You've thrown out a whole bunch of whats. You haven't addressed any whys.
Why do you insist on a playing a game that is unwinnable? CRT advocates believe that racism must be continually tackled. The work is never done. And if you don't have a vision for what that equality looks like, you clearly won't ever get there.
The world has never had a level playing field, at least in the sense of everyone having access to all of the same resources. And that will never happen. If you were ever able to organize a system where that was doable, you would be disincentivizing people from being ambitious and innovative. There's little motivation for anyone to work harder if they can't gain an advantage. We're not ants. Humans need rewards for their efforts.
Ever been on a road trip to somewhere you've never been before? At different points while on the way there, have you been aware that you weren't there yet?
There's an excellent chance I'll know when the GPS says, "arriving at destination."
Ever ask a firefighter what a world without fires would look like?
Pretty sure they would know what an objective reality looks like. "Hey, no fires. Cool."
We'll cross the next bridge when we get to it.
Won't ever happen. You don't know where the destination is, nor do you know what it looks like.
A post or two ago you were attempting to hang your hat on the idea that all the laws are neutral now. How quaint. You think my acknowledging I don't know what equality will look like or when we will achieve it is a concession of some sort? lol
The laws are mostly neutral. But all things being equal, blacks and Latinos will hold an admissions preference, as well as a job-hiring preference, over Asians and whites. Personally, that doesn't bother me. It becomes an issue when less qualified people get the nod over someone who objectively has more merit.
Ideologues don't make concessions. They simply reveal holes in their thought process.
We pushback against your narrative because it contradicts empirical evidence. Would you be disappointed if America wasn't as racist as you say it is? Two Swedish economists gathered data from people all around the world, polling them on who would be bothered by having neighbors of a different race. Evidently, we live in one of the most racially progressive nations in the world. So, why is this map wrong or misleading?