever gives her credit, but I digress...) If you want to call her hypocritical for that, fine. (Of course, that would be setting a higher bar for her than you have for yourself, which is further evidence of your hypocrisy. It's like hypocrisy squared now, but I disgress...)

You're basically equivocating how she misused an exact quote with "masks and vaccines are bad for you" or "there's no such thing as being transgender." 🤣

Sen Vance is indeed a heartless PO[initial representing naughty word redacted since I've been banned for using abbreviations for naughty words before, but I digress...]. Still no evidence of death threats to Sen Vance as a result of this "misinformation"? Don't waste time with this; just give a single, simple example.
When has it ever, ever, EVER, EVAAAAAAR crossed the line into taking away law-abiding citizens' guns? Don't waste time with this; just give a single, simple example.

You ignored Sen Vance's lie in order to focus on VP Harris' misuse of a direct quote. You think it's the first quarter and I'm already halfway through the victory parade in the Super Bowl of proving you're a hypocrite.

She did indeed misrepresent the context in which Sen Vance said those poorly chosen exact words. (For her to have done so deliberately means she understood the original context, which means she must be smarter than any conservative here ever gives her credit, but I digress...) If you want to call her hypocritical for that, fine. (Of course, that would be setting a higher bar for her than you have for yourself, which is further evidence of your hypocrisy. It's like hypocrisy squared now, but I disgress...)

You're basically equivocating how she misused an exact quote with "masks and vaccines are bad for you" or "there's no such thing as being transgender." 🤣

Sen Vance is indeed a heartless PO[initial representing naughty word redacted since I've been banned for using abbreviations for naughty words before, but I digress...]. Still no evidence of death threats to Sen Vance as a result of this "misinformation"? Don't waste time with this; just give a single, simple example.
Australia would be all the examples you would need. Last rime I speak on this.

You can say that Vance lied when he said that Harris wants to take your guns. Even if it is a lie, it has absolutely nothing to do with what the real issue is here. So AGAIN, this does not make me a hypocrite for ignoring something irrelevant to the discussion. You failed again.

The mask and vaccine paragraph is weird. I don't follow.

Shit, datt. Just say shit. This is a safe place. Even for you. The mods have told you directly that you would not be banned and yet you still constantly whine about your supposed ban for using an acronym. Not surprising from the spokesperson for victimhood. As far as the death threats. What I should have said was death wishes. The tweets I was reading wouldn't be considered actual threats as they weren't saying they would do anything. Just that they wished someone would. So accept my correction or say that I was lying. I don't care.

Can you play by the rules for one second here and stick to the topic? Can you explain to me how what Harris did here is any different than what she wants to use the DOJ to go after social media sites for allowing people to do?
Australia would be all the examples you would need. Last rime I speak on this.

You can say that Vance lied when he said that Harris wants to take your guns. Even if it is a lie, it has absolutely nothing to do with what the real issue is here. So AGAIN, this does not make me a hypocrite for ignoring something irrelevant to the discussion. You failed again.

The mask and vaccine paragraph is weird. I don't follow.

Shit, datt. Just say shit. This is a safe place. Even for you. The mods have told you directly that you would not be banned and yet you still constantly whine about your supposed ban for using an acronym. Not surprising from the spokesperson for victimhood. As far as the death threats. What I should have said was death wishes. The tweets I was reading wouldn't be considered actual threats as they weren't saying they would do anything. Just that they wished someone would. So accept my correction or say that I was lying. I don't care.

Can you play by the rules for one second here and stick to the topic? Can you explain to me how what Harris did here is any different than what she wants to use the DOJ to go after social media sites for allowing people to do?
Australia? 🤣 🤣 🤣 You know darn well we're talking about the USA. It's worked out spectacularly in Australia, btw.

VP Harris' misuse of a direct quotation is nothing compared to Sen Vance's lie. Or the lies you repeat about masks, vaccines, and gender-affirming care. Which is another way of saying it's nowhere near the ballpark of what she was talking about regarding social media sites. I mean, I'm using exact examples and you're still struggling to connect the dots?
Australia? 🤣 🤣 🤣 You know darn well we're talking about the USA. It's worked out spectacularly in Australia, btw.

VP Harris' misuse of a direct quotation is nothing compared to Sen Vance's lie. Or the lies you repeat about masks, vaccines, and gender-affirming care. Which is another way of saying it's nowhere near the ballpark of what she was talking about regarding social media sites. I mean, I'm using exact examples and you're still struggling to connect the dots?
You are a dense fool. You're now attempting to deflect the conversation to your claim of my lies about vaccines?? What have I said about vaccines? Don't answer, not relevant. And gender affirming care. You are absolutely not using exact examples. It isn't in the ballpark for YOU. Because you feel politically obligated to avoid acknowledging it. According to her, Elon should be held accountable for the AP posting that tweet and her retweet for it to still be up even though it has been proven to be a lie. The AP at least deleted their tweet. Kamala's disgusting comment is still up.

If you really want to compare what you are saying is Vance's lie and what Kamala did, you will fail to be on the right side of that argument as well. Vance is presuming what her intentions are based on her own previous comments. He may be wrong, and is certainly pandering to an audience, but not comparable to what Kamala did. And you know it.
Of all the things you don't know, what I do or don't know is certainly near the top of the list.
Everything Trump promotes is power to the states. The left wants their leaders to be able to bypass the SCOTUS. Then they call Trump a dictator. Democrat governors enforced mandates as if they were law and destroyed people's careers if they didn't comply. And yet it is the people who vote for Trump that prefer dictators. Their front runner wants to control prices on goods, what is covered under the 2nd ammendment and what is covered under the 1st ammendment. And they call Trump the dictator. They're not concerned about democracy or dictatorship, they just want the candidate that caters to the alphabet community and panders to the minorities to win.
It would be helpful if your understanding of the Dems was accurate but I realize that is a lost cause. You seem to want someone to hate so the misrepresentation of facts that Trump and his minions provide.
It would be helpful if your understanding of the Dems was accurate but I realize that is a lost cause. You seem to want someone to hate so the misrepresentation of facts that Trump and his minions provide.
The next time you provide a substantive point, will be your first.
I am not a fan of Malcolm X, but it is said he made the comment that the white liberal is the most dangerous person to America and the black man.

Truer words have never been spoken. I can vouch for that with the two morons that regularly post in this thread.
I am not a fan of Malcolm X, but it is said he made the comment that the white liberal is the most dangerous person to America and the black man.

Truer words have never been spoken. I can vouch for that with the two morons that regularly post in this thread.
You referring to you and Ghost?
You referring to you and Ghost?
No surprise this is your response. Must really chap your ass that someone you and @Dattier wont criticize, pops you and him between the eyes with such a true statement.
And something said decades ago is still true too.
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No surprise this is your response. Must really chap your ass that someone you and @Dattier wont criticize, pops you and him between the eyes with such a true statement.
And something said decades ago is still true too.
One of the first to recognize the devastating, usually unintended consequences of the White Savior. Not sure if he actually used that term then but the shoe fits. The White Savior was used as a useful idiot to obfuscate the true goals of colonialism in most cases: exploitation of raw material and cheap, sometimes free, local labor
So if it's the same speech that I think @Mac9192 is referring to, he starts by talking about how the republicans are not your friend (speaking to black Americans) and calls them wolves. And then proceeds to dive deeper into the truth.

Bottom line is what an angry black man said in the 60’s is the same things the conservatives in this thread say about liberals.

Coincidence that the two in this thread are white too?
Coincidence that the two in this thread are white too?
They're the "good" white people. The white people who think so low of black people, they feel like they wouldn't even be able to go to grocery stores if it weren't for all of their hard work on internet message boards calling out the evil conservatives. The white people who think black people are too stupid to find a DMV to obtain legal identification or too stupid to know how to access the internet. The white people who think that poor children are just as bright as white children.
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Bottom line is what an angry black man said in the 60’s is the same things the conservatives in this thread say about liberals.

Coincidence that the two in this thread are white too?
I am not white but nice try
If you’ll allow, I’m still waiting for Lebron to finish the book and summarize his thoughts.
Speaking of books, you never responded to my request that you give me the titles of those homoerotic books that need ro be banned from school libraries.
Yup. He is the guy to go to for accuracy.
Also border crossings have dropped way down aince Biden’s new rule.
Way too late, don’t you think? Hell millions poured in for 3 1/2 years, now you say his new rule has caused the crossings to drop way down. You people are so smart, you’re stupid.
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Way too late, don’t you think? Hell millions poured in for 3 1/2 years, now you say his new rule has caused the crossings to drop way down. You people are so smart, you’re stupid.
She says these things with a straight face. That's the stupidest part.
Speaking of books, you never responded to my request that you give me the titles of those homoerotic books that need ro be banned from school libraries.
I don’t care to engage in these efforts. We both know the reasons why. I’ll do the work to find them. You’ll bury your head in the sand as if it’s 1. Not happening. 2. I don’t like the source who provided the list. 3. It’s only right wing nut jobs across the country who want to do this.

But I’ll play the game. Here’s a list of 50 books parents in Texas asked to be banned for various reasons. Several because of graphic homoerotic content that shouldn’t be presented and/or available to minors.

That was a simple Google search. I just scrolled through the first one. I’ve seen more than my share of videos over the last few years of parents at local school board meetings, local/town hearings etc. throughout the country that parents are livid. Bc whether they are left, right, black, white, tall or short, they all just want a safe place for their kids to learn.
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They're the "good" white people. The white people who think so low of black people, they feel like they wouldn't even be able to go to grocery stores if it weren't for all of their hard work on internet message boards calling out the evil conservatives. The white people who think black people are too stupid to find a DMV to obtain legal identification or too stupid to know how to access the internet. The white people who think that poor children are just as bright as white children.
As a public school educator, it's pretty much part of my job description to help poor children overcome their circumstances regardless of race. I do this face-to-face -- not on internet message boards -- and have for more than 28 years now.

I can't imagine going through life without proper ID, but I know that people do, and disproportionately, it's BIPOC who don't have ID. It has nothing to do with intelligence. The only logical explanation left is that it's systemic.

Every time you claim Black people have been hoodwinked by the Democratic Party, you're essentially saying they're too dumb to see your so-called "truth."

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