The New Lounge

Yeah, the guy owning you intellectually and logically must just be stuck up, but not the guy who thinks govt should be small except when it comes to enforcing his views on whether a parent can parent a trans child or a woman can make decisions about reproduction. lol

There are VID-E-Ohs of people breaking into the Capitol on January 6th. VID-E-Ohs.

You can't win w/ a comparison to the Netanyahu protests so you switch the goalposts to George Floyd protests across the nation. I condemn the violence that a small group within those multiple protests around the country perpetrated. Give me a number on the deaths, divided by the number of protests involving thousands and thousands of people. I bet your hero Kyle Rittenhouse is responsible for the most.
You aren't owning anyone. You are a deranged idiot. Again, there is no attempt to make one event equal to another. It is a simple point that you only have the ability to be critical of one while excusing the other. While I have the ability to be critical of all wrong doers. And here you are again playing the numbers game. If there are 1,000 people protesting and 10 people turn violent, that is 1% of the people protesting. But that makes it a violent protest. And by remaining there while it has turned violent, you are no longer part of a peaceful protest, you are part of a violent protest. There are many videos of Trump supporters trying to stop protesters from doing stupid things on January 6th. How many videos of the BLM riots are there of people stopping those violent agitators?
All the left wants to do is talk about a former president and January 6. It’s much easier to do that than have to admit how bad this administration has been. They also don’t want to acknowledge how bad the media has covered up (forced to because of the money paid to them by evil people) Biden’s mental health and Harris’s incompetence.

But the media has been dishonest for decades.
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Here's a video that is not quite 48 minutes. But 28 minutes. Actually very telling. His stance has never changed, probably the most consistent thought process of any politician ever over such a large time period. He had a lot of support before politics became so angry.

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Ranked voting would help with that, but why would it have any effect on the two-party system at all?
Ranked voting which I hate would make the most since if we went to that system.. and because in that system why wouldn’t the extremes in both parties break off and just support their own.. then you have 4 parties alone.. then you have folks that are just one issue voter so they decide to start a party so you just splinter and splinter down.. at least that’s how I see it because in the case of the EC they never have a shot they aren’t getting to 270 by splintering .. but if it’s strictly numbers they could splinter down enough and dilute enough that some 3rd party could out maneuver the big boys and hit 20-21% and win

Then we have to get into all the folks now that DONT vote because they believe their vote don’t count. I think there’s a lot in big blue states specifically (and some in red too but California is so overwhelmingly blue it’s the best example) that would then come out to vote I don’t think the “popular” vote with the EC would represent an apples to apples comparison
Ranked voting which I hate would make the most since if we went to that system.. and because in that system why wouldn’t the extremes in both parties break off and just support their own.. then you have 4 parties alone.. then you have folks that are just one issue voter so they decide to start a party so you just splinter and splinter down.. at least that’s how I see it because in the case of the EC they never have a shot they aren’t getting to 270 by splintering .. but if it’s strictly numbers they could splinter down enough and dilute enough that some 3rd party could out maneuver the big boys and hit 20-21% and win

Then we have to get into all the folks now that DONT vote because they believe their vote don’t count. I think there’s a lot in big blue states specifically (and some in red too but California is so overwhelmingly blue it’s the best example) that would then come out to vote I don’t think the “popular” vote with the EC would represent an apples to apples comparison
It's not that easy to get on a Presidential ballot. You have to get, I think, 10,000 signatures. Regardless, I don't see any connection between that and the Electoral College.

Currently, all the blue voters in Texas and red voters in California don't count. 50%+1 of the state popular vote gets you 100% of their EC votes. Currently, the "fly-over" states are already ignored.
The media is going to get Kamala elected. I am trying to brace myself for this. She has no clue what she's doing, everyone knows this. Or at least everyone that thinks for themselves. It doesn't matter that she's dumb as a bag of hammers. She wears a D beside her name.

If she was a Republican, she couldn't even get elected as a Sewage Commissioner.
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The media is going to get Kamala elected. I am trying to brace myself for this. She has no clue what she's doing, everyone knows this. Or at least everyone that thinks for themselves. It doesn't matter that she's dumb as a bag of hammers. She wears a D beside her name.

If she was a Republican, she couldn't even get elected as a Sewage Commissioner.
The media is hammering the message that the Republican Party is weird now. Any person that can think for themselves knows that the Democratic Party are the weirdos. They promotes child porn, men claiming to be women to participate in sports, gender surgery for minors, full term abortion, illegal immigrants, and the list goes on. That sh!t Ghost posted this morning was disturbing. The LGBTQRS group supports Kamala, that says it all.
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The media is hammering the message that the Republican Party is weird now. Any person that can think for themselves knows that the Democratic Party are the weirdos. They promotes child porn, men claiming to be women to participate in sports, gender surgery for minors, full term abortion, illegal immigrants, and the list goes on. That sh!t Ghost posted this morning was disturbing. The LGBTQRS group supports Kamala, that says it all.

Weird angle they are playing.

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The media (doing what they're told) will spend the next few months hyping her up. They will also show her polling very well... When you factor in how many stupid people are out there, it will work.

They are also doing this so when they cheat come election time, it won't look so obvious. And we know they will.
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Only idiots don't believe that our media is in collusion with the democrat party in order to influence naive voters.

Pretend I posted a picture of RNC attendees w/ a maxi pad taped over their right ears. Caption it "Kamala is weird." :rolleyes: Way less effort on my part, same point.

JD Vance says people without kids aren't invested in the future of the country... yet the GOP professes to be the more military-friendly party. You know, the military, that American institution that has been sending thousands of 18-22 year olds -- most of them childless -- to their deaths for over 200 years. JD Vance is weird.

Diet Mt Dew? JD Vance is weird.

Banning Diet Mt Dew?!? JD Vance is weird.

My 2 voting-age kids were both planning on voting 3rd party rather than vote for President Biden or President Trump. They're definitely voting for VP Harris now, and you know how kids in their 20s talk? They call things weird. Y'all are rolling on the rofl when President Trump puts the word "Lyin' " or "Laffin' " in front of the word "Harris," but calling that weird is where you draw the line.
She's not Black! She's a DEI hire! She's soft on crime! She locked up too many Black people! She's not old enough! She's too old to be a woman! She's Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren combined!

VP Harris scares and confuses y'all. Periodt.
She's polling in a dead heat while President Trump should still be enjoying the post-convention bump, and the DNC (and her subsequent polling bump) is still a couple weeks away. Lots and lots of time left, obviously. Anyone thinking anything is in the bag anymore at this point is an idiot... cue President Trump's next comment.
What do our resident 2 libtards have to say about the she man boxing in the Olympics?
Yikes. Someone has been binge drinking white claws and getting all tangled up in the feels.

And she was 100%, undeniably a DEI hire. And she is one election away from being president of the United States simply because she is a woman of color and for no other reason.
Yikes. Someone has been binge drinking white claws and getting all tangled up in the feels.

And she was 100%, undeniably a DEI hire. And she is one election away from being president of the United States simply because she is a woman of color and for no other reason.
Yeah, because white men are the only people who ever achieved anything on our own and everyone else owes us for our gracious opportunities. 🙄

So you get to bring up her race and gender in a disparaging way… but oh, lawdy, lawdy, I better not point out that you’re a bigot or you’re being persecuted.
Yeah, because white men are the only people who ever achieved anything on our own and everyone else owes us for our gracious opportunities. 🙄

So you get to bring up her race and gender in a disparaging way… but oh, lawdy, lawdy, I better not point out that you’re a bigot or you’re being persecuted.
You're an idiot. There are millions of women and minorities who are very accomplished in what they do and have earned everything they have through their hard work and efforts. DEI actually takes that away from these people. There are, no doubt, people who are falsely labeled as DEI hires. But Harris is not one of them. She was extremely unpopular as a candidate, she had less than 1% support from her own party. She dropped out of the race before Iowa because of this. When Biden gave her the position, it was because she was a minority, woman. Now, without receiving a single vote to be the candidate, she is put into the position not because of her accomplishments (you can't find any) but because she is the VP. Which we know how she became the VP. DEI is either a good thing, or it is racist. Which is it?

So get off your dumb ass and give us actual examples of what she achieved to be put in this position that will remove the DEI label. I don't think you can, but who am I?
You're an idiot. There are millions of women and minorities who are very accomplished in what they do and have earned everything they have through their hard work and efforts. DEI actually takes that away from these people. There are, no doubt, people who are falsely labeled as DEI hires. But Harris is not one of them. She was extremely unpopular as a candidate, she had less than 1% support from her own party. She dropped out of the race before Iowa because of this. When Biden gave her the position, it was because she was a minority, woman. Now, without receiving a single vote to be the candidate, she is put into the position not because of her accomplishments (you can't find any) but because she is the VP. Which we know how she became the VP. DEI is either a good thing, or it is racist. Which is it?

So get off your dumb ass and give us actual examples of what she achieved to be put in this position that will remove the DEI label. I don't think you can, but who am I?
Umm... law school, the bar, state AG, US Senate... In 2020 she was one of many, many qualified options for VP. That she is a Black woman was the tie-breaker, just like it was for Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, but make no mistake: both of them were immensely qualified for their positions. For more than 200 years, being anything other than white and male was a de facto disqualifier from a national nomination. Now every BIPOC or woman who breaks through gets cynically disparaged as a DEI hire as opposed to being recognized for the systemic prejudices they still have to overcome (including being cynically disparaged as a DEI hire).

Why was Sen Tim Scott on the shortlist of GOP VP candidates? Sen Rubio? Gov Haley? Did race or/and gender play a part? Are they DEI "hires"? Why isn't JD Vance, a Senator with all of 2 years of elected experience, considered a DEI hire? Because it's totally natural and cool for things to just fall into the laps of white men, that's why. Oh, he's educated like Harris? He's worked hard like Harris? But being a fake hillbilly from an important swing state and a complete MAGA kiss-up shouldn't take anything away from all of his hard work because that would be a disrespectfull thing to do to a white man.

You're a hypocritical pofm.
Nothing in your anger driven rant even comes close to putting me in a hypocritical position. I didn't say anything about Trump’s VP pick at all. You're just becoming unhinged and grasping for something to change the subject. She's educated. Doesn't make her accomplished. She moved her way up as AG with questionable career moves. Doesn't make her accomplished. She's changed her heritage and her stance on crime to fit the moment. And she was very unpopular, as I said. What was her accomplishments as a senator? There are so many, right and left, senators that are do nothings and just take up seats. That doesn't qualify them for anything.

I'll ask again. Is DEI a good thing, or is it racist?
Nothing in your anger driven rant even comes close to putting me in a hypocritical position. I didn't say anything about Trump’s VP pick at all. You're just becoming unhinged and grasping for something to change the subject. She's educated. Doesn't make her accomplished. She moved her way up as AG with questionable career moves. Doesn't make her accomplished. She's changed her heritage and her stance on crime to fit the moment. And she was very unpopular, as I said. What was her accomplishments as a senator? There are so many, right and left, senators that are do nothings and just take up seats. That doesn't qualify them for anything.

I'll ask again. Is DEI a good thing, or is it racist?
You do realize that Trump had been a Democrat and pro choice right? That flip flops don't bother you? Also stop believing Trump's lies. Harris has never changed her heritage and has always identified as having African-American heritage. She even went to a HBCU college.
You do realize that Trump had been a Democrat and pro choice right? That flip flops don't bother you? Also stop believing Trump's lies. Harris has never changed her heritage and has always identified as having African-American heritage. She even went to a HBCU college.
Changing the subject. Dumb. You know white people also go to HBCU colleges as well, right?

Any chance you can find evidence that she identified as black or celebrated her black heritage before it was beneficial for her?
Nothing in your anger driven rant even comes close to putting me in a hypocritical position. I didn't say anything about Trump’s VP pick at all. You're just becoming unhinged and grasping for something to change the subject. She's educated. Doesn't make her accomplished. She moved her way up as AG with questionable career moves. Doesn't make her accomplished. She's changed her heritage and her stance on crime to fit the moment. And she was very unpopular, as I said. What was her accomplishments as a senator? There are so many, right and left, senators that are do nothings and just take up seats. That doesn't qualify them for anything.

I'll ask again. Is DEI a good thing, or is it racist?
Yet another example of your bc: you ask for examples, evidence, support for a stance, then categorically dismiss all of it based on your predetermined prejudice.

Of course you didn’t mention Trump’s VP pick. That would have exposed you as a hypocrite. You were hoping I wouldn’t bring it up.

And ML your bc loaded question at the end. You’re trying to force me into choosing one mind-numbingly stupid oversimplification or another. You are such a coward when it comes to intellectual integrity.
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Changing the subject. Dumb. You know white people also go to HBCU colleges as well, right?

Any chance you can find evidence that she identified as black or celebrated her black heritage before it was beneficial for her?
Well she had also joined the black sorority in college and was a member of the Black Caucus while in the Senate. But I am not sure what you mean about evidence that she identified as black? Most people I know don't run around proclaiming their race and her physical appearance makes clear that she is not white. Also, as far as changing the subject, you are questioning her bona fides because she changed her stance. If that is a disqualification in your mind then how to you justify your support of Trump, who has really changed. his stripes? Or does it not matter because the dude is white. It is not me changing the subject. It is you being a hypocrite and me pointing that out.
Ah, yes, white people go to HBCUs so attending an HBCU therefore cannot be an indication of being Black.

Let's file that with...
We had a Black President so racism is over.
It was chilly so climate change is a hoax.
I just ate so world hunger doesn't exist.
You didn't have everything handed to you, so privilege doesn't exist.

The "one drop" rule is still alive and well in America. Kamala Harris has always been Black.
Yet another example of your bc: you ask for examples, evidence, support for a stance, then categorically dismiss all of it based on your predetermined prejudice.

Of course you didn’t mention Trump’s VP pick. That would have exposed you as a hypocrite. You were hoping I wouldn’t bring it up.

And ML your bc loaded question at the end. You’re trying to force me into choosing one mind-numbingly stupid oversimplification or another. You are such a coward when it comes to intellectual integrity.
More idiocy. You can't say anything that shows where she was not a DEI. Which is why I ask the question if it is racist or good. Because if it is good, then what is wrong with pointing it out? If you can point out her accomplishments that makes her a good choice, then do so and say it is this as well as the fact that she was a DEI hire. But when Biden specifically said he was choosing based on gender as well as ethnicity, then what do you call that?

I personally think it is racist and it puts negative light on minorities who are in similar positions. It automatically raises the question of whether they are qualified or if they're just here because they checked a box. It's insulting as hell and you think it is the people who are against DEI who are the bigots.

And I didn't bring up Trump's VP because it has nothing to do with the conversation. You only want it to be so you can say that I am a hypocrite. Which is stupid as hell.
We think that you have failed to do the work to find out. She is a biological woman.
I admit it isn't cut and dry. However, didn't she? get banned from a tournament last year for failing to meet gender eligibility?
The bottom line with Kamala is she was hidden for 3 plus years due to her incompetence as a VP. All of the sudden though, she is pumped up, hyped to be great. By the great ol media, of course. She, with the media's help, will only rip the other side, while truly offering no solutions to the many issues we face.

We have to sift through all the mud being slug, and decide who we think is the best choice to run the country.

It's obvious who that choice is. Donald Trump, and it's not even close.
Well she had also joined the black sorority in college and was a member of the Black Caucus while in the Senate. But I am not sure what you mean about evidence that she identified as black? Most people I know don't run around proclaiming their race and her physical appearance makes clear that she is not white. Also, as far as changing the subject, you are questioning her bona fides because she changed her stance. If that is a disqualification in your mind then how to you justify your support of Trump, who has really changed. his stripes? Or does it not matter because the dude is white. It is not me changing the subject. It is you being a hypocrite and me pointing that out.
I will humor you, again giving you more respect than you give me. I didn't use her changing stance as a disqualification. I used it to show how she changes her stance for what is convenient for the political moment. I don't have any problem with people changing their stances when it is done because of legitimately having a change of heart. And you want so bad to make this conversation about Trump. And I will acknowledge that Trump also changes stances, and in some cases as a pandering tool. But we're talking about identifying ethnically here.
Can you help someone who is an intellectual moron like myself understand what this article from 2019 is supposed to show me?
No, because your particular brand of intellectual shortcoming is willful.

Which part are you struggling with? The fact that someone whose dad was Black and whose mom also had brown skin would be looked at and seen as Black in America? Have you met America?

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