The New Lounge

No, datt. The pathetic partisan spin was that conservatives think Russian is good and Ukraine is bad. I did see that you agreed about the prisoner swap not being great. You just did it in a way that wouldn't end in an agreement. But i guess these little victories should be celebrated. We apparently agree that it was a bad deal with the prisoner swap. And we apparently agree that we are actively sustaining a foreign war. High five.
High five.
I’ll take it, bruh.

Hey, hey, HEY!
Also… alsoooooooo…

I watched some Joe Rohan stand-up on the YouTube… huh-lair-ee-us. Hahahahahaha! Wow!

Oh, but I’m not sure I agree with him politically, so do whatever the conservative version of cancelling is. 🙄
Like, “THE Chicks” (nee, “Dixie Chicks”) me. 🙄
I’ll take it, bruh.

Hey, hey, HEY!
Also… alsoooooooo…

I watched some Joe Rohan stand-up on the YouTube… huh-lair-ee-us. Hahahahahaha! Wow!

Oh, but I’m not sure I agree with him politically, so do whatever the conservative version of cancelling is. 🙄
Like, “THE Chicks” (nee, “Dixie Chicks”) me. 🙄
Yeh you’re too far gone for Rogen. Logic has lost its relevance for the Left. It’s more like a religion complete with brainwashing, boogeymen ( first Trump now Musk), and divinely appointed peoples ( not based on belief or talent; think anyone but white people but Asians are gettin there)
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Y’all realize this is a total troll of Trump, Jr’s infamous attack on teachers, right?

Of course you don’t. 🙄

Seriously, y’all like to rationalize the complete recklessness of President Trump as mere “mean tweets from the orange man,” but you clutch your pearls this hard about what a handful of teachers in their twenties do on the TikTok? 🤣
There is a large number of people who rationalize the recklessness of Trump. There are even more people who sensationalize the supposed recklessness of Trump.

The important thing is that today, Trump is not relevant and hopefully going forward he won't be.
Y’all realize this is a total troll of Trump, Jr’s infamous attack on teachers, right?

Of course you don’t. 🙄

Seriously, y’all like to rationalize the complete recklessness of President Trump as mere “mean tweets from the orange man,” but you clutch your pearls this hard about what a handful of teachers in their twenties do on the TikTok? 🤣
There it is.

Left hates children, the planet, freedom.
But no fracking in Penn. that would be wrong.
It would seem the Left’s racism of soft (no) expectations extends to nonwhite countries as well
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Y’all realize this is a total troll of Trump, Jr’s infamous attack on teachers, right?

Of course you don’t. 🙄

Seriously, y’all like to rationalize the complete recklessness of President Trump as mere “mean tweets from the orange man,” but you clutch your pearls this hard about what a handful of teachers in their twenties do on the TikTok? 🤣
This post speaks volumes about what goes on in your classroom. You and the rest of your ilk clearly think it’s your moral imperative to spread your Leftist lies to a captive audience whose only crime is to have the misfortune of ending up in an atrocious school district
lol Now you have a clue about what happens in classrooms.

Lol. That's like the KKK wishing black people a happy Kwanzaa.
Ah, and since that never happened, that's evidence that there must be some very fine people in the KKK, huh?
Obviously what I meant was happy Hanukkah, coming from her is as genuine as IF the kkk were to wish black people, happy Kwanzaa. I don't know which is more ignorant. Her pretending to wish happiness for Jewish people or anyone actually believing she is being genuine. She is a radical Muslim that believes in the in the scripture that calls for the extermination of the infidels.
Obviously what I meant was happy Hanukkah, coming from her is as genuine as IF the kkk were to wish black people, happy Kwanzaa. I don't know which is more ignorant. Her pretending to wish happiness for Jewish people or anyone actually believing she is being genuine. She is a radical Muslim that believes in the in the scripture that calls for the extermination of the infidels.
More ignorant might be that someone didn't realize you were making a joke.
Obviously what I meant was happy Hanukkah, coming from her is as genuine as IF the kkk were to wish black people, happy Kwanzaa. I don't know which is more ignorant. Her pretending to wish happiness for Jewish people or anyone actually believing she is being genuine. She is a radical Muslim that believes in the in the scripture that calls for the extermination of the infidels.
Uh, she’s Muslim. She’s not a radical Muslim. She has criticized Israel. She is not antisemitic. I’d provide you with articles from Jewish journalists explaining the difference and vouching for her, but we both know that doesn’t stand a chance against your own research. 🙄
$1.7T in new spending...a 4400 page bill with little time to digest it. Filled with non-essential spending in times when we need to be concentrating on helping our own citizens with basic needs vs frivolous projects both domestically and abroad. This isnt a partisan issue...both sides are complicit in spending our taxpayer dollars on projects, people and countries that do nothing to improve the life of the ordinary US citizen. Yet they continue to raise the amount of tax we pay to fund projects no one would vote for. Unfortunately, our tax dollars have become a slush fund for career politicians ( should be an oxymoron) to curry favor with their donors and to enrich themselves when in office or when they retire. Mandatory term limits and 100% transparency should be enforced yet it will never happen, the very people who need to make that change are the ones filling their coffers off our backs. Our Congress no longer represents nor governs to the will of the people, quite the contrary. And it aint going to change for a long time....oh and Merry Chrismas everyone! :)
18 on Saturday morning and that is the first of five consecutive nights of 25 or colder. That is pretty rare for down here. Not looking forward to it.
Obviously what I meant was happy Hanukkah, coming from her is as genuine as IF the kkk were to wish black people, happy Kwanzaa. I don't know which is more ignorant. Her pretending to wish happiness for Jewish people or anyone actually believing she is being genuine. She is a radical Muslim that believes in the in the scripture that calls for the extermination of the infidels.
She’s an ignorant troll that the good people of Minnesota have elected to Congress
lol Now you have a clue about what happens in classrooms.

Ah, and since that never happened, that's evidence that there must be some very fine people in the KKK, huh?
I take that as a Yes I’ve tried to brainwash a captive audience at tax payers’ expense. Mostly white people that I’ve demonized but are pretty much picking up the check for all my left wing pipe dreams
Uh, she’s Muslim. She’s not a radical Muslim. She has criticized Israel. She is not antisemitic. I’d provide you with articles from Jewish journalists explaining the difference and vouching for her, but we both know that doesn’t stand a chance against your own research. 🙄
Idiot alert!
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18 on Saturday morning and that is the first of five consecutive nights of 25 or colder. That is pretty rare for down here. Not looking forward to it.
We had to run a space heater INSIDE of our walk-in fridge to keep it above freezing last night.
This has been nothing short of sinister over the last several years. They shaped minds, and not in a good way.

I heard this said, and it’s true, that when only one side has a voice, they generally aren’t the good guys.

On another note, I’m not saying Andrew Tate is innocent on this trafficking accusation, but it smells really bad. They fear him, and arrest him in Romania, yet nothing has been done to anyone associated with Epstein.

Let that sink in.
This has been nothing short of sinister over the last several years. They shaped minds, and not in a good way.

I heard this said, and it’s true, that when only one side has a voice, they generally aren’t the good guys.

On another note, I’m not saying Andrew Tate is innocent on this trafficking accusation, but it smells really bad. They fear him, and arrest him in Romania, yet nothing has been done to anyone associated with Epstein.

Let that sink in.
Gwenwhistle MacSwell?

WHO fears A YewToob influenza and WHO arrested him in Romanof?

What other voice do you ever listen to, especially since the left is inherently eeeeeeeeviiiiiil? 🙄
This has been nothing short of sinister over the last several years. They shaped minds, and not in a good way.

I heard this said, and it’s true, that when only one side has a voice, they generally aren’t the good guys.

On another note, I’m not saying Andrew Tate is innocent on this trafficking accusation, but it smells really bad. They fear him, and arrest him in Romania, yet nothing has been done to anyone associated with Epstein.

Let that sink in.
The protection of children is not a priority to globalists. Look at their derilection of duty at the southern border where a large % of children are raped on their journey. The vast majority of kiddie porn purveyors are Leftists, mental defectives or both. It’s not really a Venn diagram per se just a really large circle
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Watching the beginning of the of the 118th congress and they just explained where they can get their voter ID cards. 😂
Wow. Talk about not handling a loss well. Now we're reaching hard for potential vax issues to try and cover for a terrible take on an obvious blunt hit to the chest. As if the cases are the least bit similar. Lol
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Wow. Talk about not handling a loss well. Now we're reaching hard for potential vax issues to try and cover for a terrible take on an obvious blunt hit to the chest. As if the cases are the least bit similar. Lol
What loss are you referring to?

And you’re clinically inept - just stop. Clinically impossible to go from elevated NSR to v-fib to asystole in 8 seconds. Just can’t happen. Now what killed him? Sars co v 2? Inoculation? HCM? ARVC/D? What did it?

As for the jabs, I’ll hammer you on that in subsequent posts below.

You’re hopeless here 😘
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Wow. Talk about not handling a loss well. Now we're reaching hard for potential vax issues to try and cover for a terrible take on an obvious blunt hit to the chest. As if the cases are the least bit similar. Lol
Quiet now. Oh wait, the CC are a bunch of anti-vaxxers, right?

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