The New Lounge

So you asked me why I said they undercut their own voters. You didn’t like the coherent, logical, and factual response, so you move the goal posts, and question my sincerity. You went on quite the posting spree after that I see. “Suddenly we care about democracy. Suddenly we care about black people, suddenly we care about the drug problem.” You can’t refute anything that was posted so you disingenuously try to portray the other side as insincere and vindictive.

But here’s the thing. Even if you believe the other side was all of those things, the fact remains true, your side has been bitching about election denial, orange Hitler is threat to democracy, while not only denying elections yourselves - see 2016, Stacy Abrams in GA for starters, your own party leaders (who I named) tossed out the will of the voter along with the senile old man who may or may not even be aware that he’s no longer the nominee. So call the other side all the names you want, but it’s clear as day, the democrats 10000% undercut the will of the voters, their own voters, and that is the antithesis of democracy.
First of all, the difference between Abrams and Trump is so vast as to render that comparison completely inapt. We have had those debates before so i am not going to rehash it other than to ask you to find an example of a Democrat who fomented insurrection. As for as the claim that the party leaders have "tossed out the will of the people," it is a bit more tempered than that. Biden was, for much of his Presidency, incredibly sharp and able to out-negotiate the Republicans by giving up what he knew he could not keep in exchange for getting what he felt the country needed. One of the reasons the Dems in the House did not help save McCarthy's speakership was because they were angry that he said publicly that Biden was drooling in his soup during negotiations of spending bills, while acknowledging in private just how sharp he was. Biden has definitely had some cognitive decline, as we all have, as he aged but the trope of senility being parroted by the right is completely inaccurate. Your assertion that Biden is so senile he might not realize he is not the party nominee is as incorrect as it is offensive and unsubstantiated.
As far as where we find ourselves now, there are rules in place for when a candidate drops out and everyone has been following those rules. Biden did not just anoint Harris; she had to get pledges from the delegates to vote for her. Those delegates are party wonks whose role is to represent their voters and that responsibility includes picking a new candidate when the presumptive candidate drops out. As I said before, it would have been better had Biden honored his promise to be a one term president or made the decision to bow out earlier. But HE and not party leadership did not so we find ourselves here, relying on rules that were designed for this purpose.
First of all, the difference between Abrams and Trump is so vast as to render that comparison completely inapt. Biden was, for much of his Presidency, incredibly sharp and able to out-negotiate the Republicans by giving up what he knew he could not keep in exchange for getting what he felt the country needed. Biden has definitely had some cognitive decline, as we all have, as he aged but the trope of senility being parroted by the right is completely inaccurate. Your assertion that Biden is so senile he might not realize he is not the party nominee is as incorrect as it is offensive and unsubstantiated.
You’re right, there’s a vast difference between Trump and Abrams. To sit there and actually state that Biden was incredibly sharp for much of his presidency means you are either extremely ignorant, a liar, or both.

Biden was retirement home ready in 2020, funeral home ready at the debate.
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The democrats lied for the past 5 years about the potato's cognitive state. All the way up until he mysteriously tested positive for covid they were saying he was, you guessed it, "sharp". They knew he wasn't going to make it another 4 years, the plan was for him to step down during his second term. But when it was clear on the world stage that he was cooked and then the debate, they bopped him in his head and tossed him aside. When he introduced Ukraine's president as Putin, that was it. Lol.

But what the democrats did was intentional. They could have cut the strings off of Biden in time to have an open primary and let the Democrat voters decide who they wanted to be their candidate. Instead, they slapped their dumb and loyal voters in the face and put a candidate that hasn't received a single vote, who was wildly unpopular and who has no chance of being a positive leader of her party, let alone the country. By taking the choice away from the voters, well.. they actually interrupted a democratic process.

Good luck with Harris and mayor Pete without mail-in ballots.
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When you say that Biden was incredibly sharp, you are either a troll, or delusional. It destroys anything that you say following that horse shit lie.
The two of you have become a broken record. I am starting to wonder if you are actually one person with 2 user names
The two of you have become a broken record. I am starting to wonder if you are actually one person with 2 user names
You just say shit without anything to defend what you're saying. You are nothing but a parrot of the left wing propaganda machine.

I see you just moved on from your unsubstantiated claims that the right tried to make it difficult for people of color to vote. More empty blabber.
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The democrats lied for the past 5 years about the potato's cognitive state. All the way up until he mysteriously tested positive for covid they were saying he was, you guessed it, "sharp". They knew he wasn't going to make it another 4 years, the plan was for him to step down during his second term. But when it was clear on the world stage that he was cooked and then the debate, they bopped him in his head and tossed him aside. When he introduced Ukraine's president as Putin, that was it. Lol.
Well said. Videos of him falling up stairs, wrecking his bike, walking aimlessly off stage, the years of countless blunders, mumbling, incoherent sentences...were never shown for their audience to see. Right up to the debate, the sheep were fooled into believing Biden was sharp.

Simply put: a massive con job by some evil people.
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You just say shit without anything to defend what you're saying. You are nothing but a parrot of the left wing propaganda machine.

I see you just moved on from your unsubstantiated claims that the right tried to make it difficult for people of color to vote. More empty blabber.
Haven't moved on at all. I just am sick of you refusing to acknowledge the crap your party pulls while making stuff up about my party.
Haven't moved on at all. I just am sick of you refusing to acknowledge the crap your party pulls while making stuff up about my party.
What am I supposed to acknowledge? You just make blanket statements and act like that makes it true.

And you can call it my party if it feels good to. But I don't waste a moment of my life stumping for the GOP. I just challenge the nonsense that the woke and delusional leftists spew.
"Haven't moved on at all" yet still provides nothing to back up such bold accusations.
Like Biden over the last 5 years, liberals have slowly declined mentally. Datt and Sdevada have memorized what Van Jones and Joy Reid spew. None of them have the ability to think for themselves.
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Meanwhile there are thousands of terrorists sympathizers vandalizing DC, some openly supporting hamas. White supremacy is the greatest threat to our democracy.
Great line from Netanyahu today...."saying gays for Hamas is like saying chickens for KFC."
Here is the one of our terrorists sympathizers in Congress using our Country's house as a platform to protest the leader of our greatest middle eastern ally. She should be kicked out of Congress and exported to Gaza.

Well said. Videos of him falling up stairs, wrecking his bike, walking aimlessly off stage, the years of countless blunders, mumbling, incoherent sentences...were never shown for their audience to see. Right up to the debate, the sheep were fooled into believing Biden was sharp.

Simply put: a massive con job by some evil people.
Oh, they saw it. They just refused to believe it. They always want to say the Republicans are in a cult, but in reality they’re the ones that are brainwashed.
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"Haven't moved on at all" yet still provides nothing to back up such bold accusations.
I guess I did not make myself clear. I have no interest in discussing this with you again. This is an issue that has been discussed in the news for years. You might have reason to disagree but to act like you have never heard these accusations demonstrates your lack of any desire to inform yourself or to have serious discourse. Since all you want is to insult me, i have better uses for my time.
I guess I did not make myself clear. I have no interest in discussing this with you again. This is an issue that has been discussed in the news for years. You might have reason to disagree but to act like you have never heard these accusations demonstrates your lack of any desire to inform yourself or to have serious discourse. Since all you want is to insult me, i have better uses for my time.
So you have In fact moved on. You could have just said that. But you lied and said that you haven't moved on at all.
You really are an idiot. I have already been on record on this site saying that i am not with these people. And if you seriously think that, as former law enforcement, I am ok with burning the flag then you are even more clueless than i thought.
I am not saying that you condone their actions. I am saying that you want anyone who doesn't support the moronic left, to be held accountable for everything the moronic right does. So you own this.
So you asked me why I said they undercut their own voters. You didn’t like the coherent, logical, and factual response, so you move the goal posts, and question my sincerity. You went on quite the posting spree after that I see. “Suddenly we care about democracy. Suddenly we care about black people, suddenly we care about the drug problem.” You can’t refute anything that was posted so you disingenuously try to portray the other side as insincere and vindictive.

But here’s the thing. Even if you believe the other side was all of those things, the fact remains true, your side has been bitching about election denial, orange Hitler is threat to democracy, while not only denying elections yourselves - see 2016, Stacy Abrams in GA for starters, your own party leaders (who I named) tossed out the will of the voter along with the senile old man who may or may not even be aware that he’s no longer the nominee. So call the other side all the names you want, but it’s clear as day, the democrats 10000% undercut the will of the voters, their own voters, and that is the antithesis of democracy.
Your response was indeed coherent and logical. Sorry I didn't give you your little gold star for that before questioning your sincerity. I still do not believe the sincerity of anyone here, including you, demonstrating concern for issues that have almost entirely been championed by the left and ignored and mocked by the right until it is convenient to use it politically.

Equivocating the level of election denial from 2016 with what happened from 2020 into the present erodes your credibility. It's ridiculous to compare the two.

President Biden was practically unopposed in the primary. It was a formality. Denying his diminished capacity was no longer possible after the first debate. The timing was inconvenient and the transition was sloppy. It's done. Voting for any Presidential candidate comes with it the acceptance that the VP might have to step in later. If anyone is outraged about it, it should be Democratic voters. Conservatives should sit this one out, as their only concern is riling things up. You went along with a bunch of lies about the 2020 election that subverted truth and undermined confidence in elections without merit; this should be pretty easy for you to digest.
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Here is the one of our terrorists sympathizers in Congress using our Country's house as a platform to protest the leader of our greatest middle eastern ally. She should be kicked out of Congress and exported to Gaza.

He is a war criminal, and she has every right to state it. She sympathizes with Palestinians. Show me evidence she supports Hamas.
He is a war criminal, and she has every right to state it. She sympathizes with Palestinians. Show me evidence she supports Hamas.

Show me evidence that BiBi is a war criminal.
You leftists will defend your craziest and most evil members and then call the right the violent, anti democracy cult.
You leftists will defend your craziest and most evil members and then call the right the violent, anti democracy cult.
It's almost like we don't see eye-to-eye with you on what constitutes evil, crazy, violence, anti-democracy, and cults.

Show me evidence that BiBi is a war criminal.
Your article is from a pro-Israel publication, so it's not unbiased. The activist Rep Tlaib consorted with is quoted in the same article as not supporting Hamas. What's your take on so many Republicans who have appeared in public with white nationalists?

Netanyahu's war crimes, from Rep. Tlaib herself
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I am not saying that you condone their actions. I am saying that you want anyone who doesn't support the moronic left, to be held accountable for everything the moronic right does. So you own this.
If anyone on the right has integrity and any ability to self-reflect at all, they would acknowledge that the right has been doing this at least since 9/11/01 when all Muslims were somehow responsible for the attacks unless they publicly denounced them.

Just last week you were going on and on about the inherent evil of Islam. You're a mouthpiece for every rightwing talking point there is.
Your response was indeed coherent and logical. Sorry I didn't give you your little gold star for that before questioning your sincerity. I still do not believe the sincerity of anyone here, including you, demonstrating concern for issues that have almost entirely been championed by the left and ignored and mocked by the right until it is convenient to

Equivocating the level of election denial from 2016 with what happened from 2020 into the present erodes your credibility. It's ridiculous to compare the two.

President Biden was practically unopposed in the primary. It was a formality. Denying his diminished capacity was no longer possible after the first debate. The timing was inconvenient and the transition was sloppy. It's done. Voting for any Presidential candidate comes with it the acceptance that the VP might have to step in later. If anyone is outraged about it, it should be Democratic voters. Conservatives should sit this one out, as their only concern is riling things up. You went along with a bunch of lies about the 2020 election that subverted truth and undermined confidence in elections without merit; this should be pretty easy for you to digest.
I would have greatly appreciated a gold, silver, or bronze star. Thank you.

And I think it’s beyond a fair comparison to bring up the election denial of 2016 and 2020. The left for four years of Trump’s presidency never accepted that he was a legitimate president. Hilary’s exact words, in countless speaking engagements are proof of that. Her campaign funded a Russian disinformation scheme that he was in cahoots with Russia to subvert the the election of 2016. They hung investigation after investigation around his neck for 4 years. That isn’t democracy. That’s criminal. In 2020, the right questioned the legitimacy of the election due to historical abnormalities that occurred. For instance off the top of my head. Biden was the first presidential nominee to lose all but one (if memory serves me correct) bellwether county. If memory also serves me correct he won something like 450 counties across the country overall. He won 81M votes. 13M more than Obama. Now if that doesn’t throw up red flags I don’t know what does, and that doesn’t even begin to discuss the other events of election night that occurred. So yea the right felt they got played.

But let’s move to the point again about installing Harris as the nominee. So far she’s picked up a total of zero votes and now will get all the delegates. It’s the hypocrisy that I’m pointing out. For the left to constantly claim the other is a threat to democracy, while openly subverting the will of their own voters in plain sight, but saying the other side is the threat. But don’t worry, The media is already doing full cover and its job of flip flopping all of the things they said over the last few years and now she’s a hero! Dare question that and you are, you guessed it, a racist sexist!

But let’s just call a spade a spade. You agree with her policies and views and I disagree with her policies and views. That’s why I won’t vote for her and you will. It is as simple as that.
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So to get this straight, showing where Talib downplays the attacks of October 7th and claims that Hamas just wants a free Palestine, isn't enough evidence to show that she supports Hamas because the article is pro-Israel. But your evidence that there is a genocide and war crimes comes directly from a radical Muslim who is pro-hamas and that's supposed to mean something?

Hamas commits war crimes by operating inside of hospitals, schools and residential areas. But that doesn't matter to you people. Israel has made their objective clear. Hamas returns the hostages, dead and alive, and surrenders and Gazans can move forward in their rebuilding and healing stage. Hamas is the one who wants children dead just for the optics. And if it were a real genocide, you'd know it. The word genocide is like racist at this point with the left. It means nothing coming from your mouths.
If anyone on the right has integrity and any ability to self-reflect at all, they would acknowledge that the right has been doing this at least since 9/11/01 when all Muslims were somehow responsible for the attacks unless they publicly denounced them.

Just last week you were going on and on about the inherent evil of Islam. You're a mouthpiece for every rightwing talking point there is.
You can't defend Islam because you refuse to be honest about what the devouted Muslims believe and what the Koran teaches to those who listen. And no, I do not support the mistreatment of individuals based on their religious beliefs. I just don't support importing a bunch of people from places where they arr taught to hate us infidels.
I would have greatly appreciated a gold, silver, or bronze star. Thank you.

And I think it’s beyond a fair comparison to bring up the election denial of 2016 and 2020. The left for four years of Trump’s presidency never accepted that he was a legitimate president. Hilary’s exact words, in countless speaking engagements are proof of that. Her campaign funded a Russian disinformation scheme that he was in cahoots with Russia to subvert the the election of 2016. They hung investigation after investigation around his neck for 4 years. That isn’t democracy. That’s criminal. In 2020, the right questioned the legitimacy of the election due to historical abnormalities that occurred. For instance off the top of my head. Biden was the first presidential nominee to lose all but one (if memory serves me correct) bellwether county. If memory also serves me correct he won something like 450 counties across the country overall. He won 81M votes. 13M more than Obama. Now if that doesn’t throw up red flags I don’t know what does, and that doesn’t even begin to discuss the other events of election night that occurred. So yea the right felt they got played.

But let’s move to the point again about installing Harris as the nominee. So far she’s picked up a total of zero votes and now will get all the delegates. It’s the hypocrisy that I’m pointing out. For the left to constantly claim the other is a threat to democracy, while openly subverting the will of their own voters in plain sight, but saying the other side is the threat. But don’t worry, The media is already doing full cover and its job of flip flopping all of the things they said over the last few years and now she’s a hero! Dare question that and you are, you guessed it, a racist sexist!

But let’s just call a spade a spade. You agree with her policies and views and I disagree with her policies and views. That’s why I won’t vote for her and you will. It is as simple as that.
Hillary conceded election night 2016. She did win the popular vote, and any time the Electoral College and the pop vote don't align, there's grumbling. There's no risk of that ever breaking in favor of the right, so I doubt you'll ever give any respect to people who would like to do away with the EC.

The right said "not my President" through 8 years of President Obama's time in office.

The Steele Dossier was a mixed bag. Some allegations proved true.

The investigations into President Trump have all been legitimate and above board. Some found nothing. It was not a witch hunt. It was not conspiracy or abuse of power or anything else President Trump has you parroting.

Land doesn't vote. Counties don't matter. The only unusual thing about the 2020 election was that so many ballots were cast via mail, just like several states have been doing for years without incident. That resulted in more votes being cast and yeah, President Trump got 81m, several million fewer than Biden. He also got way more votes than President Washington did. Congrats! lol

That's a well-stated example of irony. I do think that when the left has used that language about President Trump they mean that he is a threat to society, but yes, they used the word democracy. It will get hashed out at the DNC, including grievances you've covered, but from actual stakeholders.

Kudos to you for calling a spade a spade without slander or passive-aggression. Most conservatives here are incapable of that.
So to get this straight, showing where Talib downplays the attacks of October 7th and claims that Hamas just wants a free Palestine, isn't enough evidence to show that she supports Hamas because the article is pro-Israel. But your evidence that there is a genocide and war crimes comes directly from a radical Muslim who is pro-hamas and that's supposed to mean something?

Hamas commits war crimes by operating inside of hospitals, schools and residential areas. But that doesn't matter to you people. Israel has made their objective clear. Hamas returns the hostages, dead and alive, and surrenders and Gazans can move forward in their rebuilding and healing stage. Hamas is the one who wants children dead just for the optics. And if it were a real genocide, you'd know it. The word genocide is like racist at this point with the left. It means nothing coming from your mouths.
"Tlaib said that most taxpayers don’t want their money to go to 'death and destruction”'and “apartheid.'”
This is the only reference to anything Rep Tlaib said in that entire article you linked. You are quoting someone else. You are a bad reader.

Oh, did you mistakenly think that when I agreed with Rep Tlaib that PM Netanyahu is a war criminal that either of us meant he has already been convicted of war crimes in a court of law? Well, that's one way of pretending the game is one you're capable of winning.

Rep Tlaib is not a radical Muslim. She is not pro-Hamas. You can't even have a discussion with any integrity because you insist on loaded language for things you're too lazy and stupid to prove.
The flag represents the freedom to burn the flag. Not my choice, but I defend the right to it.
What's the source of the video? I can't tell how many people are there, where they are, or any context. Apparently "my people" left me off the group text.
Those criminals climbed a flag pole in front of the Capitol and ripped the flag down to burn it. That is not a right. They were also waving Palestinian flags and Hamas flags while spray painting love for hamas on the freedom bell. But I guess that's their right to do so, huh?
You can't defend Islam because you refuse to be honest about what the devouted Muslims believe and what the Koran teaches to those who listen. And no, I do not support the mistreatment of individuals based on their religious beliefs. I just don't support importing a bunch of people from places where they arr taught to hate us infidels.
I absolutely defend Muslims based on the hundreds of examples of people I've interacted with or read over the years. I'll trust their version of Islam they live every day of their life over your deliberate excerpting to prove what you already believe.

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