The Carolina Way VIII

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Thin-skinned Roy ain't happy. Some of the tweets are posted but if ya wanna get the really good stuff just go directly to...

Ya get to read a gazillion holes whining about the "bad journalism." Funny too. Wednesday night these same idiots were callin' for Roy's head. Had they lost today , they'd have been siding with Gottlieb.

Roy Williams Blasts Doug Gottlieb In Post-Game Press Conference

Roy Williams is none-too-pleased with Doug Gottlieb. After North Carolina throttled Miami on Saturday, the 65-year-old coach had some choice words for the CBS college basketball analyst during his post-game press conference.

During the CBS pre-game show, Gottlieb claimed that Williams would retire after the season and that Hubert Davis would likely take over for North Carolina. Gottlieb later clarified that he wasn’t “reporting” that but that he believes it would make sense given Williams’ recent health issues:
In all those angry tarhole tweets , a number of 'em stood out. I'm just gonne leave this one here. Yes sports fans , 5+ years in and these types STILL exist. Gawd Amighty , if unx gets hit appropriately guys like this will start jumpin' off buildings...

Wait , wait , wait. My bad. Got one more. Geez Louise , where do they come from...?

Holy Shnikkies! Greenberg went off script. Skipper cans 'im Monday morning. 45 seconds in. Talks unx and their impending sanctions...

What is NC hook?

Their hook? For 20+ years it's been cars , cash , houses , "paper classes" and "independent study." Lulz. Anyway...

Posted: Today 9:30 AM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake Class

PP HOF - SpecOps
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I've been working on another matter for the past few weeks, but a quick update:

There were some serious and heated discussions in CH following Wednesday night's debacle regarding self-imposing for this year, ala Louisville. Part of the reason was exasperation of what transpired versus Duke, no doubt, but word is that other news has begun to trickle out, as well. (see Greenberg, Gottlieb, etc.) And the discussions were among some of the TRUE string-pullers in CH -- certainly not the pawns like Bubba Cunningham and Carol Folt.

It also sounds like another name will be "sacrificed" in the coming weeks. We know that unc's "firings" sometimes move at a snail's pace, but if it goes down as is currently being discussed, its purpose will be yet another convoluted, half-hearted PR attempt.

Posted: Today 12:29 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake

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Things I do know, the office in Indy is too busy getting the Tourney prep done to deal with the media blitz that will happen WHEN, not if it happens. Bubba and the his cronies in CH pretty much know the bottom line. There is a complete black out right now on info. That indicates to me it is going to be bad, real bad for UNC.
Posted: Today 5:21 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake Class

Bench Warmer
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Had a rams club guy tell me last night that within a week of the basketball teams last game(whenever that is) they will self impose a 1 year ban for the football and basketball teams. They are also going to offer to pay a HUGE fine(100 million paid over the next 4 years). They will let the NCAA decide on probation, penalties for other teams, and loss of schollies. In return all banners will be kept, and recruits will not be allowed to transfer(basketball and football). He told me this had been agreed upon by both the cheats and the NCAA. He said the HUGE fine was why the NCAA agreed to do it this way. I hope like hell he was just trying to upset me, and brag about how great they are. This would be a horrible if true.

Posted: Today 7:13 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake Class

PP HOF - SpecOps
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Absolutely not true.

There are about a baker's dozen worth of Rams Clubbers who actually know what's going on -- all of whom are sprinkled amongst the top 3% or so of Ed Foundation contributors. The rest of the Big Rams (even some of those giving upper-six digits a year) are being spoon-fed a pre-determined company line.
Posted: Today 12:02 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake

6th Man
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I have been in Shanghai for the last week or so and have not been able to see the boards. My legal contacts in Indy are "happy" with the way things are turning out with respect to UNC-CH. I am not getting any information from my contacts in enforcement as they are "locked down" right now. The NCAA is going to laugh at UNC-CH if they offer a self-imposed 1 year ban.
Posted: Today 12:02 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake

6th Man
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..I know for a fact that UNC-CH is laughed at everytime they have offered a 1 year ban. UNC-CH can self-impose whatever they want, the COI has the final say and the COI has not and is not going to sign off on a 1 year ban..
Posted: Today 12:02 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake

6th Man
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I heard from multiple sources last year that Roy wanted out but was convinced to stay this year to lock in a strong recruiting class and win a national championship. I dislike Roy as much as anyone but from what i have been told he took "a bullet" for the school by staying this year. I see no way he stays once this season is done. Hubert will be the one that has to lead them through the sanctions over the coming years.
B-Rad is one more piece of work. Claimed he was gonna go on WCHL radio to refute the LD/ADHD findings of Bluedevilicious. Instead , he responded via his dumbazz blog. A sample...

I am not going to waste much time on this blog entry, because the issue I'm addressing is indeed nothing but a ludicrous conspiracy theory generated by the crazed ABC crowd.

That crowd's new hero, BlueDevilicious (whose real name is Ted Tatos), has been obsessively tweeting highlighted portions of emails that are being released in an ongoing, massive document dump from UNC....

The conspiracy theory that has thus emerged from BlueDevilicious's monomaniacal tweeting is that UNC overdiagnosed athletes in order to secure for them academic accommodations that would give them an advantage in the classroom. This conspiracy theory is so ludicrous I'm annoyed that I'm even addressing it.

Not long after I arrived in 2011, I began having concerns about the rates of ADHD/LD diagnoses...

Oh wait! B-Rad had concerns too! The guy's an expert on everything. Authority on LD/ADHD rates included! And here I was thinkin' he was lowly learning specialist/shoe salesman. Lulz.

I've talked with three media outlets that were interested in doing a story based on BlueDevilicious's tweets, but, after talking with me, they realized there is no story.

He and his followers are fanatics who make invalid inferences from incomplete information. Their conspiracy theory is ludicrous, and no respectable outlet is going to pursue the story further.

Again, I am annoyed I even addressed this buffoon BlueDevilcious, and I hope this will be the last time I do. I suggest reasonable people ignore him

Incredible stuff. Really enjoy how some media outlets contacted HIM rather than Ted to do a story but after talking with the "expert" ( B-Rad ) they realized there was no story to tell. He's already labeled any source who chooses to do a story ( challenging his authority , even. God forbid! lol ) as disreputable. What .A. Tool...
FEC promotes University's stances on ethics

After beginning the meeting with a 45-minute closed session to discuss personnel issues and a brief discussion led by Provost Jim Dean regarding basketball tickets and his take on “The Big Short,” the group delved into the working group’s report.

On Monday, the Faculty Executive Committee voted unanimously to endorse the Ethics and Integrity Working Group report, which was released Feb. 4.

Cairns said faculty need to act soon to help make sure the working group’s recommendations are carried out, and shared governance between the faculty and the administration is necessary. Committee member Michael Gerhardt agreed faculty need to play a role in implementation.

The committee also discussed its progress in addressing the concerns raised by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges in a letter about UNC’s accreditation earlier this academic year.

Dean said the way UNC is interpreting the letters shows it has met the concerns and is up to standards.

“We’ve done all the things we’ve said we’re going to do, and they’re making a big difference,” Dean said.

Joe Ferrell, secretary of the faculty, raised concerns that many faculty seats are open on various committees.

“People are not clamoring to serve on the (Faculty) Athletics Committee,” Ferrell said.


Erv Thompson

It is amazing that the FAC agreed (apparently) with the chancellor that integrity at UNC is so bad that it needs to hire an integrity czar to "monitor the academic environments in schools," whatever that means. Perhaps it is that bad, but my suspicion is that it was done as a checkoff item to satisfy the integrity concerns expressed by the SACS


Good to see valuable time in the closed session was devoted to basketball tickets and a movie review.


So fanboy teachers cant get tickets as easy as before?

Jason Simmons

No tickets unless you "go along" with the new integrity sham. ...err program.

SACS has already investigated and sanctioned unx , in part , for NOT doing what they were supposed to do and for lying. Provost Dean of Mary-bashing fame assures everyone their response to SACS ( THIS TIME! ) is "up to standards." lmao.
unx alum Bob Lee...

Anatomy of a Brouhaha: Roy, Doug, David & Hubert

When I first heard about the Ol’ Roy vs Doug Gottlieb Brouhaha, I dismissed it because I’m kinda burned out on Ol’ Roy crap. That is a shortcoming on my part. I am blessed to be in an environ where a certified “goober” like Ol’ Roy has 24/7 access to a live microphone.

Sometime over the past week, I think it was during / before the UNC-Miami Game, he ( Gottlieb ) made an on-air glib and provocative comment about Roy Williams maybe retiring and Hubert Davis maybe replacing him. Someone told Roy some version of whatever Doug Gottlieb said and Roy went off script with a live mic (always a guaranteed show-stopper) and took Doug Gottlieb to task for what Roy thought Doug had said about him.

Using a 1-10 scale….. maybe the original glib provocative comment merited a “2”. MAYBE. As soon as Roy commented about the throw-away glib comment it became a “5” nationally. With that “5” being a solid “10+” within 30 miles of Ground Zero – mid-court of Dean’s Dome. Both ABCers and TCW TruBlues went into Full Run-around-in-a-circle Chicken Little Mode.

I’m sure hard-core UNC Tru-Blues are blistering Doug Gottlieb unmercifully “because”. Accusations no doubt running rampant that he (Gottlieb) in in-cahoots with all the other sinister forces determined to literally / figuratively “tear down the rafters”…. because they are soooo jealous blah blah blah. One can only speculate Tru-Blues negative opinions about Doug’s mamma, Doug’ dog, and whatever horse Doug rode in on.

Because both Doug and David “make their livings” talking about “sports crap” there was an air of seriousness to their debate. David bet Doug $1,000,000 that Hubert Davis will NOT succeed Roy as UNC HC any time in the foreseeable future. Doug countered with “if not Hubert, then who?” and David artfully dodged the question.

I think David was saying Doug was irresponsible to say whatever he said. Doug countered with, in so many words, “I’m a glib provocateur / analyst and that’s what glib provocateurs do….”. That made perfect sense to me.

Ol’ Roy is already burdened with “all that junk” about eligibility scams et al. That he now has to explain whatever Doug Gottlieb said just further complicates his life. Poor poor pitiful Ol’ Roy. And that’s on top of the vertigo....
Roy Williams doesn’t want to leave UNC amid unresolved NCAA case Williams says he wants UNC to be “in good shape” when he retires

Williams says he wants UNC to be “in good shape” when he retires

Explains why retirement speculation drew such a strong reaction on Saturday

Williams: “I’m going to get old one of these dadgum days”

Days after he strongly refuted speculation that he might consider retiring after this season, North Carolina coach Roy Williams said he’d have a “hard time” leaving amid an unresolved NCAA investigation that continues to drag on.

“I don’t ever want to leave when things – when I leave I want it to be in good shape,” Williams said Tuesday. “And for me, this would have been a very hard time to leave.”

Williams, 65, spent part of his press conference after UNC’s 96-71 win over Miami on Saturday admonishing Doug Gottlieb, a CBS college basketball analyst, after Gottlieb speculated during a national broadcast that Williams could be on the verge of retiring amid health problems and the ongoing NCAA infractions case.

Gottlieb suggested during a CBS pregame show that Hubert Davis, one of Williams’ assistant coaches, could be in line to become Williams’ successor. Williams called Gottlieb’s commentary “sinful.”

“You have no freakin’ idea what you’re talking about,” Williams said, referencing Gottlieb, after Saturday’s game.

During Tuesday’s press conference, Williams elaborated on his future and explained why he reacted so strongly to Gottlieb’s commentary. Williams viewed it as one more piece of speculation he’d have to fight against, after years of doing the same with the uncertainty surrounding the NCAA investigation.

“Think about what we’ve had to do the last three or four years here,” Williams said. “We’ve had to put up with more stuff – more negative recruiting, than at any time in my career or at any time in any other coach’s career that I ever talked to.

“So I’m thinking, that’s just something else that now we’ve got to answer to.”

Williams has never set a firm timetable for his retirement. He said on Tuesday that he has “never said anything” about retiring amid the NCAA problems and his continued bouts with vertigo, which forced him to miss most of the second half of a victory at Boston College earlier this month.

Asked if the troubles of recent years could inspire Williams to stay longer than he might have envisioned, he said, “I love this place.” “

If I was going to leave I would have left the first day because I knew I was not involved (in the NCAA violations),” Williams said. “It’s pretty simple for me.”

Williams, like several coaches in other sports at UNC, has been hoping for a resolution to an infractions case that has dragged on for years. The NCAA investigation has focused on 18 years of bogus African Studies independent studies courses that were filled with a high percentage of athletes.

Neither Williams nor any member of the UNC men’s basketball staff was named in the NCAA’s original Notice of Allegations, which the NCAA sent to UNC last May. Days before its response was due, UNC submitted new information to the NCAA, delaying the timeline of the case.

Though he refuted the retirement talk, Williams acknowledged that “I’m going to get old one of these dadgum days.”

“You know, when I’m 94 I don’t want to be sitting up here saying the damn thing – that the NCAA and the university need to get the (NCAA) crap over with,” Williams said to a roomful of reporters. “When would 94 be? In 29 more years? Hell, y’all will be dead by then.”

Pathetic. Roy playing the victim. unx could've expedited a lot of this but that would mean self-sanctioning and holding athletics accountable and , well , that jus' ain't a-gonna happen dadgummitt! Carter's a shill. No , Roy wasn't mentioned in the NOA. His program damn-sure was though. Andrew failed to mention that.
What unx shows to football recruits. Seriously. Pretty sure that's Co-Offensive Coordinator and Wide Receivers Coach Gunter Brewer out front....

"#2 Nationally In Graduating African-American Students"

Ya believe that? unx has decades of PROVEN disinterest in educating African American athletes. So much so they even chose AFAM to degrade , pervert and exploit. Shameless...


^^^ Look at Townsend's response when Holladay predicts a team GPA of over 3.0. "I wouldn't hold my breath..." lol


Yep. #RoyKnew
Random e-mail from the doc dump. An athlete ( name redacted of course ) asks Boxill where to send his/her GEOG paper from the Independent Study class that required zero attendance. The athlete had no idea who the prof was. That's funny but wassup with Boxill? GEOG wasn't even her department. She was neck-deep in this stuff. Handling assignments from courses she didn't even teach?! Brazen....

From: ( Redacted )>

Sent: ( Redacted ) Thursday, 2:23 AM

To: Boxill, Jeanette M <>

Subject: GEOG Independent Study

Attach: Geog independent study.doc; ATT00001.c

Hello Jan,

Attached is my paper for the independent study. I did not have any information in regards to where i should be sending this and I remember you saying that we should send them to you. IfI need to forward this to someone else please let me know. I hope you are having a wonderful summerT

See you soon and thank you

A couple of points:

1. Around the 2:10 mark, Roy says he felt relieved that men's basketball wasn't named in the allegations because "I felt like something was going to happen because I knew what had gone on." Uh, what? I thought he said he had no idea what was going on?

2. Around the 2:45 mark, Roy tries to characterize the AFAM fake courses as insignificant because they represent 1/1000 of the courses UNC offers. Besides the fact that he has made an absurd characterization with respect to the number of undergrad courses UNC actually offers, the 1/1000 argument really carries absolutely no weight when you consider the article below

3. Are we really to believe that Walden was Williams' handpicked academic counselor, yet completely failed to keep Williams abreast of what was happening with the players academically? If anyone believes that, I've got some ocean-front property to sell you in Iowa.

2005 UNC basketball champs: 2 semesters, 35 bogus 'paper' classes

During the season that the UNC men’s basketball team made its run to the 2005 NCAA championship, its players accounted for 35 enrollments in classes that didn’t meet and yielded easy, high grades awarded by the architect of the university’s academic scandal.

The classes, some advertised as lectures but that never met and others listed as independent studies, were supervised by Deborah Crowder, a manager in African and Afro-American studies who a report from former U.S. Justice Department official Kenneth Wainstein says graded required end-of-semester work leniently as part of a “paper class” scheme to keep athletes eligible. Crowder was not a professor and admitted to investigators that she assigned grades without reading the papers.

Of the 35 bogus class enrollments, nine came during the fall semester of 2004, when eligibility for the spring was determined. Twenty-six were during the spring semester, when the season climaxed with a victory over Illinois in St. Louis.

. . .

The Wainstein documents also reveal a friendly relationship between Crowder and Wayne Walden, coach Roy Williams’ hand-picked academic counselor for the basketball team.

They show the two working together to get players into the classes and Walden providing tickets and other team freebies to Crowder.

Walden told investigators he was aware that Crowder was grading the papers, but he said he can’t recall telling Williams.

Paper classes packed

The documents are among roughly 1,100 pages of supporting material released along with the 131-page report that UNC made public Oct. 22.

They illustrate the depths of an 18-year scandal that experts say is the biggest academic fraud in college athletics. Nearly half of the 3,100 students in the classes were athletes, and the report cites pressure from the Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes as a driver behind the classes.

The Wainstein report does not identify which athletes took how many paper classes, nor does it break out the number of athletes by sport who took them each semester. Wainstein said he was prohibited from releasing that information by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, a law that universities have repeatedly used to shield most education records.

But the report does show the number of enrollments by class and by semester for the three sports that used them the most: football, and men’s and women’s basketball. For a men’s basketball team that typically includes about 15 players a year, the numbers are substantial.

In the 18 years of paper classes, men’s basketball players accounted for 363 enrollments, an average of 20 enrollments per year.

The football team accounted for 1,377 enrollments during that period, but the football team has roughly nine times the number of athletes.

The Wainstein report shows that from 2000 through 2007, five or more basketball players were enrolled in each of 16 lecture-style classes that had been quietly converted into no-show classes. Twelve of them took place after Williams arrived at UNC in 2003 to coach the team.

Basketball players continued to enroll in sizable numbers until the spring 2008 semester. From there, the enrollments slowed to no more than five a semester.

Williams’ changing story

The N&O’s reporting revealed the scandal in 2011, but Williams, for a long time, provided little detail as to what he knew about the classes. Numerous times he said he was proud of the academic experience his players received.

“Our track record is pretty doggone good,” Williams told a Charlotte radio station on Aug. 15, 2012. “And our track record has been pretty doggone good for 15 years at Kansas, nine years at North Carolina. And we know how much we emphasize the academic side in the basketball office. We know what our guys are majoring in. We know – every day we’re in touch with those kids. So it’s something, again, that I’m very proud of.”

Four months later, at a press conference, an N&O reporter asked Williams why his players had stopped taking AFAM paper classes by the start of the fall 2009 semester. Was it because Crowder had retired, or did someone in the program notice something wrong?

Williams responded: “You say we either did something, or we didn’t do something. Maybe guys, girls, just decided not to take certain classes.”

The athletic department later adopted that same position, with spokesman Steve Kirschner saying in a statement on Nov. 16, 2012: “Different players have different interests.”

When Wainstein’s report came out, it included new information from Williams that provided a possible explanation why his players weren’t enrolling in AFAM classes.

He told Wainstein’s investigators that shortly after he arrived at UNC, he was concerned that so many of his athletes were majoring in AFAM; the 2005 team alone had 10 of 15 players with that major. He said he told one of his assistant coaches, Joe Holladay, to make sure they weren’t being steered to the major.

The report also said Williams knew McCants took “three or four” independent study courses in the spring 2005 semester. McCants took three that were listed as an independent study. The fourth was identified as AFAM 65, Topics in Afro-American Studies. That, too, was a paper class. In the Wainstein report, Williams said he told Holladay to emphasize that his players should be in lecture classes instead of independent study.

After the Wainstein report came out, Williams said in two news conferences that he was concerned about his players clustering in a major. Records show they continued to cluster in another popular major, Communications, while many others were listed as undeclared.

Kirschner said in an email that Williams would not be made available for an interview. Kirschner stood by his November 2012 statement.

UNC spokesman Joel Curran said Friday that the university would not respond to questions until the NCAA investigation is completed.

Crowder helps Walden

Wayne Walden was the academic counselor for the basketball program when the team won the 2005 championship and another in 2009. Williams brought him from Kansas in 2003, where he held a similar position.

Walden told Wainstein he knew students enrolled in the AFAM classes had no contact with faculty, and he thought Crowder “probably was doing some of the grading.”

But he said he saw nothing wrong with the classes because nonathletes also were enrolled. He said he also didn’t recall telling Williams or Holladay.

Walden left UNC in 2009, about the same time Crowder retired. He married and moved to Texas to work for a health care company. In a short phone interview with The N&O in September 2011, Walden said he was unaware of any easy professors or easy classes within the AFAM department.

“No, I wouldn’t say there’s go-to classes or anything like that,” Walden said.

The correspondence between Walden and Crowder shows numerous efforts to set up athletes in “independent studies.” It is unclear how many of them are men’s basketball players; Walden also counseled athletes in volleyball, swimming and diving.

In one email, Crowder seemed to be taking care to not have too many athletes in any one class. She wrote that she could place an athlete in an independent study because “I have added several non-athletic persons ...”

In another, from Sept. 20, 2005, Walden was seeking an independent study for a student who struggled to learn. Crowder put him in a paper class despite his lacking an introductory course from the department.

“We have a student with some diagnosed learning disabilities and we are trying to help him with his reading and writing skills while also tutoring him in his current courses,” Walden wrote. “I sense that he is getting a little overwhelmed and wondered if there might be a course that you would recommend that he might still be able to add in order that he might drop one of his current courses.”

Crowder agreed to enroll the student, even as she noted that “(w)e are getting pressure from on-high to reduce the numbers of independent study type courses.”

The emails also show a tight relationship between Crowder and Walden. He offered her tickets to games, which she accepted, and he gave her team paraphernalia such as clothing, calendars and posters. Crowder told Walden in 2004 that his predecessor, Burgess McSwain, would drop off team calendars and posters for her to distribute.

They went, she wrote, to “some of the various and sundry people who helped keep these guys in school.”
1. Around the 2:10 mark, Roy says he felt relieved that men's basketball wasn't named in the allegations

I want one , just one , unx fan to come here and explain WHY Roy is lying about this. The NOA vs Jay "I'd Rather Be A Tarhole" Bilas...


Maybe Roy meant to say that HE wasn't mentioned. unx fans like to tout that as "proof" mbb is in the clear. Two things:

1) Janet Huffstetler and Wayne Walden ( Roy's academic people ) are mentioned 40-60 times. When their name appears ya might as well sub in Roy's. Especially Walden. Roy brought 'im in from KU. Starting about the 1 minute mark , just listen to how important WW was to Roy. "I'd rather lose every assistant coach than lose Wayne Walden..."


2) Roy's program , as evidenced , IS mentioned. Multiple times. So I wanna know. Why is he lying?
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Interesting to note that Vince Ille ( named in first e-mail ) was hired by Jackie Thurnes in the Compliance Dept while at Illinois. Thurnes moved on to Indy to work for the NCAA. Ille , of course , eventually took the gig at unx. He was tight with someone working for the NCAA. I'm sure that had no bearing on unx hiring 'im. None whatsoever. Also , Governor Martin ( mentioned in the 2nd e-mail ) has since recanted. "I misspoke..."

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