The New Lounge

Listen. The 2020 election was not only the most secure election in history, it was also the most transparent election in history. Any other view is just wild conspiracy talk. 81 million people voted for the corpse of a lifelong failure and corrupt politician and anyone who disputes this is an insurrectionist. Sure, Trump gained votes in every single demographic from the 2016 election other than the white male voters. Sure hundreds of thousands of Biden votes appeared in strategic districts in the dark of night. Sure the highest percentage of mail-in ballots were accepted than in any other election in history the same election that saw the highest number of mail-in votes ever. The democrats and the MSM call it the big lie to challenge it. So, that it must be.
Listen. The 2020 election was not only the most secure election in history, it was also the most transparent election in history. Any other view is just wild conspiracy talk. 81 million people voted for the corpse of a lifelong failure and corrupt politician and anyone who disputes this is an insurrectionist. Sure, Trump gained votes in every single demographic from the 2016 election other than the white male voters. Sure hundreds of thousands of Biden votes appeared in strategic districts in the dark of night. Sure the highest percentage of mail-in ballots were accepted than in any other election in history the same election that saw the highest number of mail-in votes ever. The democrats and the MSM call it the big lie to challenge it. So, that it must be.
Biden got 13M more votes than Obama. I rest my case.
Good news. More records are being shattered for potato Joe's presidency. June saw the highest number of illegal immigrants detained at the border than in any month in history. Including known terrorists. Just think of the number of people who made it through without being detained. And then the number of people who were detained that are just being released into the country.

It's not a matter of if America will be under attack from radical terrorists. It's a matter of when. At least they have easier access to entering the country than they did in the 90's.
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Just saw a guy driving a moped, wearing a surgical mask with a rolling basket strapped to the back with a couple cases of beer in it. Got a feeling he has a few more problems to worry about than covid.
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Just saw a guy driving a moped, wearing a surgical mask with a rolling basket strapped to the back with a couple cases of beer in it. Got a feeling he has a few more problems to worry about than covid.
I wonder how many beers in he forgets about Covid altogether He may get cirrhosis but at least he’s doing all he can to stop the spread
Listen. The 2020 election was not only the most secure election in history, it was also the most transparent election in history. Any other view is just wild conspiracy talk. 81 million people voted for the corpse of a lifelong failure and corrupt politician and anyone who disputes this is an insurrectionist. Sure, Trump gained votes in every single demographic from the 2016 election other than the white male voters. Sure hundreds of thousands of Biden votes appeared in strategic districts in the dark of night. Sure the highest percentage of mail-in ballots were accepted than in any other election in history the same election that saw the highest number of mail-in votes ever. The democrats and the MSM call it the big lie to challenge it. So, that it must be.
There was a record # of votes cast fr President in 2020. Both major party candidates surpassed previous record. We were (and remain) in a global pandemic; of course more people opted to mail in ballots.
Both of those pieces of evidence are completely anecdotal, but I don’t see why they are reasonably suspicious.
“Dark of night”? That’s like, 6pm in November, and mail-in ballots are ALLOWED to show up late.

President Trump lost 61 of 62 cases attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. This report is about as favorable to him as it gets. On the federal level, 29 out of 30 individual judges appointed by Republicans voted against the President. On the state level, 65% of GOP-affiliated judges voted against the President.

There is no credible, factual evidence that would overturn the 2020 Presidential election.
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I think she’s awesome.
I'll bet you do. Pretty disgusting, really. But that's the state of the progressive mind. Same people who pretended to champion women's rights now want to strip them of their title as women.
There was a record # of votes cast fr President in 2020. Both major party candidates surpassed previous record. We were (and remain) in a global pandemic; of course more people opted to mail in ballots.
Both of those pieces of evidence are completely anecdotal, but I don’t see why they are reasonably suspicious.
“Dark of night”? That’s like, 6pm in November, and mail-in ballots are ALLOWED to show up late.

President Trump lost 61 of 62 cases attempting to overturn the 2020 election results. This report is about as favorable to him as it gets. On the federal level, 29 out of 30 individual judges appointed by Republicans voted against the President. On the state level, 65% of GOP-affiliated judges voted against the President.

There is no credible, factual evidence that would overturn the 2020 Presidential election.
It can’t be proven, but anyone with any common sense knows Biden didn’t get a legitimate 80+ million votes. The establishment used Covid to piggyback mail in voting. It became such a cluster*^+%. And no one could prove fraud of a massive level happened, so potato Joe became the “face” of the President.

The establishment (both sides) wanted Trump gone. He was a serious threat to their way of life.

Again, it’s something else that can’t be proven, but I believe that to be as true as much as I know Duke has won 5 titles.
Meanwhile the idiots are proposing HR 1808, a bill in which they can’t define what an “assault” weapon is AND there’s a carve out for the gov to still use the above said weapons they’re outlawing.

no Leftist will EVER be able to say, again, the gov isn’t trying to disarm its citizens. Tyranny, baby.
He lies as easily as he breathes-force of habit. A national embarrassment. If he came to my house I wouldn’t let him use the remote control and he’s Pres of the United States (credit to Dennis Miller for that one)
Cancer yesterday. Covid today. Two things he promised he would get rid of.

It's funny how Trump got so much criticism for how he handled covid. A virus. But this potato gets a pass for his inability to do a damn thing to slow it down.

"I am not going to shut down the economy. I am going to shut down the virus!"

"Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America,"

"200,000 Americans have died from this virus. It’s a staggering number that’s hard to wrap your head around. But behind every COVID-19 death is a family and community that will never again be the same. There’s a devastating human toll to this pandemic — and we can’t forget that."


And nobody wants to call him on his BS. Well, now that covid deaths are five times that number under Biden, maybe he should die, err... resign based on his own standards.
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Camela out there tackling important issues that are affecting us today.

liberalism is a mental illness.
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How did we get here?
Media and Education. Plant the people you want into positions of influence. They've been successful in destroying the "family" too. Your so called normal Americans have been asleep at the wheel for decades. Our basic thinking has been to just leave us alone, let us work, go on our vacations, do our family things... while the country is being changed. We are in a position now where we can't say anything. If we did, we'd fear losing everything, or being branded racists, homophobic, misogynistic...

Basically, we are fu*&#@.
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This video is crazy.
Reminds me of a little boy a few years ago in court there with his mother. He was like 2. Officer walks by and smiles at him, he goes running behind his mother. His mother says, that's right, you got to run from the monsters. Or something along those lines. Then when they get older, they do what they were taught to do. Show LEO no respect, run from them and then take no responsibility for the ultimate outcome of those decisions.

It starts at home.
How did we get here?
This is the one question worth finding the answer to. I believe we got here by giving in to temper tantrums. If a toddler learns that they can get what they want by throwing a temper tantrum, then they will continue to throw temper tantrums any time they want something. It's not their fault, it's the parents who continually give in instead of standing their ground with their children. And it has gradually moved into all aspects of society where authority figures are. Teachers, employers, ect...
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How did we get here? This country is full of idiots drinking water from a creek downstream from a cow farm because a bunch of corrupted fks told them to.
Portland, Oregon continues to be the leader in social and racial equality. What a concept. Next, they'll give blacks their own water fountains, bathrooms and positions on the bus.


I did not fact check. So it could very well be fake. But if it is fake, it is the fact that we are having the conversation that matters.
Portland, Oregon continues to be the leader in social and racial equality. What a concept. Next, they'll give blacks their own water fountains, bathrooms and positions on the bus.


I did not fact check. So it could very well be fake. But if it is fake, it is the fact that we are having the conversation that matters.
Damn we’re going back in time …idiots
Damn we’re going back in time …idiots
My high school had separate proms: one on campus that was all Black and one off campus that was all White. Damn we were progressive and didn’t even know it
That’s fake . I didn’t catch the “humor” a couple beers in yesterday. Nothing surprises me though
Said this years ago though. They’re slowly getting what they want and segregating themselves .
That’s fake . I didn’t catch the “humor” a couple beers in yesterday. Nothing surprises me though
Not fake. Won’t say where but 89-90. The practice was discontinued at some point in the 90s.
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