The New Lounge

What do you think the odds are that the democrats are going to push this issue in order to get a new candidate on the 2024 ticket?
I nominate Mayor Pete. He’s done a great job at the Dot. And we could watch in shock as the msm reports with a straight face questioning why Minority male turnout was down when a gay guy ran. Voter suppression!!!
So if the latest documents were found Thursday, why wasn't it mentioned at Friday's presser? They claimed at Friday's presser that they were being completely transparent.

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@GhostOf301 @Fourteen44
I just news it was only a matter of once upon a time y’all mfs bumped heads 🤣
Dr, should I be concerned about my wildly fluctuating heartbeat? It’s okay Bob the CDC said it’s okay now
Dr, should I be concerned about my wildly fluctuating heartbeat? It’s okay Bob the CDC said it’s okay now
I feel bad for anyone that took the jabs, I really do. Getting the virus sucks too, but many were duped thinking they’d not get the virus if they took the jabs…..praying they don’t do the long term damage I believe they may do to some.
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I feel bad for anyone that took the jabs, I really do. Getting the virus sucks too, but many were duped thinking they’d not get the virus if they took the jabs…..praying they don’t do the long term damage I believe they may do to some.
I listened to a video of a Belgium virologist at the beginning of Covid. He was supposed to be one of the best in the world. He talked about how quickly the virus would mutate (new variants) and if you took the vaccine it wouldn’t do you much good because it was made for the first strain. That was enough for me. If people would eat right and exercise I think that’s more beneficial for their health than anything.

How is this possible? Wasn't this Jim Crowe 2.0 or Jim Eagle as the divider in chief said?
Dems are liars and frauds. Only with the help of the corrupt msm do these lies even come close to seeming plausible. They’re about to double down on this farce by holding the DNC in Atlanta when the state was too racist to hold the All Star Game there. The hypocrisy is staggering
Dems are liars and frauds. Only with the help of the corrupt msm do these lies even come close to seeming plausible. They’re about to double down on this farce by holding the DNC in Atlanta when the state was too racist to hold the All Star Game there. The hypocrisy is staggering
Based on a report by Ga's GOP Sec o' State? Where 99% of successful voters voted w/o incident? Where the % of voters who don't think SB202 affected their ability to vote drops to 77% (15% of whom said SB202 made it easier)?

Georgia is also a state with really strong left-leaning grassroots organizing, which mitigates the harm slanted legislation has. That they've been successful is not an indication that the legislation is NBD. MLB decided to move the 2021 All-Star game out of Ga. I agree with you that that decision would appear to align more with Democratic Party values, but if the Democratic Party decides to hold the DNC in '24 in Atlanta it has nothing to do w/ that. Both have strategy behind them,. For MLB, dissing Ga in 2021 plays to its strategic business interests. If the Democratic Party chooses Atlanta for the '24 DNC, it will be because it plays to its strategic political interests. I mean... please call me out if I don't extend similar leeway to the GOP and a seemingly but not officially aligned private interest group. If I'm making similarly convoluted connections in order to validate my beliefs, I'd like to know about it.

And why do you have to go w/ "liars and frauds"? Where are the days where we at least trust that the other side at least believes in what it advocates for, that they're pushing for the way they think would make the world a better place? I bet most people here could name people in their personal lives from the other side of the political aisle whom we acknowledge as good people, and we just disagree w/ them politically. Why don't we accept that that trend probably holds across a whole bunch of things that have tended to divide us in recent years? I mean... I have a really, really, REALLY negative opinion about a whole bunch of you here, but I don't doubt that you're really advocating for what you believe is morally or/and ethically correct.
Science has spoken. Masks made little to no effect stopping the spread of covid. Lol. There was always enough anecdotal evidence to know this, but some people wanted to believe subjective science over common sense.
Science has spoken. Masks made little to no effect stopping the spread of covid. Lol. There was always enough anecdotal evidence to know this, but some people wanted to believe subjective science over common sense.
My son is a paramedic. The first thing he and his coworkers said was that the masks were more harmful than helpful. We will probably see people wearing them the rest of our lifetime.
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Science has spoken. Masks made little to no effect stopping the spread of covid. Lol. There was always enough anecdotal evidence to know this, but some people wanted to believe subjective science over common sense.
Even a form fitted N95 was marginal at best. But the left shoved it down your throat for two plus years, even ignoring their patron Saint saying out loud that masks do nothing. Wearing medical masks in packed arenas. Watching coaches wear masks around their chins during timeouts and to talk to the refs then pulling them back up. How freaking stupid are we as a society?
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The bigggest problem is the Spaniards lol, have kids running the streets with the bulls, Chinas pumping 5 year olds full of calories for sumo careers , Russias Russia, I could keep going, all while the US is promoting gender transformations before kids complete high school ! 😂 wtf
Even a form fitted N95 was marginal at best. But the left shoved it down your throat for two plus years, even ignoring their patron Saint saying out loud that masks do nothing. Wearing medical masks in packed arenas. Watching coaches wear masks around their chins during timeouts and to talk to the refs then pulling them back up. How freaking stupid are we as a society?
Pretty dam stupid. I was jogging the other day and one of my neighbors and her grown daughter were both masked doing yard work. I was like virtue signal much?
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Come on downnnn! to the US. The land of the immigrants, and home of the slaves! We’ll struggle, so you don’t .
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