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Posted: Yesterday 8:08 PM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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Has anyone looked for involvement of the professional sports community in the academic fraud or the LD/ADHD/Adderall prongs at UNC-Cult/Cheat?

Posted: Today 9:56 AM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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You're the first I've seen on this board who has started to figure out where this is going.

And the answer to your question is "Yes".

Posted: Today 11:15 AM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

6th Man
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I can tell you that an influential Senator is very interested in the academic fraud and is now aware of the ADHD prong. He is asking questions and his staffers are asking questions.

Posted: Today 12:06 PM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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The more questions that are asked the better. This appears to be headed to a very dark place, but one that has to be exposed to see exactly what has happened. It's good to see that some people are starting to realize a bit where this story is going.

One thing I would point out. This story is beyond ESPN and your average everyday sportswriter. Whether they "cover" it is entirely irrelevant. Entirely. Same with the NCAA investigation. At some point, the people involved may want to stop being worried about being investigated by four-letter organizations and start worrying about the three-letter ones.
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Love it when holes try an' defend. "Tal Link" btw is a dentist. Tarhole alum. Blames 20+ years of fraud on the academicians. Lulz...

Love this. "Read independent study report." unx told us MARTIN was "independent." Lulz. To date , despite multiple "investigations" the closest one that came to being "independent" was Wainstein...and look how that turned out for 'em. "Independent". What a joke...

Another red-carpet premiere. B-Rad. "Set record straight?!" BWAHAHAHA.....!!!

Documentary on UNC academic scandal sets record straight, to screen Friday

The COMMENTS below the article itself tell a more accurate version....

Stone Harker · Owner-operator at Self-Employed

In percentage terms, 47.6% of the paper class enrollments were student-athletes and 24.5% were football or basketball players. By comparison, approximately 4% of the Chapel Hill student body are student-athletes in any given year, and approximately 0.6% are football players.

The UNCCH AD and certain faculty created a bi-furcated system - 2 systems - one for students, one for student-athletes / fake classes. And it was designed many years ago for athletics and eligibility.

Stone Harker · Owner-operator at Self-Employed

Must see tracking site - Adderall/PED/ADHD and UNCCH athlete exploitation

Blanton Allen · Reidsville Senior High

Beth Bridger was neck-deep in this scandal. Her name is littered all over the Weinstein report, as well as several document dumps released by unc-ch in FOIA document dumps. Bethel's only saving grace in this "documentary"/propaganda film is she and others are merely scapegoats in what was/is a university-wide corruption. If only Bethal and Bridger had the courage to speak up against the true villains in this. But that will be as likely as "Unverified" playing at Cannes.

Jason Simmons

It's a joke. A $250,000 joke on Tarheel fans. All Bradley tries to do is defend 2 of his former co-workers. There is nothing there to defend, however. If you've read the emails involving all of the ASPSA, you'd know that. Bradley is a Carpetbagger. And he fleeced a lot of sheep...err Rams.
Posted: Today 12:59 PM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

6th Man
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This guy is an absolute idiot. Whether a player majored in a topic or not is not relevant, it is whether the player received impermissible benefits and the NCAA has evidence provided by UNC-CH that players received impermissible benefits into 2011 which is why the NOA states 2002-2011.

It is funny how they have moved from MBB was not in the NOA, to MBB will not be touched, to MBB will get off light and now they will get off because of a statute of limitations.

MBB will be punished and will be punished severely. All of my sources continue to indicate punishment will be delivered by end of May 2016. Keep in mind that LOIC is the most severe charge the NCAA can levy:
Posted: Today 10:23 AM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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What a great setup here in Kansas City. The really go all out for the Big 12. Great venue.

Went to the Casinos last night with a bunch of people. OL was not in KC or I did not see him.

Here is what I hear and for the game tonight there will be a lot more people in town.

They want this done before the end of the academic year.

NCAA has little wiggle room after the Arkansas Tech decision.

They are concerned about the affect this decision will have concerning ongoing litigation.

(Joy) Renner , btw , chairs the unx Faculty Athletics Committee. And , like others there , seems like a big sports fan. She once described the paper class scam as "not malicious." Ya know , she just considered it an honest mistake made by those caring individuals who were deeply-invested in helping hardworking student-athletes with their studies. IOW , she's a stooge. And , yeah , scam woulda happened anyway because Dean helped develop/implement it because athletics ( men's basketball in particular ) runs the show.
Found this from November of 2014. Posted by former State fball player Don Buckey. He and brother Dave even made an SI cover. Anyway , he posted this. Kinda shocked he never got backlash from the tarhole nation over it...

Examining Bethel's Claim About Ethics of Willingham/Johnson Study

Bradley Bethel is currently the sole source for any information available to the public suggesting that a reason for personnel actions against Mary Willingham and contract decisions pertaining to Dr. Lyn Johnson -- both occurring over the Summer of 2013 -- involved concerns over the ethics and handling of privacy-protected student-athlete personal data.

Bethel very well could be offering a rare public glimpse into actual decisions and rationales made by athletic department leadership that aren't part of the public record. But all we have to go on is his personal testimony that his version is true, and for now it doesn't pass the "sniff test."

Roy talks "haters." Lulz.

Roy dancin' his way to NCAA sanctions...

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