The New Lounge

You obviously are not living in a big city. Those of is in NYC haven’t forgotten listening to siren after siren, or learning about friends and family members who died from complications related to the virus. I hope you never go through that. Would it be too much to acknowledge that we did?
Point was it’s not Trumps fault...Sorry
Y’all will never take accountability for your OWN actions. All y’all do is point your little fingers with theory’s and cry wolf with no solutions. People not wearing masks doesnt have a damn thing to do with what Trump SAYS...Nobody that voted for Trump are sheep like the other side: And it really isn’t “so bad” any damn way! It was thought to be WAY worse! You’d jump off a bridge if Biden said you can swim. As for the riots, the “He is the leader of this country” yes you’re saying it’s his fault, which is comical ignorance! Keep going please😂haha

Such a bizarre post coming from someone who wants to vote for a President who said he takes no responsibility for whats going on.

I take responsibility for my actions, but I also hold my leaders accountable. That's normal.

No idea what you mean by "theory's" and no solutions.

People not wearing masks ABSOLUTELY has to do with what Trump says and does. Do you have no concept of what leadership is, or how people emulate/follow leaders?

No idea what isn't "so bad." The virus? Thank god some states worked to slow it down, but current estimates are 400k dead by December. Right now we are well past 3 times our WWI combat casualties and about halfway to our WWII combat casualties. I mean, even Trump said it was deadly, way worse than the worst flu...

Jump off a bridge for Biden? Huh? Biden is a decent-enough fellow who isn't terribly offensive. That's about it. Stop being a drama queen.

You are such a strange guy. No idea why I'm bothering with you. Must be a glutton for punishment.
Kinda like “K should have done this” :)

Yeah, if K was the only coach NOT doing it.

So Wednesday deaths from covid...

Spain: 34
Italy: 14
Japan: 16
Canada: 2
UK: 8
Germany: 1

Total Population: 420 million

USA: 1,209

Total Population: 238 million

Other countries have more effective national mask strategies, more effective national contract tracing, stricter and more effective isolation strategies, nationally-available 15 minute result tests, and yes, effective, honest, and science-based national messaging.

This isn't some crazy thing. Many other countries are doing things that we are not, and part of it is most assuredly that the most powerful man in the world doesn't seem to want to do any of it.

Does any of this make sense, Ips? Like, when you see this written out, do you think "Oh, interesting, that might help"...?
Yeah, if K was the only coach NOT doing it.

So Wednesday deaths from covid...

Spain: 34
Italy: 14
Japan: 16
Canada: 2
UK: 8
Germany: 1

Total Population: 420 million

USA: 1,209

Total Population: 238 million

Other countries have more effective national mask strategies, more effective national contract tracing, stricter and more effective isolation strategies, nationally-available 15 minute result tests, and yes, effective, honest, and science-based national messaging.

This isn't some crazy thing. Many other countries are doing things that we are not, and part of it is most assuredly that the most powerful man in the world doesn't seem to want to do any of it.

Does any of this make sense, Ips? Like, when you see this written out, do you think "Oh, interesting, that might help"...?
Rest assured.. Everything’s Trumps fault and you’ll have to deal with him another 4 years 😁
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This is without a doubt one of the most ridiculous arguments ever. Attacks happen. 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. Does that mean he did not love America. A lot of servicemen got killed in Afghanistan. Again, does that mean Bush did not love America. If you want to really know who to blame, you should look no further than Paul Ryan. Emails show that HRC (who also loves America) had been asking for more money to give to the soldiers who protected the embassy but he would not put it in the budget.
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Don't tell thedude. But.

1. There are 330mil people in the US, not including undocumented.

2. Of the 1,208 deaths REPORTED yesterday, over 60% of them happened more than two weeks ago.

3. Countries like Spain, Italy and Germany do not count covid deaths the way we do. If we counted deaths the same way they do, we'd have less than 10,000 covid deaths.

4. There is literally no science that shows that masks slow the spread. Plenty of examples that they don't. Nothing has stopped the spread. It's a virus.

5. The biggest thing other countries are doing that we are not is not pushing fear and hysteria on their citizens. They're not manipulating data to make it look like there are more cases. They're not testing anyone who isn't sick. They're not counting motorcycle deaths as covid deaths. But then again, they're also not in an election year.

Every population the virus has infected, it fell off once 15-20% of the population was infected. So the lockdowns and the different guidelines have only delayed the spread, not prevented it. Had we pulled the bandaid off and opened up with some restrictions still in place at the same time as a nation, it would have run its course and we'd be recovering sooner. Instead, we kept it around for 8 months letting it slowly spread through the country two or three states at a time. All while New York and New Jersey's governors criticize republican governors for not taking it seriously even though you can add up the deaths in those republican run states and not match the deaths in those two states.
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It really is hard to have a serious argument with someone who says there is no science that masks slows the spread. And, had we kept it around for 8 months, it would not have slowly spread. It would have rifled through certain areas so quickly that they would not have been able to offer the little medical help that they did by flattening the curve.
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This is without a doubt one of the most ridiculous arguments ever. Attacks happen. 9/11 happened on Bush's watch. Does that mean he did not love America. A lot of servicemen got killed in Afghanistan. Again, does that mean Bush did not love America. If you want to really know who to blame, you should look no further than Paul Ryan. Emails show that HRC (who also loves America) had been asking for more money to give to the soldiers who protected the embassy but he would not put it in the budget.
Cool story. Shit happens right... leaving men to die.
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It really is hard to have a serious argument with someone who says there is no science that masks slows the spread. And, had we kept it around for 8 months, it would not have slowly spread. It would have rifled through certain areas so quickly that they would not have been able to offer the little medical help that they did by flattening the curve.
Show the science.
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seriously. go to any legitimate science site on line and they all say the same thing. Use of masks slows the spread of the coronavirus.
There is no scientific evidence that masks slow the spread. Only anecdotal evidence. Meanwhile, there is more anecdotal evidence that they don't do anything. Two of the most infected counties in the country had mask mandates very early. Miami-Dade and L.A. counties. Look at states that had mask mandates vs states that didn't. Some of the states with mask mandates actually had higher spikes than states without. Look at Sweden. We can agree or disagree with their handling of the virus, but their cases have been way down and flat for weeks. Never had a mask mandate.

If wearing a mask makes you feel comfortable, go for it. But there is no science behind them. At least not for the type they are telling us to wear.
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No idea what that was in response to so I don't know how to respond.
I don’t have much knowledge of it maybe somebody else does, but supposedly the Obama Biden camp let men die In Benghazi who needed air support but the men weren't suppose to be there so he let them die.... I’m picturing the movie Shooter idk? Do some digging and get back to me with your narrative of it 🙄lol.
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I don’t have much knowledge of it maybe somebody else does, but supposedly the Obama Biden camp let men die In Benghazi who needed air support but the men weren't suppose to be there so he let them die.... I’m picturing the movie Shooter idk? Do some digging and get back to me with your narrative of it 🙄lol.
Perhaps before you make those kinds of allegations, you should do some research.
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Perhaps before you make those kinds of allegations, you should do some research.
It was a meme and I asked you to do “the research“ genius 🤦‍♂️
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You’re right though. I said it as an allegation and I shouldn’t have not having much knowledge of it .
Re Benghazi, believe the movie was 13 hours.

What were they supposed to do, shred the entire area with a gunship or carpet bomb?

Am I forgetting things or was our shitty security situation a result of Republican led budget cuts to the State Department? Pretty damn sure the sequester and shutdown were McConnell's doing, not Obama's or Biden's.
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Re Benghazi, believe the movie was 13 hours.

What were they supposed to do, shred the entire area with a gunship or carpet bomb?

Am I forgetting things or was our shitty security situation a result of Republican led budget cuts to the State Department? Pretty damn sure the sequester and shutdown were McConnell's doing, not Obama's or Biden's.
You are remembering correctly
Ohhh, Benghazi.

I especially loved how angry everyone got at Hillary Clinton for not sending troops in.

Bc, you know... SecState is totally in charge of military responses overseas.

(And especially ones involving CIA sites.)
I have constantly provided sources for my statements. the links above showed that it was complete crap that Obama and Biden refused to call out air support to help our troops in Benghazi. It is also worth noting that after god knows how much money a Republican controlled Hoisespent investing and calling and re-calling HRC to testify, their own report found that she was not to blame for that fiasco.
I am with you. I also cannot believe that people who claim to be patriotic want
a Russian stooge running our country.
This is hilarious. After all the investigations saying there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, this is still around. Man. Trump really ruined liberals. Full blown TDS.