You once celebrated thousands of people who lost their homes to flooding during Florence 4 years ago just because my house flooded. So don't act like you are above being personal. Biden is a POS. Always has been. Not because he is a democrat, but because he is a POS who refuses to even claim a grandchild, lied about a drunk driver killing his wife and child when his wife was the drunk driver. Used his political influence to enrich his family and "10% for the big guy". Eulogised a klan member calling him a great mentor. Among many other POS things he has done in his corrupt career. He is literally everything people accused the orange man of being except he has a D next to his name.
I recall being sympathetic about your home's damage despite our intense animosity toward each other. I'll need receipts on your claim. I will freely admit I'm not above being personal, but I do not think that is an accurate example. If you have evidence to the contrary, I am willing and eager to apologize. Bring it if you got it.
The late Senator Robert Byrd said in
1952 that he had not been a member of the KKK for several years and later wrote about joining the Klan as "the greatest mistake of my life." He died at the age of 92 in 2010. You represent that as "eulogised [sic] a Klan member." Either you know the truth and choose to deliberately misrepresent it, you lying POF, or you are parroting what some other lying POF said like a sheeple.
Hunter Biden fathered a child with a stripper and has nothing to do with his daughter, now two. The child's mother and her family never brought it up until the campaign for 2020 began. Why would a grandfather have anything to do with a grandchild his son doesn't have anything to do with? Why would he comment on it publicly?
President Biden's first wife and his daughter died in a car accident. There is no evidence that Neilia Biden had been drinking. None. You call the father and husband who lost his wife and daughter in a car accident a "PO*" for repeating the rumor that existed in the community at the time -- that he didn't make up himself -- that the other driver was drunk. In 2008, after the late Curtis Dunn's family objected to Biden's characterizing him as drunk, Biden accepted their claim and stopped saying it. 13 years ago. But ultimately what you're doing here, you lying POF, is attacking someone over the details of a car accident that KILLED HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER.
I'll concede that President Biden invented getting rich from politics and that he is the only politician in the history of politicking to do so. Gah, what a jerk!
President Trump, on the other hand, was born rich and privileged, lies about being self-made, has a history of racist acts and racist statements, used the Office of the Presidency to further enrich himself, and told more documented, proven lies than any President since tracking began. But you equivocate the two.
You're a liar or a sheeple, or both. Most likely both. You're a hypocrite playing partisan politics while claiming it's others -- including me -- playing partisan politics. This despite my clear, consistent statements that I'm not a big fan of President Biden, that he wasn't a top 3 choice for me during the primary, that he is not liberal or progressive enough, and that the extent of the faint praise I've given him is that he was light years ahead of President Trump when it came to my vote.