Geez. Stick to graphs. Your analysis sucks. It’s as simple as “the family”? Simple. But 65% of Black kids are in single-parent homes, you say… but it’s simple… and MY side is the one insulting Black people’s intelligence. Sure.
What yields greater advantages, two-parent homes, or being born a certain race? If you say the latter, you're probably an ideologue. The empirical evidence for this is overwhelming.
There was racism in 1955. There is racism in 2021. There is a history of white supremacy in this country from before we were a country, but conservatives like to pretend signing a piece of paper and an Oval Office photo op with Dr. King relegated it to some tiny, powerless subculture nowhere near them.
You want to blame BLM for inventing a problem but you’re too willfully stupid to connect the dots that they O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D individual mutters into a chorus of shouts about ongoing systemic problems. BLM is Rosa freakin’ Parks, and the people who are willfully ignorant to that are going to be remembered in history exactly like the r-holes who hated Rosa Parks.
There are no codified laws that allow discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, ability, etc. If you can find a company that does that, they will lose TONS of money from all of the negative publicity. Also I'm sure civil rights lawyers wouldn't mind tying someone up in litigation for years. As it currently stands, the laws are neutral. You know what you call it when the laws go beyond being neutral? Discrimination.
And BLM only seems to care when it's a LEO shooting a black person. Between 2015-2020, there's been an average of 22 unarmed blacks shot and killed each year (Washington Post Shooting Database). There's a 99.99999% chance that black kids living in a single parent home, without the discipline of a father, leads to more than 22 homicides a year. The black-on-black homicide total is roughly 6,000 per year. So, yes, BLM clearly has its priorities straight.
Oh, also, you’re basically saying that doctors are in it for the $, not to help people (voting, taxes, surgery), that capitalism ought to control intellectual thought and govt should violate the First Amendment when it comes to schools, and that the best you could do to capture the “Black experience” is a stereotypical story of the po’ boy in the ghetto who gets seduced into #thuglife4eva. Donchano just bet that daggum ol’ Toepac Shaky — that daggum rapper — got that ol’ devil music in their heads, too? Anything but even considering how the system is flawed!
Did you miss the part where I said it was an oversimplification? If you reach a conclusion based off a single data point, your analysis isn't worth salt. I simply said people tend to vote with their own self-interests in mind. It wasn't a blanket statement, it was me basically saying, "more often than not." And the numbers seem to reflect that. Does that seem like a reasonable stance?
And come on, your interpretation of how you think I see black people is ridiculous. They aren't a monolith. And I don't treat them as such. In fact, there are quite a few Ivy League-educated African-Americans that I follow that adamantly denounce the anti-racism beliefs that you hold onto closely (i.e. Coleman Hughes, John McWhorter, Thomas Sowell).
Oh, also… for someone who likes pictures of fancy charts, you can’t pick out an analogy? The comparison isn’t 1955 to 2013, it’s the period between 1955-1960+ compared to the period between 2013-2021. O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-I-N-G. Organizing. Organizing.
It's not a very good analogy. One was before the civil rights act. And the other was during a time when social media sites, major corporations, academia, Hollywood, mainstream media, the music industry, and the sports industry all rallied behind the movement. BLM raked in $90 million in donations. How much pushback did the 2020 movement get in comparison to the civil rights movement? It's laughable to compare the two.
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