A couple people break up the monotonous angry, white guy circle jerk and here we are.
It says a lot that many of the posts in threads like these go unchecked but somebody starts a thread about Coach K' BLM statement and it gets locked or deleted straight away.
This is the long and the short of it.
There is this subclass of anxious white dudes... usually older, usually super aggressive and insulting and ill mannered, often from humble beginnings, often not terribly educated... who are such interesting studies in hypocrisy.
They profess to love America and get super angry when a black guy kneels during the anthem, but then wave a traitor flag and defend monuments of traitors, and demean and dismiss guys like Mattis and Kelly and McRaven, and love a President who mocks POWs and soldiers and Gold Star families.
They talk about defending the Constitution, but then turn around and talk about “love it or leave it,” which is the polar opposite of what the Constitution literally stands for.
They claim to support law enforcement, but turn their backs on the thousands of men and women who defend this country, insisting they are part of some insidious conspiracy to take down the President, who bashes them constantly and literally take the side of former KGB agents over them.
They love to yell and scream about snowflakes who make a big deal out of nothing, but the moment ANYTHING happens that challenges have even a modicum of interest in... shit that is relatively meaningless to their actual lives, like where a trans person goes to the bathroom or saying policePERSON instead of policeMAN or football team names or pancake syrup names... They go absolutely apeshit, positive that the world is a bunch of whining losers who are making a big deal out of nothing, without seeming to have any understanding that they are describing exactly themselves.
They rant and rave about the liberal commies in education and the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNN and the fake media, but rarely spent much actual time getting educated and have never read a copy of the New York Times in their lives.
They insist they are responsible for all of their own success and nobody helped them, but then they often live in the states that take the most money and give the least back.
They often profess to be really big believers in God, but rarely seem to care about the meek or the poor like Jesus teaches.
They act all macho and manly, but then turn around and love the makeup wearing, draft dodger, thin skinned womanizer in officer.
And they often talk about experience mattering and real world experience being important (usually as a counter for their lack of education) but dismiss the experiences of millions and millions of people as just lazy folks who are imagining things.
They simply cannot accept that other people have different experiences, and cannot accept even a modicum of discomfort or change in their lives, and will not accept anything that someone says that might challenge it, no matter the experience or education behind it.
Thankfully they are a minority, just one that has been enabled by the moron in the White House.
I, for one, am just glad to be on the side of Duke University and Shane Battier and Debbie Jones and Coach K and Grant Hill and Bobby Hurley and Jeff Capel and Nolan Smith and Jon Scheyer and Quinn Cook and Wendell Moore on this whole thing, and NOT on their side.