The New Lounge

And yet Labor is the most represented group among her donors. Perhaps there's more to this than conservatives ever acknowledge.

Amazon sucks. Their jobs suck. The people they would employ in her district would still need govt assistance to make ends meet and Amazon wouldn't reinvest a cent into the district.
A lot of people at Amazon probably make more than you so don’t act like they’re making 5 dollars an hour. I don’t know what their entry wage is. But I’d be willing to bet someone that’s been there a while makes a good living if my anecdotal sources and fact checkers are correct
A lot of people at Amazon probably make more than you so don’t act like they’re making 5 dollars an hour. I don’t know what their entry wage is. But I’d be willing to bet someone that’s been there a while makes a good living if my anecdotal sources and fact checkers are correct
Think starting salaries start at fifteen dollars per hour with immediate benefits
Think starting salaries start at fifteen dollars per hour with immediate benefits
About what I thought. For someone without a degree or a trade skill, I’m not sure in what utopian society liberals think you would start out making more than that. Wtf
Would love Boogie or any other liberal on the board to give examples where higher taxes have increased the living standards for people
They can't, because they haven't. If you had someone work for you that took care of all of your financial decisions and handled your money and they spent your money on stuff you don't need, or embezzled your money by hiding it in wasteful spending until they ran out of your money with nothing to show for it, would you trust that same person with MORE of your money?

It is insane that people actually believe that taxing the rich more will improve anyone's life outside of the ruling class.
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Agreed, in essence, its the same point and the reason we are divided into the partisan corners we see today.

Exhibit A:
Kind of like the 4 years we had with Trump, huh? I didn’t like listening to him speak, but he made good decisions.
You libs refuse to do that. Your anger at him kept you from seeing what he did. Party politics.

Exhibit B:
You pretty much described every Biden voter.
It is insane that people actually believe that taxing the rich more will improve anyone's life outside of the ruling class.
It sure would be insane if the plan ended there.

But you'd have to be a coward afraid of honest, intelligent debate or a complete misanthrope or both to think the plan ends there.
It sure would be insane if the plan ended there.

But you'd have to be a coward afraid of honest, intelligent debate or a complete misanthrope or both to think the plan ends there.
The plan. Lol. You mean socialism?
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Looks like Biden is on pace for another 2,000+ death count day. Because of his incompetence in getting this virus under control he is on pace to kill over 60,000 Americans this month alone.
Looks like Biden is on pace for another 2,000+ death count day. Because of his incompetence in getting this virus under control he is on pace to kill over 60,000 Americans this month alone.
Impossible. He specifically told us that he could get this thing under control unlike the previous incompetent administration. That’s what he told us. He also walked into a seemingly no chance of failure situation with three vaccines on day one. How could this be? I noticed that highly vaccinated (80+%) Vermont has the highest recorded cases ever. I noticed that California, that has had mask mandates all but 37 days of the last 550, has the 10th highest death rate in the world, not country, the world (per 100k). But those are anecdotal. Biden last week told us that vaccines work. Then ten seconds later in the same speech he said that the vaccinated are at risk from the unvaccinated. Well with leadership like that, we should be fine in no time. I know he was coughing throughout today’s press conference***, but he’s in perfectly fine health.

Oh and forgot my lord and savior Tony F, the esteemed doctor, the greatest doctor in all of the land couldn’t answer a simple question on CNN last week- if you’ve had and recovered from Covid why would you need the vaccine. Tony, “I don’t have a firm answer on that and it’s probably something we should look at.” Really? After 18+ Months we should start looking at that? Interesting, I guess “the science changed.”

***Not a real press conference as he didn’t take a single question yet again.
Again you miss the main point donors give that money to influence politicians in order to make more money in the future.AOC was a bartender who was barely getting by to making 174000.00 per year and people kissing her butt.Tell me any 30 year old that would not do anything to keep this going
I agree about the donors and influence and all that....seems like that dress/statement may have scoffed at them???
Life with shailene appears to be taking its toll or maybe he was on the crazy train already and it started going faster. Either way Aaron appears to be unraveling a bit
Life with shailene appears to be taking its toll or maybe he was on the crazy train already and it started going faster. Either way Aaron appears to be unraveling a bit
And I could not make me happier as a Viking fan lol
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I agree about the donors and influence and all that....seems like that dress/statement may have scoffed at them???
Just my opinion, which means nothing, she did it for the attention she’s getting on both sides. She knew she’d get a reaction and she did.

Having said that. It’s drawing attention away from actual issues. So mission accomplished.
Just my opinion, which means nothing, she did it for the attention she’s getting on both sides. She knew she’d get a reaction and she did.

Having said that. It’s drawing attention away from actual issues. So mission accomplished.
i thought taxation is an issue?
Would love Boogie or any other liberal on the board to give examples where higher taxes have increased the living standards for people
i would think that more tax dollars in certain areas have provided for much needed services and programs in many needed areas...while some working and some not, and yes money can be wasted on trying to help solve your living standards point Topps, i agree higher taxes doesnt directly help someone else living standards, but the i do think that needed services and programs in communities being offered can help people and that help in that area could help in other aspects of ones life ie.) living standards can change for a single mom struggling w/ afterschool care, is able to get child/dren in a free program and that saving could lead to getting an apartment in better neighborhood, thats an increase in living standard right?
We let the libs guys derail us about AOC. Real issues like Biden and Covid were brought up, and nothing has been said.

I know why.
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i would think that more tax dollars in certain areas have provided for much needed services and programs in many needed areas...while some working and some not, and yes money can be wasted on trying to help solve your living standards point Topps, i agree higher taxes doesnt directly help someone else living standards, but the i do think that needed services and programs in communities being offered can help people and that help in that area could help in other aspects of ones life ie.) living standards can change for a single mom struggling w/ afterschool care, is able to get child/dren in a free program and that saving could lead to getting an apartment in better neighborhood, thats an increase in living standard right?
One there is no need to raise taxes.The federal tax revenues increased after the Trump tax cuts.Minorities incomes actually increased during the Trump presidency.When you start increasing taxes on businesses it will cut into all area’s of incomeand will decrease that single mom’s ability to improve her standard of living.Depending on bloated Inefficient Government to effectively improve people’s lives is beyond naive.Btw I asked for specific instances of improvement rather than generalities
The government needs to allocate money they already have to better serve communities in need. They're not responsible with the money they already have, yet we want to take MORE money from the people who already pay the bulk of tax dollars to the government and give it to the same government that waste money on a criminal scale. Do you people think about this stuff at all?
The government needs to allocate money they already have to better serve communities in need. They're not responsible with the money they already have, yet we want to take MORE money from the people who already pay the bulk of tax dollars to the government and give it to the same government that waste money on a criminal scale. Do you people think about this stuff at all?
The tax the rich mantra is on page one of the liberal handbook. They’ve just been sidetracked lately with the police brutality hoaxes. It was only a matter of time before they dusted off the rich needs to pay its fair share lie
Looks like Biden is on pace for another 2,000+ death count day. Because of his incompetence in getting this virus under control he is on pace to kill over 60,000 Americans this month alone.
That’s why he’s letting so many illegals in, to replace the ones he’s killing
For starters, I disagree with him on pretty much everything.
What did he do (policy wise) that you didn’t like?

Try real hard to remove your feelings out of the way. I know it’s tough, but do at least try.
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So the truth comes out again. We didn't kill Isis-k fighters in the drone strike but 10 civilians including 7 children.

Forget the jackass. It's time for the left to change their symbol to a hippo.
Let’s see if I have learned this correctly, @GhostOf301 —-this person is sophisticated
Let’s see if I have learned this correctly, @GhostOf301 —-this person is sophisticated
Her name alone is sophisticated. I mean, London Breed? Sounds like royalty.

There have been a lot of hypocritical and ignorant statements from these politicians who ignore their own mandates, but this one is up there on the list.

"Breed added, she and fellow club-goers "don’t need the fun police to come in and micromanage and tell us what we should or shouldn’t be doing."

This idiot IS the fun police. Good lord. Rules for thee not for me. It's the democrat way.
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Let’s see if I have learned this correctly, @GhostOf301 —-this person is sophisticated
Timo I am going to take some of my valuable time to educate you on Covid.This virus is the most sophisticated disease in history.It automatically identifies both sophisticates and liberals and will not get them sick.With this vital knowledge you should quit questioning these esteemed leaders and just follow their mandates without question.Hope this helps you
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