The New Lounge

Not a fan, actually. I’d enjoy many of them as dinner guests, but I prefer my news less compromised. That’s a huge difference between me and most of y’all here: .However much it might feel good to hear a certain delivery from eloquent & like-minded entertainment journalists, I don’t fall in headfirst, treating their takes like Gospel. Most of y’all do exactly that: there isn’t the first sign of vetting sources, introspection, or even a MLing pause; y’all just knee-jerk re-post absolute trash and have the audacity to call anyone else “sheeple.”
You turn a phrase better than Thomas Friedman and couldn’t be any more ignorant than Paul Krugman. You could write for The NY Times. So you’re saying now that the sources on Fox haven’t been vetted. Lol
At this point in the game, he posts a little, then takes a sabbatical (may be forced), and comes back for another round.

Anyone else, I’d say they’re just trolling.
Sure does sound dumb when we forget it was an 8 second clip of an anecdote from childhood, which, of course, would make us imbeciles and fools, too.
8 seconds or an eternity, the statement was moronic. Then again she’s likely drunk so…..
FBI raids the home of former Pres and potential candidate Trump. Banana Republic stuff. In case y’all ain’t up on things, we are no longer living in the country we grew up in
It’s very sad - Trump is a d*ck but the more we go on, the more I miss him. Instead I get to watch another record spending bill go through in the name of taxation, I mean “science”.
The left has no option for 2024. Mush brain continues to fade, and Kamala? This broad may be the dumbest politician ever.
So what do you do? Try beating the shit out of the one guy who’s a threat to them.

If only the libtards could take their goggles off.
As if the left's goal of dictatorship wasn't obvious enough. The moment their bill passes giving the federal government unprecedented power over its citizen's finances, they conduct yet another witch hunt against the one powerful outsider that they perceive as a threat to their agendas.

They control the elections. They control the media and public opinion. They creat civil chaos through open borders and soft on crime policies. They control the DOJ while convincing the stupid that it is the other guys who politicize the justice department. They've delegitimized the conservative voting base and distracted the sheeple with identity politics. Divide and conquer. Who knew that we would become such a weak minded country that all it took to divide the populace enough to empower the political elite to this point would be social politics and false narratives.

Sad thing is, the mentally unstable left celebrates this because they're too stupid to see what's happening.
As if the left's goal of dictatorship wasn't obvious enough. The moment their bill passes giving the federal government unprecedented power over its citizen's finances, they conduct yet another witch hunt against the one powerful outsider that they perceive as a threat to their agendas.

They control the elections. They control the media and public opinion. They creat civil chaos through open borders and soft on crime policies. They control the DOJ while convincing the stupid that it is the other guys who politicize the justice department. They've delegitimized the conservative voting base and distracted the sheeple with identity politics. Divide and conquer. Who knew that we would become such a weak minded country that all it took to divide the populace enough to empower the political elite to this point would be social politics and false narratives.

Sad thing is, the mentally unstable left celebrates this because they're too stupid to see what's happening.
And too brainwashed to see the events of today through anything but the prism of good vs. evil. They’ve dehumanized anyone who disagrees with them; Trump is the leader of this group which is basically half the country. Scary times.
Hey look everybody inflation is down! Even Biden said 0. Hmmmm, could it be because oil is down because demand has dropped because people are forced to limit driving so they can continue to feed their family. Consumer inflation continues to rage.

In July...
Eggs up 38%
Margarine up 32%
Flour up 23%
Coffee up 21%

And if Biden is out now talking about how his polices are working why do we need this "inflation" bill so badly?
Hey look everybody inflation is down! Even Biden said 0. Hmmmm, could it be because oil is down because demand has dropped because people are forced to limit driving so they can continue to feed their family. Consumer inflation continues to rage.

In July...
Eggs up 38%
Margarine up 32%
Flour up 23%
Coffee up 21%

And if Biden is out now talking about how his polices are working why do we need this "inflation" bill so badly?
One key fact that you left out. Inflation is absolutely not zero for the month of July like the potato said. It's at 8.5% YoY and more likely that it will be revised without them saying anything, to over 9%. Him saying that July's Inflation was zero percent is technically true, but disingenuous. MoM Inflation (only) rose ZERO point two percent. So if you leave out the point two, it is in fact, zero percent.
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Well Pelosi said China was one of the freest nations on earth and one of the strongest democracies as well. I’m sure it was taken out of context though.
IRS-approximately 166 thousand employees with funding to hire 87 thousand new.

Border patrol-approximately 20 thousand border agents with no additional funding.
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Just like their inability to accept rare, safe and legal abortion led to drastic changes and the reversal of Roe V Wade, the left's obsession with sexual deviance is regressing progress in society's acceptance of people's personal relationship choices. Between killing babies weeks before birth, and these disgusting public displays of sexual weirdness, the progressive left continues to show that they are sick people.
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Just like their inability to accept rare, safe and legal abortion led to drastic changes and the reversal of Roe V Wade, the left's obsession with sexual deviance is regressing progress in society's acceptance of people's personal relationship choices. Between killing babies weeks before birth, and these disgusting public displays of sexual weirdness, the progressive left continues to show that they are sick people.
Nobody is killing babies weeks before birth.
No one who is firmly supportive of sexual orientations and gender identities is dissuaded by the behavior of a few. It is the people who have always been against it but have been silenced who are riled back up by it.
The reversal of Roe v Wade has nothing to do w/ public sentiment and everything to do with a packed court.

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