The New Lounge

Education skews left as a natural by-product of being educated.

Could also be that they're a product of their environment. If you're inundated with liberal ideas, you're obviously more likely to become a liberal. Libertarians actually score higher on intelligence tests than liberals (Understanding Libertarian Morality). So, there's that...


but there are definitely fewer conservatives who will be actively anti- those things. Far more conservatives are going to claim being "colorblind" or "I treat all people the same no matter what race" as opposed to working actively to dismantle white supremacy.

What if actively being anti-something actually exacerbated an issue? Case in point, BLM started in 2013. Race relations have SIGNFICANTLY deteriorated since then. Can't pin an all on a single issue, of course. But there's plenty of evidence to suggest that talking about race all the time doesn't actually make things better. Why is it that 66% of black people thought race relations were good, or somewhat good, in 2013? That number has plummeted to 33%. I thought talking about these issues was supposed to make things better?


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Uhh... you do realize that intolerance of intolerance is not the same thing, and not the least bit hypocritical, right?

Not all voices are equally valid on any particular subject. My voice has no place in a discussion of astrophysics or financial planning. Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bigotry and cruelty have no place being promoted in a classroom and those voices do not deserve any representation, let alone equal representation.
It’s sad and typical that you would conflate any dissenting opinion to your own as racist, sexist,etc. So to take it a step further, in your classroom opposition to quotas or gay marriage would be quickly dismissed as intolerant and therefore not worthy of discussion. Gotcha. This, in a nutshell, is why the posters on this board are horrified that you are in a position to influence young people.
Correcting your lies is not "excuses." It's the truth.

Did President Biden claim his wife was killed by a drunk driver? Yes. Did he make up the rumor? No. Did he stop claiming it when the other driver's family complained? Yes. Was it 13 years ago? Yes. Was Neilia Biden drunk at the time? No.
Did then-Senator Biden eulogize the late Senator Byrd? Yes. Was Byrd once a member of the KKK? Yes. Did he quit the KKK and renounce them? Yes. Did all of that happen 60 years before Biden eulogized him? Yes.
Does Hunter Biden have a two-year old daughter he had with a stripper? Yes. Does he have any relationship with her? No. Had his daughter's family gone public with her parentage prior to the 2020 Presidential campaign? No. Is a grandfather likely to have a relationship with his grandchild if her father/his son has no relationship with that child? No. Does Hunter Biden have any custody of this daughter? No. Would a parent with no relationship with and no custody of a child bring that child from Arkansas to DC to appear on stage beside the President-elect? No.

What's your excuse for leaving all of these true things out in favor of deliberate misrepresentation? I proved you were a flat-out liar on all 3 of those allegations and you can't own it or address it. That makes you a liar and a coward.
Great. More name calling
Why don’t they post more then? I mean their man (and side) won, so you think they would be defending what’s going on.

Their silence speaks volumes.
Many libs were mainly energized by beating Trump. After the election, they’ve lost interest. Exhibit A: Cratering ratings for Maddow lemon and the late night lemmings
Could also be that they're a product of their environment. If you're inundated with liberal ideas, you're obviously more likely to become a liberal. Libertarians actually score higher on intelligence tests than liberals (Understanding Libertarian Morality). So, there's that...


What if actively being anti-something actually exacerbated an issue? Case in point, BLM started in 2013. Race relations have SIGNFICANTLY deteriorated since then. Can't pin an all on a single issue, of course. But there's plenty of evidence to suggest that talking about race all the time doesn't actually make things better. Why is it that 66% of black people thought race relations were good, or somewhat good, in 2013? That number has plummeted to 33%. I thought talking about these issues was supposed to make things better?


Well reasoned positions and points...unfortunately you will find that feelings, opinions and erroneous statistics will be the rebuttal.
Many libs were mainly energized by beating Trump. After the election, they’ve lost interest. Exhibit A: Cratering ratings for Maddow lemon and the late night lemmings
Proves the thinking that they’re all feelings over facts. There is little to nothing positive that can be said about this President.
Which is why they want to keep Covid as relevant as long as possible. Keeps the attention off Sleepy Joe and the Ho.
The idea that Teachers are better educated I’d laughable.When I was in college my teammates who were struggling to retain their eligibility were directed to take education courses because it was a guaranteed B.My girlfriend at the time taking Masters level courses was making brownies for 50% of her final grade so don’t tell about teachers being underpaid.There are some outstanding teachers but most are not capable of holding a job where they are judged by their results
the path to becoming one may be kinda slight, but the task and responsibilty is daunting....
Is there an occupation that whines more about their jobs than teachers? Sure, it's a tough job. But so are many other jobs and most jobs don't come with a two month break.
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Why don’t they post more then? I mean their man (and side) won, so you think they would be defending what’s going on.

Their silence speaks volumes.
The people who disappeared before I showed up? Yeah, can't help you there.

Their silence likely does mean something. I doubt you know what it means, nor do you care what it actually means.

You talking about whining? Funny from the guy whining about being outnumbered 5-4.
:rolleyes: Geez. And now you whine about the word "whine." How short does a post need to be in order for you to respond to the actual point?

Could also be that they're a product of their environment. If you're inundated with liberal ideas, you're obviously more likely to become a liberal...

What if actively being anti-something actually exacerbated an issue? Case in point, BLM started in 2013. Race relations have SIGNFICANTLY deteriorated since then. Can't pin an all on a single issue, of course. But there's plenty of evidence to suggest that talking about race all the time doesn't actually make things better. Why is it that 66% of black people thought race relations were good, or somewhat good, in 2013? That number has plummeted to 33%. I thought talking about these issues was supposed to make things better?
If you are exposed to more ideas, you become more liberal. But again, you need to focus on why fewer conservatives go into such fields instead of blaming the people who do.

Just a guess here... fewer Black people were expressing discontent with the bus system in Montgomery, Alabama before Rosa Parks said, "Nah." Would you claim Rosa Parks caused the problem, or would you say she brought attention to a problem that had always existed? Race relations deteriorated then, too. It sounds like your solution would be to silence people speaking up about injustice so that those of you who aren't aware of it can remain blissfully unaware.
Did Trump get the same courtesy when he denounced the proud boys (of who he was never a member) as you are giving Byrd for denouncing the kkk (of who he was an actual member)?
President Trump only denounced the Proud Boys when pushed. He'd also told them to "stand by." Senator Byrd denounced the Klan in nineteeeeeen fiiiiifty twoooooooo. He died in 2010. That's fiiiiifty-eeeeeeeeeight years. Equivocating the two is bc.
Is there an occupation that whines more about their jobs than teachers? Sure, it's a tough job. But so are many other jobs and most jobs don't come with a two month break.
Why don't those other professions stand up for themselves more often? What other profession gets attacked in the way teachers do?

The "two month break" thing has been debunked so many times before. Go ahead and prorate our salaries, though. They still don't measure up.
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One that most are failing miserably so let’s just do away with standardized tests! That way no one gets their feelings hurt, teachers have all the power and no accountability and even more incentive to inflate grades, and we can all sing kumbaya every day and discuss the finer points of “Why Sally has 2 Mommies”
Why don't those other professions stand up for themselves more often? What other profession gets attacked in the way teachers do?

The "two month break" thing has been debunked ?so many times before. Go ahead and prorate our salaries, though. They still don't measure up.
Been debunked? So your position is that teachers don’t get two months off in the summer? Fact is, teachers get three weeks off at Christmas which is more than most workers get off the entire year. Have you detached yourself from reality by choice or was it a gradual thing?
President Trump only denounced the Proud Boys when pushed. He'd also told them to "stand by." Senator Byrd denounced the Klan in nineteeeeeen fiiiiifty twoooooooo. He died in 2010. That's fiiiiifty-eeeeeeeeeight years. Equivocating the two is bc.
Pres Trump and his family have provided employment to countless “ people of color” over the decades. How many jobs have you provided?
Is there an occupation that whines more about their jobs than teachers? Sure, it's a tough job. But so are many other jobs and most jobs don't come with a two month break.
They also know that they are not going to make a lot of money but along with the time off they have a great retirement plan
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Been debunked? So your position is that teachers don’t get two months off in the summer? Fact is, teachers get three weeks off at Christmas which is more than most workers get off the entire year. Have you detached yourself from reality by choice or was it a gradual thing?
Plus a week off for fall and spring breaks
Why don't those other professions stand up for themselves more often? What other profession gets attacked in the way teachers do?

The "two month break" thing has been debunked so many times before. Go ahead and prorate our salaries, though. They still don't measure up.
Crying about your job equals standing up for yourself? Seriously though, teachers act like victims more than any other profession and claim their jobs are SO tough.
Crying about your job equals standing up for yourself? Seriously though, teachers act like victims more than any other profession and claim their jobs are SO tough.
Are you denying that teachers' jobs are so tough?
Are you denying that teacher working conditions are pretty bad?

You kind of prove the point every time you use my profession as a means of insulting me. You and at least 3 others here. Name another profession of similar stature and compensation that endures as much criticism and blame for society's problems.
Are you denying that teachers' jobs are so tough?
Are you denying that teacher working conditions are pretty bad?

You kind of prove the point every time you use my profession as a means of insulting me. You and at least 3 others here. Name another profession of similar stature and compensation that endures as much criticism and blame for society's problems.
Gee, I don’t know just off the top of my head , police officers? I realize many of them don’t have a college degree but as has been discussed the education path is not a rigorous one for most and teachers don’t risk their lives on a daily basis. The hours are long for most teachers during the week but still have weekends off, insane amount of vacation time, air conditioned buildings. I must admit I need to be enlightened re these poor working conditions of which you speak
Are you denying that teachers' jobs are so tough?
Are you denying that teacher working conditions are pretty bad?

You kind of prove the point every time you use my profession as a means of insulting me. You and at least 3 others here. Name another profession of similar stature and compensation that endures as much criticism and blame for society's problems.
I am not using anything to insult you personally. I am just saying that teachers have a moderately difficult job and act like they're performing open heart surgery or some shit. Teachers are not anywhere near the only workers who have less than good working conditions. You keep saying that but you won't explain what the conditions are with any context. You say teachers receive criticism and blame for society's problems but you don't say anything about how teachers bring a lot of attention to themselves in a, look at me look at me kinda way. Y'all are pretty narcissistic as a collective group actually. I don't think it has always been that way. But it's getting progressively more pathetic. The way teachers reacted to covid after a year's worth of knowledge just shows how it's not about what's better for children, it's what's better for themselves. Not all of them of course, probably not even most of them. But from the loudest of the look at me teachers.
I am not using anything to insult you personally.
Lying POF:
My job would be much less necessary if people in your field were better at their jobs.
Yes. The youth that you fail with your garbage ideology and terrible leadership qualities. I imagine you're only half the disgrace on here as you are in real life.
Another example of how screwed we are as a country. Someone without the slightest ability to acknowledge how bad their political side is, like you, is responsible for influencing our youth. You people are sick.
I'm not quite as harsh in general about school teachers as some. Of course I don't like the ones that push their views onto the kids. The system is broken, imo due to an evil plot by unnamed and powerful people. It started decades ago, and it has been slow and gradual. Plant the type of people into the high spots that share these f'd up ideas. Then when your child goes off to college, they really get this crazy ideology spewed onto them. The really screwed up part with many educators is they have no real world experience, but are influencing our youth.

The only way to combat this as it is now, is for the family to set a solid foundation for their child. This part is broken as bad, if not worse, than the educational system. This may sound like a conspiracy theory to some, and I don't give a shit, but the decay of the family has also been a cunning move by the elitists. We went from the 50's style of living, which probably was not fair to many women, to an extreme style of thinking now. One that has empowered women to such an independent style of thinking that many men have been castrated. I'm not saying women are the problem. There's an abundance of deadbeat men.

Our society is just f*%#@+ up. Who would have thought a man with cognitive issues, who's done nothing productive in politics for almost 50 years, and has a son that is a complete dirtbag, could be sold to the American people as our President? The man is past his prime, when he's never had one.
And what's worse is many won't dispute him as President. If that ain't a sign, there never will be.
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If you are exposed to more ideas, you become more liberal. But again, you need to focus on why fewer conservatives go into such fields instead of blaming the people who do.

If you're exposed to more liberal ideas, then you're more likely to become liberal, yes. That's the essence of the academy. Liberals dominating the academy doesn't say anything about overall cognitive ability. If you take the study from Jonathan Haidt, it details how Libertarians score higher on cognitive tests than liberals. The academy is an echo chamber, like most professions. But, probably more so because they're insolated from real-life experiences, struggles, and sacrifices. Almost 18% of the professors in the social sciences identity as a Marxist (Harvard Study, 2006). That would NEVER happen in any other profession that is dependent on free markets.

Also, it's quite apparent that people tend to act in their own self-interests. If taxes support your salary, then yes, it makes sense that you would vote for the party that taxes more.

Here are some highly technical professions that are moderately dominated by Republicans (source: If taxes hold you back, then yeah, you're probably not going to be a big advocate for bigger governments. That's an oversimplification, but people do tend to vote for the party the benefits them the most.

Oral Surgeon- 78%
Orthopedic Suregon- 75%
Orthodontist- 73%
Neurosurgeon- 65%
Dentist- 63%
Pilot- 62%
CPA- 60%
Small Business Owners- 60%
Banking/Lending- 59%

Just a guess here... fewer Black people were expressing discontent with the bus system in Montgomery, Alabama before Rosa Parks said, "Nah." Would you claim Rosa Parks caused the problem, or would you say she brought attention to a problem that had always existed? Race relations deteriorated then, too. It sounds like your solution would be to silence people speaking up about injustice so that those of you who aren't aware of it can remain blissfully unaware.

2013 is in no way comparable to 1955. You're not going to carry your point very far with outlandish ideas like that. Please, enlighten us, how is 1955 in anyway comparable to 2013? You need to compare 2013 to 2021, not to 1955.

Were African-Americans simply wildly ignorant 8 years ago? Were they intimidated and forced to acknowledge that most things were mostly good?

The key to any social reform starts with the family. It's that simple. If 65% of black kids are living in the home without a father, then you can be assured that the cycle will continue. Stepfathers, uncles, older brothers, coaches, etc. can fill that gap somewhat and act as a mentor. Without that, kids are left to be raised by the streets and their peers. Doesn't matter what any government agency does, if you don't fix the foundational issues, you're asking for trouble.
I'm not quite as harsh in general about school teachers as some. Of course I don't like the ones that push their views onto the kids. The system is broken, imo due to an evil plot by unnamed and powerful people. It started decades ago, and it has been slow and gradual. Plant the type of people into the high spots that share these f'd up ideas. Then when your child goes off to college, they really get this crazy ideology spewed onto them. The really screwed up part with many educators is they have no real world experience, but are influencing our youth.

The only way to combat this as it is now, is for the family to set a solid foundation for their child. This part is broken as bad, if not worse, than the educational system. This may sound like a conspiracy theory to some, and I don't give a shit, but the decay of the family has also been a cunning move by the elitists. We went from the 50's style of living, which probably was not fair to many women, to an extreme style of thinking now. One that has empowered women to such an independent style of thinking that many men have been castrated. I'm not saying women are the problem. There's an abundance of deadbeat men.

Our society is just f*%#@+ up. Who would have thought a man with cognitive issues, who's done nothing productive in politics for almost 50 years, and has a son that is a complete dirtbag, could be sold to the American people as our President? The man is past his prime, when he's never had one.
And what's worse is many won't dispute him as President. If that ain't a sign, there never will be.
The ‘50s were… probably not fair to many women” BUT-BUT-BUT! Lol

Public schools are funded with taxes, which means their funding is controlled by government, and in NC, government has been choking us to death since the days of Democratic Governor Bev Perdue. It’s gotten way worse since the GOP took over the GA and gerrymandered their dying, obsolete party into control for another generation. Teachers calling the government out for an attack on public schools are entirely justified and appropriate.

You’re a joke. An unvaccinated, conspiracy-spewing joke.
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If you're exposed to more liberal ideas, then you're more likely to become liberal, yes. That's the essence of the academy. Liberals dominating the academy doesn't say anything about overall cognitive ability. If you take the study from Jonathan Haidt, it details how Libertarians score higher on cognitive tests than liberals. The academy is an echo chamber, like most professions. But, probably more so because they're insolated from real-life experiences, struggles, and sacrifices. Almost 18% of the professors in the social sciences identity as a Marxist (Harvard Study, 2006). That would NEVER happen in any other profession that is dependent on free markets.

Also, it's quite apparent that people tend to act in their own self-interests. If taxes support your salary, then yes, it makes sense that you would vote for the party that taxes more.

Here are some highly technical professions that are moderately dominated by Republicans (source: If taxes hold you back, then yeah, you're probably not going to be a big advocate for bigger governments. That's an oversimplification, but people do tend to vote for the party the benefits them the most.

Oral Surgeon- 78%
Orthopedic Suregon- 75%
Orthodontist- 73%
Neurosurgeon- 65%
Dentist- 63%
Pilot- 62%
CPA- 60%
Small Business Owners- 60%
Banking/Lending- 59%

2013 is in no way comparable to 1955. You're not going to carry your point very far with outlandish ideas like that. Please, enlighten us, how is 1955 in anyway comparable to 2013? You need to compare 2013 to 2021, not to 1955.

Were African-Americans simply wildly ignorant 8 years ago? Were they intimidated and forced to acknowledge that most things were mostly good?

The key to any social reform starts with the family. It's that simple. If 65% of black kids are living in the home without a father, then you can be assured that the cycle will continue. Stepfathers, uncles, older brothers, coaches, etc. can fill that gap somewhat and act as a mentor. Without that, kids are left to be raised by the streets and their peers. Doesn't matter what any government agency does, if you don't fix the foundational issues, you're asking for trouble.
Geez. Stick to graphs. Your analysis sucks. It’s as simple as “the family”? Simple. But 65% of Black kids are in single-parent homes, you say… but it’s simple… and MY side is the one insulting Black people’s intelligence. Sure.

There was racism in 1955. There is racism in 2021. There is a history of white supremacy in this country from before we were a country, but conservatives like to pretend signing a piece of paper and an Oval Office photo op with Dr. King relegated it to some tiny, powerless subculture nowhere near them.

You want to blame BLM for inventing a problem but you’re too willfully stupid to connect the dots that they O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E-D individual mutters into a chorus of shouts about ongoing systemic problems. BLM is Rosa freakin’ Parks, and the people who are willfully ignorant to that are going to be remembered in history exactly like the r-holes who hated Rosa Parks.
What does POF mean?
You know that Brian MaxLairen guy who just got the boot by Rivals? He literally suspended me for using the INITIAL for a swear once, so y’all go ahead and keep using actual swears and whining about how persecuted you are. Check your privilege! Check your… getting to… uh, swear privilege.

I would rather type this entire sentence telling you to ML-off than to give you the single word represented by the “F” in “POF.”
The ‘50s were… probably not fair to many women” BUT-BUT-BUT! Lol

Public schools are funded with taxes, which means their funding is controlled by government, and in NC, government has been choking us to death since the days of Democratic Governor Bev Perdue. It’s gotten way worse since the GOP took over the GA and gerrymandered their dying, obsolete party into control for another generation. Teachers calling the government out for an attack on public schools are entirely justified and appropriate.

You’re a joke. An unvaccinated, conspiracy-spewing joke.
Haha. Got to you with this one huh. Bout time for you to take your meds and quarantine yourself from the board. I suggest take a week off then permanently log off.
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If you're exposed to more liberal ideas, then you're more likely to become liberal, yes. That's the essence of the academy. Liberals dominating the academy doesn't say anything about overall cognitive ability. If you take the study from Jonathan Haidt, it details how Libertarians score higher on cognitive tests than liberals. The academy is an echo chamber, like most professions. But, probably more so because they're insolated from real-life experiences, struggles, and sacrifices. Almost 18% of the professors in the social sciences identity as a Marxist (Harvard Study, 2006). That would NEVER happen in any other profession that is dependent on free markets.

Also, it's quite apparent that people tend to act in their own self-interests. If taxes support your salary, then yes, it makes sense that you would vote for the party that taxes more.

Here are some highly technical professions that are moderately dominated by Republicans (source: If taxes hold you back, then yeah, you're probably not going to be a big advocate for bigger governments. That's an oversimplification, but people do tend to vote for the party the benefits them the most.

Oral Surgeon- 78%
Orthopedic Suregon- 75%
Orthodontist- 73%
Neurosurgeon- 65%
Dentist- 63%
Pilot- 62%
CPA- 60%
Small Business Owners- 60%
Banking/Lending- 59%

2013 is in no way comparable to 1955. You're not going to carry your point very far with outlandish ideas like that. Please, enlighten us, how is 1955 in anyway comparable to 2013? You need to compare 2013 to 2021, not to 1955.

Were African-Americans simply wildly ignorant 8 years ago? Were they intimidated and forced to acknowledge that most things were mostly good?

The key to any social reform starts with the family. It's that simple. If 65% of black kids are living in the home without a father, then you can be assured that the cycle will continue. Stepfathers, uncles, older brothers, coaches, etc. can fill that gap somewhat and act as a mentor. Without that, kids are left to be raised by the streets and their peers. Doesn't matter what any government agency does, if you don't fix the foundational issues, you're asking for trouble.
Oh, also, you’re basically saying that doctors are in it for the $, not to help people (voting, taxes, surgery), that capitalism ought to control intellectual thought and govt should violate the First Amendment when it comes to schools, and that the best you could do to capture the “Black experience” is a stereotypical story of the po’ boy in the ghetto who gets seduced into #thuglife4eva. Donchano just bet that daggum ol’ Toepac Shaky — that daggum rapper — got that ol’ devil music in their heads, too? Anything but even considering how the system is flawed!
Haha. Got to you with this one huh. Bout time for you to take your meds and quarantine yourself from the board. I suggest take a week off then permanently log off.
Ah, if it isn’t sexist slurs directed at women, it’s making fun of mental illness. Classic, except for the class part.
2013 is in no way comparable to 1955. You're not going to carry your point very far with outlandish ideas like that. Please, enlighten us, how is 1955 in anyway comparable to 2013? You need to compare 2013 to 2021, not to 1955.
Oh, also… for someone who likes pictures of fancy charts, you can’t pick out an analogy? The comparison isn’t 1955 to 2013, it’s the period between 1955-1960+ compared to the period between 2013-2021. O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-I-N-G. Organizing. Organizing.
You know that Brian MaxLairen guy who just got the boot by Rivals? He literally suspended me for using the INITIAL for a swear once, so y’all go ahead and keep using actual swears and whining about how persecuted you are. Check your privilege! Check your… getting to… uh, swear privilege.

I would rather type this entire sentence telling you to ML-off than to give you the single word represented by the “F” in “POF.”
Good lord, datt. This is one of your most pitiful posts yet. The only people whining about being persecuted are you and your progressive pansies. Your second paragraph is some hard hitting stuff. It was such a hard hit, I don’t think I'll ever recover.
Ah, if it isn’t sexist slurs directed at women, it’s making fun of mental illness. Classic, except for the class part.
Poor fella. Didn’t like what I said. No surprise. That’s because you have no balls. Grow a set and man up.
Haha. Got to you with this one huh. Bout time for you to take your meds and quarantine yourself from the board. I suggest take a week off then permanently log off.
This is what unhinged looks like. Durham has taken a much needed break and she is looking smarter and smarter thanks to this brainwashed HUS. That’s my random initial insult of the day that I just made up
You know that Brian MaxLairen guy who just got the boot by Rivals? He literally suspended me for using the INITIAL for a swear once, so y’all go ahead and keep using actual swears and whining about how persecuted you are. Check your privilege! Check your… getting to… uh, swear privilege.

I would rather type this entire sentence telling you to ML-off than to give you the single word represented by the “F” in “POF.”
He literally suspended you, as opposed to figuratively? If you were half as smart as you think you are, you might know the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart