Obama dividend this country while blacks segregated themselves....You got all this black this black that, BET, black colleges, black dating sites, black movies, BLM, everything just put a “black” in front of it. ALL kinda shit, it’s just unbelievable. Which is fine I guess whatever.... But there’s this double standard “victim” crybaby racism accountability bs on top of it. It’s Just too much man
Why are you so ignorant? That is a legitimate question, so please don't overlook it.
Nothing you said in your post makes any sense.
- First the word you're looking for is "divided." A dividend is money a company pays to stock and shareholders. Don't use words if you don't know what they mean. That only makes your stupidity more obvious.
-Obama didn't divide a damn thing along racial lines. The only thing he did to stoke racial division was incense a section of racist white people who take personal offense at Black people celebrating any kind of accomplishment.
-How do you feel Blacks have segregated themselves?
-Literally everything you mention other than the BLM movement in your "Black this Black that" diatribe predates the Obama administration.
- BET? It started in 1980, showing music videos for a couple hours in DC. All y'all who get so bent out of shape about the name need to understand it came from the demographic it targeted and the programming it was going to deliver. It was going to be programming featuring Black artists, and it was going to be the first of its kind. By the time it became nationally distributed and an actual channel the name, "BET," had built brand recognition so it would have been pointless to change it.
- Black colleges? The first HBCU was founded in 1837. The reason HBCUs exist is because when they were founded there were very few colleges and universities in the United States where Blacks could be educated. By the way, all those standards and diversity-based scholarships that white people get so damn upset about? White students can attend HBCUs for close to, if not entirely, free.
For the record, the same thing applies to historically Black fraternities and sororities. They were founded in a time when Blacks were not allowed in college fraternities and sororities, but those same "Black" organizations have members of multiple races, including whites.
Do you propose the demolition of those schools and organizations just because white people decided, nearly a century later, that they didn't mind Blacks joining their schools and social clubs?
-Black dating sites? Black Planet was around when MySpace was a thing, if not before. By the way, white people had pages there, too.
- Black movies? These are/were identified by white people. I can remember going into video stores and seeing "Black" movies in their own category. "Boyz N the Hood," is a drama. It is white culture that deemed it a "Black" movie. "Strictly Business," and "Boomerang," are comedies. It is white culture that deemed them "Black" movies.
Think about this, how many movies, with nearly all-white casts and a white director have you seen referred to as a "white," movie?
- Black Lives Matter? There you go. It was a movement that started following Trayvon Martin's death. That was the case of a grown-ass armed man following a 17-year old, getting into a fight with and shooting the teenager. The adult, who ignored 911 operators direction to stand down, was later acquitted in the incident. Yeah, sorry about your feelings, but that seems like a good cause to spark a movement that hopefully reminds people that yes, Black Lives do Matter.
For comparison, I've waited 8 years for somebody to produce knowledge of a case in which a Black armed adult stalked, fought and shot a white teenager but was acquitted by a jury of his peers in the death. I haven't heard of one, but I'm here if you got one.
I know in the past you've leaned on having a bunch of Black friends as a crutch whenever you talk about racial matters, but at this point, I have to ask: If you have so many Black friends, why do have so much animosity toward Black folks and how are you so damn uninformed when it comes to basically everything about Black people?