The Carolina Way VIII

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Not surprised unx would consider Bilas a possible ally. Vince Ille's a scumbag , btw...

Stroman again. I'd say she was next in line for unx to throw under the bus but she knows WAYYYYY too much and I don't see her as the type to go quietly. Would cost unx gazillions. Plus the negative fallout the flagship would likely receive from shoving a minority academic official out the door would be incalculable....

Of course , someone said "don't worry about it" ( re: Auburn situation and unx's cheating. ) Arrogant SOB's have always considered themselves to be above the rules...

Whining about the media coverage. Gotta be the craziest thing ever. unx?! Complaining about press?! ESPN in their back-pocket and virtually ALL local media slobbering 'em. Too funny...

Here we go. Ya think Duke would get this kinda kid-gloves treatment from the media? The program would already be shut down. unx gets a pass....

Re: UNC-CHEAT Scandal - When is judgment day?

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Sucker punch?


Don't roll like that.

Straight up.

Man to man.

The right way.

You guys don't have a clue what's comin.
Jules with the smack-down. Tweet since removed. Here it is. Lol...

Marquise Williams ‏@1MjWilliams2

Have y'all notice UNC takes down State 3 times in one year football, basketball and Tre Boston sacks Russell Wilson lol #GoHeels lol

Julius Hodge ‏@Follow24Hodge

what's your degree in Marquise? asking for a friend.
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A review. More revealing? The REVIEW of the review...


I went into Bradley Bethel’s screening of “Unverified” at the Varsity Theater on Franklin Street in Chapel Hill knowing very little about the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s academic fraud scandal at the center of the film. I didn’t much care about the scandal story, either.....

Jaimie Lee and Beth Bridger: Whistleblowers?

I got a re-tweet from @Unverified_Film linking to Aaron Mandel's review of Unverified. Mandel is editor-in-chief of Clarion Content and claims no allegiance to UNC-Chapel Hill and confesses knowing nearly nothing about the scandal before seeing the film.

Perhaps this explains the curious characterization of former UNC Academic Support Program for Student Athletes (ASPSA) counselors Jaimie Lee and Beth Bridger as "whistleblowers."

I wonder if Aaron knows that Lee and Bridger weren't penalized by UNC for blowing the whistle on anything. Does he know that it was their colleague, Mary Willingham, who lent her unwelcome voice to the scandal's unveiling, that much more closely fits the definition? If you didn't already know about Willingham before the film, you might not have even remembered her from the film since she apparently got very little attention, despite also being "victimized" by the University before focus fell on Lee and Bridger in the wake of the Wainstein investigation. Bethel didn't have any issue with the University's handling of Willingham. Why would he? He was supportive of the University leadership back then.

To call Lee and Bridger whistleblowers is misinformed. Bethel, himself, savaged the only one close to being a whistleblower in the story. Willingham is no saint, but she was the only one of those counselors who challenged the status quo. If anyone was interested in educating and not merely engineering athlete eligibility and progress toward graduation, it was Willingham. Her colleagues remained silent; maybe out of fear or conditioning rather than complicity...but maybe not. Until Unverified, we've never heard from any of them other than Willingham. Willingham sued for what she claimed was her poor treatment by the University. Bridger and Lee have chosen, instead to "move forward," only now speaking publicly through an advocate via film

Check this bs out. Today's Fayetteville Observer...

Sammy Batten: Tar Heels' loss could mean big gain for Pirates

Georgia safety Javontay Smith was the first player to make a verbal commitment to North Carolina's recruiting Class of 2016, giving his pledge to the Tar Heels in November 2014.

But after more than a year as a UNC recruit, and with less than a month before national signing day, Smith and the Tar Heels parted ways last weekend.

The 6-foot, 185-pounder from Columbus, Georgia, was apparently a victim of new, more stringent policies UNC has put in place since the academic scandal that spawned an NCAA investigation. Sources told Don Callahan of that although Smith is qualified under NCAA rules, he couldn't gain clearance from UNC admissions.

Ya can't make this stuff up. Pure PR. unx takes this singular case and uses it as an opportunity to say , "Look everybody! We're not cheating anymore! And not only are we not cheating OUR standards are more "stringent" than even the NCAA's! Move forward! carolina way!" LMAO! Trust me , if Fed had wanted this kid he woulda took 'im...just add another body to the 61%. BTW , unx is all about protecting THEIR player's academic issues....not so much when it comes to everybody else's. This story , basically , makes the poor kid look like he's too stupid to get into the glorious flagship. And , as we all know , no amount of "stupid" on this planet will keep ya outta unx if they want ya bad enough. Amazing they have any fans at all. Seriously. Reprehensible.

28 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to find unx's 61% numbers in real life. Holy Shnikkies! What a cesspool...

Posted: Today 10:45 AM Re: UNC-CHEAT Scandal - When is judgment day? Post Rating (1 vote)

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talked with my contact that works for UNC via Leerfield Sports, and he told me again yesterday that UNC is bracing for the hammer to get dropped
Thanks for posting that! I read a few of the articles on the site. I must say that if the NCAA doesn't drop the hammer, you might as well forget Duke grabbing another Natty. The cheating will be even more rampant and covered up than it tried to do then.

But....I still feel the NCAA will protect their name before they would UNC.
Shot across the bow at the NCAA? People are taking notice of what Indy does ( or does not do! ) to the most egregious cheaters in collegiate athletics history...

Rep. Katko: NCAA penalty against North Carolina is 'going to be a joke'

Katko offered some insight into the NCAA probe of academic fraud at the University of North Carolina. Syracuse University basketball fans, you're not going to like what you're about to read:

Q: What's the status of the NCAA accountability bill?

Katko: We're kind of waiting to see what happened with North Carolina, and it sounds like it's going to be a joke. North Carolina had academic fraud going back 15 years, they had phantom classes for athletes, and they're trying to say, from what I understand preliminarily from the NCAA, is that they may not think the athletic department is accountable for that.

Q: When Syracuse University head basketball coach Jim Boeheim was held responsible for ...

Katko: No (bleep). I mean, it's ridiculous. I think that the NCAA is a joke. The bill is actually a good bill because we have a hook through our federal funding for universities to take a look at it. There really should be a commission formed to take a look at the entire ball of wax. We're kind of waiting on what happens in North Carolina before we move forward.

Q: Is there bipartisan sponsorship?

Katko: Yeah. Some people view it as a "third rail'' type of thing, but I think that's something that should be looked at, because I think college sports are out of control, absolutely out of control, and there should be a lot of reforms to it. ..

I think the (NCAA's) corruption is profound. I mean, when you have children being raped on campus at Penn State, and the sanctions get all basically peeled back, and Joe Paterno doesn't lose any of his victories, they're all reinstated, and then they pound Boeheim and take away a hundred of his victories [actually, 101], give me a break. It's so uneven. It's ridiculous.

And if you look at what happened at Miami -- because they botched the investigation, nothing happened. That guy (University of Miami booster Nevin Shapiro) was paying for abortions for girlfriends, he was taking them out with strippers, he was taking them out to pro basketball games, he was taking them on cruises, and that guy in Miami gets nothing? Really? It's a joke.

And then North Carolina, I think, perhaps is the worst one of all, because they had phantom schools, for 15 years, phantom classes! And they're going to get less of a sanction than SU? Are you kidding me? It's ridiculous. So, something should be done.
Posted: Today 12:37 PM Re: UNC-CHEAT Scandal - When is judgment day? Post Rating (1 vote)

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My sources continue to indicate severe punishment, they are making sure that all of the t's are crossed and i's dotted to insure their findings are bullet-proof. There is one person in Indy that is trying to help UNC-CH, I am not aware of anyone else in Indy that favors anything less than severe punishment. UNC-CH will not skate, they will be hit hard. Several others I trust outside of the NCAA are hearing the exact same thing from their contacts.

As far as Katko he is not a significant player as his committee has nothing to do with education or commerce, but he did co-sponsor HR2731. Katko is upset about the NCAA penalties against his alma mater, Syracuse. I personally know a Senator on the Senate Commerce committee that is watching very closely and his committee has the power to do something. The NCAA is lobbying his committee heavily for an anti-trust exemption based on the upheld O'Bannon verdict and the upcoming Jenkins case.
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