The Carolina Way VIII

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For those with Showtime. Tonight at 9. I understand unx and DEANO get a shout-out. "Must-see tv." Lulz...

Shameless. Dollars to doughnuts not one reporter called 'im on it either. "Journalism 101 - Follow-up Questions." Gawd. "Uhhh , given that this is still an on-going investigation ( and your program is specifically named in the charges! ) how can ya say with any degree of certainty exactly WHAT the outcome will be , coach?"

"No one is talking about it." Lulz. At unx? I bet they're not. Everyone else with even the most peripheral knowledge of the scandal? Yeah. They're talkin' about it , Fed. Disgusting.
DJ, can you post that pic of all the men's BB PLAYERS , who were in AFAM , I think it was a box with a yellow background?
DJ, can you post that pic of all the men's BB PLAYERS , who were in AFAM , I think it was a box with a yellow background?

Obviously , this isn't ALL of 'em...just the ones on Roy's 2005 title team. MCCants' team. The same McCants who showed his transcript PROVING that he received academic honors despite not ever attending class or ever actually doing his own work. Not one of the dill-holes on his team who bad-mouthed 'im would show their transcript. Not one. Rashad may be a headcase but the transcripts don't lie. At minimum , 2005 AND 2009 should go bye-bye but who knows? Anyway...


BTW , Melvin Scott , as pictured , was also on that team. Guess what else? ACC Academic Honor Roll. LMAO...

A total of 294 North Carolina student-athletes earned spots on the Atlantic Coast Conference Academic Honor Role...

"I applaud the hard work of these 294 Tar Heels," said Dick Baddour, UNC Director of Athletics. "It's great to see our student-athletes excelling in their rigorous academic work even as they put a lot of time into representing Carolina in athletic competition. I'm especially pleased that our overall total is the highest it's ever been, and we want to see that number continue to climb."

Among those honored for UNC were 2005 NCAA champions Byron Sanders and Melvin Scott from the men's basketball team...

Gawd , Baddour was a scumbag too.
Per the previously posted tweet , "Cheating Blue Ram" called this one a day in advance. B-Rad has been shut down. Ya ok , OADD? Anyone checked on 'im? The subject of some of your best work up and calls it quits. Bittersweet day. Lulz...

Actually , B-Rad may go into hiding. Something about disillusioned investors. Lulz...

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"I want to tell you something," he told the assembled reporters. "When you come in here and start talking about how Duke has no class, you’d better start getting your stories straight – because our students had class and our team had class. There was not one person on our bench who was pointing a finger at the officials or banging on the scorer’s table. So let’s get some things straight around here and quit the double standard that exists in this league!"

Read that quote again.

It’s come to be portrayed as a complaint about officiating – for instance, USA Today not long ago, mis-reported the comments in a story about why everybody hates Duke – Imagine Coach K complaining about the officials … no wonder everybody hates Duke!

But read what K actually said and it’s clear he was talking about the public criticism of the Duke fans and Duke program after the Veal incident in comparison with a coach and program proclaimed as saintly and above reproach, even with a long history of questionable actions. That view has continued – recently the New York Times ran a story about the long-running academic scandal in Chapel Hill, but the author went out of his way to absolve Saint Dean Smith for complicity – even though the AFAM scandal started during his watch and was in fact, only a men’s basketball scam at that point (it later expanded to football, woman’s basketball and several other sports).

I bring up the Double Standard game for a reason.

North Carolina is coming to Cameron Saturday for the 2016 regular season finale and I see many similarities between what happened in 1984 and what it happening now.

In this case, the Cameron Crazies and the crowd behavior is not the target for the media’s censure.

Instead, the condemnation has been directed at one Duke player – Grayson Allen.

So how has he become the face of villainy in college basketball this season?

Okay, twice he’s intentionally tripped an opponent. Not smart plays … certainly inexcusable actions, but BOTH incidents produced extended – and somewhat hysterical – reactions from the national media, especially ESPN, which led its college basketball coverage with Allen’s action in the second instance and continued to followup the story for the next two days.

The thing is, I don’t recall seeing any extended coverage or commentary when Louisville’s Ray Spalding elbowed Allen in the head – a blow that he later admitted was intentional. I saw ESPN’s late-night coverage after Tuesday night’s victory over Wake Forest and I never saw even a replay of Bryant Crawford’s vicious takedown from behind that sent Allen crashing to the floor, much less a commentary and a followup story.

Both plays –Spalding’s elbow and Crawford’s takedown – were much more physically threatening than Allen’s two trips.

And if I suggested that I’ve seen far more coverage of Allen’s two tripping incidents on ESPN this season than mention of UNC’s 18-year academic scandal – with pending NCAA charges of five Level One violations – would that remind anybody of an earlier “double standard”?
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Some unx fans are more delusional than others. "Twitter" seems to be Ground Zero for these types. This one is a piece of work....

One of the few on the unx faculty who dared call a spade a spade....

ULL hit with sanctions following an investigation into ACADEMIC issues. So much for the "NCAA doesn't get involved with such situations. It's outta their purview" rationale used by so many tarhole fans. Anyway , this ruling was the result of just a two-year investigation as opposed to FIVE ( an' countin!' ) at unx. Time-frame covered is four years. unx? EIGHTEEN! The NCAA also wiped away two post-season wins. What a coincidence. unx also has a couple of post-season victories in the cross-hairs. Small world. The NCAA decided that only one coach ( the very definition of "rogue!" ) was involved. How many coaches ( and professors and administrators and tutors and "learning specialists" and convicted felons and dental school alums and party promoters and Ram's Club members... ) were/are involved at unx? No tellin.' More than one though...much more. The coach indicted falsified ACT scores. unx laughs at that. Needless to say even the most casual observer of the unx scandal(s) knows the unx violations are prolific. Only five Ragin' Cajun athletes involved. Again , unx laughs. HUNDREDS wet their beaks in paper classes and independent study. ULL's violations were of the "Level I" variety but given the circumstances the Cajuns received the lowest level of sanctions. unx's were also "Level I" ( FIVE of 'em! ) including LOIC and "severe breach of conduct." Their academic accreditation agency (SACS ) has NEVER put a school of unx's "stature" ( lulz ) on probation before. Ever. SACS not only did it to unx but they also EXTENDED the probationary period for , among other things , lying. Given that the other reason for the probation was the athletic involvement , the NCAA has every right to take that into account when assessing unx's penalties. Ya know , the holes could end up skating but there's absolutely zero reason for it. Their violations are egregious anyway but when compared to , say , ULL's , it's not even close...

Ragin' Cajuns will vacate 22 football games after NCAA investigation

The University of Louisiana-Lafayette will vacate 22 football games as part of a two-year investigation into the program by the NCAA. The games were played between 2011-14 and include victories in the 2011 and 2013 New Orleans Bowl.

"The Committee determined that a former assistant coach, acting alone, was involved in conduct that led to falsifying ACT scores of five prospective student-athletes," the university stated in a written release. "It imposed on the Ragin' Cajuns football program the lowest level of penalties for Level I violations within the NCAA's penalty structure. The University was not given a postseason ban."
unx gets a brief mention ( as is customary these days ) but one of their alums is front an' center. The carolina way...

The Tragedy of a Hall of Fame Coach and His Star Recruit

Brown has coached college ball twice before and twice the NCAA sanctions axe had fallen on his teams , at UCLA and Kansas. Those penalties were ridiculous he told me. Check it out.

I did and he was wrong...

The University of North Carolina staged phony courses...
Posted: Today 1:39 PM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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The NCAA must proceed as if UNC-CH will sue. If the NCAA follows the process then UNC-CH would have no grounds to sue. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that the NCAA follows the process that UNC-CH agreed to by signing on as a member of the NCAA. For those in accounting you know that your workpapers and following GAAP and GAAS are your best defense in court. For the NCAA it is following the process, that all members agreed to, exactly.

The NCAA wants this case closed since it is so visible and has impacts on the really important litigation of Jenkins v NCAA. If they follow the process UNc-CH will be forced to accept the sanctions since their lawyers will have no grounds to sue.
unx alum Bob Lee...

Wainstein Report – “a Whitewash”! So says....

Oh Goody…. some new TGU gristle to chew on …..

I received this by email on Friday AM. It came to me 3rd -4th hand via an acquaintence who says it originated with the notorious Brady Bethel. I cannot verify that. No clue if it appeared on a website or in some group email distribution. Apparently it is recent – Thursday, March 3.Bradley Bethel

Obviously someone took some time to compose it. The author (the notorious Bethel?) has some knowledge of the circumstances and a seemingly strong passion that this information be assimilated.

NOTE: When I saw how lengthy this is, I immediately assumed it was from our old friend NCState’68; but I have eliminated that possibility.

My one/only very brief encounter with the notorious Brady Bethel left me unimpressed. He has publicly expressed his visceral dislike for my friend – Mary Willingham – so that’s reason enough for me to not like him.

“My buddy” Art Chansky apparently does know and does like Brady Bethel; but Art also likes Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for what that says about Art’s taste in people. I think Art would embrace Ted Bundy and JJ Reddick if he thought it would somehow help separate Dean from The Great Unpleasantness. …. We all have our personal agendas in this glorious mess.

This whatever-it-is seems purposed to move the “blame” from the lowest-level “tutors” further upstream to mid/upper-level academic functionaries. Shoving “blame” downhill is a common tactic in every bureaucracy especially one populated with the weak-of-will, cowardly, spineless sorts that infect High Academia.

All I’ve ever hoped for is to see “Dickie” tarred & feathered and paraded down Franklin Street behind a team of mules with severe spastic colons. If “this” brings that closer to reality, I’m all for it. …. Seeing Roy carted off ala Hannibal Lechter would be fun too.

I assume ABCers don’t much care “who” gets blamed so long as it includes (1) a few UNC-CH “celebrities” and (2) some severe MBB and FB sanctions…. and (3) gets a final harsh verdict in our lifetime.

That’s all I know about this. Enjoy …
Per the previously posted tweet , "Cheating Blue Ram" called this one a day in advance. B-Rad has been shut down. Ya ok , OADD? Anyone checked on 'im? The subject of some of your best work up and calls it quits. Bittersweet day. Lulz...

Actually , B-Rad may go into hiding. Something about disillusioned investors. Lulz...

Thanks for the great job, and all the time you invest in keeping this thread going, DevilDJ.
I'm sorry that I haven't contributed as much lately. A lot of stuff is going on in my life right now, and it's hard for me to find the time, or energy to post or photoshop as much as I would like. I've only been posting on gameday lately. I hope that I'll be able to get back to my usual self sometime in the future.
Keep up the great work, it's much appreciated.

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Thanks for the great job, and all the time you invest in keeping this thread going, DevilDJ.
I'm sorry that I haven't contributed as much lately. A lot of stuff is going on in my life right now, and it's hard for me to find the time, or energy to post or photoshop as much as I would like. I've only been posting on gameday lately. I hope that I'll be able to get back to my usual self sometime in the future.
Keep up the great work, it's much appreciated.


Amen. OFC
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Posted: Today 8:59 AM Re: UNC Scandal: pg 18 UNC's team doctor implicated in Addera...

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NCAA completed the ruling against Arkansas Tech. Arkansas Tech waived housing security deposits for 50 incoming athletes and 3 returning athletes over the course of 4 years in 5 sports. They also paid the same security deposit out of athletic funds for 4 athletes. These were considered impermissible benefits because they weren't available to other students. They were considered as benefits to athletes AND prospective athletes because the benefits occurred before official enrollment/classes (which is why scholarship money was not yet available).

NCAA considered these to be Major Violations and also charged Arkansas Tech with Failure to Monitor.
NCAA Bylaws 13.2.1,, and]
The penalties included:
vacating all wins involving ineligible athletes from 2009 to 2013
reduction in scholarships for men's and women's basketball
recruiting limitations
2 years NCAA probation in all sports
monetary fine

Benefits for UNC athletes, Part A Page 638 of File 54 in the February 2016 UNC data dump: Evidence that UNC was waiving orientation fees for incoming scholarship athletes (unknown number) for "several years" in an unknown number of sports. The email indicates that this benefit was not available to the general student body or to students who had non-athletic scholarships. The email also demonstrates that UNC Compliance was aware of the infractions, even naming a specific Bylaw violated.

The email is from 2006 and remarks that they need to change their policy starting in the next year. However, these violations, even if years old, may further establish a pattern of willful violations or blatant disregard for NCAA obligations (such as the obligation to report their violations when discovered) that would satisfy criteria for exceptions to NCAA's statue of limitations.

Furthermore, there is some evidence that UNC did not change their policy as planned. Pages 7417-7418 of File 3 from the December 2015 UNC data dump are part of a 2013-14 presentation for incoming athletes. Here, the athletic scholarship recipients are told that they will not have to pay orientation fees, but when they register, they should mark that they will pay by check or money order. They are instructed to then email a UNC party who will waive the fees. Obviously, scholarships have not yet kicked in during summer orientation for incoming athletes or transfer athletes, so UNC provides the benefit of waiving athletes' orientation fees.

Is that still a benefit for athletes that non-athletic scholarship students do not get? It appears so. The Office of Scholarship and Student Aid does not apply disbursements until the first week of class. Looking at the web information available for their various scholarships, there is no indication that those scholarship students can attend orientation without fees. On the contrary,Robertson Scholars are instructed that their fall disbursement "will include a one-time ‘extra’ of $215 to reimburse first-year students for orientation fees. Orientation fees for family members and guests will not be reimbursed." Clearly, those students have to pay the fee and get reimbursed once the scholarship kicks in.

Thus, it looks like UNC was committing infractions akin to Arkansas Tech's Major Violations for a longer time period than Arkansas Tech (and likely for many more scholarship athletes, given the size of UNC's athletic provisions compared to Arkansas Tech's). Furthermore, UNC Compliance and athletics administrators were aware that they were committing violations and did not self-report as Arkansas Tech did. So, in addition to a similar Failure to Monitor, perhaps another Loss of Institutional Control is in order (*cough* *cough*, suspension).

Benefits for UNC athletes, Part B Interestingly, if they had self-reported and had the same sanctions as Arkansas Tech got, UNC's football team would have already been under probation in 2008! Not that probation matters much to UNC, as evidenced by Page 2956 of File 53 in the February 2016 UNC data dump which demonstrates that UNC awarded its football players with gift cards in 2010. That is an impermissible benefit violating Bylaw (Bylaws 16.1.4 and were also probably violated).
OADD. I know you're a busy guy an' all. Jus' wanted to throw this one out there...

Bethel's Role in LD/ADHD Testing Change

In the Summer of 2013, the UNC-CH athletics department ended its long term contractual relationship with Cognitive Neuropsychology's Dr. Lyn Johnson of Chapel Hill. Johnson had performed Learning Disability (LD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) screening and diagnostic testing for UNC athletes for over a decade, going back to the early 2000s. For several years, going back to at least 2005, Dr. Johnson's testing had shown a high incidence of LD/ADHD in first year scholarship student-athletes, particularly in the revenue sports of football and men's and women's basketball.

One reason suggested for the sudden change was concern over Johnson's methods that may have inflated the numbers, though this concern didn't surface in the records until 2012.

Recently, an alternative theory has developed among UNC critics of UNC's athletics department suggesting that the high incidence rates of LD/ADHD found in UNC student-athletes by Dr. Johnson's screening methods were welcomed and exploited by the athletics department and the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes (ASPSA) in order to leverage the accomodations (and, more scandously, the abuse of medications) to make academic life easier for more student-athletes than was warranted. It has also been suspected that this leveraging of extraordinarily high LD/ADHD evaluations increased in the mid- to late-2000s, coinciding with the pressure to reduce reliance on independent study and so-called "paper classes.

In one of Coaching the Mind's last articles, Bradley Bethel refuted these suggestions, disdainfully rejecting them as partisan-guided conspiracy theory. In his February 23rd article, he offered some of his insider perspective on background:


UNC's public records disclosure has, in fact, revealed concerns about Dr. Johnson's screening methodology, starting in early 2012, had come from both UNC's College of Arts & Sciences Learning Disability Services (LDS) and also from the athletics department's own sports medicine staff, itself, from sports psychologist Dr. Bradley Hack and allegedly football team physician Dr. Mario Ciocca as well.

But no records have yet been found that can corroborate Bethel's claimed involvement in that evaluation or which demonstrate his claim that he, too, felt concern for Johnson's diagnoses, either in 2012 or later in 2013 when other ASPSA counselors are seen vetting alternative neuropsychological services. (Here and here.)

Bethel includes himself among the "we" who solicited the opinons of outside experts, but the record to date shows it was Dr. Bradley Hack that contacted Dr.s Adam Shrunk and David Coppel in early 2012 to assess the testing methods of Dr. Johnson. And despite this concern, ASPSA counselors aren't seen sharing this concern and, in fact, were supportive of Johnson's response and defense of the utility of her computer-based screening tools and screening battery in use at the time.

It wouldn't be until a year later, during the summer of 2013, that we find ASPSA representatives suddenly and inexplicably searching for an alternative to Johnson. Johnson, herself, is seen expressing uncertainty over why her services were no longer desired, believing she was suffering from association with Mary Willingham.

Bethel's assertion that it was concern for inadequacy or impropriety of Willingham and Johnson's study of the incidence of LD/ADHD in scholarship collegiate student-athletes is not supported by any evidence from the internal communications that has so far been revealed. If they do exist, they are presently hidden from view, and only Bethel's own assertions support the counterpoint to the so-called "conspiracy theory."

The concern expressed by Hack and UNC's Learning Services was that Johnson's screening, using the CSN Vital Signs and ImPACT tools, was "thin" and possibly over-diagnosing LD and ADHD in student-athletes. There is no evidence that ASPSA (including Bradley Bethel) supported such concerns, at least not for another year; and then only after Willingham and Johnson began to publicize their study findings, beginning with the College Research Sports Institutes (CSRI) Conference held in Chapel Hill April 2013. (See timeline here.)

Bethel's refuting of the LD/ADHD exploitation theory might, itself, be suspect since he has a vested interest in protecting "his colleagues," specifically Beth Bridger, Beth Lyons, Jenn Townsend and Jaimie Lee. If he, and they, had lost confidence in Dr. Johnson in 2012 at the time Dr. Hack and LDS raised concerns enough to seek external expert opinion, as Bethel claims, it's not evident in the documentary evidence, and it belies the athletic department's decision to renew Johnson's contract in July 2012 for FY12/13 in spite of those concerns. It also contradicts the ASPSA support for Johnson's services in later 2012, contrary to the concerns to which Bethel claims to have been a party.

If Bradley Bethel, or any of his former colleagues in ASPSA, wish to point to or volunteer communications evidence or documentation not present in the UNC public records release that dispels this suspicion, I will gladly accept it and post/publish it hear in their defense.
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