The New Lounge

Yep, Biden is sharp, Kamala doesn’t cackle, and Fauci is 6’6” tall.
Yep, Biden is sharp, Kamala doesn’t cackle, and Fauci is 6’6” tall.
There is a heavy mixture of politicians and media heads all using the term, sharp. And we're supposed to believe that they aren't colluding. Now we're seeing them scramble for their next coordinated talking point.
There is a heavy mixture of politicians and media heads all using the term, sharp. And we're supposed to believe that they aren't colluding. Now we're seeing them scramble for their next coordinated talking point.
Well quite a few politicians, and the media, know if you tell a lie long enough, many will believe it.

A lot of stupid people out here can be reeled back in. Then there’s more like the 2 idiots in this thread that will never jump ship, no matter the evidence.
Blah blah blah.

What you are refusing to acknowledge is the "Trump appointed" Judge wouldn't have to rule on the standing if it weren't for the Biden led DOJ drawing unsubstantiated charges for political reasons. Reverse the roles and it would be, whine whine whine, Trump is a dictator and is weaponizing the DOJ. Whine whine whine.
So whataboutism.
There was no ruling on the substance of the charges. I already told you that.
Playing the role-reversal card is assuming it would be the same thing. That's really simple-minded.
Kid rock was terrible. Not a fan of Trump's opening, but he is hitting on all cylinders with policy.
So just heard on the radio that 34% of Dems believe that Trump staged the assassination attempt.
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Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all stopped counting at 9:00? with Trump winning by a solid margin, only to wake up the next morning to him losing. And Arizona calling it for Biden at 8:00 eastern time on election night.

Questioning that doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist. The problem is not having an issue with that.
Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all stopped counting at 9:00? with Trump winning by a solid margin, only to wake up the next morning to him losing. And Arizona calling it for Biden at 8:00 eastern time on election night.

Questioning that doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist. The problem is not having an issue with that.
You have been given the explanation for this numerous times yet you refuse to accept it. Even those in Trump’s administration admitted that the attacks on these results were nonsense. The problem is not with me. It is with you members of the Maga cult who have essentially left the real world. You wearing a sanitary pad in your ear yet?
Here ya go Datt

This is no worse than the idiots who insist Trump won the election.
What's pathetic is the belief that you care about democracy.
Well your examples of democracy under attack were pretty weak sauce. As far as trying to jail political opponents, did you miss the chants of “ lock her up?” Perhaps if Trump were not such an obvious criminal, DOJ would not have obtained indictments against him. And before you talk about a biased DOJ, this was the same department that obtained indictments and convictions of the President’s son and a Democratic senator. Garland also appointed a Republican to investigate Biden’s retention of documents. As for the Stormy Daniels case, I happen to know from first hand info (ie not from any media outlet) that no one from the White House or Justice asked the NY Count DA to bring those charges. Anything else I need to swat away?
Well your examples of democracy under attack were pretty weak sauce. As far as trying to jail political opponents, did you miss the chants of “ lock her up?” Perhaps if Trump were not such an obvious criminal, DOJ would not have obtained indictments against him. And before you talk about a biased DOJ, this was the same department that obtained indictments and convictions of the President’s son and a Democratic senator. Garland also appointed a Republican to investigate Biden’s retention of documents. As for the Stormy Daniels case, I happen to know from first hand info (ie not from any media outlet) that no one from the White House or Justice asked the NY Count DA to bring those charges. Anything else I need to swat away?
Kieth Olbermann?
You have been given the explanation for this numerous times yet you refuse to accept it. Even those in Trump’s administration admitted that the attacks on these results were nonsense. The problem is not with me. It is with you members of the Maga cult who have essentially left the real world. You wearing a sanitary pad in your ear yet?
Who’s given the explanation? The same media that deceived its sheep that Ol Joe was ok for 3 plus years? Anyone with half a brain has known the truth for years.

Your comment about the sanitary pads shows that an old angry lesbian can every now and then be funny.
Who’s given the explanation? The same media that deceived its sheep that Ol Joe was ok for 3 plus years? Anyone with half a brain has known the truth for years.

Your comment about the sanitary pads shows that an old angry lesbian can every now and then be funny.
The explanation also came from Trump's own party. As for the second comment, you really are a rude asshole.
Can’t run on democracy anymore.. definitely cant talk about the border. Trump 350 EC votes coming in 100+ days
Do you mean Keith Olbermann? And what does he have to do with what I said. If you are asking if he was the one who supplied the info about Stormy, the answer is no.
Oh man, you got me good with the Kieth vs Keith thing. Burrrrrrrrrrn!

I knew you were the type that cared about what K(ei)th Olbermann thinks. Lol
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Oh man, you got me good with the Kieth vs Keith thing. Burrrrrrrrrrn!

I knew you were the type that cared about what K(ei)th Olbermann thinks. Lol
I don’t think about Olbermann, let alone care what he thinks. I just could not figure out why you brought him up. You still have not answered that question.
I said literally nothing about Trump. Solid spin job.

I meant 2020 was crazy. It was. 2024 is and will continue to be crazier.
2020 was crazy because of Stop The Steal. You did not need to mention Traitor Orange to make that point.
@SDevada, the evidence is overwhelming. You just don't want to see it. DemoRats and the media spent the last four years loving on Biden, denying and scoffing at the notion that anything was wrong with him, all the while diverting all the attention to hating on Trump. Now your team sends him to the rest home when that's where he should have been since 2019.

Democracy in action.

The hard part (most likely impossible) for you would be to admit you've been shafted, hosed, lied to... I wish you'd lose the anger ol gal.

We would welcome you to the good side. White, black, brown, old, young, straight, gay... just come on.
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I don’t think about Olbermann, let alone care what he thinks. I just could not figure out why you brought him up. You still have not answered that question.

I was asking you if you, yourself was Kieth Olbermann because I recently watched him go full looney and it reminded me of some of your favorite talking points. You guys definitely suffer from the same derangement.
I was asking you if you, yourself was Kieth Olbermann because I recently watched him go full looney and it reminded me of some of your favorite talking points. You guys definitely suffer from the same derangement.
bad spelling and bad grammar. Way to go.
@SDevada, the evidence is overwhelming. You just don't want to see it. DemoRats and the media spent the last four years loving on Biden, denying and scoffing at the notion that anything was wrong with him, all the while diverting all the attention to hating on Trump. Now your team sends him to the rest home when that's where he should have been since 2019.

Democracy in action.

The hard part (most likely impossible) for you would be to admit you've been shafted, hosed, lied to... I wish you'd lose the anger ol gal.

We would welcome you to the good side. White, black, brown, old, young, straight, gay... just come on.
How bout you stop referring to me as ol gal? Let’s start there and we can discuss your supposed inclusiveness after that.

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