The New Lounge

I mean the dude was protecting property from getting burned to the ground. Show of force didn’t work so he ran, got attacked, and defended himself...It’s funny these protestors wanna defund the police, anarchy, blah blah, yet soon as few gun shots get fired ...”call the police, he shot them! ”
I'd go with cruel. You change things to fit your narrative so you can feel okay with posting things that are inexcusable. Also, he was driven by his mother across state lines brandishing a weapon that he isn't legally allowed to own or operate. The whole "he was protecting property and attempting to maintain order" argument because let us be perfectly clear here, a 17-year-old vigilante with a rifle cannot maintain order because a 17-year-old with a rifle trying to maintain order is himself the definition of disorder. The only reason a person goes over state lines with a gun to a highly stressful situation that could lead to violence is in order to enact violence upon others. Have you watched this kid punching the young girl yet in another video? Have you seen his Facebook posts? His parents? He was bred in hateful rhetoric while being groomed to commit violent acts. But hey, keep watching Tucker Carlson and thinking this kid is some kind of f$%king hero. Keep making jokes about people who senselessly lost their lives. Prop up the monster who did it instead, right?
I don't agree with him being there in the first place. I don't agree with anyone being there, particularly people from out of town/state. But he didn't attack anyone. He didn't just randomly shoot protesters. He didn't target anyone. He shot 3 people who were attacking him. Is he a hero? Absolutely not. Is he a murderer? Nope. Is he a good kid? There's some evidence that shows that he is probably not. Call me cruel, call me whatever you want, I don’t feel bad for the pedophile who he killed, the one dropping N bombs left and right. I don’t feel bad for the guy who got his arm canoed just before shooting him in the head. I think skateboard guy made a poor decision.

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I'd go with cruel. You change things to fit your narrative so you can feel okay with posting things that are inexcusable. Also, he was driven by his mother across state lines brandishing a weapon that he isn't legally allowed to own or operate. The whole "he was protecting property and attempting to maintain order" argument because let us be perfectly clear here, a 17-year-old vigilante with a rifle cannot maintain order because a 17-year-old with a rifle trying to maintain order is himself the definition of disorder. The only reason a person goes over state lines with a gun to a highly stressful situation that could lead to violence is in order to enact violence upon others. Have you watched this kid punching the young girl yet in another video? Have you seen his Facebook posts? His parents? He was bred in hateful rhetoric while being groomed to commit violent acts. But hey, keep watching Tucker Carlson and thinking this kid is some kind of f$%king hero. Keep making jokes about people who senselessly lost their lives. Prop up the monster who did it instead, right?
I couldnt care less what he’s put on fb 😂, where he came from, etc, that leads to all this OPINION oriented bs. The video shows the FACTS and justification end of story! Nobody said he was a hero.. I’m curious what you call those people in the streets “protesting” ??
Anyway you put your 2cents in this morning that told me all I need to know about you. You don’t know a damn thing about what’s going on and just want to chirp. And you’re talking about me changing the narrative??? Lmao everything you’ve said is a lie or an opinion besides 1 sentence. Hey it looks good though bravo
And people wonder why this board has gone to crap. SMH.
Really. The fact that we have people on the board who have no problem voicing support for people who are untrained in law enforcement and who decide to come to a state with firearm and act like untrained militia is heartbreaking. Talk about feeling sorry for one side or the other, I feel sorry for this country since this is what we have become.
Anyway you put your 2cents in this morning that told me all I need to know about you. You don’t know a damn thing about what’s going on and just want to chirp. And you’re talking about me changing the narrative??? Lmao everything you’ve said is a lie or an opinion besides 1 sentence. Hey it looks good though bravo

What have I said that was a lie? You're making lite of a messed up situation in which people were murdered. This shithead went to Wisconsin for the sole purpose of getting to take pot shots at people. You're basically saying these guys got what they deserved. So, if that was a friend or a loved one of yours out there on the skate board, would you think that still?
I don't agree with him being there in the first place. I don't agree with anyone being there, particularly people from out of town/state. But he didn't attack anyone. He didn't just randomly shoot protesters. He didn't target anyone. He shot 3 people who were attacking him. Is he a hero? Absolutely not. Is he a murderer? Nope. Is he a good kid? There's some evidence that shows that he is probably not. Call me cruel, call me whatever you want, I don’t feel bad for the pedophile who he killed, the one dropping N bombs left and right. I don’t feel bad for the guy who got his arm canoed just before shooting him in the head. I think skateboard guy made a poor decision.

I think it is a little more than that he "probably" is not a good kid. Anyway, I went back to check the claim that one of the guys who was killed was a pedophile and no legitimate news agency is making that claim. Wisconsin has a sex offender registry and I went on it and put his name in. The result? No record. Can you tell me where you got this information?
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Really. The fact that we have people on the board who have no problem voicing support for people who are untrained in law enforcement and who decide to come to a state with firearm and act like untrained militia is heartbreaking. Talk about feeling sorry for one side or the other, I feel sorry for this country since this is what we have become.
I for one am not supporting the kid for being there with a gun. I don't support anyone on either side who travels to another state to take part in any of this chaos no matter which side they are defending. But there is no need to remove common sense to justify our feelings. If you have been watching our country's cities be overrun by violence and lawless anarchy for the past 3 months and this kid shooting 3 people in self defense was your final straw to fee sorry for our country, I don’t know what to tell you. There have been over 30 people killed during these protests/riots whatever you want to call them. And many more lives ruined as a result and these 4 losers are what finally wakes people up. So strange.
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What have I said that was a lie? You're making lite of a messed up situation in which people were murdered. This shithead went to Wisconsin for the sole purpose of getting to take pot shots at people. You're basically saying these guys got what they deserved.
Your very first chirp,- ”one of the young men who was viciously gunned down in Kenosha, Wisconsin was a skateboarder who was trying to stop the murdering asshole who was walking freely with his weapon shooting at protesters” that tells me you just talk out of your ass🤫
I for one am not supporting the kid for being there with a gun. I don't support anyone on either side who travels to another state to take part in any of this chaos no matter which side they are defending. But there is no need to remove common sense to justify our feelings. If you have been watching our country's cities be overrun by violence and lawless anarchy for the past 3 months and this kid shooting 3 people in self defense was your final straw to fee sorry for our country, I don’t know what to tell you. There have been over 30 people killed during these protests/riots whatever you want to call them. And many more lives ruined as a result and these 4 losers are what finally wakes people up. So strange.
I will take you at your word but when you put up a meme about the guy he killed and use it to make a joke, it doesn't sound like criticism. In fact, it feels like an alliance.
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I think it is a little more than that he "probably" is not a good kid. Anyway, I went back to check the claim that one of the guys who was killed was a pedophile and no legitimate news agency is making that claim. Wisconsin has a sex offender registry and I went on it and put his name in. The result? No record. Can you tell me where you got this information?

It is very possible that it is fake news. But there are a lot of claims anyways. If it turns out that it is not true, than I apologize for spreading it.
I will take you at your word but when you put up a meme about the guy he killed and use it to make a joke, it doesn't sound like criticism. In fact, it feels like an alliance.
The meme was very relevant.
Your very first chirp,- ”one of the young men who was viciously gunned down in Kenosha, Wisconsin was a skateboarder who was trying to stop the murdering asshole who was walking freely with his weapon shooting at protesters” that tells me you just talk out of your ass🤫

So, posting the truth is talking out of my ass? Well, okay then. Also, answer my question, if that was a friend or a loved one of yours out there on the skate board, would you think that still? Would you be okay with that as some sort of justifiable homicide? It's clear you think joking about people dying is cool though. Whether you agree or not shouldn't matter. I take any pleasure in seeing anyone ever hurt or killed. Nothing to joke about there.
Bull****. Making fun of someone dying is pretty much never relevant. And it certainly was not here.
Were you this upset when the back the blue guy was executed in Portland and those disgusting antifa people were dancing and celebrating his death? No one seems to want to talk about that. But when a dude assaults someone who has a rifle with a skateboard and gets shot in self defense, that's when we get emotional. The meme was relevant. He would be alive today had he not taken a skateboard to a gun fight. That's Darwinism, my friend.
Were you this upset when the back the blue guy was executed in Portland and those disgusting antifa people were dancing and celebrating his death? No one seems to want to talk about that. But when a dude assaults someone who has a rifle with a skateboard and gets shot in self defense, that's when we get emotional. The meme was relevant. He would be alive today had he not taken a skateboard to a gun fight. That's Darwinism, my friend.
I'm upset about all of it. I get sick each time the police overreact and kill a someone. I can't stand seeing the police get hurt either. But that meme was ridiculously cruel and this trend of militia members feeling emboldened to show up to "keep the peace'" is frightening and could very well lead to a civil war.
I'm upset about all of it. I get sick each time the police overreact and kill a someone. I can't stand seeing the police get hurt either. But that meme was ridiculously cruel and this trend of militia members feeling emboldened to show up to "keep the peace'" is frightening and could very well lead to a civil war.
I am not sure there is a trend of militia members feeling emboldened. This sounds like sensationalism driven by the people who have spent the past 3 months ignoring what has been happening in our cities. But let’s just say that more citizens are arming themselves and showing up to these cities that are being torn apart by violent anarchists. Do you put any blame on the leaders of these cities that refuse to stop the violence and destruction happening in their cities? How long are law abiding citizens going to sit back and allow their local businesses get burned to the ground? How many people have to die and how many people have to lose their livelihoods before elected officials start to stand by their law abiding citizens as opposed to siding with the mob? You sound like a person who cares about life. Do these people's lives not matter? Don't mix my words, I am not pushing an "all lives matter" agenda. I am talking about all people who are suffering due to the non stop violence and destruction. I think if you are truly concerned about a civil war, you are placing blame on the wrong side for trying to start it.
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So, posting the truth is talking out of my ass? Well, okay then. Also, answer my question, if that was a friend or a loved one of yours out there on the skate board, would you think that still? Would you be okay with that as some sort of justifiable homicide? It's clear you think joking about people dying is cool though. Whether you agree or not shouldn't matter. I take any pleasure in seeing anyone ever hurt or killed. Nothing to joke about there.
No talking out of your ass is you not knowing what the hell you're talking about having not watched the video in the first place, but going to chime in with your 2 cents. (Your “narrative”) You’re spewing your opinions and theory’s as facts, and actually trying to debate it lol. I actually think you believe yourself I swear.
So, posting the truth is talking out of my ass? Well, okay then. Also, answer my question, if that was a friend or a loved one of yours out there on the skate board, would you think that still? Would you be okay with that as some sort of justifiable homicide? It's clear you think joking about people dying is cool though. Whether you agree or not shouldn't matter. I take any pleasure in seeing anyone ever hurt or killed. Nothing to joke about there.
Do you think the guy was just out on his skateboard? That's silly. But I will answer your question. If it were my loved one who went to a place that had been a location of violence and destruction for two nights previously, I would have advised against it. Knowing that he was there to contribute to the chaos would have upset me. Knowing that he attacked a kid with a rifle with his skateboard and lost his life because of a poor decision would upset me dearly. I would likely have hard feelings towards the kid and nature's way of mourning would probably cause me to not think straight. But in the end, after learning all of the facts, I would have to put a lot of the blame on this hypothetical loved one.
This "New Lounge" is total BS. Stop it . These dopes can go on Facebook or some other crap medium.

I don’t know about the dopes part but I do agree that that it’s killing a once great forum and all the political talk adds literally zero positive. Zero.

No one is changing anyone’s mind and the only thing it’s doing is driving people away. There are tons and tons of other places to go and talk til your heart’s content about the current state of politics. Hell I’ve be a premium subscriber for a long time and that might be ending soon if the board doesn’t get better.

The only arguments we should be having is whether Javin needed less or more minutes.

This place is a sanctuary and should remain as such! We have a great couple years coming with stud after stud hitting the floor...sure would nice to get back to discussing Duke and Duke only.

Just my .02.
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I am not sure there is a trend of militia members feeling emboldened. This sounds like sensationalism driven by the people who have spent the past 3 months ignoring what has been happening in our cities. But let’s just say that more citizens are arming themselves and showing up to these cities that are being torn apart by violent anarchists. Do you put any blame on the leaders of these cities that refuse to stop the violence and destruction happening in their cities? How long are law abiding citizens going to sit back and allow their local businesses get burned to the ground? How many people have to die and how many people have to lose their livelihoods before elected officials start to stand by their law abiding citizens as opposed to siding with the mob? You sound like a person who cares about life. Do these people's lives not matter? Don't mix my words, I am not pushing an "all lives matter" agenda. I am talking about all people who are suffering due to the non stop violence and destruction. I think if you are truly concerned about a civil war, you are placing blame on the wrong side for trying to start it.

I don't think this is sensationalism at all. In fact, these stories have not gotten enough play over the last three years, probably because there was so much else to cover. These groups showed up to the border to help deal with the immigrants; there were those lovely men in Michigan who surrounded the state legislature. This has been a mark of the Trump presidency.

Furthermore, the leaders are not doing nothing. They have their various police forces and fire depts. taking care of what has to be done. the sensationalism is hyping the violence over what is been mainly peaceful protest. And there is simply no excuse for this kind of vigilantism. It is lawless and it is dangerous. And I am very much on the right side of this argument. I see what is going on. I see a president who loves gun so much he gas lights the truth so that these gun nuts will do precisely what they are doing. The majority of Americans
did not vote for him and he has been protected by a Republican Senate that also does not represent the majority of Americans. We feel our country has been stolen from us by this fascist and his gun-toting adoring fans. And with that, I am off to go fishing.
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This board has gone to shit. But, it's because our country right now is shit. Make it as bad as possible, so Trump gets the blame. Organized, planned chaos. Who would have thought you could turn on your tv, and watch crime happen, with no consequences? The answer? A 77 year old man with cognitive issues. If you believe that, you're dumber than a bag of hammers. Trump has done more good for America than the last 4 presidents combined. Not if you watch CNN, msnbc, cbs, abc. They are in someone, or some socialist groups pocket. We all know what will happen if Trump loses. The rioting will stop, and they'll say it's because Trump's not dividing us anymore. That's pure bullshit. This is all planned by someone powerful who hates him.
Nothing much has been said on here until this 17 year old does some really bad things to some really stupid and lawbreaking kids. We know why you are all crying about him though. He's WHITE. I'm not saying he's innocent. But, damnit, where have you f n snowflakes been for the last 3 months while these pathetic losers have been causing havoc in these cities? Where? They've been ruining businesses, destroying property, killing, and beating up innocent people. Where has the outcry been?
What if they came to steal from you, or hurt someone you cared about, and you were there? But, let something happen to a black person at the hands of a white cop, or white person. You losers start screaming about social injustice. You know who you are: The dude, bleediteveryday, sdevada, this new durhamgolfer. Dbav won't post, but he will pop up from under his desk to give one of you a like, then go back to hiding.
Something has to change, and these idiot governors sure aren't doing anything about it.

Sports aren't sports either. Players and coaches are proving that money can't buy intelligence. Ratings are in the tank. I watch sports as an outlet, not to hear these yahoos spew their garbage. I've also lost interest in the one team I've pulled for for over 35 years. Coach K has become more of a manager than a coach. This started happening sometime around the 16-17 season. About that time, he lost his testicles. There's adapting, which is what's needed, but not what K has done. He's went overboard. He has the right to do whatever he chooses, but I don't have to go along with it anymore.

One thing I've realized during this Covid, and no sports, is I don't need them. If things can ever return to a more normal in the sports world, I might be back as a fan.

That's my parting shot. Doubt I'll be back. If what I said offends any of you, then so be it.
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I don't think this is sensationalism at all. In fact, these stories have not gotten enough play over the last three years, probably because there was so much else to cover. These groups showed up to the border to help deal with the immigrants; there were those lovely men in Michigan who surrounded the state legislature. This has been a mark of the Trump presidency.

Furthermore, the leaders are not doing nothing. They have their various police forces and fire septs taking care of what has to be done. the senationalism is hyping the violence over what is been mainly peaceful protest. And there is simply no excuse for this kind of vigilantism. It is lawless and it is dangerous. And I am very much on the right side of this argument. I see what is going on. I see a president who loves gun so much he glass lights the truth so that these gun nuts will do precisely what they are doing. The majority of Americans
did not vote for him and he has been protected by a Republican Senate that also does not represent the majority of Americans. We feel our country has been stolen from us by this fascist and his gun-toting adoring fans. And with that, I am off to go fishing.
Wow. Yeah. No use in continuing this. I thought I was talking to a rational person who just had different opinions. Hyping violence. Hahaha. Isn't it nice to live in an area where the violence and destruction isn't a problem in your life? Where you can regurgitate the media BS claim that they are "mainly peaceful protests" and do it with a straight face. Good lord. Leaders aren't doing nothing? They are literally doing nothing. Anyways enjoy your fishing. And keep living in denial. It's more peaceful there.
Dbav won't post, but he will pop up from under his desk to give one of you a like, then go back to hiding.

Sorry, I found this funny. Just to make a point, I've never actually initiated a political discussion in any thread. In fact, I can't think of many political posts I've made. I've also not sought out a political thread in months, and was a proponent of creating a new lounge for years so we could contain political rhetoric and separate it from basketball discussion in order to avoid derailing threads. But you may be right, someone like me is definitely the problem.

If you are signing off, I wish you lots of luck. Take care of yourself.
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This board has turned to shit because of a few moron idiots that think they know everything and keep digging until people just say screw this idiot and quit posting

I'd just like to point out that it's a bad idea to get your news from internet memes.

The supposed 15 year-old rape victim does not exist. Neither does the 14 and 13 year-old that Jacob Blake allegedly rape.

The third degree warrant stemmed from the encounter Blake had with his ex-girlfriend, where she also accused him of trespassing. He took her keys during this exchange, but not her car, so who knows what the nature of this conflict was. I'd also like to point out that nowhere has rape been alleged by law enforcement. Finally, third degree sexual assault in Wisconsin can include things unwanted touching, urinating on someone or giving them an STD. In Wisconsin, it does not include forceable intercourse of a minor. The meme that originated this was one that someone started by posting the 3rd degree statute from the state of Rhode Island.

Again, try researching something as opposed to just looking at a meme on Facebook and saying, "Oh, cool!"

Speaking of research, can one of you guys, preferably one of the ones excusing the actions of Kid-Punisher in Kenosha, tell me when he shot the third person? I only see y'all ever excuse his actions of the two shootings because that's when they were coming after him. Am I mistaken, or had he already shot somebody by the time that happened?
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I'd just like to point out that it's a bad idea to get your news from internet memes.

The supposed 15 year-old rape victim does not exist. Neither does the 14 and 13 year-old that Jacob Blake allegedly rape.

The third degree warrant stemmed from the encounter Blake had with his ex-girlfriend, where she also accused him of trespassing. He took her keys during this exchange, but not her car, so who knows what the nature of this conflict was. I'd also like to point out that nowhere has rape been alleged by law enforcement. Finally, third degree sexual assault in Wisconsin can include things unwanted touching, urinating on someone or giving them an STD. In Wisconsin, it does not include forceable intercourse of a minor. The meme that originated this was one that someone started by posting the 3rd degree statute from the state of Rhode Island.

Again, try researching something as opposed to just looking at a meme on Facebook and saying, "Oh, cool!"

Speaking of research, can one of you guys, preferably one of the ones excusing the actions of Kid-Punisher in Kenosha, tell me when he shot the third person? I only see y'all ever excuse his actions of the two shootings because that's when they were coming after him. Am I mistaken, or had he already shot somebody by the time that happened?
Glad you like "research". I notice that none of your supposed contrary "facts" are factually supported. So, I take it that you know all of this "sh*t" of your own personal knowledge. Please do not quote the media as sources for your "facts". You can spin Ifaze's post any way you want to. There is nothing in your post which merits any credibility, except that you are an apologist for antifa.
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Well what the CDC actually said was that for all the covid related deaths, only 6% of the deaths did not have another contributing factor. The CDC website still puts the number of covid related deaths at over 164,000.
Lmao, 164,000 deaths where 94% are truly secondary, subjective. Nice attempt to cook the data to fit your narrative, though.
That is one version. Of course the prosecutors who indicted him have another. Either way, though, you are making fun of someone who died and you are doing it just to annoy people. Shameful
Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. If I see someone carrying an AR or AK, I don’t try to play hero with a skateboard....
I'd just like to point out that it's a bad idea to get your news from internet memes.

The supposed 15 year-old rape victim does not exist. Neither does the 14 and 13 year-old that Jacob Blake allegedly rape.

The third degree warrant stemmed from the encounter Blake had with his ex-girlfriend, where she also accused him of trespassing. He took her keys during this exchange, but not her car, so who knows what the nature of this conflict was. I'd also like to point out that nowhere has rape been alleged by law enforcement. Finally, third degree sexual assault in Wisconsin can include things unwanted touching, urinating on someone or giving them an STD. In Wisconsin, it does not include forceable intercourse of a minor. The meme that originated this was one that someone started by posting the 3rd degree statute from the state of Rhode Island.

Again, try researching something as opposed to just looking at a meme on Facebook and saying, "Oh, cool!"

Speaking of research, can one of you guys, preferably one of the ones excusing the actions of Kid-Punisher in Kenosha, tell me when he shot the third person? I only see y'all ever excuse his actions of the two shootings because that's when they were coming after him. Am I mistaken, or had he already shot somebody by the time that happened?
Did you really take all of that time to try and vindicate Jacob? No shocker you support BLM, the same BLM that believes in the destruction of the nuclear family, an act that has haunted many black children since the late 60’s.