What did he do (policy wise) that you didn’t like?
Try real hard to remove your feelings out of the way. I know it’s tough, but do at least try.
You weren't a big fan of school choice, opportunity zones, prison reform and peace deals in the ME?
Actually, prison reform and Rx prices are two areas where I think President Trump did a good job.
"School choice" is code for "re-segregate." I won't engage people who know next to nothing about public school further.
I didn't like... the wall, his court appointees, the anti-LGBTQ+ policies, tax cuts for the rich, refusal to protect DACA, inhumane immigration practices, inadequate response to COVID, rolled back environmental protections, bad for workers' rights, Tax Cuts & Jobs Act, undermined free press, undermined trust in numerous
sound institutions, appointed corrupt & incompetent Cabinet members, tried to overturn fair elections, deserved BOTH impeachments for EXACTLY what Democrats said, pandered to racists, pandered to evangelical fascists, violated emoluments law, rolled back loan forgiveness, made it harder to get Food Stamps (you know, for FOOD), created loopholes to avoid overtime pay, corporate agriculture subsidies, rolled back sexual harassment protections, damaged abortion rights...
Several of those could be broken down into 10+ separate things that are terrible enough to warrant individual mention, but it's a waste of time when I'm talking to people who support every last one of them.
And that's without getting into all the things y'all want to trivialize and lump together as just "mean." He lied more than any President in U.S. history. He was more divisive than any President since that guy who finally ended slavery (but President Trump would've been on the other side). Speaking of which, he's
R-A-C-I-S-T aml. He embarrassed us internationally. He isn't even a decent human being.
While my position on President Clinton's impeachment has softened over the years, I was never in the camp that dismissed his affair as unrelated to job performance. As a public figure, Presidents' demeanors and private lives have a huge impact on national morale. President Clinton's personal failings undermined national morale. Despite being one of the best human beings ever to hold the office, President Carter's inability to end either the economic recession or the Iran Hostage situation undermined national morale. Despite all the absolutely horrible things President Reagan did, he was a public relations genius and that is part of the job. President Trump did practically everything wrong in that regard in the eyes of everyone except his belligerent, blood-thirsty, maniacal, desperate base.
Now... tell me anything he did
wrong, in your opinion, wrt policy.