The New Lounge

If who is grooming kids? Mainstream medical professionals? You can't dismiss mental health evaluations on an "if."

Kids try out nicknames at school all the time. William becomes Bill; Percy decides to go by his middle name because it has to be better than Percy. They also explore romantic relationships that may be interracial or same-sex. There is also confidentiality up until the point safety may be compromised. Sometimes that confidentiality is what provides safety.

Advocates of all types advocate for foster care in abusive situations. There is a wide range of parental resistance to gender-identity issues. I think reasonable people can accept that on one end is abuse and on the other end is mild disapproval/skepticism,

Throwing in phrases like "play make believe" makes me suspect you're not willing to discuss this respectfully and logically
I strongly encourage you to put politics aside and do some research into the emotional, psychological, and physical side effects of puberty blockers specifically and the transitioning process in general before you comment further
Her conformation hearings left little doubt that she is not the sharpest tool in the shed. On the contrary, she is a race obsessed partisan hack
The case has to do with anti-discrimination laws. How is race not a relevant topic to use in a hypothetical?

Even the GOP Senators who voted against her confirmation would overwhelmingly and vehemently disagree w/ you about her intelligence.
I strongly encourage you to put politics aside and do some research into the emotional, psychological, and physical side effects of puberty blockers specifically and the transitioning process in general before you comment further
That's rich. I haven't called anyone transphobic here. I am not pushing the liberal boogeyman angle you're fear-mongering about. You're the one pushing partisan extremism and condemning medical professionals whose clinical, professional opinion differs from your sense of morality.

As I said, puberty blockers have been around for 40 years. They are used to delay puberty for children who go into puberty ridiculously early, as well. I have no doubt there can be adverse effects. Just about every medication has them. After 40 years, though, they are still in use because medical professionals see benefits that outweigh the risks in those specific cases where they are prescribed. There is no political conspiracy in the medical field to forgo safety in favor of liberal ideology.

Where's your research? Parler and Gab?
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If they’re grooming kids the mental health evaluation is a rubber stamp and therefore meaningless.
Oh, yeah: The evaluation must be in place for 2 years regardless of whether it is a grooming tool or not (it's not). Math isn't partisan, is it? If someone starts hormone therapy (not blockers) at 16 w/ parental consent, the 1 year of hormone therapy required before gender affirmation surgery* still means no one under 17 is getting it. While 17 year old's are indeed minors in most legal senses, they're hardly the "children" you're clutching your pearls about.

(* I hadn't heard that term. It's hard to keep up and it changes so fast it's laughable. I think we'd probably agree about that. Regardless, thanks for bringing it to my attention. It's no skin off my nose to use whatever terminology is most respectful for the people most closely connected to it.)
What did y'all think about Herschel Walker's candidacy? Obviously it didn't work out for the GOP, but Tommy Tuberville did in Alabama, not to mention President Trump's first campaign for President. So there is precedent in celebrity candidates with no political experience being electable. Is Walker's loss a sign that such strategies are on their way out or just a minor hiccup?
What did y'all think about Herschel Walker's candidacy? Obviously it didn't work out for the GOP, but Tommy Tuberville did in Alabama, not to mention President Trump's first campaign for President. So there is precedent in celebrity candidates with no political experience being electable. Is Walker's loss a sign that such strategies are on their way out or just a minor hiccup?
Wouldn’t read too much into it trendwise. He had a lot of baggage with the abortion he ordered a woman to get, the domestic violence history, etc Warnock tried to run his ex over but he missed all but her foot so no harm no foul if you’re a Democrat who is a noted anti Semite. I think Walkers race was as much a factor as his celebrity. Rep hoped he would peel off maybe 5- 10 % of the Bkack vote esp males I haven’t seen the breakdown but it obviously didn’t get the job done. Ultimately though Rep are going to have to modernize their strategies concerning early voting and mail ins Status quo not viable going forward
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Wouldn’t read too much into it trendwise. He had a lot of baggage with the abortion he ordered a woman to get, the domestic violence history, etc Warnock tried to run his ex over but he missed all but her foot so no harm no foul if you’re a Democrat who is a noted anti Semite. I think Walkers race was as much a factor as his celebrity. Rep hoped he would peel off maybe 5- 10 % of the Bkack vote esp males I haven’t seen the breakdown but it obviously didn’t get the job done. Ultimately though Rep are going to have to modernize their strategies concerning early voting and mail ins Status quo not viable going forward
Last point is the most viable imo.Republicans must start pushing getting the vote out early.Not doing so puts us in too big a hole to bail out of on election day
What did y'all think about Herschel Walker's candidacy? Obviously it didn't work out for the GOP, but Tommy Tuberville did in Alabama, not to mention President Trump's first campaign for President. So there is precedent in celebrity candidates with no political experience being electable. Is Walker's loss a sign that such strategies are on their way out or just a minor hiccup?

Neither candidate was or is worthy of holding office in our Congress unfortunately. Frankly candidate quality hasnt mattered for a while given the representation we see in the halls today...we have the old, the infirm, the less than intellectual and a variety of criminals who have interesting pasts shall we say. This is on both sides, neither is immune to putting inadequate candidates forward, funding them and getting them elected.

Spending $400m combined on this run off was a travesty when people are suffering ecomomically, when our mental health system is at its lowest, our veteran care is a shambles and we are being overrun with narcotics, addiction and crime. The money could have been spent better elsewhere. The billions we spend on elections is nauseating.

Elections have turned into a harvesting and vote trawling need to convince anyone to vote for you, just make it easy for them to give you their vote and they will...we have become lazy citizens in many regards

With a 40% turn out this run off shows that as a country we dont engage in our own leadership selection very well...most barely know the issues, and respond either by voting block or to a single issue that they hear driven narratives, candidate smearing and funding get us what we currently have.....a broken system, absolute vapid and toxic leadership and a country that is slowly but surely in decline without realizing it ....the old frog in boiling water analogy comes to mind.

How far we have to fall remains to be seen until we realize we are participating in our own destruction...just when you think there is a spark of life for logic and common sense, some other issue springs up and kills that hope.

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” John Adams
Last point is the most viable imo.Republicans must start pushing getting the vote out early.Not doing so puts us in too big a hole to bail out of on election day
They show up really well on election day, though. Early voting has almost always favored Dems b/c they poll better w/ demographics that have traditionally voted in higher numbers when there are more options than just election day. So far it seems all the GOP has tried w/ early voting is to limit it, which is just a terrible look. Democrats have rightly connected that to voter suppression. No, the GOP needs to start showing what they're able to do for those traditionally marginalized groups, just like Democrats need to do better w/ rural voters.
Wouldn’t read too much into it trendwise. He had a lot of baggage with the abortion he ordered a woman to get, the domestic violence history, etc Warnock tried to run his ex over but he missed all but her foot so no harm no foul if you’re a Democrat who is a noted anti Semite. I think Walkers race was as much a factor as his celebrity. Rep hoped he would peel off maybe 5- 10 % of the Bkack vote esp males I haven’t seen the breakdown but it obviously didn’t get the job done. Ultimately though Rep are going to have to modernize their strategies concerning early voting and mail ins Status quo not viable going forward
Neither the police whom Warnock called to the scene nor the paramedics observed any damage to his ex-wife's foot, and she was reluctant to show it to them. He was not charged. Criticism of Israel does not make someone anti-Semitic, just like criticism of this country is not unAmerican. Why don't you leave out the lies and dramatic exaggeration so we can focus on the legit substance of what you have to say?
Neither the police whom Warnock called to the scene nor the paramedics observed any damage to his ex-wife's foot, and she was reluctant to show it to them. He was not charged. Criticism of Israel does not make someone anti-Semitic, just like criticism of this country is not unAmerican. Why don't you leave out the lies and dramatic exaggeration so we can focus on the legit substance of what you have to say?
Dramatic exaggeration you say? I’ve seen the commercial countless times with her own testimony since I live in the Peach state
As far as “reluctant to show it to them” goes, I can’t imagine why a victim of dom violence would feel this way. Are you fr? I’ll be more clear. This is classic battered woman behavior. You surely know that anti-Israel rhetoric is often code for I hate Jews
Dramatic exaggeration you say? I’ve seen the commercial countless times with her own testimony since I live in the Peach state
As far as “reluctant to show it to them” goes, I can’t imagine why a victim of dom violence would feel this way. Are you fr? I’ll be more clear. This is classic battered woman behavior. You surely know that anti-Israel rhetoric is often code for I hate Jews
Anti-Israel rhetoric is often code for anti-Semitism. Criticism of Israel is not inherently either.

You saw the commercial where she was talking to the police following an argument with Warnock? And you saw it countless times? How many Warnock commercials did you sit through? What other sources did you check to verify her version? The police were on the scene. Had she shown them or paramedics physical evidence of abuse, Warnock would have been arrested. She'd have been protected. They were already divorcing. Paramedics eventually did look at her foot on the scene and found no evidence of damage.
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They show up really well on election day, though. Early voting has almost always favored Dems b/c they poll better w/ demographics that have traditionally voted in higher numbers when there are more options than just election day. So far it seems all the GOP has tried w/ early voting is to limit it, which is just a terrible look. Democrats have rightly connected that to voter suppression. No, the GOP needs to start showing what they're able to do for those traditionally marginalized groups, just like Democrats need to do better w/ rural voters.
Republicans have done nothing to suppress voters.This is evidences by record numbers of voters after the bill Biden called Jim Crow.It’s not unreasonable to ask voters verify that they are entitled to vote.You have to show ID to get on a plane so how is it any different for voting.The so called Jim Crow law actually increased the opportunity to vote
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IMO the republicans need to focus on the delivery of their message to the 18-45 demographic. Or maybe have a message to deliver to them. I liked THAT Trump took on the media and their sensationalism and THAT he challenged the narratives being fed to the public. We need to have a serious politician who knows HOW to take on the media and HOW to challenge the narratives. The, "hey, I'm not a lib" campaign isn't going to work. Focus on issues and policy and stop fighting social politics with more social politics.
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I see that the potato administration is in the business of prisoner swapping with our unspoken enemies. The POTATUS is even taking a victory lap over it. Sad
Republicans have done nothing to suppress voters.This is evidences by record numbers of voters after the bill Biden called Jim Crow.It’s not unreasonable to ask voters verify that they are entitled to vote.You have to show ID to get on a plane so how is it any different for voting.The so called Jim Crow law actually increased the opportunity to vote
Yes, Republicans say Republicans have done nothing to suppress voters.

Forget Id. The GOP has consistently sought to reduce early voting dates and locations. They have consistently closed early voting locations on college campuses and in heavily BIPOC precincts. Fewer dates and fewer voting locations means more difficulty voting for strategically targeted populations who lean heavily Democratic.

Democrats are wise to connect those tactics to suppression whether you think it really is or not.
I see that the potato administration is in the business of prisoner swapping with our unspoken enemies. The POTATUS is even taking a victory lap over it. Sad
I thought Russia was good and Ukraine was bad according to conservatives, or is that just their position every other week?

Anyway, I agree. We gave them an arms dealer.
@Dattier Russia is the enemy. Not sure where you get the idea that it is commonly accepted that conservatives think Russia is good. After all, it was your lord who mocked Romney for saying that Russia was our greatest enemy, or something to the effect. Now if you are coming to this silly conclusion based on not wanting to write blank checks to fund a foreign war without any accountability for where the money comes from or goes, well then you're just being silly.
Yes, Republicans say Republicans have done nothing to suppress voters.

Forget Id. The GOP has consistently sought to reduce early voting dates and locations. They have consistently closed early voting locations on college campuses and in heavily BIPOC precincts. Fewer dates and fewer voting locations means more difficulty voting for strategically targeted populations who lean heavily Democratic.

Democrats are wise to connect those tactics to suppression whether you think it really is or not.
One the Georgia gave more days to vote.The last two elections have had all time records for votes.The only thing that Republicans have asked is that only voters prove that they are legally eligible to vote.If record numbers of voters are showing up how can anyone make the case that the vote is being suppressed
One the Georgia gave more days to vote.The last two elections have had all time records for votes.The only thing that Republicans have asked is that only voters prove that they are legally eligible to vote.If record numbers of voters are showing up how can anyone make the case that the vote is being suppressed
Tell a lie enough, and the masses will believe it.
I thought Russia was good and Ukraine was bad according to conservatives, or is that just their position every other week?

Anyway, I agree. We gave them an arms dealer.
Happy hour started early tonight. Oh I get it. he’s still butt hurt about the 2016 election that the Russians stole from Crooked
Yes, Republicans say Republicans have done nothing to suppress voters.

Forget Id. The GOP has consistently sought to reduce early voting dates and locations. They have consistently closed early voting locations on college campuses and in heavily BIPOC precincts. Fewer dates and fewer voting locations means more difficulty voting for strategically targeted populations who lean heavily Democratic.

Democrats are wise to connect those tactics to suppression whether you think it really is or not.
And smaller early election windows means there’s less time for your comm organizers to harvest ballots I. e fill them out for people with room temp iqs who shouldn’t be be voting in the first place
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I thought Russia was good and Ukraine was bad according to conservatives, or is that just their position every other week
There are no good guys when it comes to the governments of Russia, Ukraine, and America.
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I thought Russia was good and Ukraine was bad according to conservatives, or is that just their position every other week?

Anyway, I agree. We gave them an arms dealer.
Worst post ever.
You can redeem yourself if you lay off the meds and stay sober a few days then post
@Dattier Russia is the enemy. Not sure where you get the idea that it is commonly accepted that conservatives think Russia is good. After all, it was your lord who mocked Romney for saying that Russia was our greatest enemy, or something to the effect. Now if you are coming to this silly conclusion based on not wanting to write blank checks to fund a foreign war without any accountability for where the money comes from or goes, well then you're just being silly.
Okay, I’ll take your word for it.
One the Georgia gave more days to vote.The last two elections have had all time records for votes.The only thing that Republicans have asked is that only voters prove that they are legally eligible to vote.If record numbers of voters are showing up how can anyone make the case that the vote is being suppressed
I’m not talking about this week. I’m talking about the past decade, and with a heavy emphasis on NC.

Strategies are still strategies even when they fail. Rhetoric has strategy behind it whether you agree with it or not.
And smaller early election windows means there’s less time for your comm organizers to harvest ballots I. e fill them out for people with room temp iqs who shouldn’t be be voting in the first place
If someone asks me who they should vote for, I’ll give them my opinion. If they ask me to check a box for them, I will. If they ask me to deliver their ballot, I will. If their neighbor with the Trump flag catches me in the driveway and asks me to drop theirs off, too, I will. I have no ethical issue with any of that, though I’d defer to law should they differ.

Regardless, if ballot harvesting is a problem, it’s irrelevant to early voting dates. The only reason to limit early voting dates is to prevent the people who use early voting the most from voting in greater numbers, which is a double first cousin to voter suppression, at best.
If someone asks me who they should vote for, I’ll give them my opinion. If they ask me to check a box for them, I will. If they ask me to deliver their ballot, I will. If their neighbor with the Trump flag catches me in the driveway and asks me to drop theirs off, too, I will. I have no ethical issue with any of that, though I’d defer to law should they differ.

Regardless, if ballot harvesting is a problem, it’s irrelevant to early voting dates. The only reason to limit early voting dates is to prevent the people who use early voting the most from voting in greater numbers, which is a double first cousin to voter suppression, at best.
If someone is so clueless and bereft of ideas that they would ask you who to vote for you need to do the right thing and tell them maybe they should just sit this one out
The longer the early voting period the more time to harvest ballots and bribe if it comes to that
The United States has invested 3 times the amount of money into the Ukraine war in a year than Russia has their own military over the past 3 years. We are actively keeping a foreign war going with no accountability for spending and no obtainable end goal. Somehow in a lib's mind, not agreeing with this policy makes you pro Russia. Doesn't it strike you as odd that it is when the democrats are in power, Russia does whatever they want? And giving Russia a criminal who was in prison for plotting to kill Americans in exchange for a basketball player who chose to break their laws is far more pro Russia than being against funding and fueling a foreign war.
As long as the media are the way they are, things will only get worse. People like Datt think we are full of sh*% because his sources don't say what we do. It's a tragedy how they shape minds.
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If someone is so clueless and bereft of ideas that they would ask you who to vote for you need to do the right thing and tell them maybe they should just sit this one out
The longer the early voting period the more time to harvest ballots and bribe if it comes to that
Again, no logical or causal relationship. You might as well say that the longer it is until the election, the more time to get fake Id, so surprise! The election is tomorrow from 8:00am to 8:22 am.
The United States has invested 3 times the amount of money into the Ukraine war in a year than Russia has their own military over the past 3 years. We are actively keeping a foreign war going with no accountability for spending and no obtainable end goal. Somehow in a lib's mind, not agreeing with this policy makes you pro Russia. Doesn't it strike you as odd that it is when the democrats are in power, Russia does whatever they want? And giving Russia a criminal who was in prison for plotting to kill Americans in exchange for a basketball player who chose to break their laws is far more pro Russia than being against funding and fueling a foreign war.
Uh… despite the softball I put on a tee for you about who conservatives are pulling for, I agreed with you about the Griner trade. If you could have unclutched your pearls for a moment, you’d have seen it.
I also agree with you about our sustaining a foreign war. It does not strike me in any way that Russia does what they want because Democrats are in power because that’s more pathetic partisan spin.

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