The New Lounge

3/4’s of my friends ARE black. I wanna say my best friend IS black. Successful people with no complaints...EVER. Butttt I guess I’m just “rationalizing”...idk if that’s the right word or not lol

Yea, sad when we have to “prove” our “racial” friendships. My man (along with others) is my brother, above all else.
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There was talk years ago about changing some of the Indian nicknames. Just wasn’t enough traction then. Boy how times have changed. Now things are offensive, and those Indian nicknames hopped on the big offensive train. From monuments, pancake syrup, rice, hell even Mt Rushmore is being said to be offensive to some. This is just gone way too far.
You’re way too soft if all this stuff offends you.
I’ll say it again, you’re way too soft.
There was talk years ago about changing some of the Indian nicknames. Just wasn’t enough traction then. Boy how times have changed. Now things are offensive, and those Indian nicknames hopped on the big offensive train. From monuments, pancake syrup, rice, hell even Mt Rushmore is being said to be offensive to some. This is just gone way too far.
You’re way too soft if all this stuff offends you.
I’ll say it again, you’re way too soft.

I agree Mac on things like syrup, rice, team nicknames, etc.,.....Dont get me wrong, some things are offensive, but you can go TOO FAR. If you keep searching for possible offensive names/monuments, etc, eventually you risk a backlash from other groups fed up with too much change. OFC
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There was talk years ago about changing some of the Indian nicknames. Just wasn’t enough traction then. Boy how times have changed. Now things are offensive, and those Indian nicknames hopped on the big offensive train. From monuments, pancake syrup, rice, hell even Mt Rushmore is being said to be offensive to some. This is just gone way too far.
You’re way too soft if all this stuff offends you.
I’ll say it again, you’re way too soft.
I second this and I’m half red skin lol.

My question is when is the last time that word has been used. I live in a prodominantly native America county and I haven’t ever heard it used.
But virtue signaling makes them feel so go!!

I gotta tell my Korean wife I’m racist. That and my black (well, 3/4’s) best friend. Lol!

This is a few times now that you've brought up your Asian wife to defend your racial takes. You must feel extra threatened this time, as you resorted to bringing up your Black friend, too. It's amusing that you pointed out he's 3/4 Black.

Anyway, with all this diversity around you, it would seem you'd be a little less dismissive about the grievances of others when it comes to racial matters.

How about we play a hypothetical here. Let's assume for a minute you're one of those guys who really out kicked his coverage and married up. Let's also say you and your wife are out socially and a person or two makes hits her with a joke or two about mail-order brides, online-shopping or green cards. If you're wife opens up to you about how that made her feel are you going to listen and possibly even try to do something to improve the situation or are you going to dismiss her opinion and tell her she's too sensitive?
Redskins has been a part of the team name since 1933 when they were known as the Boston Redskins, so the team has had the word Redskins in its name for 87 years but it’s only been in about the last 10 years or so that people started having a problem with the name. With the Redakins being forced to change their name then how long before teams like the Atlanta Braves and the Chicago Blackhawks or any other professional sports team will be forced to change their team name?

I don't think this is really going to be a thing. I'm not Native American and will not try to speak for them, but the whole thing seems centered around the term Redskin apparently being a racial slur. St. John's changed their name to Red Storm back in the Felipe Lopez days, so this complain is certainly not a new one.

Outside of that, the only complaint I'm familiar with is the Cleveland Indians' mascot, which is based around his cartoony, caricature-like depiction more than the use of the name Indians.
Well, this is starting to get good.

This is a few times now that you've brought up your Asian wife to defend your racial takes. You must feel extra threatened this time, as you resorted to bringing up your Black friend, too. It's amusing that you pointed out he's 3/4 Black.

Anyway, with all this diversity around you, it would seem you'd be a little less dismissive about the grievances of others when it comes to racial matters.

How about we play a hypothetical here. Let's assume for a minute you're one of those guys who really out kicked his coverage and married up. Let's also say you and your wife are out socially and a person or two makes hits her with a joke or two about mail-order brides, online-shopping or green cards. If you're wife opens up to you about how that made her feel are you going to listen and possibly even try to do something to improve the situation or are you going to dismiss her opinion and tell her she's too sensitive?

2nd time ever here. Nice try though. This 2nd point was a play based on what you subsequently did. Keep looking at people and seeing race - your ignorance is hilarious.

I’m dismissive of what part of my family went through? Am I also dismissive of what my Ukrainian Jewish ancestors went through? Or only when it fits your narrative? Or does my white privilege get in the way?

The rest of what you “hypothetically” typed? Complete blather.

Go virtue-signal and make yourself feel better lol.
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2nd time ever here. Nice try though. This 2nd point was a play based on what you subsequently did.

I’m dismissive of what part of my family went through? Am I also dismissive of what my Ukrainian Jewish ancestors went through? Or only when it fits your narrative? Or does my white privilege get in the way?

The rest of what you “hypothetically” typed? Complete blather.

Go virtue-signal and make yourself feel better lol.

I didn't ask you anything about white privilege or your European heritage. I asked you about the wife you've brought up and how you would handle her expressing discontent with an insulting comment.

You don't like when people challenge you, huh?

Let's try another one, why do you seem to think everybody here is white? Seriously, everytime someone mentions anything regarding race you start talking about white leftists and virtue signaling. Is it that hard for you to believe there could be people who don't look like you who root for Duke?
Changing the nickname of the Washington Redskins has led to this. I just don't get it. Off season has been tough. OFC

A lot of white folks look at anything that challenges the status quo or attempts to right a longstanding wrong as a threat to their way of life. It's weird that people get that invested in something that has absolutely no effect on their lives.
I didn't ask you anything about white privilege or your European heritage. I asked you about the wife you've brought up and how you would handle her expressing discontent with an insulting comment.

You don't like when people challenge you, huh?

Let's try another one, why do you seem to think everybody here is white? Seriously, everytime someone mentions anything regarding race you start talking about white leftists and virtue signaling. Is it that hard for you to believe there could be people who don't look like you who root for Duke?

I love a challenge, you just don’t provide one. And yes, my wife cracks jokes at herself being Korean, on the regular. We both crack up at things like Chapelle's “racial draft” as we see the beauty in differences and how people like you, make them “dividers”.

Where did I assume “everyone here” is white? SDevada counts as “everyone”? That’s a weird obsession you have. Lol. I don’t care what race you are; but IMO the largest issues we have right now are angry Leftists like Maher described, and BLM, a Marxist driven group, hurting, not helping, a sentiment that should be acknowledged.
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A lot of white folks look at anything that challenges the status quo or attempts to right a longstanding wrong as a threat to their way of life. It's weird that people get that invested in something that has absolutely no effect on their lives.

Can you describe what defines “white folks”? European Americans? Only certain skin tones? I have Egyptian friends, for example, that look straight up “white” but also think the Marxist rage is ludicrous.

Do you also believe in reparations? I’m curious.
I’m out for tonight - enjoy the 4th all! God Bless America!
I love a challenge, you just don’t provide one. And yes, my wife cracks jokes at herself being Korean, on the regular. We both crack up at things like Chapelle's “racial draft” as we see the beauty in differences and how people like you, make them “dividers”.

Where did I assume “everyone here” is white? SDevada counts as “everyone”? That’s a weird obsession you have. Lol. I don’t care what race you are; but IMO the largest issues we have right now are angry Leftists like Maher described, and BLM, a Marxist driven group, hurting, not helping, a sentiment that should be acknowledged.

The jokes you and your wife share between each other are between y'all. If an outsider decided to make similar jokes about her and she expressed hurt or some other negative emotion, I asked would you dismiss it by implying she is wrong to feel offended or would you show compassion. It's a simple question and one you evaded.

You previously made a similar statement toward me as you did toward the other poster. When that person was wrong you asked for a picture. Clearly you have a hard time believing you might be conversing with someone of another race on this board.

As for your other reply, the lot of white folks I mentioned would be those who visually fit into the WASP category. The angriest seem to come from that demographic. To be clear, not saying all are like that, just some. The internet probably makes it seem like a disproportionate amount though.
We shouldn’t be surprised this thread went off the rails. We are living in crazy times. Actually, crazy is an understatement. Hell, they are even taking away Elmer Fudds shotgun. He’s a terrible shot.
I say we protest Acme. They’ve been funding Wiley Coyote, aiding his failed efforts for years to catch that skinny Roadrunner.
We shouldn’t be surprised this thread went off the rails. We are living in crazy times. Actually, crazy is an understatement. Hell, they are even taking away Elmer Fudds shotgun. He’s a terrible shot.
I say we protest Acme. They’ve been funding Wiley Coyote, aiding his failed efforts for years to catch that skinny Roadrunner.

The thread didn't go off the rails, it started off them. It started with a post mentioning the possibility Dan Synder will change the name of his football team after years of criticism for its racially insensitive name and was immediately followed by a bunch of people making fun of the idea that the name should be changed. A couple people break up the monotonous angry, white guy circle jerk and here we are.

It says a lot that many of the posts in threads like these go unchecked but somebody starts a thread about Coach K' BLM statement and it gets locked or deleted straight away.
Mac, you need to take some responsibility for the way this went. Your kneeling, antifa post was what started it.
Mac, you need to take some responsibility for the way this went. Your kneeling, antifa post was what started it.
I regret nothing I’ve said in this thread. You and Jtre are lost. He’s a black guy, and you’re an older white lady. The things you both have in common are anger, and blaming white conservatives for everything.
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I regret nothing I’ve said in this thread. You and Jtre are lost. He’s a black guy, and you’re a older white person, The things you both have in common is anger, and blaming white conservatives for everything.

I'm not assigning blame to white conservatives for anything other than some of their political choices. I do not understand, however, why so many (whites in general, not just conservatives) seem to feel they know more about the experiences of other races than the actual members of those other races. The Central Park dog walker proved that liberals are just as inclined as conservatives to use try to use their whiteness to their advantage when they feel a Black person has stepped out of their lane.
Hell, they are even taking away Elmer Fudds shotgun. He’s a terrible shot.
I say we protest Acme. They’ve been funding Wiley Coyote, aiding his failed efforts for years to catch that skinny Roadrunner.

And yet, Elmer is a better shot than me. :D
I'm not assigning blame to white conservatives for anything other than some of their political choices. I do not understand, however, why so many (whites in general, not just conservatives) seem to feel they know more about the experiences of other races than the actual members of those other races. The Central Park dog walker proved that liberals are just as inclined as conservatives to use try to use their whiteness to their advantage when they feel a Black person has stepped out of their lane.
Glad you see that white liberals are a problem and it does not offend me.
Are you seriously complaining about removing a name that is incredibly offensive to a group of people who are not just Americans but have roots here that go back to before the Dutch and English set foot here?
The numbers say that the name is offensive to woke liberals.When native Americans are polled the majority of them say it is not offensive.We have reached the point in our country where the majority has no voice but must bow down to placate a loud vocal fringe minority
The numbers say that the name is offensive to woke liberals.When native Americans are polled the majority of them say it is not offensive.We have reached the point in our country where the majority has no voice but must bow down to placate a loud vocal fringe minority

I'd like to see where those numbers and the polls that produced them. Was "woke liberals" a category? If not it could very easily have been white conservatives as I see a lot of them (some even on this board) who tell Black people what NOT to be offended by. Is there really a difference?

Of course, the President tells me polls are fake, so there's that.

Further, if 40 percent of Native Americans are offended by the name, is that not enough to consider a name change?

Finally, this is not a new issue. St. John's changed their name from Redmen to Red Storm in 1994. If that change took place in the mid 90s it certainly wasn't about snowflakes, wokeness or any other mocking term you want to throw around. It was about recognizing a wrong and correcting it.

Admitting a mistake and doing something about it is not a sign of weakness but of strength.
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We have reached the point in our country where the majority has no voice but must bow down to placate a loud vocal fringe minority

Domino effect too.....

Team nicknames
Street names
Foods (Rice, Syrup)

Glad you see that white liberals are a problem and it does not offend me.

I think there are plenty who will vote straight blue at the booth that have racist tendencies that can be exposed in a moment of stress.

I think there are many who generally want to help, but don't know how and over shoot things when left to their own devices. That's how you get things like the real estate company (an agency I think) who said they would eliminate the term master from bedroom and bathroom descriptions. Corny, pointless gesture that does nothing.

They want to help? Start a program to help first-time Black home-buyers or builders. Front money for home improvement to sellers so they can yield a higher profit from the sale of their house.

I don't know how doable these things are but this is me freestyling ideas on Sunday morning before church. If all they're going to do is change a description of a room and not follow up with any real help or change, they can keep that though.
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Domino effect too.....

Team nicknames
Street names
Foods (Rice, Syrup)


Real talk, how do any of those things listed affect you?

And I would like to point out that no one was vandalizing statues of George Washington until the president ( a guy who managed to politicize and make divisive issues out of Christmas and medical PPE) basically challenged them to do so. We might not necessarily be where we are had he simply acknowledged that honoring (not educationally recognizing in museums and history books, but erecting statues and monuments) people who fought (and lost) for the enslavement of Blacks might be offensive to a large portion of the folks who have to look at those statues and monuments and then helped to correct the situation. Instead he dug in as an attempt to appeal to his racist hardcore base and possibly appeal to some white folks who still see "others," as some boogeyman.

Before anybody tells me about 14 percent, I'd like to point out that is the national average. The Black population in the states of Georgia and Mississippi, for example, are 34 and 39 percent, respectively. That's an awful lot of people to ignore.
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A couple people break up the monotonous angry, white guy circle jerk and here we are.

It says a lot that many of the posts in threads like these go unchecked but somebody starts a thread about Coach K' BLM statement and it gets locked or deleted straight away.

This is the long and the short of it.

There is this subclass of anxious white dudes... usually older, usually super aggressive and insulting and ill mannered, often from humble beginnings, often not terribly educated... who are such interesting studies in hypocrisy.

They profess to love America and get super angry when a black guy kneels during the anthem, but then wave a traitor flag and defend monuments of traitors, and demean and dismiss guys like Mattis and Kelly and McRaven, and love a President who mocks POWs and soldiers and Gold Star families.

They talk about defending the Constitution, but then turn around and talk about “love it or leave it,” which is the polar opposite of what the Constitution literally stands for.

They claim to support law enforcement, but turn their backs on the thousands of men and women who defend this country, insisting they are part of some insidious conspiracy to take down the President, who bashes them constantly and literally take the side of former KGB agents over them.

They love to yell and scream about snowflakes who make a big deal out of nothing, but the moment ANYTHING happens that challenges have even a modicum of interest in... shit that is relatively meaningless to their actual lives, like where a trans person goes to the bathroom or saying policePERSON instead of policeMAN or football team names or pancake syrup names... They go absolutely apeshit, positive that the world is a bunch of whining losers who are making a big deal out of nothing, without seeming to have any understanding that they are describing exactly themselves.

They rant and rave about the liberal commies in education and the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN and the fake media, but rarely spent much actual time getting educated and have never read a copy of the New York Times in their lives.

They insist they are responsible for all of their own success and nobody helped them, but then they often live in the states that take the most money and give the least back.

They often profess to be really big believers in God, but rarely seem to care about the meek or the poor like Jesus teaches.

They act all macho and manly, but then turn around and love the makeup wearing, draft dodger, thin skinned womanizer in officer.

And they often talk about experience mattering and real world experience being important (usually as a counter for their lack of education) but dismiss the experiences of millions and millions of people as just lazy folks who are imagining things.

They simply cannot accept that other people have different experiences, and cannot accept even a modicum of discomfort or change in their lives, and will not accept anything that someone says that might challenge it, no matter the experience or education behind it.

Thankfully they are a minority, just one that has been enabled by the moron in the White House.

I, for one, am just glad to be on the side of Duke University and Shane Battier and Debbie Jones and Coach K and Grant Hill and Bobby Hurley and Jeff Capel and Nolan Smith and Jon Scheyer and Quinn Cook and Wendell Moore on this whole thing, and NOT on their side.
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Real talk, how do any of those things listed affect you?

Just stating facts, and I could probably find a boatload more. I was simply in agreement w/ToppsCoach, and expounding upon the view.

Oh, and been a Skins fan for years. It will be really weird if they change their name... Hopefully they can change it to something in the same vein and not totally something different. In the end, it doesn’t really matter to me though.
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Just stating facts, and I could probably find a boatload more. I was simply in agreement w/ToppsCoach, and expounding upon the view.


That is why asked my question because you agreed and co-signed on the statement.

Since one of y'all mentioned fringe minority, I have a question. If every single Black person in America (this would include everybody from toddler to senile 99 year-olds) felt demeaned by something but no one else agreed, would you view that as a fringe minority or would you seek to understand what demeaned them?
I regret nothing I’ve said in this thread. You and Jtre are lost. He’s a black guy, and you’re an older white lady. The things you both have in common are anger, and blaming white conservatives for everything.
I know you don't regret the nonsense you post on these threads. I was just pointing out that you bear a great deal of responsibility for these threads going sideways by your dismissive comments. As long as you post them, I am going to post back. I completely agree with the Dude's assessment about the hypocrisy of white conservatives and Trump supporters. I think it is important for the other side (who numerically are in the majority) to keep pushing back so that you all are aware of how many people disagree with you.
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I’m so glad that Dude has flown down with his multiple Duke degrees to educate all us white uneducated idiots.
Dude, you have read too many books. Did you watch CNN the other day, where the dumb lady said what she did about the president speaking at Mt Rushmore? Jtre, you are just an angry black man looking to find anything and everything to blame on white people. I don’t blame my problems on someone else, regardless of color. But, I do think a few of you are Snowflakes. Dude and SDevada, a couple of white, very educated liberals. The Dude’s life has been so bad, he had to go to Duke University. That’s injustice. Now, after all this education, and being a teacher for who knows how long, he is the prophet for telling us how we are wrong.
Jtre, keep being mad. After all these years, it’s paying off.
You folks need to buy a clue. Things will never be perfect, but being nice to others, and stop pointing fingers is a good start. Oh, and the best place for education? The home. And preferably when kids are young.
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