The Carolina Way VIII

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Catinia D. Farrington, M.A. - FINAL DECISION to DENY Ms. Farrington’s application for licensure at the psychological associate level was approved on December 1, 2010. In viewing the record as a whole, the Board concluded as a matter of law that Ms. Farrington’s conduct was in violation of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90- 270.15 (a)(10), (a)(13), (a)(14); and Standard 2.01(a) of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (American Psychological Association, 2002).
Circlin' the wagons ain't cheap...

At UNC-CH, big raises for bigwigs

Most eye-catching, of course, is the 10 percent raise for Bubba Cunningham, director of athletics, whose salary will go to $642,268 a year. That’s more than the base pay of Chancellor Carol Folt ($570,000). Vice Chancellor Joel Curran, the staff public relations person who was brought in to help manage the hugely embarrassing athletics-academic scandal, is going to $340,200.
Can't make this stuff up. "The university has strong programs on ethics and integrity." Lollers...

UNC to hire chief integrity officer

UNC-Chapel Hill will hire an administrator to oversee integrity and policy at the university in the aftermath of the long-running athletic and academic scandal.

The move was announced in a letter from Chancellor Carol Folt to the campus. The new hire was recommended by two internal working groups that for months have studied policies and ethics at the university.

The newly created position, called the chief integrity and policy officer, will be a senior administrator who reports directly to Folt.

According to Folt, the working groups said the university has strong programs on ethics and integrity but did make recommendations to make resources more visible to the community.

The groups were convened after the 2014 Wainstein Report revealed the extent of the scandal – 18 years of fraudulent classes in the then-African and Afro-American Studies department that were disproportionately populated with athletes. The university received notice from the NCAA of five major allegations and was placed on probation by the commission that accredits it.

unx alum Agent Pierce (Bob Lee) wonders aloud why unx'ers still support unx. Even alums callin' a spade a spade. Gawd , what a sheethole...

More Flagship Flatulence from UNCCH

Those not-so-lovable pinheads heading up The University of The People…. a/k/a The Harvard of The South…. a/k/a “The Kingdom of The Silly Smurf”…. a/k/a “The Flagship on The UNC System…. have done done IT…. AGAIN.

Chancellor-ette Carol “Chihuahua” Folt in the wake of yesterday’s Big Bucks for BigWigs Expose today (Friday) announced the “will hire” of a ….

Chief Jan Chief Integrity & Policy Officer. …. Insert hilarious reference to Jan Boxill HERE.

Hark The Sound of More Administrative Flatulence from the leaking septic field known as South Building.

Not one BUT TWO “internal working groups” (YIKES!) recommended this new hire. No mention whether these were “ad hoc” or “blue-ribbon” committees but I betcha they were DIVERSE committees.

UNC’s Chief Integrity & Policy Officer will report directly to Madam Chihuahua. Oh Goody!

UNCCH’s vaunted Vice Chancellor Joel Curren ($300,000) has been assigned responsibility to find a very high-priced Integrity Consultant to assist with this critical decision. A budget of “whatever it takes” as been assigned to this latest absurdity.

When all is said and done…. one question remains:

WHY do ANY of you sumbitches still support this ivy-covered Insane Asylum?
Wish I had said it. Lulz...

Posted: Today 5:08 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake Class Post Rating (23 votes)

The Phantom
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UNC and Louisville kids both got impermissable benefits. .

Carolina athletes got Double A's

Louisville athletes got Double D's

Both were fake

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On UNC’s continued waiting game with the NCAA:

“It’s frustrating for me right now because I’m so disappointed that we don’t have any finalization to our thing. I’m very relieved, or cautiously relieved, or whatever you want to put, I don’t care, I’m to the point that I don’t really care what anybody else thinks what I say, but I say cautiously relieved that we have no allegations in men’s basketball, but still we’ve been punished for three years already. I wish there was some way that there could be a speedier resolve, but our people are trying to do the best they can do. The NCAA’s probably doing things the way they do them, and it’s been very frustrating for me.”

K would be raked over the coals for this. Speaks for itself. He's lying to recruits. Even takes a shot at the PR team crafting his comments. His program hasn't suffered ANY sanctions. NONE. But they've been "punished for 3 years." Please.
Posted: Today 1:48 PM Re: UNCheat Scandal-Fake LD Diagnoses & Drugs vs. Fake

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the trust funds do not care, they are used to getting their own way and they are under the delusion they will get their way with the NCAA. They will not....
Just for context , Vince Ille once worked in "Compliance" at the University of Illinois. While there , he hired Jackie Thurnes. Vince eventually wound up at unx while Thurnes took a gig at...wait for it comes...the NCAA. The ENFORCEMENT arm of the NCAA too. Correspondence has shown that both have been in constant contact since all this started. A cynical man MIGHT look at that relationship as being a bit too cozy. Keep in mind that former unx football player/alum Marcus Wilson used to work in a similar position at the NCAA too. Had the State fans not outted 'im , HE woulda been investigating his alma mater. He certainly had his paws on it at one time. Anyway , the Ille/Thurnes relationship begs the question. Did unx hire Ille BECAUSE of Thurnes position? Woulda been a nice little factoid for Vince to put on his resume when applying at unx: "I hired a current enforcement officer at the NCAA and we remain close friends to this day." wink wink. We've all watched how Indy had to be dragged BACK to unx to investigate obvious violations. Did this relationship ever play a role? Certainly couldn't have hurt....

Seriously. Wasn't this MJ's major...?

Yes it was...

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"We would be interested in your thoughts as to why the non-committee cases ( regular students ) in some years are barely outpacing the committee cases ( athletes." )

Uhhhh , because the academic accomplishments of the "committee cases" are artificially inflated to begin with. lol

unx taints every damn thing it comes in contact with...

NFL donations to brain research benefit league-linked doctors, raise worries about influence on science

The research proposal was led by Kevin Guskiewicz, a prominent concussion researcher who chairs the NFL's Subcommittee on Safety Equipment and Playing Rules.

Guskiewicz was named dean of the University of North Carolina's College of Arts and Sciences last year

During his speech in Chicago, Guskiewicz downplayed the importance of "sub-concussive" hits, which some researchers cite as the likely source of brain disease associated with football.

Dr. Hans Breiter, a Northwestern University psychiatrist and behavioral scientist, was in the audience..."The whole group of us at our table were going, 'What? You gotta be kidding me,'" Breiter said. "It was really bizarre. We all started to look at each other and say, 'This is what happened with Big Tobacco.' It felt like we were going back to the stage where the people who were funded by Big Tobacco were saying smoking is not harmful."

Dan Kane...

At UNC-CH, too many chiefs, not enough integrity

This brand of thinking might have reached its zenith with last week’s announcement that the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – still smarting over recent scandals in the ethically murky overlap between athletics and academics – will create a new position, the chief integrity officer. The new position will officially be called the chief integrity and policy officer and will report directly to the university chancellor.

When considered against the circumstances that brought it about, the university surely can’t think that the mere presence of a CIO would have stopped those teachers and athletics administrators who caused the scandals in Chapel Hill by reminding them of the importance of integrity and its chiefness. By all accounts, neither will this senior administrator be taking class attendance (for teachers and students) or reading term papers to detect plagiarism or grade inflation.

The idea that a university needs a discrete individual to be in charge of “integrity” or ethical conduct at all seems contrary to the very idea of a university as a place where learned people (teachers) instruct the to-be-learned in academic disciplines all of which have fairly well-understood ethical rules...The word integrity itself, by definition, indicates an indivisibility that calls the very concept of a separate chief integrity officer into question.

In other words, “integrity” is something that is everyone’s job at a university and not to be “outsourced” to a single chief for exclusive purview. Without a top-to-bottom genuine commitment to integrity, the creation of a new “chief” position just looks like window dressing.
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