The New Lounge

The kids thing is something I’ll never get over. It’s absolutely child abuse. Mentioned above was development of their lungs, add to it- speech impediments will and probably have increased, learning disabilities are probably much less likely to be identified over the last year with so much online learning. Then you have the personality developments that are being hindered with all of this. Interacting with other children is extremely important to their development. Now you’ve got kids all over the place wearing masks outdoors where they can’t see each other’s faces or hear their voices accurately. Not to mention, this is not helping kids immune systems by being sheltered. There are so many stories both personal and nationally where an entire class is shut down for two weeks for one positive case. I still have no logical understanding of why we are still testing other than to drive fear and money…those tests aren’t cheap.
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You hit on a lot of good points. Lack of transparency and honesty is a major concern. The bigger concern, though is the number of people willing to blindly accept everything they tell us as the gospel. They can be caught in a thousand lies and been shown to be hypocrites a hundred times and their sheeple will still gutlessly choose to belittle anyone who dares not to comply or has the audacity to question the motives of unlawful government mandates. We choose to follow the recommendations of unelected bureaucrats who have been wrong from the beginning and call that following the science. The government is successfully pinning the vaxxed against the unvaxxed, IMO as a distraction. From what? IDK. The fact that the vaccine does not prevent you from contracting the virus, means that it cannot prevent you from spreading the virus. So it's time for everyone to stop worrying about everyone else and worry about themselves. If the vaccine makes you feel comfortable, by all means, get it. If wearing a mask makes you feel comfortable, by all means, wear it. Hell, WEAR TWO! No one is stopping you.

The laying off of employees is going to cripple our country in a time where we are nearing a crisis level blocking of the supply chain as it is. Which is something this inept administration has yet to address. In fact, a few weeks ago the dumbass PS acted like it wasn't real. Terrible. There's definitely some kind of ulterior motive at play.
Right, this is no longer about health and it hasn’t been about health in a long time. If you want to mask up and get vaccinated, do you! But there is walking hypocrisy all over the place (including at Duke) where if you get vaccinated you’re still lambasting against those who choose not to get it. They’ve not only turned the vaccinated vs unvaccinated against each other, but they have turned anyone who dares suggest people have a right to not get the covid vaccination bc it is their choice are now also the enemy. If they work so well, why do you give a rats ass if someone doesn’t get it? The answer is simple if we are honest, but we can’t be honest because everyone has their stakes in the ground and won’t budge.

Jonathan Isaac gave a great answer and I commend him for it. Hope more and more people will speak up.
My thing is, but why? Why create a situation where it causes anyone to question the sincerity of your message? You go on stage to perform, you set up a scene to create an illusion of the truth. It's not a good look IMO. Not that I think he didn't actually get the shot, I don’t care either way. I just don't understand the fake images.
Why? Well because it’s theatre. Like before the cameras are rolling he’s on stage talking to reporters with no mask, and then has to go, “oops, gotta put this mask on.” It’s all for show. It’s a JOKE. We’ve seen instances of the theatre of this from coast to coast and yet we are still talking and telling people to mask up. Including in Cameron indoor stadium. Quick question! Duke is requiring anyone going to a game to show proof of vax….but also must wear a mask. Why?Explain that to me since I’m so dumb.
The laws from the previous era were clearly discriminatory and racist. The laws today are neutral.

You're essentially advocating for laws that aren't neutral, giving preferential treatment to certain groups, much like the people from the past who were, to use your words, "on the wrong side of justice." Do you not see the irony in that?

Okay, so you ignored the weightier parts of my message (the connecting dots part). You obviously aren't going to give credence to anything that counters your established narrative. But, tell me this, I asked previously, and I'll ask again. You previously said, "We’ve yet to achieve equal opportunity." What does equal opportunity look like to you? And how would you objectively know that equal opportunity has been achieved?
The laws then were not clearly racist then. They are in retrospect, and only because people upset the false peace and demanded justice. Neutrality in a law book doesn't ensure neutrality in application. The '94 crime bill is a great example: A lot of Black people thought it would be good for Black communities, but it translated to over-policing, profiling, and soaring incarceration rates w/o addressing underlying issues.

Your understanding of affirmative action is very poor.

I don't know what equal opportunity looks like. I've never seen it. I don't know how we would objectively know it has been achieved. We're still arguing about the existence of systemic racism.
There are kids now showing up in daycares that are 3 and 4 year olds that are terrified to be around other people. Their development is so far behind it's scary. A child in K, 1st or 2nd grade has not known a normal year of school. We are going to have much more troublesome issues than this virus.
Have you seen Colbert's Vac Scene. Saw one were they are dancing around. No masks in the audience where they are sitting elbow to elbow. Colbert is dancing with an elderly masks. I though NY was all about the science of things like masks.

Just a sophisticated group.
The Babylon Bee had one a few weeks ago that said due to social awkwardness and developmental issuest, parents are choosing to homeschool their children. Remember, what was once satire is now real life.
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The laws then were not clearly racist then. They are in retrospect, and only because people upset the false peace and demanded justice. Neutrality in a law book doesn't ensure neutrality in application. The '94 crime bill is a great example: A lot of Black people thought it would be good for Black communities, but it translated to over-policing, profiling, and soaring incarceration rates w/o addressing underlying issues.

Your understanding of affirmative action is very poor.

I don't know what equal opportunity looks like. I've never seen it. I don't know how we would objectively know it has been achieved. We're still arguing about the existence of systemic racism.
No rational person will ever accept bad behavior disguised as "culture". You can argue about how that culture came to be and bark systemic racism as much as you want, but it will never be acceptable. The smart move would be to move on from proving systemic racism and start working on acceptable culture that leads to successful and healthy lives.
No rational person will ever accept bad behavior disguised as "culture". You can argue about how that culture came to be and bark systemic racism as much as you want, but it will never be acceptable. The smart move would be to move on from proving systemic racism and start working on acceptable culture that leads to successful and healthy lives.
Correct. Employers I’ve talked with run into the same problems over and over : applicants who don’t know how to sit up in a chair, who think the rest of us want to see their boxer shorts, who come to interviews reeking of marijuana and or high, who can speak what may generously be described as pidgin English. Half the population can’t pass a drug screen, half of the other half don’t want to hit a lick at a snake. So I’m told that basically 20 to 25 % of the population is hireable. How did we get here? Don’t know but pretty sure it’s not all “systemic racism”.
Correct. Employers I’ve talked with run into the same problems over and over : applicants who don’t know how to sit up in a chair, who think the rest of us want to see their boxer shorts, who come to interviews reeking of marijuana and or high, who can speak what may generously be described as pidgin English. Half the population can’t pass a drug screen, half of the other half don’t want to hit a lick at a snake. So I’m told that basically 20 to 25 % of the population is hireable. How did we get here? Don’t know but pretty sure it’s not all “systemic racism”.
To clarify the previous post when I refer to the ‘population’ I’m referring to the population as a whole not just the AA population
To clarify the previous post when I refer to the ‘population’ I’m referring to the population as a whole not just the AA population
Also to clarify, if one is not born in A, then they are not AA, just an American.
Geez. Y’all are recruiting conservatives from the national board to help shout me down. 🙄 Pretty sad you’d need to increase the odds that were already in your favor to deal with someone y’all routinely call “stupid.” 🤣

Does this guy always cry this much?
Your understanding of affirmative action is very poor.

Your understanding of why disparities exist is poor. Not everything is about power. Not everything is about discrimination.

I don't know what equal opportunity looks like. I've never seen it. I don't know how we would objectively know it has been achieved. We're still arguing about the existence of systemic racism.

Exactly right. You don't even know what it would look like. If you don't even know what you're looking for, how could you possibly know if something has been achieved?

If equity is truthfully a goal of progressives, at some point you should be able to say, "I think we finally live in a land where everybody has equal opportunity. Now, we can reverse all policies which previously gave more resources to those who are deemed to be marginalized." But, that will never happen. 500 years from now, people who think like you will still be fighting for these same issues. Our culture is permeated with victim mentality - and blaming groups and outside forces for disparate outcomes will never stop. The incessant discrimination complaints are compounded by the fact that progressives have no clear vision for acknowledging if or when "equality" has been realized.
Your understanding of why disparities exist is poor. Not everything is about power. Not everything is about discrimination.

Exactly right. You don't even know what it would look like. If you don't even know what you're looking for, how could you possibly know if something has been achieved?

If equity is truthfully a goal of progressives, at some point you should be able to say, "I think we finally live in a land where everybody has equal opportunity. Now, we can reverse all policies which previously gave more resources to those who are deemed to be marginalized." But, that will never happen. 500 years from now, people who think like you will still be fighting for these same issues. Our culture is permeated with victim mentality - and blaming groups and outside forces for disparate outcomes will never stop. The incessant discrimination complaints are compounded by the fact that progressives have no clear vision for acknowledging if or when "equality" has been realized.
By his own admission systemic racism is so prevalent it’s hard to identify, progress is impossible to measure, and the goal posts are constantly moving. As you stated, centuries from now there will be race merchants and grievance jockeys still searching for racism under every rock
Your understanding of why disparities exist is poor. Not everything is about power. Not everything is about discrimination.

Exactly right. You don't even know what it would look like. If you don't even know what you're looking for, how could you possibly know if something has been achieved?

If equity is truthfully a goal of progressives, at some point you should be able to say, "I think we finally live in a land where everybody has equal opportunity. Now, we can reverse all policies which previously gave more resources to those who are deemed to be marginalized." But, that will never happen. 500 years from now, people who think like you will still be fighting for these same issues. Our culture is permeated with victim mentality - and blaming groups and outside forces for disparate outcomes will never stop. The incessant discrimination complaints are compounded by the fact that progressives have no clear vision for acknowledging if or when "equality" has been realized.
You've thrown out a whole bunch of whats. You haven't addressed any whys.

Ever been on a road trip to somewhere you've never been before? At different points while on the way there, have you been aware that you weren't there yet?

Ever ask a firefighter what a world without fires would look like? Do they need to know that to fight the fire that's in front of them? That's where we are right now. There are injustices to address. I will do my part to address them. We'll cross the next bridge when we get to it.

A post or two ago you were attempting to hang your hat on the idea that all the laws are neutral now. How quaint. You think my acknowledging I don't know what equality will look like or when we will achieve it is a concession of some sort? lol
The moment SCOTUS decided we could loosen some restrictions of the Voting Rights Act, GOP state legislatures started imposing new voting laws: IDs, w/o a plan for those who didn't have any; reducing early voting, making it more difficult for traditionally Democratic voters to get to the polls; closing precincts in communities of color; fighting against mail-in ballots; manufacturing suspicion about nonexistent fraud to intimidate and obstruct BIPOC. THAT is what happens in this country when someone decides equity has been achieved so we can stop monitoring it or enforcing rules that help get us there.
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The moment SCOTUS decided we could loosen some restrictions of the Voting Rights Act, GOP state legislatures started imposing new voting laws: IDs, w/o a plan for those who didn't have any; reducing early voting, making it more difficult for traditionally Democratic voters to get to the polls; closing precincts in communities of color; fighting against mail-in ballots; manufacturing suspicion about nonexistent fraud to intimidate and obstruct BIPOC. THAT is what happens in this country when someone decides equity has been achieved so we can stop monitoring it or enforcing rules that help get us there.
Don Lemon is that you?
The moment SCOTUS decided we could loosen some restrictions of the Voting Rights Act, GOP state legislatures started imposing new voting laws: IDs, w/o a plan for those who didn't have any; reducing early voting, making it more difficult for traditionally Democratic voters to get to the polls; closing precincts in communities of color; fighting against mail-in ballots; manufacturing suspicion about nonexistent fraud to intimidate and obstruct BIPOC. THAT is what happens in this country when someone decides equity has been achieved so we can stop monitoring it or enforcing rules that help get us there.
Gee what a compelling post. Fantastic: more virtue signaling and hyperbole. Would not expect anything less as the night goes on and the drinks flow for you to reach into your bag of greatest hits

Even the poorest of the poor can't escape Sloppy Joe's economy.
There are injustices to address. I will do my part to address them.
How, exactly? By filling the heads of your students with a flawed ideology based on a make believe villain? By posting on a message board? You're not addressing problems or injustices. You're creating them in your mind. Real problems and injustices would be much more easy to address if we didn't have to sift through all of the fabricated nonsense in order to identify them.
So thousands of health care workers are out of luck! Yesterday’s heroes are today’s villains. #sCieNcE

Keep telling us we are in the middle of a pandemic and justify firing healthcare workers for our health.
Exactly. We're so worried about the healthcare system being overwhelmed we're laying off thousands of healthcare workers. We're so worried about non vaccinated people we turn a blind eye while tens, if not hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants are being relocated across the country. No, we're not. We're just worried about politics.
You've thrown out a whole bunch of whats. You haven't addressed any whys.

Why do you insist on a playing a game that is unwinnable? CRT advocates believe that racism must be continually tackled. The work is never done. And if you don't have a vision for what that equality looks like, you clearly won't ever get there.

The world has never had a level playing field, at least in the sense of everyone having access to all of the same resources. And that will never happen. If you were ever able to organize a system where that was doable, you would be disincentivizing people from being ambitious and innovative. There's little motivation for anyone to work harder if they can't gain an advantage. We're not ants. Humans need rewards for their efforts.

Ever been on a road trip to somewhere you've never been before? At different points while on the way there, have you been aware that you weren't there yet?

There's an excellent chance I'll know when the GPS says, "arriving at destination."

Ever ask a firefighter what a world without fires would look like?

Pretty sure they would know what an objective reality looks like. "Hey, no fires. Cool."

We'll cross the next bridge when we get to it.

Won't ever happen. You don't know where the destination is, nor do you know what it looks like.

A post or two ago you were attempting to hang your hat on the idea that all the laws are neutral now. How quaint. You think my acknowledging I don't know what equality will look like or when we will achieve it is a concession of some sort? lol

The laws are mostly neutral. But all things being equal, blacks and Latinos will hold an admissions preference, as well as a job-hiring preference, over Asians and whites. Personally, that doesn't bother me. It becomes an issue when less qualified people get the nod over someone who objectively has more merit.

Ideologues don't make concessions. They simply reveal holes in their thought process.

We pushback against your narrative because it contradicts empirical evidence. Would you be disappointed if America wasn't as racist as you say it is? Two Swedish economists gathered data from people all around the world, polling them on who would be bothered by having neighbors of a different race. Evidently, we live in one of the most racially progressive nations in the world. So, why is this map wrong or misleading?

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Exactly. We're so worried about the healthcare system being overwhelmed we're laying off thousands of healthcare workers. We're so worried about non vaccinated people we turn a blind eye while tens, if not hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants are being relocated across the country. No, we're not. We're just worried about politics.
I know what you’re thinking lockdowns and masking work. Look to Australia! Oh wait, not only are their cases through the roof, I guess the lock downs, mask mandates and military/police beatings don’t work. How long before we have that here?

Guys that’ll never happen! Just shut up and take the jab…sorry two jabs…sorry two jabs and mask up…sorry two jabs plus booster plus mask….oh and for good measure booster every year or you’re fired with no unemployment or health insurance - it’s for your health.
I know what you’re thinking lockdowns and masking work. Look to Australia! Oh wait, not only are their cases through the roof, I guess the lock downs, mask mandates and military/police beatings don’t work. How long before we have that here?

Guys that’ll never happen! Just shut up and take the jab…sorry two jabs…sorry two jabs and mask up…sorry two jabs plus booster plus mask….oh and for good measure booster every year or you’re fired with no unemployment or health insurance - it’s for your health.

The only draconian measures i see are coming from left leaning states, governors and institutions ( unions) correct? I cant recall any right leaning mandating vaxxing or taking away support, rights or privilidges etc....maybe Louisiana? For the party of inclusion, equality, understanding and empathy for matter what race, gender, country or background you come from, they sure like to pick favorites and punish those who dont agree to their terms
The only draconian measures i see are coming from left leaning states, governors and institutions ( unions) correct? I cant recall any right leaning mandating vaxxing or taking away support, rights or privilidges etc....maybe Louisiana? For the party of inclusion, equality, understanding and empathy for matter what race, gender, country or background you come from, they sure like to pick favorites and punish those who dont agree to their terms
And now you see conservatives and BLM activists, you read that correctly, marching together in nyc to oppose these authoritarian mandates and restrictions. Welcome to 2021.

This is what courage looks like.
Liberals will never acknowledge they control most everything. It’s much more hip to be revolutionary than the establishment. Another cool benefit is when you don’t acknowledge you’re in control you can pretend that it’s always someone else’s fault
Liberals will never acknowledge they control most everything. It’s much more hip to be revolutionary than the establishment. Another cool benefit is when you don’t acknowledge you’re in control you can pretend that it’s always someone else’s fault

It's a desperate need to assign blame while refusing to work on realistic resolutions.

Well said. Glad that there's still a healthy amount of reasonable people. Can you imagine if everyone around you thought like Datt? That would drive people to question their own sanity.
The Brookings Institution found three simple rules to avoid poverty that worked for at least 90 percent of people who followed them.
  1. Finish high school.
  2. Get a full-time job.
  3. Wait until age 21 to get married and have children.
Rarely do you see this advice from the people who could influence the poor the most....of any race...