Hey Ips, here is some common sense:
That thing you posted? It wasn’t funny; it was just dumb.
If you had any common sense, you’d know that
Anyway, it was fun, I guess, but arguing with you... not a good use of time.
I still think you are a good dude tho.
I am certainly no defender of DeJoy but as an FYI, their donations to Duke continued after their son graduated and those donations went to the Law School, among others. Like you, I recognize that donations from the rich buy their children things to which they may not be entitled on merit and I don't like it either. This is just to give a complete picture.You can say it goes on everywhere. Fine, I still don't have to like it. Face it, if it were UNC we would be hammering them. Don't let your politics influence your thought process, the overriding concern is a bad look for Duke:
Report: DeJoy's son made Duke tennis team soon after school received large gift • NC Newsline
Report indicates that the son of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy made the Duke University tennis team after school received a large giftpulse.ncpolicywatch.org
I am certainly no defender of DeJoy but as an FYI, their donations to Duke continued after their son graduated and those donations went to the Law School, among others. Like you, I recognize that donations from the rich buy their children things to which they may not be entitled on merit and I don't like it either. This is just to give a complete picture.
Anyone seen any good movies lately? As a huge horror fanatic and collector I mostly stick to that genre and the last couple years have been very solid with the likes of Midsommar, Hereditary and a few others but there’s been some other non-horror releases that were good too. Anyone seen anything decent lately?
One mine of my favorite custom pieces:
Anyone seen any good movies lately? As a huge horror fanatic and collector I mostly stick to that genre and the last couple years have been very solid with the likes of Midsommar, Hereditary and a few others but there’s been some other non-horror releases that were good too. Anyone seen anything decent lately?
One mine of my favorite custom pieces:
There’s a difference between trying to bridge the gap of racial inequalities and pandering to political organizations like BLM. Something that the NBA has been pushing for some time now. It gets old turning on a basketball or baseball game and listening to politics. We watch these games to escape the BS going on in the world. I’m an independent and don’t follow politics much to begin with but I completely understand where he’s coming from. JMO.
Or political voicing in support of a Marxist organization ? I’m anti-communist, and pro-family, so BLM is naturally an opponent for me.how is that political voicing against injustices and inequalities?
You are right. You did not bring Trump into this. You just sound like him. Someone calls you on your stuff and you gaslight. Maybe you and Agent Orange are right. Maybe if you blow enough pixie dust, the virus will just disappear. Either way, no point continuing this nonsense. Have a good night.
They’re not “smart”, they’re full of fumes from watching CNN and Trevor Noah. They take any data they can get and spend days trying to spin it into their narrative. It’s too easy to tear apart though, especially when it’s a key part of my career. Exposing someone trying to make clinical issues political is funny AF 😀Y’all too smart for me. I’m just here to post memes 😂😂
you called me on what? Being right? Please specify exactly what I was incorrect on, from day 1 with covid. I’ll wait. You and @bfort2223 and @bleediteveryday30 can try, but you have nothing.
covid just isn’t what you needed to fit your political agenda, so you’re upset. You even said I “sound like Trump”. That guy is that far into your brain? Yikes!
They’re not “smart”, they’re full of fumes from watching CNN and Trevor Noah. They take any data they can get and spend days trying to spin it into their narrative. It’s too easy to tear apart though, especially when it’s a key part of my career. Exposing someone trying to make clinical issues political is funny AF 😀
Anyone seen any good movies lately? As a huge horror fanatic and collector I mostly stick to that genre and the last couple years have been very solid with the likes of Midsommar, Hereditary and a few others but there’s been some other non-horror releases that were good too. Anyone seen anything decent lately?
One mine of my favorite custom pieces:
Um, okay. Oh and I don't watch CNN, Faux News, Trevor Noah, or MSNBC. So, there's that.
I’m not even a Trump guy but I do get some enjoyment out of watching you SJW’s get all uptight about him. Thank you for the laughs. Appreciated.Anyone who thinks Trump didn't make disparaging comments about McCain or fallen soldiers remember this? Also, he just claimed on Twitter that he never called McCain a loser and then someone found a tweet of him....calling McCain a loser. He also calls him a loser in the clip. The guy is certifiable. It's not about being liberal or conservative with Trump. It's about being a decent human being, which he's not. The cult will explain this one away again though, like they do everything else.
I was just tryna be nice. Book smart and smart are 2 different things. Just like knowing the definition of common sense and actually having a little 🤷♂️They’re not “smart”, they’re full of fumes from watching CNN and Trevor Noah. They take any data they can get and spend days trying to spin it into their narrative. It’s too easy to tear apart though, especially when it’s a key part of my career. Exposing someone trying to make clinical issues political is funny AF 😀
Doesn't matter what I would've said. Why spend my time giving some long response that you would just make a smart ass remark about?Nice rebuttal. Wow.
Pointing out horrible things he's said and done is being uptight?I’m not even a Trump guy but I do get some enjoyment out of watching you SJW’s get all uptight about him. Thank you for the laughs. Appreciated.
Because I’m waiting for you to correct me on covid. Shockingly enough, I’m open to correction if I’m in fact wrong (happens to me more than the average person). I’m just confident you can’t. All good, keep up with the misinformation.Doesn't matter what I would've said. Why spend my time giving some long response that you would just make a smart ass remark about?
Pointing out horrible things he's said and done is being uptight?
What chaps my ass is so many who don’t clearly separate from BLM the org. I’m cool with the sentiment for sure, but the clowns that run BLM the org are Marxists who believe in the destruction of the nuclear family, and that’s very harmful to black children (and other races)....
Anyone seen any good movies lately? As a huge horror fanatic and collector I mostly stick to that genre and the last couple years have been very solid with the likes of Midsommar, Hereditary and a few others but there’s been some other non-horror releases that were good too. Anyone seen anything decent lately?
One mine of my favorite custom pieces:
That is awesome!!! Actually just finished watching the Candyman series again. The first one is a classic, the sequels not so much. Can't wait for the new film.
Have you seen Overlord? Neat little movie from 2018. Zombies meet D-Day. For a really raunchy zombie comedy, go for Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocolypse. It's hysterical.
I'm not much of a horror fan, but there are a few I like.
I feel like DeJoy definitely took an unfair hit there... the kid was a walkon who was a good tennis player. We don't know that it was only about money.
And honestly, if, in exchange for a walk on spot, we get millions of dollars for import things at Duke... okay? I'm fine with that. Sorry if that sounds gross.
Trump has certainly said some ignorant things about specific people. And you do have to sit back and wonder if he has said some of the things that he has been accused of saying because, well, he doesn't have the benefit of the doubt with a lot of people. To his own doing.Anyone who thinks Trump didn't make disparaging comments about McCain or fallen soldiers remember this? Also, he just claimed on Twitter that he never called McCain a loser and then someone found a tweet of him....calling McCain a loser. He also calls him a loser in the clip. The guy is certifiable. It's not about being liberal or conservative with Trump. It's about being a decent human being, which he's not. The cult will explain this one away again though, like they do everything else.
Trump has certainly said some ignorant things about specific people. And you do have to sit back and wonder if he has said some of the things that he has been accused of saying because, well, he doesn't have the benefit of the doubt with a lot of people. To his own doing.
But aside from denying that he called McCain a loser, this is a total hoax. The author of the article has donated to the Biden campaign and held fundraisers for the Biden campaign. Uses anonymous sources and has been debunked by (of all people) Jon Bolton. 12 hours after the story hit the news, Biden's campaign already airs an ad about it. But we all know how much we dislike election interference.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">How do we know <a href="https://twitter.com/JeffreyGoldberg?ref_src=twsrc^tfw">@JeffreyGoldberg</a> engaged in political activism & not journalism with his hoax of a story?<br><br>Simple: He excluded the open-sourced exculpatory information that contradicted his "sources," from his story.<br><br>Not an accident that the below + Bolton comments were missing. <a href="https://t.co/LMaYK7O9cl">https://t.co/LMaYK7O9cl</a></p>— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) <a href="">September 4, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Anyways, I hope we use the 48 hour rule on both sides whenever these bombshell stories come out over the next two months. But we probably won't. We'll believe everything that gets put out there. Difference is, Biden will have the media's assistance in spreading false information that helps him and debunking anything that hurts him.
The Navy released the statement, no? I don’t have sources, the internet? But don't you think there should be sources listed when making such a claim as the Atlantic made?Other than these tweets, do you have news sources for your claims. Laurene Jobs, the owner of the Atlantic, has given to Biden's campaign but I have not seen anything to suggest Goldberg is a big contributor. Also, we are in an election year and wealthy donors generally support their candidates financially. If that disqualified every newspaper or magazine, then they would all have to be dismissed.
Question. How can a reporter back up another reporter's story? Neither one were their and neither one will name sources. With all of the garbage the media has already been wrong about, people still take them at their word. As long as it muddies the waters, right? It's a game all politicians play, it's just that now one party has the unwavering support of the msm.I had to get a chuckle yesterday when Trump responded to a Fox reporter's question with a retort of "Whadda you know, whadda you know??" Shocked me, thought that was his home base. Then I remembered Fox reporter Linda Griffin has backed up "The Atlantic" story since she originally reported it. OFC
The Navy released the statement, no? I don’t have sources, the internet? But don't you think there should be sources listed when making such a claim as the Atlantic made?
I must have misheard who the donor was. I thought they said the editor was who held fundraisers and donated to the campaign. Important to be correct, my apologies.
Nothing should disqualify the truth no matter who donates to who. But you should absolutely question the motives behind running high profile stories using anonymous sources. Especially today when "journalists" are more activists for the democrats than they are journalists.
Question. How can a reporter back up another reporter's story? Neither one were their and neither one will name sources. With all of the garbage the media has already been wrong about, people still take them at their word. As long as it muddies the waters, right? It's a game all politicians play, it's just that now one party has the unwavering support of the msm.