The New Lounge

On the vaccine, I’m close to considering getting vaccinated. Just off of the reports that it possibly reduces the risk of hospitalization. But, the reasons Timo gave about the skepticism of many, is where I am. Why are the numbers rising if more are vaccinated? Why haven’t we had an honest debate among “experts” on the vaccine? I’ve heard from multiple doctors (through videos) that during a pandemic is NOT the time to get vaccinated. They claim the vaccinated are the spreaders.

I’ve also heard how the numbers are being slanted to keep the push moving for all to get vaccinated.

It’s not fair that “they” only want us to hear their side.
Right and we’ve read a lot of reports that suggest that how they’re reporting on hospitalizations may not reflect the actual true reasons why someone is hospitalized. I think that’s why there is so much mistrust with not only the vaccines but also with the handling and reporting of this virus. So like I said, data does suggest that a vaccinated person will more likely experience less severity, but we still have to look into all factors and variables. It’s just not as cut and dry as some want you to believe.

This shows how the perception vs reality of the lethality of the virus is skewed by media reporting and portrayal by our experts/government spokespeople....and how the misinformation has deceived all political affiliations.

Couple of things on good old Sloppy Joe's administration.

No big fan of the French but once again we see how top notch this admin is on foreign affairs.

They now announce that people flying in from other countries must have proof of bring vaxed yet the same standard doesn't apply for those that come strolling across the southern border.
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Believe it or not I got vaccinated…my reason-everybody sooner or later is going to get it. Might as well “lessen the symptoms” when I get it, if I even have symptoms, screw it. lol who the hell know what to believe these days. Just KNOW I got it, day 2 I shit my pants, and - on, I survived :) YOLO

Watching this game Saturday doesn’t seem like they’re too worried about it! Crazy lol. And scratching my head Sunday going to the child museum and having to wear a fkn mask ….shit just don’t make sense I tell ya lmao … I think the cheerleaders were wearing masks though I guess they’re protecting the entire fkn stadium ….hoes ;) 😂
On the vaccine, I’m close to considering getting vaccinated. Just off of the reports that it possibly reduces the risk of hospitalization. But, the reasons Timo gave about the skepticism of many, is where I am. Why are the numbers rising if more are vaccinated? Why haven’t we had an honest debate among “experts” on the vaccine? I’ve heard from multiple doctors (through videos) that during a pandemic is NOT the time to get vaccinated. They claim the vaccinated are the spreaders.

I’ve also heard how the numbers are being slanted to keep the push moving for all to get vaccinated.

It’s not fair that “they” only want us to hear their side.
You mean that Delta variant that is 2x as infectious and as much as 60% more transmissable as the Alpha....schools back open, no lockdowns, stadiums full....why are the numbers rising?...yeah among the unvaxxed
My resident evil mutation vaccine question/concern nobody answered about a month ago thats now becoming a reality. Just know yall heard it first from
You mean that Delta variant that is 2x as infectious and as much as 60% more transmissable as the Alpha....schools back open, no lockdowns, stadiums full....why are the numbers rising?...yeah among the unvaxxed
If the left said run to the end of the rainbow and get the gold, I think you would take off.

Also, do you think everyone at these full stadiums are not vaccinated?
Are you really this naive?
You mean that Delta variant that is 2x as infectious and as much as 60% more transmissable as the Alpha....schools back open, no lockdowns, stadiums full....why are the numbers rising?...yeah among the unvaxxed
The vaccinated are spreading the virus just like the unvaccinated. The vaccine has shown to limit the affects, but not the spread. Another reason why the vaccine should be a choice, not mandatory.

They're just so damn sophisticated.
None of the people who have fallen for the masks hoax will ever acknowledge the double standard. Masks have, from the beginning, always been a political tool to divide society. They've never been about public health. As said many times, if these people actually believed that masks were protective against the virus, they would wear them religiously. They are laughing in our faces.
It's only about public health. This woman is so concerned that this child will spread covid. You can tell, because she gets so close to him while he is fussing and she's constantly touching his mouth and nose.
It's only about public health. This woman is so concerned that this child will spread covid. You can tell, because she gets so close to him while he is fussing and she's constantly touching his mouth and nose.
That is very sad. I’ve got two toddler nieces that we refuse to put them in scenarios that require masking children. We’ve completely lost it as a society when this is not only “acceptable” but mandated.
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Y'all remember when NPR refused to report on this and everyone said it was Russian disinformation? Lol.

If the left said run to the end of the rainbow and get the gold, I think you would take off.

Also, do you think everyone at these full stadiums are not vaccinated?
Are you really this naive?
of course not, many are vaxxed.....and many still are unvaxxed....but you said rising numbers, and yes numbers are rising among kids and unvaxxed due to the contagiousness of the delta variant w/ school opening and more back to normal....numbers vare not rising among the vaxxed, but you know that....iirc kids are up 240% since july according to my local news this morning, must be fake i guess
The vaccinated are spreading the virus just like the unvaccinated. The vaccine has shown to limit the affects, but not the spread. Another reason why the vaccine should be a choice, not mandatory.
yes vaxxed people can spread covid...the vaccine isnt a cure, vaxxed are affected as well.....i think to this point its proven how being vaxxed helps your chances versus being unvaxxed
yes vaxxed people can spread covid...the vaccine isnt a cure, vaxxed are affected as well.....i think to this point its proven how being vaxxed helps your chances versus being unvaxxed
Do you think getting the vaccine should be your choice?

What is your opinion on the child in the video above being forced to wear a mask?
of course not, many are vaxxed.....and many still are unvaxxed....but you said rising numbers, and yes numbers are rising among kids and unvaxxed due to the contagiousness of the delta variant w/ school opening and more back to normal....numbers vare not rising among the vaxxed, but you know that....iirc kids are up 240% since july according to my local news this morning, must be fake i guess
But, but, but…wasn’t the vaccine supposed to help with getting back to normal? Oh wait, now we have the delta variant. Something tells me a different strain will keep popping up. Gotta keep people in fear.

I watched a video with this doctor, and he said the vaccine we are being given is for a strain that isn’t really around like it once was.

Not saying he is right, but weird how there’s different views by “experts,” yet we only seem to get the ones lining up with the government shoving down our throats.
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The vaccinated are spreading the virus just like the unvaccinated. The vaccine has shown to limit the affects, but not the spread. Another reason why the vaccine should be a choice, not mandatory.
you mean limit the effects enough that a hospital visit may not be necessary, neither a vent, and neither death are all significantly reduced
Do you think getting the vaccine should be your choice?

What is your opinion on the child in the video above being forced to wear a mask?
it should be your choice, but one would think that you would have the best interest of humanity and fellow citizens, but yeah, your choice...........and if your job requires it, then again, its your choice not to, and their choice to let you go imo................that child video is insane, a kid that age aint wearing a mask 9/10.......dare i wonder about any back story to that video????
But, but, but…wasn’t the vaccine supposed to help with getting back to normal? Oh wait, now we have the delta variant. Something tells me a different strain will keep popping up. Gotta keep people in fear.

I watched a video with this doctor, and he said the vaccine we are being given is for a strain that isn’t really around like it once was.

Not saying he is right, but weird how there’s different views by “experts,” yet we only seem to get the ones lining up with the government shoving down our throats.
dont strains mutate and develop when the virus keeps hopping from person to person...created by its interaction w/ the host???????....asking
dont strains mutate and develop when the virus keeps hopping from person to person...created by its interaction w/ the host???????....asking
I don’t know. Way over my pay grade. My question to you is do you not see anything suspicious at all with how this has been handled, and what we’re told?

Do you not find any of it questionable at all?

It’s not the science we should follow, it’s the $$.
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you mean limit the effects enough that a hospital visit may not be necessary, neither a vent, and neither death are all significantly reduced
You've already responded to the same post and I responded back. The point is not that it keeps you from getting the most severe cases, which is anecdotal but suggestive. It is that it doesn't prevent you from contracting and spreading the virus, therefore there is no reason for it to not be your choice.

it should be your choice, but one would think that you would have the best interest of humanity and fellow citizens, but yeah, your choice...........and if your job requires it, then again, its your choice not to, and their choice to let you go imo................

By one would think, you mean YOU would think? You are falling right in line with the government's goal by pinning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. Given that the data doesn't show that being vaccinated prevents you from spreading the virus, it is a slippery slope for businesses to release their employees due to them choosing not to get vaccinated. Though it is their right to set standards for employment. But I am talking about the government requiring certain businesses to mandate the vaccine. Where do you draw the line? What will the government require businesses to mandate next? There is a reason why there is a private sector free from government control. Unbelievable that so many people are willing to give that up because they believe their political party has nothing but good intentions.

that child video is insane, a kid that age aint wearing a mask 9/10.......dare i wonder about any back story to that video????

Dare you wonder? Have you not seen multiple videos of families being kicked off of flights because their infants weren't complying and following the rules? Your first five words of your response should have been the last five words. What kind of back story do you need to see how wrong this is?
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You've already responded to the same post and I responded back. The point is not that it keeps you from getting the most severe cases, which is anecdotal but suggestive. It is that it doesn't prevent you from contracting and spreading the virus, therefore there is no reason for it to not be your choice.

By one would think, you mean YOU would think? You are falling right in line with the government's goal by pinning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. Given that the data doesn't show that being vaccinated prevents you from spreading the virus, it is a slippery slope for businesses to release their employees due to them choosing not to get vaccinated. Though it is their right to set standards for employment. But I am talking about the government requiring certain businesses to mandate the vaccine. Where do you draw the line? What will the government require businesses to mandate next? There is a reason why there is a private sector free from government control. Unbelievable that so many people are willing to give that up because they believe their political party has nothing but good intentions.

Dare you wonder? Have you not seen multiple videos of families being kicked off of flights because their infants weren't complying and following the rules? Your first five words of your response should have been the last five words. What kind of back story do you need to see how wrong this is?
He just can't take off the political goggles. None of them can. He dissects it to find any loophole possible. His party can't be wrong. That's what his news tells him, so they are right, and our sources are full of shit.
Even if we supply video evidence, he will squirm like a kid in school needing to go take a leak.
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And we thought the orange man was an international embarrassment. The Frenchies are calling back ambassadors and calling Biden incompetent. OPEC is laughing at Biden for demanding more oil production. China is likely going to try something with Taiwan. They're negotiating with the Taliban for airspace. We don't talk about Russia anymore. The whole world is watching as our southern border is on the verge of collapsing while we restrict legal travel from friendly countries. It's all a clown show. Camela's approval rating is in the 20's. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. And these idiots still think we are better off.
You've already responded to the same post and I responded back. The point is not that it keeps you from getting the most severe cases, which is anecdotal but suggestive. It is that it doesn't prevent you from contracting and spreading the virus, therefore there is no reason for it to not be your choice.

By one would think, you mean YOU would think? You are falling right in line with the government's goal by pinning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed. Given that the data doesn't show that being vaccinated prevents you from spreading the virus, it is a slippery slope for businesses to release their employees due to them choosing not to get vaccinated. Though it is their right to set standards for employment. But I am talking about the government requiring certain businesses to mandate the vaccine. Where do you draw the line? What will the government require businesses to mandate next? There is a reason why there is a private sector free from government control. Unbelievable that so many people are willing to give that up because they believe their political party has nothing but good intentions.

Dare you wonder? Have you not seen multiple videos of families being kicked off of flights because their infants weren't complying and following the rules? Your first five words of your response should have been the last five words. What kind of back story do you need to see how wrong this is?
1st: prevent contraction and spread would then be a isnt called the covid cure, its the covid helps to keep you from contracting and if you do, the burdens are also helps the hospitals overcrowding as well

2nd: i see your point some, and its your choice, you are right...and then its your employers choice as well..some years back wasn't it companys/corporations are people too??? are right again, it doesnt prevent you from spreading, but it does overall decreases your odds of getting to then be able to spread...right?

3rd: i already said the video is bad...the same way yall conspiracise (not sure if thats a the subject and title go with it.....since its being recorded obviously by someone also right there, maybe they are showing how toddlers wont wear a mask...idk...then someone adds a title and subject and now it looks like the toddler is being forced...again bad on the face of the video especially if its being forced, but then why is there someone right there recording dare wonder, is maybe there is more to it, yet i still agree w/ you w/ what i see that its bad...we both agree, its bad....its bad...very the airplane stuff, i have seen 1 to my best recollection and again toddlers 9/10 aint gonna wear a mask......but hear comes the but....aren't passengers aware of the requirements beforehand?......i think kids that small should be fine especially back then in the beginnings of the the families get refunded in those situations?
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He just can't take off the political goggles. None of them can. He dissects it to find any loophole possible. His party can't be wrong. That's what his news tells him, so they are right, and our sources are full of shit.
Even if we supply video evidence, he will squirm like a kid in school needing to go take a leak.
you always frame our responses as political...i havent made any political references at all ever in this entire discussion iirc....i offer my takes on certain posts that pop thoughts and opinions are mine and none are being forced on anyone and I dont belittle anyone for their thoughts and zany as some to me are
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And we thought the orange man was an international embarrassment. The Frenchies are calling back ambassadors and calling Biden incompetent. OPEC is laughing at Biden for demanding more oil production. China is likely going to try something with Taiwan. They're negotiating with the Taliban for airspace. We don't talk about Russia anymore. The whole world is watching as our southern border is on the verge of collapsing while we restrict legal travel from friendly countries. It's all a clown show. Camela's approval rating is in the 20's. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. And these idiots still think we are better off.
Many hallmarks of a totalitarian regime are on full display: drastic increase of governmental control of the population with the pandemic as the justification, a barely functional press, no accountability to the press, doing whatever it takes to win future elections by flooding the country with illegal immigrants, no transparency, the pres’ constant discarding of military advisors’ advice. And we were told for four years that Trump was the tyrant
lets try for a week or at least a day to find what we find common ground in....gotta be some
of course not, many are vaxxed.....and many still are unvaxxed....but you said rising numbers, and yes numbers are rising among kids and unvaxxed due to the contagiousness of the delta variant w/ school opening and more back to normal....numbers vare not rising among the vaxxed, but you know that....iirc kids are up 240% since july according to my local news this morning, must be fake i guess

Have you looked at the CDC numbers recently? Numbers going up doesn't necessarily mean much. Could just be a function of kids getting tested at higher rates. The death count for kids, fortunately, is still very, very low.

Total COVID deaths: 658,754
COVID deaths between 0-17 years: 439 (There were 477 children who died from the flu in 2019, FWIW)

439 / 658,754 = 0.00067

What about in the past month?

Total COVID deaths between September 1-15: 6,444
COVID deaths between 0-17 years in Sept: 4

4/ 6,444 = 0.00062

Oh, look, the numbers are almost identical.

So, for every 10,000 COVID deaths, roughly 6 of them will be under the age of 18.

There were 73,106,000 children in America under 18, according to the 2020 U.S. Census

439 / 73 million = 0.000006

1 child in every 166,287

The reality which some people may not want to admit, or just be completely ignorant of, is unvaccinated children are MUCH, MUCH safer than vaccinated adults.
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1st: prevent contraction and spread would then be a isnt called the covid cure, its the covid helps to keep you from contracting and if you do, the burdens are also helps the hospitals overcrowding as well

2nd: i see your point some, and its your choice, you are right...and then its your employers choice as well..some years back wasn't it companys/corporations are people too??? are right again, it doesnt prevent you from spreading, but it does overall decreases your odds of getting to then be able to spread...right?

3rd: i already said the video is bad...the same way yall conspiracise (not sure if thats a the subject and title go with it.....since its being recorded obviously by someone also right there, maybe they are showing how toddlers wont wear a mask...idk...then someone adds a title and subject and now it looks like the toddler is being forced...again bad on the face of the video especially if its being forced, but then why is there someone right there recording dare wonder, is maybe there is more to it, yet i still agree w/ you w/ what i see that its bad...we both agree, its bad....its bad...very the airplane stuff, i have seen 1 to my best recollection and again toddlers 9/10 aint gonna wear a mask......but hear comes the but....aren't passengers aware of the requirements beforehand?......i think kids that small should be fine especially back then in the beginnings of the the families get refunded in those situations?
Why did she record it? Prob cus she has to deal with this sh— every day and wanted everyone to know the real world implications of these mask mandates for toddlers It was posted out of anger and frustration most likely. Completely understandable
Have you looked at the CDC numbers recently? Numbers going up doesn't necessarily mean much. Could just be a function of kids getting tested at higher rates. The death count for kids, fortunately, is still very, very low.

Total COVID deaths: 658,754
COVID deaths between 0-17 years: 439 (There were 477 children who died from the flu in 2019, FWIW)

439 / 658,754 = 0.00067

What about in the past month?

Total COVID deaths between September 1-15: 6,444
COVID deaths between 0-17 years in Sept: 4

4/ 6,444 = 0.00062

Oh, look, the numbers are almost identical.

So, for every 10,000 COVID deaths, roughly 6 of them will be under the age of 18.

There were 73,106,000 children in America under 18, according to the 2020 U.S. Census

439 / 73 million = 0.000006

1 child in every 166,287

The reality which some people may not want to admit, or just be completely ignorant of, is unvaccinated children are MUCH, MUCH safer than vaccinated adults.
I’ve been saying this since the hysteria started last year. Things haven’t changed with who is at risk and who’s not. The common retort is always “hospitalizations are going up in children!” But that’s missing a ton of context and isn’t consistent everywhere. As I’ve pointed out before RSV is much worse in children and it popped up in the summer which caused an major uptick.

People in great health such as, you know, college athletes, are not at risk. As far as I’m aware, of the thousands upon thousands of college athletes, not one has succumbed to covid. Yet we just went through a year of moronic policies, comical masking on sidelines and severe isolation, etc.

We are missing the forest from the trees here. We know who’s at risk and we knew it from pretty much day 1….and yet we shut down gyms, tell people to stay in their homes, but don’t worry, those fast food chains we love so much are open for your covid convenience. Who does covid kill? People who go to the gym or people who are severely obese with heart issues?

Shutting down small business but Walmart, Target and Costco can pack people in.

Oh and since this is all about health and safety, and definitely not about money and/or politics, nice to see the gov of Michigan now eliminating mask and vaccine mandates, (“leaving it up to school boards”) now. Guess when you’re up for re-election the sCiEncE changes.