The New Lounge

"Tlaib said that most taxpayers don’t want their money to go to 'death and destruction”'and “apartheid.'”
This is the only reference to anything Rep Tlaib said in that entire article you linked. You are quoting someone else. You are a bad reader.

Oh, did you mistakenly think that when I agreed with Rep Tlaib that PM Netanyahu is a war criminal that either of us meant he has already been convicted of war crimes in a court of law? Well, that's one way of pretending the game is one you're capable of winning.

Rep Tlaib is not a radical Muslim. She is not pro-Hamas. You can't even have a discussion with any integrity because you insist on loaded language for things you're too lazy and stupid to prove.
I actually didn't read the article. So if it doesn't represent what I was trying to show, that is my mistake. I will try harder to find her comments from last October where she downplayed the rape and murder of children and referred to hamas as freedom fighters. It's also possible that I am thinking of the other radical Muslim in our Congress.
I absolutely defend Muslims based on the hundreds of examples of people I've interacted with or read over the years. I'll trust their version of Islam they live every day of their life over your deliberate excerpting to prove what you already believe.
We can move on. What republicans and how do you define white nationalists?
The right said "not my President" through 8 years of President Obama's time in office.

The investigations into President Trump have all been legitimate and above board. Some found nothing. It was not a witch hunt. It was not conspiracy or abuse of power or anything else President Trump has you parroting.

Land doesn't vote. Counties don't matter. The only unusual thing about the 2020 election was that so many ballots were cast via mail, just like several states have been doing for years without incident. That resulted in more votes being cast and yeah, President Trump got 81m, several million fewer than Biden. He also got way more votes than President Washington did. Congrats! lol
Even when the evidence shows, you just dig in deeper. I know why too. No one likes admitting what they've believed has been wrong, and that they've fallen for nothing but lies. Open your eyes.

We won't laugh at you Datt, I promise. We aren't your enemies. You'll feel born again.
Those criminals climbed a flag pole in front of the Capitol and ripped the flag down to burn it. That is not a right. They were also waving Palestinian flags and Hamas flags while spray painting love for hamas on the freedom bell. But I guess that's their right to do so, huh?
The flag is already on the ground in the video. There is no spray paint in the video. There are no Hamas flags in the video. The Freedom Bell does not appear in the video. If you think I was referring to any of those things, you're a stupid troll.
And you really don't understand what "proof" means, do you?
The flag is already on the ground in the video. There is no spray paint in the video. There are no Hamas flags in the video. The Freedom Bell does not appear in the video. If you think I was referring to any of those things, you're a stupid troll.
And you really don't understand what "proof" means, do you?
So your news didn't cover the riots from yesterday in D.C. huh? Shocker.

What republicans and how do you define white nationalists?
We can move on. What republicans and how do you define white nationalists?
article on Rep MTG's ties to white nationalist, which also mentions Rep Gosar's ties
article on candidate Joe Kent's ties
more, with the kind of slanted language you deserve

What part of "white nationalist" do you need defined?

Edit: By the way, I was asking rhetorically when I brought this up the first time. If you're going to castigate Rep Tlaib for her association with a questionable pro-Palestine activist, how about Republicans and white nationalists? I'm guessing that you'll dismiss all of those associations based on a variety of apologies, nuances, and benefit of the doubt that you would never extend to Rep Tlaib.
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Well, I don't think being white or being a nationalists is necessarily a bad thing. It's another one of those terms that gets wayyyy over dramatized by looney lefties. So it's important to know who you are calling white nationalists.

Of those articles, without reading them. I know the Georgia girl. Not a fan of hers. Think she is a little too Q Anony for me. Don't know the other guy. And lol at that last article. Jesus.

I think members of both parties have undesirable ties to people or groups that I would prefer not have a voice in our politics.

Do you want me to denounce white supremacy?

I denounce white supremacy.

There, now will you shake my hand.
I'm not going to say Greene is a quack or not. What little I know of her is she is outspoken, but she's not wrong on her stance on wanting to protect the family, border, jobs, and children.

This article lost a ton of credibility when the Republicans criticizing her are Liz Cheney, Romney, and McConnell. These three are nothing but weasels.
You mean the Constitutionally-protected protest attended by THOUSANDS where a grand total of 23 people were arrested?
Well, that's what is funny. Old ladies get 3-5 years in prison for walking around with American flags. These lunatics get to destroy property, deface national monuments and spit on cops and get carried to jail just to be released when you know no conviction will ever happen. Why? Because the leftists D.A.'s in D.C
Only prosecute conservatives.
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It's amazing how stupid people are to actually think they can rewrite history. But their followers are stupid sheep who will just go with it, so can't blame them I guess.
This is why it's a good thing Musk purchased Twitter. At least there is somewhere that this stuff can't hide.
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I'm not going to say Greene is a quack or not. What little I know of her is she is outspoken, but she's not wrong on her stance on wanting to protect the family, border, jobs, and children.

This article lost a ton of credibility when the Republicans criticizing her are Liz Cheney, Romney, and McConnell. These three are nothing but weasels.
Those Jewish space lasers were a real high point.
You mean the Constitutionally-protected protest attended by THOUSANDS where a grand total of 23 people were arrested?
How awkward is it for you that Queen Kamala called those Constitutionally-protected protests, violent riots?

After she got called out for not commenting on then at all, of course.
Is there an objective argument against the idea that liberalism is a mental disorder at this point?

How awkward is it for you that Queen Kamala called those Constitutionally-protected protests, violent riots?

After she got called out for not commenting on then at all, of course.
VP Harris referred to the thousands and thousands of people protesting as "violent riots"? Where?
Perhaps you could define what you believe liberalism is?
Well, the true definition and what you guys have turned it into are two vastly different things. But, sure. I'll give you my answer even though you don't do the same.

Modern liberalism is an infestation of social justice built around false ideologies that have created cancel culture, insane wokeness and the demonization of half the country. And it's a mental disorder.
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It’s going to be fun when one day down the road dems get their way in getting rid of the EC and really what it actually means and what happens.. extremely short sighted in thinking the current popular vote would match
I'm just going to leave this right here... Enjoy!

Actually I'm going to add to it. While the man in this video is describing identity politics. He's also describing liberalism. LOL.

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It’s going to be fun when one day down the road dems get their way in getting rid of the EC and really what it actually means and what happens.. extremely short sighted in thinking the current popular vote would match
Do tell.
It’s going to be fun when one day down the road dems get their way in getting rid of the EC and really what it actually means and what happens.. extremely short sighted in thinking the current popular vote would match
You foresee a constitutional amendment anytime soon?
Well, the true definition and what you guys have turned it into are two vastly different things. But, sure. I'll give you my answer even though you don't do the same.

Modern liberalism is an infestation of social justice built around false ideologies that have created cancel culture, insane wokeness and the demonization of half the country. And it's a mental disorder.
God you are ridiculous. Making up enemies as an outlet for hatred is a pathology as well.
God you are ridiculous. Making up enemies as an outlet for hatred is a pathology as well.
I do not consider liberals as enemies. That's the difference between people like me and the makeup of your people. I also don't hate anyone. I hate the ideology that the left uses, but there van be no hate when there is hope. And I still hope that the left gradually moves past the illness that consumes them.
The art of slam poetry is the strawman you think you can beat? lol
Anyone who considers that art is a moron. Using poetry to spew hate isn't art. You would be singing a different tune if it were a white person blabbering on about black or brown people.
I do not consider liberals as enemies. That's the difference between people like me and the makeup of your people. I also don't hate anyone. I hate the ideology that the left uses, but there van be no hate when there is hope. And I still hope that the left gradually moves past the illness that consumes them.
Uhhh, you have literally referred to the left as evil, and you can say you don't hate, but everything about you here spews hatred.
Anyone who considers that art is a moron. Using poetry to spew hate isn't art. You would be singing a different tune if it were a white person blabbering on about black or brown people.
Awwww, you no likey so you declare it not art. It's easier for you to pretend this is an actual spokesperson for the Democratic Party.
Awwww, you no likey so you declare it not art. It's easier for you to pretend this is an actual spokesperson for the Democratic Party.
I never even came close to pretending they were a spokesperson for the DNC. Just that it is yet another example of the mental disorder that liberalism is. What a stupid thing for you to say.
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Uhhh, you have literally referred to the left as evil, and you can say you don't hate, but everything about you here spews hatred.
Some of the ideologies are evil and the people who abuse children with puberty blockers and poison their brains with this transgender garbage, are evil. They're not my enemies. They're the enemies of the children whose lives they destroy.
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Conservatives are asked by the libs here to give examples. We do, but instead of talking about the issue, which they are clever avoiding, they find something in the post that has nothing to do with the issue, and resort to character assassinations. We then fall into their pit of despair and doom (I'm very guilty of this) and resort to same tactics. Their mission has been accomplished.

You'd think they would wonder why Kamala and Biden are kept hidden from the public, or why they aren't more vocal about the rising costs of everything the last four years. We know exactly why they don't.
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