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So the fact that she was willing to engage in a compromise to get much needed legislation after the Pubs threatened to hold the budget hostage makes her a liar? Of course there is the issue that the Pubs got pretty much everything they wanted and still wouldn't vote for the bill because it would make it harder for Trump to get elected. But back to Harris, I believe what she did was engage in the politics of running the country, which calls for compromise. So it actually makes her a patriot and a good legislator.
2021- the border is secure, we’ve been to the border.
2022- the border is secure, there is no problem at the border
2023- the border is secure
2024- the border isn’t secure and it’s trumps fault.

So which is it? The lie that the border was secure? That she went to the border? Or it’s Trumps fault for not securing the border bc he allegedly told “pubs” to not vote for a bill?

The truth is actually that this admin, Biden-Harris, blew the border wide open. Illegals pour in, drugs, child trafficking, gangs, etc. for years, but it’s Trumps fault.
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2021- the border is secure, we’ve been to the border.
2022- the border is secure, there is no problem at the border
2023- the border is secure
2024- the border isn’t secure and it’s trumps fault.

So which is it? The lie that the border was secure? That she went to the border? Or it’s Trumps fault for not securing the border bc he allegedly told “pubs” to not vote for a bill?

The truth is actually that this admin, Biden-Harris, blew the border wide open. Illegals pour in, drugs, child trafficking, gangs, etc. for years, but it’s Trumps fault.
It's just like them parading around the country bragging about how good the economy has been because of bidennomics. People say, it was better under Trump. They say, shut up, jack. Look at the data. The economy is actually better under Biden. Oh, but our cost of living is higher now than it was then. 'That’s not what the data shows.' Now this lying fraud acknowledges that costs are high and people are struggling. But blames it on Trump or greedy grocery stores and promises to fix it.
I'll say it again, but Trump (a man with many flaws) is the best option as President. It's a fact. F%*@ your feelings. Everyone else is either part of the DC elite, bought and owned, or doesn't have the balls to be the true leader our country desperately needs. And if you think Kamala is the answer, you're retarded. I'm looking at two of our resident idiots on this thread.

The other thing that must happen is the media has to be blown up, and then rebuilt. They are corrupt to the core. Everything is about $$, and they can't be fair because of who makes big time donations to them. Again, if you don't see this, you're too stupid, and shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Yaaay! You found your next token to trot out alongside Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and David Clarke!

Disgusting propaganda. He ignores the great party switch -- which is real -- then repeats transphobic rightwing lies. It's no secret that certain Christians of every race are pro-life and anti-LGBTQIAQSAE+. And his hot take is that Dr. King was a bad dude. 🤣 🤣 🤣

How can you call anyone else a sheep, a parrot, of having an "inability to be a free thinker" when you promote garbage like this?
The truth is actually that this admin, Biden-Harris, blew the border wide open. Illegals pour in, drugs, child trafficking, gangs, etc. for years, but it’s Trumps fault.
There is no 4 year period in American history that can be held solely or primarily responsible for the complexity of our immigration issues. President Trump and VP Harris are both probably shrewd to claim otherwise and point fingers at each other, but they're both liars and anyone who goes along with either is a liar or a sucker or both.
People say, it was better under Trump. They say, shut up, jack. Look at the data.
While data can be manipulated and most certainly is by most politicians, it's a far better starting point than "people say."
Yaaay! You found your next token to trot out alongside Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and David Clarke!

Disgusting propaganda. He ignores the great party switch -- which is real -- then repeats transphobic rightwing lies. It's no secret that certain Christians of every race are pro-life and anti-LGBTQIAQSAE+. And his hot take is that Dr. King was a bad dude. 🤣 🤣 🤣

How can you call anyone else a sheep, a parrot, of having an "inability to be a free thinker" when you promote garbage like this?
I mean this in all sincerity, can you tell me what all of these letters are? When did all of these letters get added and why? LGBTQIAQSAE. After the first Q I was lost and legit haven’t ever seen the rest.
Yaaay! You found your next token to trot out alongside Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and David Clarke!

Disgusting propaganda. He ignores the great party switch -- which is real -- then repeats transphobic rightwing lies. It's no secret that certain Christians of every race are pro-life and anti-LGBTQIAQSAE+. And his hot take is that Dr. King was a bad dude. 🤣 🤣 🤣

How can you call anyone else a sheep, a parrot, of having an "inability to be a free thinker" when you promote garbage like this?
The great party switch. Hahaha. That is the biggest lie ever. You're ignoring all of the FACTS that he talks about after the big lie about party switch. And that is a very racist thing for you to say about a black man who is a free thinker. He is nobody's token. He does in fact call people like you out for being a fake Christian. That's probably why you hate him. Outside of the fact that he is a black man who isn't tethered to the Democrat plantation.
Look at who the Democratic Party has marched out to the American people the last three elections to be the President. Two of the most unlikable women on the face of the planet, and an old, washed up crook who has had memory issues since 2019.

Anyone, and I mean anyone, that can defend that? You have some serious mental issues.
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Yaaay! You found your next token to trot out alongside Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and David Clarke!

Disgusting propaganda. He ignores the great party switch -- which is real -- then repeats transphobic rightwing lies. It's no secret that certain Christians of every race are pro-life and anti-LGBTQIAQSAE+. And his hot take is that Dr. King was a bad dude. 🤣 🤣 🤣

How can you call anyone else a sheep, a parrot, of having an "inability to be a free thinker" when you promote garbage like this?
What an absolute terrible disgusting comment
The great party switch. Hahaha. That is the biggest lie ever. You're ignoring all of the FACTS that he talks about after the big lie about party switch. And that is a very racist thing for you to say about a black man who is a free thinker. He is nobody's token. He does in fact call people like you out for being a fake Christian. That's probably why you hate him. Outside of the fact that he is a black man who isn't tethered to the Democrat plantation.
The great party switch is real. You're essentially promoting the next "Lost Cause" to claim otherwise. No point debating.

HE is indeed a free thinker. YOU are using him as your token. I've never heard of him before and I don 't hate him. I think that's fairly evident the way I shrugged off the anti-choice component.
What an absolute terrible disgusting comment
It's the truth of how the right tokenizes the rare BIPOC who agrees with them. Just like your orange hero (I guess that's BIPOC, in a way), if you like what they say, it becomes Gospel, which goes along with the idolatrous thinking on the right perfectly.

I'm just the messenger.
That was basically how I read it.. can you imagine his response if I, you, or @Mac9192 would have said that.
Well, Ghost actually DID say it, and you've seen how I responded: 2 sentences.

FTR, yes, the left tokenizes BIPOC, too, at times.
I mean this in all sincerity, can you tell me what all of these letters are? When did all of these letters get added and why? LGBTQIAQSAE. After the first Q I was lost and legit haven’t ever seen the rest.
You forgot the +, which is very exclusionary and bigoted of you.
Party switch:


The great party switch is real. You're essentially promoting the next "Lost Cause" to claim otherwise. No point debating.

HE is indeed a free thinker. YOU are using him as your token. I've never heard of him before and I don 't hate him. I think that's fairly evident the way I shrugged off the anti-choice component.
It's not real. Certain people switched affiliations, parties largely remained the same.

I am not using him as a token. I am simply sharing the video, as he and many people like him want. The video is an hour long, you should give it a watch.

It will certainly trigger you, but maybe you can learn something from it.
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It's the truth of how the right tokenizes the rare BIPOC who agrees with them. Just like your orange hero (I guess that's BIPOC, in a way), if you like what they say, it becomes Gospel, which goes along with the idolatrous thinking on the right perfectly.

I'm just the messenger.
BIPOC is the lowest of terms you loons have adopted. Some white liberal woman who never lived an hour in diversity probably coined that one. So dumb.
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You're trying to assign me an hour-long homework assignment for something I have already declared complete crap.

I've told you: The term BIPOC isn't going anywhere. History is going to remember you like old people who still use the term "colored."

LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964. A few months later, the South flipped. Period. Several of them went for George Wallace in '68 -- George frickin Wallace!
You forgot the +, which is very exclusionary and bigoted of you.
Do the A’s and Q’s ever argue over who should come first in the victimhood hierarchy here? Ever get confused, probably the wrong word, when a letter is brought up and they think it applies to them? Shouldn’t it be Q1&Q2 stand up, A1/A2 your turn. Apologies for not adding in the “+” very negative of me. I think the “+” is rather exclusionary and bigoted myself. Just lumps everyone else in together. Can’t think of anything more less inclusive than marginalizing all of the “+” category. Maybe one day they’ll have their day and symbol in the ever growing flag of inclusion!
Do the A’s and Q’s ever argue over who should come first in the victimhood hierarchy here? Ever get confused, probably the wrong word, when a letter is brought up and they think it applies to them? Shouldn’t it be Q1&Q2 stand up, A1/A2 your turn. Apologies for not adding in the “+” very negative of me. I think the “+” is rather exclusionary and bigoted myself. Just lumps everyone else in together. Can’t think of anything more less inclusive than marginalizing all of the “+” category. Maybe one day they’ll have their day and symbol in the ever growing flag of inclusion!
Allies have no problem being the second “A,” of course. I would imagine it’s the same for Questioning, as it’s generally a transitory state. The + recognizes that groups who have not yet been identified may emerge, at which point they’ll get their own letter.
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Allies have no problem being the second “A,” of course. I would imagine it’s the same for Questioning, as it’s generally a transitory state. The + recognizes that groups who have not yet been identified may emerge, at which point they’ll get their own letter.
Any ideas what those groups might be?
I thought of both that type of hat and of polyamory before realizing where your sick mind was going with that.
Oh no. You are the party of the sick and perverted. They exist on the right, but it is normalized on the left.
I guess by Datt’s reaction he’s cool with policing free speech.
As is the Constitution, as consistently interpreted by courts: "Only that expression that is shown to belong to a few narrow categories of speech is not protected by the First Amendment. The categories of unprotected speech include obscenity, child pornography, defamatory speech, false advertising, true threats, and fighting words."

And taking a page from the rightwing coloring book/rhetoric guide, why are conservatives protecting child porn?
I guess by Datt’s reaction he’s cool with policing free speech.
Yeah. Strange reaction. Just like with many other things the left accuses you of, they are the guilty ones. They call you the fascist, and here they are promoting fascism.

It's especially concerning because they have already proven that what they consider misinformation or hate speech, is actually just opposition speech.
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This is the part we're worried about, and you know it.

"Government agencies and government officials are forbidden from regulating or restricting speech or other expression based on its content or viewpoint. Criticism of the government, political dissatisfaction, and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are nearly always protected by the First Amendment."
This is the part we're worried about, and you know it.

"Government agencies and government officials are forbidden from regulating or restricting speech or other expression based on its content or viewpoint. Criticism of the government, political dissatisfaction, and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are nearly always protected by the First Amendment."
The only part in quotation marks in that rightwing propaganda tweet you shared is unobjectionable.
I would want -- and fully expect -- something like that to be closely monitored. The ACLU would be all over it, for one.
All the other stuff? That was added by your latest rightwing puppet master on Twitter.
The only part in quotation marks in that rightwing propaganda tweet you shared is unobjectionable.
I would want -- and fully expect -- something like that to be closely monitored. The ACLU would be all over it, for one.
All the other stuff? That was added by your latest rightwing puppet master on Twitter.
So you are okay with the same people who compare conservatives to nazis being in charge of deciding what is hate speech? The same people who told you that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation being in charge of deciding what is misinformation? Don't deflect to the source of the video. I am talking specifically about the words directly out of Queen Kamala's mouth. Using the DOJ to go after platforms that allow "hate speech" or "misinformation". It appears that you support that. Which is not surprising.
So you are okay with the same people who compare conservatives to nazis being in charge of deciding what is hate speech? The same people who told you that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation being in charge of deciding what is misinformation? Don't deflect to the source of the video. I am talking specifically about the words directly out of Queen Kamala's mouth. Using the DOJ to go after platforms that allow "hate speech" or "misinformation". It appears that you support that. Which is not surprising.
I'll deflect based on your basic, bogus, loaded language. :rolleyes:

Hate speech and misinformation are already illegal under many circumstances. Intelligent people understand the difference between unpopular speech and speech that breaks laws.

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