The New Lounge

Glad you like "research". I notice that none of your supposed contrary "facts" are factually supported. So, I take it that you know all of this "sh*t" of your own personal knowledge. Please do not quote the media as sources for your "facts". You can spin Ifaze's post any way you want to. There is nothing in your post which merits any credibility, except that you are an apologist for antifa.

It's not hard to do. Look up Jacob Blake's warrants and make sure it's a reputable site that you get the information from. This was a few days ago when I searched, but I think I picked that up from Newsweek.

Next up, you can Google Wisconsin's four degrees of sexual assault. There you can learn what third degree encompasses and what it does not.

Finally, I'm not an apologist for Antifa. When I look at Antifa, at least the ones who make headlines, they seem to largely be made up of white anarchists who are piggybacking on the issues of others to be heard and wreak havoc.
Did you really take all of that time to try and vindicate Jacob? No shocker you support BLM, the same BLM that believes in the destruction of the nuclear family, an act that has haunted many black children since the late 60’s.

No, I'm not trying to vindicate him. I'm saying Ipsy's description of him was incorrect.

I don't know about supporting the destruction of the nuclear family. The manifesto from several years ago stated the rejection of the strict nuclear model in favor of the whole, "it takes a village," mentality. Let me be clear, I'm not a blind follower pledging allegiance to three people who slapped on a website six years ago and declared themselves the BLM network. I am a believer in the movement which coined the phrase, which actually started a couple years prior to that following the acquittal of George Zimmerman.
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And people wonder why this board has gone to crap. SMH.

Have you checked out the new board yet? We were talking today about some people we would like to see over there and you were one of them unless you are there under another name. @bleediteveryday30 also.
We have 83 members and most of them came from here. Come check it out if you haven't yet

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I see that the conservative posters are the most hostile here. That is not the norm in my experiences elsewhere.

People on the internet are more aggressive period. When I have real world conversations with people of different ideologies we actually converse. Everything isn't some us-them down party lines.

As hard as it is to believe, it's possible for someone is wrong for resisting arrest and also think the arresting officer is wrong for shooting him in the back.

I'm love capitalism. I make good, corporate money and I love doing it. I like that I can negotiate my salary, and that I can take my services somewhere else if I find a different company to offer me a better compensation package. That doesn't mean I can't also think there is a place for social assistance programs in this country.
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Post I ran across that sums it up fairly well.

Regarding Kyle Rittenhouse... and the law.
As a person who enjoys shooting and guns in general, I'm going to point out a few things about this kid in Wisconsin that will basically nullify any self defense argument he has.
Just remember I like guns, I think they are super awesome and that everyone should at the bare minimum know how to use one.
So let's move on to the Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes section of this post:
1. He was 17. It was illegal for him to possess that rifle. In his home state you have to be 21, in Wisconsin you have to be 18. This was crime one.
2. Crossing the state line with an illegally possessed weapon is a pretty big deal and a big fat number two on the crime list.
3. Wisconsin totally allows for the use of deadly force in self defense, but the caveat is that you can't be committing a crime while that use of force happens. Which we addressed above he was actively committing a crime by possessing that rifle.
4. Wisconsin has a Castle Doctrine. But you can only use deadly force if the perpetrators are in your dwelling or your place of business. For a place of business you have to own this, or be in charge of operations of the business. You can not just post up to protect a random business, also you can not chase people if they decide to retreat like this 17yo did. Wisconsin V. Charles L Chew is the case law. If you want to have a look.
5. Its not self defense when you get in your car with a rifle, drive 16 miles to another town, and walk the streets with a rifle.
He had every option to stay home but he chose to get involved in this situation with the plan to be involved in confrontation (hence the rifle) also in Wisconsin self defense law you can't be the instigator and then claim self defense.
He became the instigator the second he pursued.
I get it. The kid thought he was gonna be a hero and help out. But, reality is he made a large number of bad mistakes because he's 17 and has his face buried in what essentially amounts to propaganda everyday and can't tell the difference.
Now 2 people are dead and he's headed to jail.
This is what all those "shoot the protesters" comments create.
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I’m neutral. The dumbass kept putting himself in those situations breaking the law and didn’t comply, resisting arrest. Buttt also 2 cops can’t restrain one guy.?? And ok if you’re fearing for your life when he reached in that car ( Cowardly imo in WISCONSIN) Id feel different if it was a high crime area. Maybe it was idk. But you shoot him once or twice..but 7 times!? Wow overkill
I’m neutral. The dumbass kept putting himself in those situations breaking the law and didn’t comply, resisting arrest. Buttt also 2 cops can’t restrain one guy.?? And ok if you’re fearing for your life when he reached in that car ( Cowardly imo in WISCONSIN) Id feel different if it was a high crime area. Maybe it was idk. But you shoot him once or twice..but 7 times!? Wow overkill
This is why we can't defund the police. We need to increase funding so they can get better training with more options for those situations. Having talked to several officers when it is a situation where they feel the need to discharge their weapon you aim center mass and you pretty much empty the clip. We have missiles that can fly around the world and put it through a keyhole. Surely there is a company that can develop better nonlethal weapons for officers. Tasers no longer seem to be as effective as they were. I was speaking with a lady who has a 25 year old son. She told him that regardless of what the officer asks you to it. No matter how stupid you think it is at the time, if they have the gun they have the power. That is not the time to fight. If the officer is wrong the fight can occur later. Survive the initial interaction and come home safe. We have to stop retreating to our corners and really find solutions. One extreme or the other only hurts all of us.
A key issue is how completely, absolutely, HISTORICALLY self absorbed some Americans have become.

People want to believe what they want to believe. They will ignore someone more educated than them in a subject, they will ignore someone more experienced in a subject... they will literally ignore another person saying "This is literally my experience." If it isn't happening to THEM, they don't believe it, and if it doesn't jibe with what THEY want to believe, they will literally disbelieve it. If a doctor says something they don't like about a pandemic, they will simply decide for themselves that they know better. If the news reports something they don't like, they write it off as "fake news." If a black person says something they don't like about their experiences with law enforcement, they will simply decide for themselves that they know what actually happens. If countless people sound warnings about the man in charge... and not just traditional political opponents, but traditional political ALLIES and people who have directly worked for him... they will simply decide that every one of these people is wrong, and that they know better. And if someone is angry, they will steal other peoples' stuff, destroy other peoples' stuff, burn down their business, without thinking about it at all.

They will even attack someone they disagree with in the most personal ways they can imagine, because the idea of other ideas that they may not share being true gets them that worked up.

And you can see it in the disgusting coarsening of our society... there is a complete lack of empathy... there is only "*I* want to lash out, *I* want to feel good, and if it costs someone else, I don't care." People SO want to believe what THEY want to believe that it's gotten to the point that they will refuse new information, they will refuse to educate themselves. This "ME ME ME" desire literally goes so far as to have people turn their backs on what THEY THEMSELVES used to be, what THEY THEMSELVES used to believe, so they can feel good about themselves RIGHT NOW. It causes people to accept the most ridiculous cognitive dissonance that we've ever seen in my lifetime.

"Your candidate is a socialist commie... but I will ignore my candidate's lifetime and campaign connections to, and endorsements of, Russia and their dictator-for-life."

"Your candidate doesn't support the military... but I will ignore that his son served and that my candidate dodged service and has attacked veterans and our generals, many of whom have spoken out against him in historical ways."

"Your candidate is getting dementia... but I will ignore my candidate's unplanned hospital visits and shuffling and mumbling and slurring and rambling and inability to lift a glass of water with one hand."

"Your candidate is a pedophile... but I will ignore my candidate being accused of 20 something sexual assaults and even discussing it on tape."

"Your candidate will allow violence and destruction if they are elected... but I will ignore that my candidate is the literal president under whose watch it is *actually* happening."

And all of this... this searing selfishness, this lack of respect for experience or education or intelligence, this jaw-dropping cognitive dissonance... it starts at the very top.

Just disgusted by everything I see online nowadays. The only hope I get is that most of the people I know, most of the people I trust, most of the people who I have learned, through years of experience, are capable, smart, good people who care about others... they see it, too, and are fighting it.
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Lmao, 164,000 deaths where 94% are truly secondary, subjective. Nice attempt to cook the data to fit your narrative, though.
Actually the only thing I did was report the CDC numbers more fully and accurately than you did. They are the ones who considered deaths where there was an underlying condition to be covid related. It is of course ironic that we are fighting over what their numbers mean since, as a result of the Trump administration's edict that states bypass the CDC and report directly to the White House, the CDC is not quite as reliable source as it had been in the past.
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This is why we can't defund the police. We need to increase funding so they can get better training with more options for those situations. Having talked to several officers when it is a situation where they feel the need to discharge their weapon you aim center mass and you pretty much empty the clip. We have missiles that can fly around the world and put it through a keyhole. Surely there is a company that can develop better nonlethal weapons for officers. Tasers no longer seem to be as effective as they were. I was speaking with a lady who has a 25 year old son. She told him that regardless of what the officer asks you to it. No matter how stupid you think it is at the time, if they have the gun they have the power. That is not the time to fight. If the officer is wrong the fight can occur later. Survive the initial interaction and come home safe. We have to stop retreating to our corners and really find solutions. One extreme or the other only hurts all of us.
In that situation the way it went down ida just put 2 in his ass. LITTERALLY his ass. It’s just common sense of the situation to me. You’re not threatening me (YET) so I’m not going to kill you (YET) If he miraculously turned around with a weapon Id then unload the clip to his chest. To unload a clip into a mans back man is just wrong. I agree they need more funding and training. And if you’re that scared In the first place you need to find a new job: They need to elevate the standards of becoming a cop with increased pay.
How many people have actually died with AIDS or HIV being the sole, indicated cause of death?
You literally just compared a coronavirus to a human immunodeficiency virus. You’re kidding, right? I know you’re slow, but I’ll give you one chance to retract this moronic benchmark....
Actually the only thing I did was report the CDC numbers more fully and accurately than you did. They are the ones who considered deaths where there was an underlying condition to be covid related. It is of course ironic that we are fighting over what their numbers mean since, as a result of the Trump administration's edict that states bypass the CDC and report directly to the White House, the CDC is not quite as reliable source as it had been in the past.
You subjectively reported them, yes. Statistically they are clear: covid19 has killed a very small group directly, and these numbers prove yet again:

- it’s simply not as lethal as told to the overall population
- it’s certainly more selective in lethality than many other viruses (and even select bacterial infections)
- it crushes your political narrative

why are you speaking Trump here? The CDC was granted a historic secondary, subjective COD for first time ever. Talk about the ultimate loose leash. Oh,and the FDA granted a record number EUA for one disease. Yea, there goes another political narrative.

I do love your armchair clinical points though lol!
Post I ran across that sums it up fairly well.

Regarding Kyle Rittenhouse... and the law.
As a person who enjoys shooting and guns in general, I'm going to point out a few things about this kid in Wisconsin that will basically nullify any self defense argument he has.
Just remember I like guns, I think they are super awesome and that everyone should at the bare minimum know how to use one.
So let's move on to the Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes section of this post:
1. He was 17. It was illegal for him to possess that rifle. In his home state you have to be 21, in Wisconsin you have to be 18. This was crime one.
2. Crossing the state line with an illegally possessed weapon is a pretty big deal and a big fat number two on the crime list.
3. Wisconsin totally allows for the use of deadly force in self defense, but the caveat is that you can't be committing a crime while that use of force happens. Which we addressed above he was actively committing a crime by possessing that rifle.
4. Wisconsin has a Castle Doctrine. But you can only use deadly force if the perpetrators are in your dwelling or your place of business. For a place of business you have to own this, or be in charge of operations of the business. You can not just post up to protect a random business, also you can not chase people if they decide to retreat like this 17yo did. Wisconsin V. Charles L Chew is the case law. If you want to have a look.
5. Its not self defense when you get in your car with a rifle, drive 16 miles to another town, and walk the streets with a rifle.
He had every option to stay home but he chose to get involved in this situation with the plan to be involved in confrontation (hence the rifle) also in Wisconsin self defense law you can't be the instigator and then claim self defense.
He became the instigator the second he pursued.
I get it. The kid thought he was gonna be a hero and help out. But, reality is he made a large number of bad mistakes because he's 17 and has his face buried in what essentially amounts to propaganda everyday and can't tell the difference.
Now 2 people are dead and he's headed to jail.
This is what all those "shoot the protesters" comments create.
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You literally just compared a coronavirus to a human immunodeficiency virus. You’re kidding, right? I know you’re slow, but I’ll give you one chance to retract this moronic benchmark....

Re-read my post. There is no mention of the Coronavirus.

I didn't compare anything. I asked how many people's death certificate cites AIDS or HIV as the lone cause of death.
Re-read my post. There is no mention of the Coronavirus.

I didn't compare anything. I asked how many people's death certificate cites AIDS or HIV as the lone cause of death.
As compared to Covid. Nice scramble, but you failed miserably. Ps, your video today was awesome:
You subjectively reported them, yes. Statistically they are clear: covid19 has killed a very small group directly, and these numbers prove yet again:

- it’s simply not as lethal as told to the overall population
- it’s certainly more selective in lethality than many other viruses (and even select bacterial infections)
- it crushes your political narrative

why are you speaking Trump here? The CDC was granted a historic secondary, subjective COD for first time ever. Talk about the ultimate loose leash. Oh,and the FDA granted a record number EUA for one disease. Yea, there goes another political narrative.

I do love your armchair clinical points though lol!
I didn’t subjectively report anything, unless you think that reading is subjective. And since you refuse to acknowledge even basic facts, you are the one who is trying to fit the facts to your narrative. But go ahead and think that Trump is the answer.
There's nothing more annoying than someone who goes out of their way to point out that they have people on ignore. Maybe it is more annoying to see someone talk about being interested in a conversation when they put everyone they disagree with on ignore. Just sayin. And trust me. He will click unignore and read this. He can't help it. He's that obsessed.
I didn’t subjectively report anything, unless you think that reading is subjective. And since you refuse to acknowledge even basic facts, you are the one who is trying to fit the facts to your narrative. But go ahead and think that Trump is the answer.

again, why do you keep bringing Trump into this? I cited CDCand FDA moves, not the POTUS. You keep showing your fear-based political leanings, and since covid fizzled out overall, you’re upset. I get it. That said, the CDC update shows how overblown covid was, but keep leaning on your subjectivity lol.
again, why do you keep bringing Trump into this? I cited CDCand FDA moves, not the POTUS. You keep showing your fear-based political leanings, and since covid fizzled out overall, you’re upset. I get it. That said, the CDC update shows how overblown covid was, but keep leaning on your subjectivity lol.
You are right. You did not bring Trump into this. You just sound like him. Someone calls you on your stuff and you gaslight. Maybe you and Agent Orange are right. Maybe if you blow enough pixie dust, the virus will just disappear. Either way, no point continuing this nonsense. Have a good night.
Before you get in your feelings I’ve sent this to my black friends who laughed...even 1 said “especially while smoking a blunt” hahahah😂
College basketball or football, heck almost anything college.

The politicization of professional sports kills it for me, either way. Stand or sit for the flag, as example, I really don’t care but it just seems to get thicker and thicker.

how is that political voicing against injustices and inequalities?
how is that political voicing against injustices and inequalities?
There’s a difference between trying to bridge the gap of racial inequalities and pandering to political organizations like BLM. Something that the NBA has been pushing for some time now. It gets old turning on a basketball or baseball game and listening to politics. We watch these games to escape the BS going on in the world. I’m an independent and don’t follow politics much to begin with but I completely understand where he’s coming from. JMO.
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Yeah I forget there’s all these privileged posters here that don’t know nothing about nothin but what was wrote in a book my bad 😂

Did that post make sense in your head?

But sure. Black people... only people who turn down the TV when they smell something burning, amirite?!

And those Orientals with their driving... don't even get me started!
No sense of humor
Did that post make sense in your head?

But sure. Black people... only people who turn down the TV when they smell something burning, amirite?!

And those Orientals with their driving... don't even get me started!
You can use your little fancy words but at the end of the day you’re a nobody, just like the rest of us...with no common sense though.😂
No sense of humor

You can use your little fancy words but at the end of the day you’re a nobody, just like the rest of us...with no common sense though.😂

Getting lectured by Ipsy about common sense.... yikes:)

And none of us are nobodies. Who thinks like that?
Gotta say, I do love how the last refuge is always the “Oh, you might be smart, but do you have any common sense!?”

Yes. Yes, I do. That’s what often happens when you are a very logical, intuitive, and practical minded person who takes in the world around, and the people in it, and processes it all together effectively.

But I always do get a kick out of that attempt.

Anyway... go back to the gut busting humor of... black people turning down the tv to smell something. George Carlin got nothing on THAT joke. Can’t believe I never came across it.
I think the commons sense people know what I meant by “nobodies”. You though whew...🤦‍♂️ You’re on a ((((Duke message board))) flashing your fancy little panties acting like a SOMEBODY. SOMEBODYS ain’t got time for that😂. Your common sense explanation says it all. Sounds like it came straight from the mf dictionary 😂😂😂
You can say it goes on everywhere. Fine, I still don't have to like it. Face it, if it were UNC we would be hammering them. Don't let your politics influence your thought process, the overriding concern is a bad look for Duke:


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