The New Lounge

Geez. Stick to graphs. Your analysis sucks. It’s as simple as “the family”? Simple. But 65% of Black kids are in single-parent homes, you say… but it’s simple… and MY side is the one insulting Black people’s intelligence. Sure.

What yields greater advantages, two-parent homes, or being born a certain race? If you say the latter, you're probably an ideologue. The empirical evidence for this is overwhelming.

There was racism in 1955. There is racism in 2021. There is a history of white supremacy in this country from before we were a country, but conservatives like to pretend signing a piece of paper and an Oval Office photo op with Dr. King relegated it to some tiny, powerless subculture nowhere near them.

You want to blame BLM for inventing a problem but you’re too willfully stupid to connect the dots that they O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D individual mutters into a chorus of shouts about ongoing systemic problems. BLM is Rosa freakin’ Parks, and the people who are willfully ignorant to that are going to be remembered in history exactly like the r-holes who hated Rosa Parks.

There are no codified laws that allow discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, ability, etc. If you can find a company that does that, they will lose TONS of money from all of the negative publicity. Also I'm sure civil rights lawyers wouldn't mind tying someone up in litigation for years. As it currently stands, the laws are neutral. You know what you call it when the laws go beyond being neutral? Discrimination.

And BLM only seems to care when it's a LEO shooting a black person. Between 2015-2020, there's been an average of 22 unarmed blacks shot and killed each year (Washington Post Shooting Database). There's a 99.99999% chance that black kids living in a single parent home, without the discipline of a father, leads to more than 22 homicides a year. The black-on-black homicide total is roughly 6,000 per year. So, yes, BLM clearly has its priorities straight.

Oh, also, you’re basically saying that doctors are in it for the $, not to help people (voting, taxes, surgery), that capitalism ought to control intellectual thought and govt should violate the First Amendment when it comes to schools, and that the best you could do to capture the “Black experience” is a stereotypical story of the po’ boy in the ghetto who gets seduced into #thuglife4eva. Donchano just bet that daggum ol’ Toepac Shaky — that daggum rapper — got that ol’ devil music in their heads, too? Anything but even considering how the system is flawed!

Did you miss the part where I said it was an oversimplification? If you reach a conclusion based off a single data point, your analysis isn't worth salt. I simply said people tend to vote with their own self-interests in mind. It wasn't a blanket statement, it was me basically saying, "more often than not." And the numbers seem to reflect that. Does that seem like a reasonable stance?

And come on, your interpretation of how you think I see black people is ridiculous. They aren't a monolith. And I don't treat them as such. In fact, there are quite a few Ivy League-educated African-Americans that I follow that adamantly denounce the anti-racism beliefs that you hold onto closely (i.e. Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, Thomas Sowell).

Oh, also… for someone who likes pictures of fancy charts, you can’t pick out an analogy? The comparison isn’t 1955 to 2013, it’s the period between 1955-1960+ compared to the period between 2013-2021. O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-I-N-G. Organizing. Organizing.

It's not a very good analogy. One was before the civil rights act. And the other was during a time when social media sites, major corporations, academia, Hollywood, mainstream media, the music industry, and the sports industry all rallied behind the movement. BLM raked in $90 million in donations. How much pushback did the 2020 movement get in comparison to the civil rights movement? It's laughable to compare the two.
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You know that Brian MaxLairen guy who just got the boot by Rivals? He literally suspended me for using the INITIAL for a swear once, so y’all go ahead and keep using actual swears and whining about how persecuted you are. Check your privilege! Check your… getting to… uh, swear privilege.

I would rather type this entire sentence telling you to ML-off than to give you the single word represented by the “F” in “POF.”

Haha. Better protest.
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Geez. Stick to graphs. Your analysis sucks. It’s as simple as “the family”? Simple. But 65% of Black kids are in single-parent homes, you say… but it’s simple… and MY side is the one insulting Black people’s intelligence. Sure.

There was racism in 1955. There is racism in 2021. There is a history of white supremacy in this country from before we were a country, but conservatives like to pretend signing a piece of paper and an Oval Office photo op with Dr. King relegated it to some tiny, powerless subculture nowhere near them.

You want to blame BLM for inventing a problem but you’re too willfully stupid to connect the dots that they O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D individual mutters into a chorus of shouts about ongoing systemic problems. BLM is Rosa freakin’ Parks, and the people who are willfully ignorant to that are going to be remembered in history exactly like the r-holes who hated Rosa Parks.

I believe that you believe this
Could also be that they're a product of their environment. If you're inundated with liberal ideas, you're obviously more likely to become a liberal. Libertarians actually score higher on intelligence tests than liberals (Understanding Libertarian Morality). So, there's that...


What if actively being anti-something actually exacerbated an issue? Case in point, BLM started in 2013. Race relations have SIGNFICANTLY deteriorated since then. Can't pin an all on a single issue, of course. But there's plenty of evidence to suggest that talking about race all the time doesn't actually make things better. Why is it that 66% of black people thought race relations were good, or somewhat good, in 2013? That number has plummeted to 33%. I thought talking about these issues was supposed to make things better?


Agreed. If your raisin d’etre is to combat racism, and in the case of Al Sharpton and BLM you have accumulated power based on racism, then you must continue to conjure up hoaxes such as Michael Brown ( Ferguson), Nicholas Sandmann, and now the latest Border Patrol whipping Haitian immigrants. When all you know how to do is hammer, pretty soon everything looks like a nail
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Oh, also, you’re basically saying that doctors are in it for the $, not to help people (voting, taxes, surgery), that capitalism ought to control intellectual thought and govt should violate the First Amendment when it comes to schools, and that the best you could do to capture the “Black experience” is a stereotypical story of the po’ boy in the ghetto who gets seduced into #thuglife4eva. Donchano just bet that daggum ol’ Toepac Shaky — that daggum rapper — got that ol’ devil music in their heads, too? Anything but even considering how the system is flawed!
Mac, quarantine and or time off may not be enough after wading through this stream of consciousness. The man
has regressed from political pundit to bathroom stall poet right before our very eyes
Oh, also, you’re basically saying that doctors are in it for the $, not to help people (voting, taxes, surgery), that capitalism ought to control intellectual thought and govt should violate the First Amendment when it comes to schools, and that the best you could do to capture the “Black experience” is a stereotypical story of the po’ boy in the ghetto who gets seduced into #thuglife4eva. Donchano just bet that daggum ol’ Toepac Shaky — that daggum rapper — got that ol’ devil music in their heads, too? Anything but even considering how the system is flawed!
I appreciate that you're one of very few conservatives here who hasn't used personal info like the fact I am in public education against me, Mac, but I'm not telling you what I teach, or what my role is in public schools. Just b/c it will keep some of y'all up nights, I will acknowledge that I frequently include social commentary about issues that affect my kids.

Lol. Embarrassed?
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Dattier has whined about personal insults and rudeness from some of us here. But what has him flying off the rails is a perfectly calm, respectful and logical chain of posts by @dukedevilz. What a fragile little mind.

Hahaha yeah, Dattier uses personal insults plenty. Then gets triggered by someone smarter than him just because he got dunked on.
Poor fella. Didn’t like what I said. No surprise. That’s because you have no balls. Grow a set and man up.
What you said didn’t require balls. Approving of what you said or not has nothing to do with having balls, either.
For growing up, stop resorting to slurs.
Good lord, datt. This is one of your most pitiful posts yet. The only people whining about being persecuted are you and your progressive pansies. Your second paragraph is some hard hitting stuff. It was such a hard hit, I don’t think I'll ever recover.
Yes, I was oh so serious about “swearing privilege.” 🙄
What yields greater advantages, two-parent homes, or being born a certain race? If you say the latter, you're probably an ideologue. The empirical evidence for this is overwhelming.

There are no codified laws that allow discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, ability, etc. If you can find a company that does that, they will lose TONS of money from all of the negative publicity. Also I'm sure civil rights lawyers wouldn't mind tying someone up in litigation for years. As it currently stands, the laws are neutral. You know what you call it when the laws go beyond being neutral? Discrimination.

And BLM only seems to care when it's a LEO shooting a black person. Between 2015-2020, there's been an average of 22 unarmed blacks shot and killed each year (Washington Post Shooting Database). There's a 99.99999% chance that black kids living in a single parent home, without the discipline of a father, leads to more than 22 homicides a year. The black-on-black homicide total is roughly 6,000 per year. So, yes, BLM clearly has its priorities straight.

Did you miss the part where I said it was an oversimplification? If you reach a conclusion based off a single data point, your analysis isn't worth salt. I simply said people tend to vote with their own self-interests in mind. It wasn't a blanket statement, it was me basically saying, "more often than not." And the numbers seem to reflect that. Does that seem like a reasonable stance?

And come on, your interpretation of how you think I see black people is ridiculous. They aren't a monolith. And I don't treat them as such. In fact, there are quite a few Ivy League-educated African-Americans that I follow that adamantly denounce the anti-racism beliefs that you hold onto closely (i.e. Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, Thomas Sowell).

It's not a very good analogy. One was before the civil rights act. And the other was during a time when social media sites, major corporations, academia, Hollywood, mainstream media, the music industry, and the sports industry all rallied behind the movement. BLM raked in $90 million in donations. How much pushback did the 2020 movement get in comparison to the civil rights movement? It's laughable to compare the two.
Your response to my post expressing in part the limited value of graphable data is to ask for more data. I can’t make this up.

There is no purpose comparing 2-parent homes to race as isolated factors because that’s not how they exist. Is there a difference between 1-parent homes of different races? Is the a difference between 2-parent homes of different races?

I bet you’ll be quick to claim “culture” as an explanation for the disparity, but you’re unwilling to consider systemic racism as a factor in “culture.” No, this amorphous “culture” is strictly about independent choice devoid of context. 🙄

Again, you don’t understand analogies. If I compare Hitler and his dog to you and your dog, it’s not about comparing you to Hitler. It’s about comparing Relationship A to Relationship B. The 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 1955 and the 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 2013. It is the exact answer to your tone deaf, oblivious question about how race relations got worse, and it’s the exact answer you refuse to hear: accepting injustice and just trudging along stops when people become aware and organize to do something about it. Period. You’re exactly like the white person in Montgomery, Alabama claiming the buses were fine before that Rosa Parks got “those people” all upset over nothing.
Very good example of conservatives claiming persecution and of conservative hypocrisy:
99% of y’all don’t grow your own food, build your own homes, or do all the maintenance on your own cars, and you would sue the heck out of the person whose food gave you food poisoning, the contractor whose roof fell in on you, and the mechanic whose work was shoddy. You wouldn’t think of going with unpasteurized milk straight from the farm over FDA-approved pasteurized milk from the store. You wouldn’t think of hiring a contractor without checking certification credentials. You wouldn’t think of going to someone’s unlicensed step-cousin-in-law for car repairs.

Conservatives love the myth of individualism. They love envisioning themselves as these rugged, autonomous, self-sufficient people, so they are scared of losing their fragile illusion of self to communal care and interdependence.

Government regulation exists because letting the free market decide leads to untouchable financial royalty who can exploit the rest of us far worse than a government that — while flawed — is still accessible to “we the people.”
  • Haha
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Very good example of conservatives claiming persecution and of conservative hypocrisy:
99% of y’all don’t grow your own food, build your own homes, or do all the maintenance on your own cars, and you would sue the heck out of the person whose food gave you food poisoning, the contractor whose roof fell in on you, and the mechanic whose work was shoddy. You wouldn’t think of going with unpasteurized milk straight from the farm over FDA-approved pasteurized milk from the store. You wouldn’t think of hiring a contractor without checking certification credentials. You wouldn’t think of going to someone’s unlicensed step-cousin-in-law for car repairs.

Conservatives love the myth of individualism. They love envisioning themselves as these rugged, autonomous, self-sufficient people, so they are scared of losing their fragile illusion of self to communal care and interdependence.

Government regulation exists because letting the free market decide leads to untouchable financial royalty who can exploit the rest of us far worse than a government that — while flawed — is still accessible to “we the people.”
You are a shell of your former self. Used to be that your looney rants were at the very least, coherent. You're all over the place here.
Your response to my post expressing in part the limited value of graphable data is to ask for more data. I can’t make this up.

There is no purpose comparing 2-parent homes to race as isolated factors because that’s not how they exist. Is there a difference between 1-parent homes of different races? Is the a difference between 2-parent homes of different races?

I bet you’ll be quick to claim “culture” as an explanation for the disparity, but you’re unwilling to consider systemic racism as a factor in “culture.” No, this amorphous “culture” is strictly about independent choice devoid of context. 🙄

Again, you don’t understand analogies. If I compare Hitler and his dog to you and your dog, it’s not about comparing you to Hitler. It’s about comparing Relationship A to Relationship B. The 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 1955 and the 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 2013. It is the exact answer to your tone deaf, oblivious question about how race relations got worse, and it’s the exact answer you refuse to hear: accepting injustice and just trudging along stops when people become aware and organize to do something about it. Period. You’re exactly like the white person in Montgomery, Alabama claiming the buses were fine before that Rosa Parks got “those people” all upset over nothing.

Lol no one is reading this crap you clown
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Very good example of conservatives claiming persecution and of conservative hypocrisy:
99% of y’all don’t grow your own food, build your own homes, or do all the maintenance on your own cars, and you would sue the heck out of the person whose food gave you food poisoning, the contractor whose roof fell in on you, and the mechanic whose work was shoddy. You wouldn’t think of going with unpasteurized milk straight from the farm over FDA-approved pasteurized milk from the store. You wouldn’t think of hiring a contractor without checking certification credentials. You wouldn’t think of going to someone’s unlicensed step-cousin-in-law for car repairs.

Conservatives love the myth of individualism. They love envisioning themselves as these rugged, autonomous, self-sufficient people, so they are scared of losing their fragile illusion of self to communal care and interdependence.

Government regulation exists because letting the free market decide leads to untouchable financial royalty who can exploit the rest of us far worse than a government that — while flawed — is still accessible to “we the people.”

Were you trying to turn your boyfriend on by showing him how many straw men you could fit in a single post? If not I have no idea what your purpose of this post was. I hope he was impressed.
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Good grief Datt. You really need help. You’re bouncing off the walls and spitting out messages that make no sense.

Log off the site, then throw your computer away.
Defending the indefensible, the clown show that he and his ilk elected President, is taking a toll. He has sought refuge in the bottle I’m afraid if his recent posts are any indication
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Very good example of conservatives claiming persecution and of conservative hypocrisy:
99% of y’all don’t grow your own food, build your own homes, or do all the maintenance on your own cars, and you would sue the heck out of the person whose food gave you food poisoning, the contractor whose roof fell in on you, and the mechanic whose work was shoddy. You wouldn’t think of going with unpasteurized milk straight from the farm over FDA-approved pasteurized milk from the store. You wouldn’t think of hiring a contractor without checking certification credentials. You wouldn’t think of going to someone’s unlicensed step-cousin-in-law for car repairs.

Conservatives love the myth of individualism. They love envisioning themselves as these rugged, autonomous, self-sufficient people, so they are scared of losing their fragile illusion of self to communal care and interdependence.

Government regulation exists because letting the free market decide leads to untouchable financial royalty who can exploit the rest of us far worse than a government that — while flawed — is still accessible to “we the people.”
Just me and my son” growing our own food” this year lol. Does this look like the type of person that doesnt do maintenance on their own vehicle ? Haha
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I just read posts from yesterday. I feel sorry for Dattier, being the victim that he is and having to rely on the government. By the way, I retired from teaching 4 years ago and have done pretty darn good for myself. I did work two jobs and summers and am still working a little part-time. That’s not too bad for a 56 year old. These people bitching about teacher pay are FOS. They just don’t want to work.
Your response to my post expressing in part the limited value of graphable data is to ask for more data. I can’t make this up.

There is no purpose comparing 2-parent homes to race as isolated factors because that’s not how they exist. Is there a difference between 1-parent homes of different races? Is the a difference between 2-parent homes of different races?

I bet you’ll be quick to claim “culture” as an explanation for the disparity, but you’re unwilling to consider systemic racism as a factor in “culture.” No, this amorphous “culture” is strictly about independent choice devoid of context. 🙄

I know what the data says. Just trying to gauge what your presuppositions are. I know this is a TLDR post, but hear me out. 89% of Asian children are living with two parents in the home, while that figure is 78.6% for whites, and 41.3% for blacks (2020 U.S. Census Bureau). The stats on single-parent homes are jarring.

-63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.
-90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
-85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (CDC)
-80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
-71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
-70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (Dept. of Justice)
-85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)
-75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes – 10 times the average.
-71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father. [U.S. Dept of HHS)

The discrepancies between two-parent and single-parent homes is substantial. Lots and lots of troubled kids come from single-parent homes. And look at the discrepancies between the races. 47.7% higher for Asians and 37.3% higher for whites. Are you going to tell me that doesn’t play a factor in the disparities?

Now, pause and please strongly consider this for a moment. Disparities don’t equal discrimination, just the same way correlation does not equal causation. Disparities don’t necessarily mean that something nefarious is occurring. Disparities are common and natural. For example, Jewish people represent 0.2% of the world, yet they’ve received 22% of all the Nobel prizes. Kenya and Ethiopia have combined for 98 of the fastest 100 marathon times of all time, in spite being only 2% of the world’s population. Even more, the overwhelming majority of those great Kenyan runners come from the same tribe, which represents less than 10% of the nation’s population. People inhabiting cities on the coast comprise 23% of the world’s population – and 53% of world’s GDP. Geographic differences can produce disparities just the same.

Thomas Sowell has outlined one of the more surprising and intriguing disparities. “A study of National Merit Scholarship finalists found that, among finalists from five-child families, the first-born was the finalist more often than the other four siblings combined. If there is not equality of outcomes among people born to the same parents and raised under the same roof, why should equality of outcomes be expected -or assumed- when conditions are not nearly so comparable?"

Furthermore, he notes from a study conducted in the UK in 2003, that the first born received a degree 22% of the time, compared to just 11% for the fourth child – and merely 3% for the tenth child.

There are many theories as to why the oldest child has the most success, but the prevailing argument seems to be that the parents have more time to devote to the one child. As more kids are brought in, their attention is divided. The fact that twins have lower IQ scores, in the range of 5-6 points, than singleton children in the same family, seems to reinforce this idea. Now, if there is a strong correlation between time devoted to kids and achievement in school, then it’s not too hard to believe that black population, with three in five black homes lacking two parents, is starting at a tremendous disadvantage. That is very likely the cause of disparate outcomes, as opposed to the public perception of systemic racism.

So, for the record, 22% of single-parent white homes are in poverty, while just 7% for two-parent black homes. Two-parent home are complete game-changers for kids. So yes, it is significant when you consider how many more African-American are only living with one child. The poverty rate, among households with a female householder and no spouse present, is 29.9% for blacks, 24.3% for whites, and 16.9% for Asians (2020 U.S. Census Bureau). Not a huge difference. It is interesting that the gap between Asians and whites is actually wider than the gap between whites and blacks.

Coleman Hughes, an Ivy League-educated African-American, has noted how second generation West Indian black kids have lower crime rates than African American kids. Both groups should look and talk the same. Further, he adds:

"West Indian blacks would have been virtually indistinguishable from their American counterparts. There is no better demonstration of their superficial likeness than the fact that many prominent black leaders—including Marcus Garvey, Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Harry Belafonte, and Sidney Poitier—were actually of black West Indian, not black American, ancestry. But despite being subjected to the same racist treatment by local whites, second-generation West Indian black families were highly successful, out-earning American black families by 58 percent, and even out-earning the national average income by 15 percent.

The second natural experiment involves comparing the outcomes of black immigrants on the whole with the outcomes of American blacks (i.e., blacks descended from American slaves.) Although black immigrants (and especially their children, who are indistinguishable from American blacks) presumably experience the same ongoing systemic biases that black descendants of American slaves do, nearly all black immigrant groups out-earn American blacks, and many—including Ghanaians, Nigerians, Barbadians, and Trinidadians & Tobagonians—out-earn the national average. Moreover, black immigrants are overrepresented in the Ivy Leagues. Though they comprised only 8 percent of the U.S. black population in the 2010 census, 41 percent of African Americans attending Ivy League schools were of immigrant origin in 1999. Five years later, the New York Times reported a finding by two Harvard professors that as many as two-thirds of Harvard’s black students “were West Indian and African immigrants or their children, or to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples.

Granted, neither of these natural experiments prove that culture, specifically, caused the divergent outcomes. It’s impossible to disentangle confounding variables like immigrant self-selection, demographic differences, and other unknown factors. But the results of these natural experiments do suggest that the role of systemic bias as a causal factor in the creation of unequal outcomes has been greatly exaggerated. If systemic bias accounted for as much of the variance in success as progressives seem to think it does, then it’s unlikely that groups that experience equal amounts of systemic bias would achieve such wildly different levels of success."

If you can't get the same outcomes among siblings, why should we gripe about disparities among groups with different values, different backgrounds, and different cultures? In a truly free society, equal outcomes will NEVER happen.
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Again, you don’t understand analogies. If I compare Hitler and his dog to you and your dog, it’s not about comparing you to Hitler. It’s about comparing Relationship A to Relationship B. The 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 1955 and the 4 between x-2 and x+2 where x = 2013. It is the exact answer to your tone deaf, oblivious question about how race relations got worse, and it’s the exact answer you refuse to hear: accepting injustice and just trudging along stops when people become aware and organize to do something about it. Period. You’re exactly like the white person in Montgomery, Alabama claiming the buses were fine before that Rosa Parks got “those people” all upset over nothing.

Again, your analogy isn't very good. The movements in the 1950's and 1960's led to the end of segregation, as well as to the Civil Rights Act. Those were historic changes. The movements from the past few years have led to what? A rise in anti-racism literature? Non-stop conversations about racism? Seeing everything through the lens of race is not helpful, or true, or necessary. What would race hustlers do if people actually lived their life and didn't attribute every conceivable slight to racism? Well, for starters, they'd have to find a different job.

I'm not against the betterment of the disenfranchised. I am, however, against enabling victimhood. There's way too much talk about how minorities can't be blamed, essentially saying, "society made them that way." Agency matters, too. And if you're already in low status, you don't want to handicap yourself. The Brookings Institute did a study where they found that only 2% of people that graduate high school, get a job, and wait til they're 21 to get married and have children, find themselves in poverty. Is changing socioeconomic cycles that simple? Perhaps not. But, what happens in one's own home is infinitely more important than the policies made in the White House, or the Governor's House. Encourage people to make good choices, instead of giving them a pass, simply because they see themselves a victim of circumstance. Mentorships IMO are invaluable. They are needed for every person to thrive, and probably more so for those who have trouble finding an encouraging word.

And FWIW, I've averaged over 100 hours of volunteer work for the past 20 years. Does that make me a good person? Not necessarily. But, perhaps just pump the brakes a little on assuming the worst in others.
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