This board has gone to shit. But, it's because our country right now is shit. Make it as bad as possible, so Trump gets the blame. Organized, planned chaos. Who would have thought you could turn on your tv, and watch crime happen, with no consequences? The answer? A 77 year old man with cognitive issues. If you believe that, you're dumber than a bag of hammers. Trump has done more good for America than the last 4 presidents combined. Not if you watch CNN, msnbc, cbs, abc. They are in someone, or some socialist groups pocket. We all know what will happen if Trump loses. The rioting will stop, and they'll say it's because Trump's not dividing us anymore. That's pure bullshit. This is all planned by someone powerful who hates him.
Nothing much has been said on here until this 17 year old does some really bad things to some really stupid and lawbreaking kids. We know why you are all crying about him though. He's WHITE. I'm not saying he's innocent. But, damnit, where have you f n snowflakes been for the last 3 months while these pathetic losers have been causing havoc in these cities? Where? They've been ruining businesses, destroying property, killing, and beating up innocent people. Where has the outcry been?
What if they came to steal from you, or hurt someone you cared about, and you were there? But, let something happen to a black person at the hands of a white cop, or white person. You losers start screaming about social injustice. You know who you are: The dude, bleediteveryday, sdevada, this new durhamgolfer. Dbav won't post, but he will pop up from under his desk to give one of you a like, then go back to hiding.
Something has to change, and these idiot governors sure aren't doing anything about it.
Sports aren't sports either. Players and coaches are proving that money can't buy intelligence. Ratings are in the tank. I watch sports as an outlet, not to hear these yahoos spew their garbage. I've also lost interest in the one team I've pulled for for over 35 years. Coach K has become more of a manager than a coach. This started happening sometime around the 16-17 season. About that time, he lost his testicles. There's adapting, which is what's needed, but not what K has done. He's went overboard. He has the right to do whatever he chooses, but I don't have to go along with it anymore.
One thing I've realized during this Covid, and no sports, is I don't need them. If things can ever return to a more normal in the sports world, I might be back as a fan.
That's my parting shot. Doubt I'll be back. If what I said offends any of you, then so be it.